Stop it Cybermen, it's full of gamers

Chapter 254 I want to slide away

The mutant doctor looked at the cute man with relief: "The idea is very good. We don't know what changes are happening in the location of the portal, so we should bring as many soldiers and weapons as possible. As for manpower, I am in this valley You also have some say in the game and can help you find some good monster hunters; but you also need to hire some local mutants.

The ugly story ahead: The valley is very close to a distortion area, so the number and intensity of monsters outside are more troublesome than what you usually encounter.Mutants have established themselves in this area by virtue of their extraordinary resilience, but you are different.If the losses are heavy, retreat immediately. "

The cute man nodded: "We are measured."

He turned around and waved to the players who were sitting and standing watching: "It's gone, it's all gone, don't block the door of the clinic!"

Like a flock of driven ducks, the players picked up their stools one by one and ran out staggeringly.

Since the doctor said so, there is still some time before the mission begins.

"Cute boss, remember to call someone when you're going on a mission!" a player said.

The cute man shouted: "I can do it! Don't step on others!"

The mutant doctor closed the door of the clinic and hung a sign saying it was temporarily closed: "In almost an hour, the people I called will gather at the entrance of the valley. As for me, I will prepare ritual supplies in the ritual pool and wait for your good news. "

"See you then."


The mutant valley, as peaceful as ever, welcomed a group of uninvited guests.

"How do you sell this can of canned fruit?" a mutant aunt asked, holding something in a dark glass jar.

"Fifty contribution points."

The aunt's voice became louder: "Fifty contribution points? That's crazy! Is this person named Huang sick, so he sells it so expensively?"

The mutant merchant said helplessly: "Boss Huang's manor was attacked by a small demon wave a few days ago. This is the last batch of inventory."

The aunt looked around and lowered her voice: "Really?"

"Can this still deceive you?" the mutant merchant whispered, "I heard that the traveling merchant named Red Beard also escaped death with him. Let alone the price increase, you won't be able to do it for the next year I want to eat the fruits and vegetables grown on Boss Huang’s estate.”

"That's really miserable."

While the two aunts were whispering, the smoker's arrogant voice suddenly sounded in the air: "I want to slide away!"

He leapt onto the roof, the ejection prosthetics in his legs allowing him to jump even higher.

Roller skates made of memory metal, coupled with the implantable prosthetic technology of the people of Juling City, can resist falling and feel silky smooth.

Smoker landed dangerously in a backflip, and the violent forward thrust made his lower body go faster than his upper body.

He howled like a child. Such a dangerous slide could be described as a person sliding in front and a soul chasing after him.

The howling wind blew through, and the two aunts looked confused.

When the aunt who set up a street stall saw the mess of fresh fruits on her stall that had been pushed away by the smoker, she couldn't help pointing at the smoker and yelling.

The smoker slid forward quickly, still having extra energy to nibble on a fruit he had just grabbed.

He looked back at the mutant aunt and said quickly to the game's built-in camera: "Look at them, dear audience friends! They must be praising me! Who is flying on the ground? Who is doing such a handsome thing? Backflip? Hey, it's me, the smoker!"

There was a high wall in front of him, but the smoker didn't panic at all.

[The leg prosthesis is ready]

He shouted: "Little rockets fly!"

The Smoker squatted slightly sideways, fully pumping up the energy supply of the prosthetic legs, and then flew high just before hitting the high wall.

At the top of the high wall, he leaped upside down, switching his hands to change his position.

"Yo hoo!"

The smoker landed smoothly and continued to slide forward.

His smooth operation attracted the viewers in the live broadcast room to send gifts.

[One thing to say, the technology is good]

[I want to learn from the anchor and learn from him]

[Apart from being a little fatter, the anchor is still very attractive] [Girls, please open your eyes. Is the anchor just a little fatter? 】

[Seeing my electronic pet so lively makes me feel relieved]

[Life is not easy, anchors perform tricks]

"Let one let go, let one let go!"

As the Smoker spoke, he looked over and saw a player being beaten by a mutant child only as high as his knees. On the other side, two players were discussing a pile of earthen jars outside the house.

"Listen to me, although most of these props are useless, sometimes they can produce some good things."

The player who spoke kicked an earthen jar into pieces.

"Where did you get your experience?" another player asked.

The player replied: "In another game."

Under the smoker's gaze, the door to the house opened.

A mutant with a twisted expression stared at the broken pot and ran out with a kitchen knife.

"It's over, the monsters spawned."

"It's better to run away now."

The two players ran away.

The smoker passed by the mutant who was so angry that his veins bulged.

Such a familiar scene made him feel as if he had gone back in time, recalling his experience of torturing NPCs with other players.

He squatted half-crouched, wiping the floor with a metal block in one hand, and let his roller skates take him to a graceful drift.


The smoker stretched out his hand to give a high-five to a passing female player. Unexpectedly, the female player didn't react, and the happy high-five turned into a slap to the face.

"Anchor, you're finished! If I don't kill you, I'll treat you like a dog!"

The female player recognized the smoker and swore an angry poisonous oath behind the smoker who was drifting away.

She took out the Thunder City Security Team's rope gun from her game backpack and pointed it at the top of the smoker: "Give it to the labor force!"

The specially made restraint net rope wrapped around the smoker's back dangerously and dangerously.

The smoker was about to make a sharp turn when his right arm suddenly became unable to move.

From the corner of his eye, he saw the sticky web rope wrapped around his arm.

Even a master like him can only utter an exclamation at this moment: "Huh?"

The handsome fat man slid and hit a metal door head-on at high speed.

A puddle of smoke stuck to the door and slowly slid down.

"I will participate, bring my shotgun." An experienced mutant hunter came out.

The mutant doctor said: "Thank you very much. Now it is more dangerous outside the valley. The more monster corpses there are to replenish the ritual pool, the safer the valley will be."

They walked out and saw an unknown creature that made the metal door make a strange noise.

"What is this?" The mutant doctor was full of doubts.

"It's moving, it's moving!" The mutant hunter rushed into the house and took out a large shotgun.

The smoker's health returned to a quarter before he could slowly get up.

He shook his head and realized that in front of him was the mutant doctor who had just been chatting happily with the cute man: "Doctor, hello! Let me see you!"

The mutant hunter pointed at the smoker and said to the doctor: "Is this what you said is a brain problem? I thought you were exaggerating, but I didn't expect it to be true." (End of Chapter)

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