Stop it Cybermen, it's full of gamers

Chapter 245 The disappeared factory director

Chapter 245 The disappeared factory director

In a corner of Thunder City's new residence, the ground burned like flames, drawing out complex and mysterious patterns.

A group of players are waiting at the station.

After the burning was completed, charred lines were left on the ground, and then the unremarkable ashes actually gave off a golden light.

When the golden light stopped showing, a new portal appeared.

Three seconds later, a figure with converging points of light appeared.

"The first one! I'm the first one!" He looked around, smiling so triumphantly that even the words he spoke were weird, "Front row, front row! I want to pinch a cat here and let everyone come and masturbate. Take a shot! Gagaaaa! Explode, this world! Smash, spirit! I want to——"

This increasingly arrogant player was kicked out of the teleportation array by the players who were teleporting him one after another before he could finish his second sentence.

"Yes! Don't block the road!"

"There are thousands of roads, give way first! If you don't actively give way, you will lose your household registration!"

"Thunder City, your emperor is back!"

"Little sister, I want a new little sister! Hey, where is the little sister here?"

The new station was renovated from ten bungalows with walls opened. It was originally used to store supplies for a guerrilla group, and opposite was the guerrilla group's dormitory.

But this guerrilla group determined a month ago that no one survived, and they were all buried in the vast wasteland.

The rental price here is much lower, but no one comes to rent, saying they don't want to be tainted by the bad luck of the guerrillas being wiped out.

However, players don't care about these things.

They just think that they can buy it at a low price, which is a real profit.

"Where are the big guys?"


"I know that. That's where they went. They said they were looking for a cannery that produces canned rat meat."


The smoker squatted in the corner nonchalantly, using chopsticks to pick up the can of rat meat.

Beside him, Brother Wolf and Meng Man exchanged their views on the current international situation while eating.

Potato Girl used her chopsticks to poke holes in the pieces of rat meat.

Although it smelled good, the thought of the meat in the can being made from mice made it difficult for her to swallow.

"Don't be mentally burdened, Potato Girl," Smoker pointed at the ration shop and urged, "Look at these Thunder City people, they are all used to it."

Tudou Girl turned around and saw a large group of people queuing in front of the quota store.

They always buy a few cans of rat meat as a stockpile.

I don’t know how long they ate it, but they didn’t turn into deformed monsters.

Tudou Girl still has no desire to eat.

Although it may taste good, this can is like the famous dark dish "Looking to the Sky" to her.

When a bunch of fish heads look at you with dull eyes, the taste of the meat itself is no longer important.

Smoker talked about what he had seen: "Some time ago, when I was still in charge of the Queen, Redbeard told me about a delicacy: charcoal-grilled cockroaches. Those radiation-mutated cockroaches can grow to the size of a washbasin, and their meat is delicious. But if you don't find it, It's dangerous and troublesome to get up, and you usually have to find a nest in pre-war ruins, but there are often lairs of wild aberrations and monsters. You may have to fight tooth and nail just to get a bite to eat."

Rats, cockroaches, why are they all like this?The deformed chicken with six wings and poisonous scorpion hot sauce has already made the potato girl eat intolerable.

She let out a low growl through gritted teeth, and then poured a can of rat meat into Brother Wolf's can.

Brother Wolf was slightly startled and began to eat meat.

"Place of production," the cute man read the simple description on the can. "What do these rows of numbers mean?" He asked a passerby to interpret it.

Soon, the four people solved the canned rat meat and collected all the information.

There is only one cannery that produces rat meat in Thunder City.Although the meat from this cannery is a bit scary, no one has had any major problems eating it in the nearly 50 years since it opened.

Since the price is a fraction cheaper than other meats, the people of Thunder City, especially those with middle and lower contribution levels, like to buy these canned rat meats to supplement animal protein.

They came here for Red Beard's commission, and now they know almost everything.

But both the clerks at the ration store and the passers-by who came to purchase said that nothing happened in the area of ​​the cannery.

So why didn’t the cannery owner contact Redbeard?

"Eat and drink enough, let's start working!" Smoker said, holding his belly.

The location of the rat meat cannery is in a very remote part of Thunder City. The advantage is that the rent is cheap and the area is large enough to be able to work as both a rat meat farm and a cannery.

Everyone in Thunder City knows this, after all, the unique cannery has been their talking point for 50 years.

"This is the cannery area. No one is allowed to enter!" said the security guard at the cannery. "If you want to buy cans, go to the nearest quota store. If you want to discuss business, turn into the office building from there and find Butler Zhao."

The sound of rumbling machines is endless.

The four players walked and looked in from the window of the factory building.

I saw a clean pink rat body with only the head cut off, and its muscles and bones were dismantled by workers in white overalls. The meat and bone parts were rolled into the machine and crushed apart.

The next process is to re-press the meat powder into standard-shaped meat pieces, add the bone meal to the prepared soup and stir evenly.

The meat pieces are put into the can, the bone broth is pressed tightly, and a rat meat can that is familiar to the people of Thunder City is ready.

"It's in perfect order," the cute man said. "It doesn't look like something happened to the cannery."

The four of them walked into the office building and found Butler Zhao's office after searching for a while.

Butler Zhao looks to be in his 50s, and a pair of small glasses cannot hide the wrinkles on his face.

He was sitting in his office chair, lowering his head and writing something on the paper.

Do Do Do Do!
The cute man knocked on the open door.

Butler Zhao raised his head and looked at the four strangers from the top of his glasses.

"Who are you looking for?" He covered what he was writing with white paper.

"Let's find the factory director." Tudou Girl said.

"Sorry, the factory director is very busy." Butler Zhao said expressionlessly.

The cute man quickly said: "It was Redbeard who asked us to come. He is doing traveling business in the wasteland. He said that the cannery owner is his friend, but he has not contacted him for a long time."

"Red Beard? Oh," judging from Butler Zhao's expression, he must have remembered, "This is my negligence. I should have asked the guerrillas to bring him a message."

He sighed and sat upright: "The factory director is missing."

"Missing?" Mengnan asked, "Have you reported it to the security team?"

Butler Zhao said: "Of course I reported it. The reply the Brotherhood gave me was that the factory director had entered the Mutant Valley, but never came out. Although that place is nominally the territory of the Brotherhood, it has complete autonomy. Even the Brotherhood can't meddle in it at will. Unless there is evidence that the mutants have detained the factory director, the Brotherhood cannot send people in to search. If I were ten years younger, I would have walked through the wasteland to find the factory director; but I As I get older, the old injuries from my youth always come back, and it’s difficult to even move around in this building.”

The cute man asked: "Did your factory director tell you anything before he went?"

"This is exactly what I'm confused about," Butler Zhao lowered his eyebrows, "The factory director didn't say anything. I just thought it was an ordinary cargo transportation, but I didn't expect--oh, something went wrong."

"Did he do anything unusual during that time?" Brother Lang asked.

"No, nothing, just like usual," Butler Zhao sighed, "The guerrillas will patrol that trade route every day, so it stands to reason that there won't be any problems."

(End of this chapter)

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