Stop it Cybermen, it's full of gamers

Chapter 255 Fill the minivan

The home of a mutant girl.

"That's the thing," the cute man sat on the chair. "The information you gave is too vague, and the specific location cannot be pinpointed on the map. To find the hidden portal, we must rely on you to lead the way. But... can you do it? ?”

When the mutant girl thought about the portal, she was trembling with fear: "I, I don't know."

Sister Nervous comforted her: "Don't worry. You don't have to get too close. The monsters coming out of it can't hurt you."

"I don't know," the mutant girl whispered. "When I was very young, I had a very keen sense of danger. When I was seven years old, I sneaked out of the valley with my friends and played outside. While playing, I suddenly I felt panicked, like I was suffocating, so I ran back; my friends said I was too timid. But at night, I saw the patrol bringing him back - he was dead! The wolves bit him alive. Death! Now, it's much worse now than then."

The mutant aunt stroked her daughter's back lovingly: "Then I won't go."

"No!" Although the mutant girl was trembling with fear, she still said, "I don't want to be watched every day anymore! Since that day, I always feel like there are eyes watching me all the time. I'm going to try!"

"Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain," Sister Nerve nodded. "It's better to have the opportunity to remove the root cause of the disease at once than to be worried all the time."

The cute man stood up and said, "That's it."

He opened the game interface and looked at the system time: "The time is almost up, let's meet at the entrance of the valley."

The mutant aunt pulled out a shotgun from the closet: "No matter what scares my daughters, I will give them a taste of brain-splitting!"

The cute man opened the world channel and started typing messages.

[Big-eyed cute man]: Assemble!gather!


A player looked at the bed of the pickup truck and hesitated: "How about I walk over?"

This ordinary small truck had forty players crammed into it like acrobatics.

Their arms and legs were connected, swaying in the wind like springs.

"What nonsense are you talking about! How long will you go with just your feet! Come on!"

This player climbed to the top of the player ladder.

"My left side, please don't put your foot in my mouth."

"The one on the right, yes. As for you, don't put your head on my butt!"

"What do you want to do? Keep your dick away from my mouth!"

[Wolf that meows like a cat]: Let’s go.All stabilized.

The pickup truck slowly picked up speed.

Behind it, an old Brotherhood special troop carrier followed closely.

This car looks like a beetle, with a flat body, but its design capacity is maximized.

"This car is my old friend," the mutant hunter said with nostalgia. "The model name is stinky and long, but we don't call it that. Privately we all call it the 'Beetle Chariot'. It is very adaptable to waste. It can carry a lot of energy and consume less energy, so it can be used as a core bunker at critical times. When I retired from the Watcher Corps due to aberration disease, I asked someone to 'scrap' it. This is really against the rules, so transporting it We relied on the Shadow Alliance for a month before this happened."

The smoker asked: "How much does it cost to buy a new car like this?"

The mutant hunter thought for a while: "Two months ago, the news from the Shadow Alliance was that 40 contribution points were included, including the entire cost of smuggling the Beetle tank. It has pure nuclear energy models, such as mine. Although the overall performance is better than the hybrid It’s not quite as powerful, but it’s better because you don’t need to replenish energy, and it lasts so long that you can still run the car after you die.”

The smoker's eyes shone with envy.

It would be great if we could have such a giant tank with a huge interior space, connect it to the Bang Bang network and access on-board intelligence, and then modify it with a cluster of heavy artillery, allowing it to advance, attack, retreat and defend!
To his left, Tudou Girl showed no interest in the topic at all.

While she was connecting to the external network and adding items from the online store to her shopping cart through the "game cabin", she was chatting with the female gamer next to her.

Not many female gamers want to be crowded on a cart with a bunch of male gamers.There were female players who did this in the past, and those who were at the top of the list in terms of strength are now respected as "Valkyrie".

Further to the left, all sit local mutants.

"Daughter," the mutant aunt said, "are you okay?"

The mutant girl's chest rose and fell abnormally.

Her breathing was obviously faster than usual: "It's okay. But, why did he come with you?"

Xiao Zhao, who had two dark circles under his eyes and a pale face, leaned softly on the back of the chair: "Why can't I come? You are my friend too! If a friend is in trouble, I will definitely help him! As the saying goes, friends When I poop, I pass the paper, when my friends get in the car, I drive, when my friends go whoring—"

He looked at the black muzzle of the shotgun raised by the mutant aunt and smiled awkwardly: "Nothing, nothing."

For a moment, he was so smooth-talking that he almost said the jingle he used to talk about friendship with his drinking buddies.

Said to be a friend, what Xiao Zhao saw was the seductive curves, the tall and straight figure, and the shy and timid eyes due to his weakness.

Blue skin has a different kind of charm, but just like a handsome guy looks handsome no matter what he wears, he can't take his eyes away from the genuine beauty in front of him even if her skin color changes.

Thousands of flowers passed by, leaving green leaves everywhere.

Xiao Zhao considers himself a prodigal son of the wasteland, with venomous eyes and no taboo on meat and vegetables.

Except for mutants and monsters - if mutants also have such a good figure, there is no harm in him giving it a try.

When he first met this girl a few years ago, Xiao Zhao fell in love with the beauty.

He was thinking at that time, what a beautiful woman, he must get her!
If you really want to get it, it will be worth dying for!

Xiao Zhao immediately went up and made a fuss. On the surface, he was serious, but in fact, he was itchy.

Who would have thought that the delicate beauty suddenly fell ill, attracting a group of angry mutants. No matter how he explained, they believed that he was the culprit of the girl's illness.

Three punches and two kicks almost killed him on the spot.

If it weren't for the passing guerrilla bachelor who gave him first aid and sent him back to Thunder City to be rescued by top doctors, he might have died that afternoon.

"Where are your eyes looking?" the mutant girl said in an angry voice.

"Of course I was-"

Xiao Zhao caught the girl's mother's cold gaze and suddenly felt a little guilty.

What's wrong with this?
It was just teasing his daughter in front of his mother, and he had done all kinds of tricks before.

The mutant girl's cat-like eyes were slightly out of focus, scratching his little heart like a kitten.

This is not good.

Xiao Zhao always felt that this mutant girl had a unique charm that was different from other members of the opposite sex.

But he won't give up a forest for a tree, it's guaranteed not to be worth it.

The mutant girl asked: "You said you considered me a friend? Then let me ask you, what is my name?"

Xiao Zhao smiled and said: "How could I forget this! Although it has been several years, I remember your name, your name -"

Day, finished!I really forgot!
At this moment, several gunshots were heard outside the car, and the Beetle stopped suddenly.

The mutant hunter shouted: "There are mutants ahead! Come down half of the people to help!" (End of this chapter)

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