The Beetle Chariot stopped, and the players inside ran out one after another.

"Stay here, don't get eaten by the freaks!" Smoker patted Xiao Zhao on the shoulder, "Also, put away your lustful eyes, my mother's shotgun is thicker than your arm. !”

Xiao Zhao still wanted to defend himself, but the smoker had already gone out with a gun.

The mutant hunter followed Smokey with a hunting knife stuck at his waist.

The mutants in the tank were only slightly confused when distributing personnel, but the chaos quickly disappeared.

Although they have blue skin, their bodies are generally much stronger than normal people, and they look different from ordinary humans, they still exhibit a reassuring sense of order at this time.

Although they were abandoned by the Brotherhood, came to the valley incognito, and had a lot of resentment towards the Brotherhood, most of them were from the Thunder City army and guerrillas. They were sons of good families who were deeply influenced by the Brotherhood culture, and their combat qualities were no better than those of Lei Ming. The regular army in the city is low.

"Red Eyes," the mutant hunter looked forward, "They are going crazy. This scale is not as large as a small demon tide. There should be a leader among them."

The large group of freaks rushing toward them all had eyes that were so red that it chilled people's hearts.

Smoker understood what the mutant hunter meant: "To capture the thief first, capture the king, right? Got it. Where is their leader?"

The old hunter observes through the sniper scope on his shotgun.

Under the view of the sniper scope, a red figure loomed.

"Caught you!"

The gun spit out fire, and the bullet grazed the abnormal leader's back in a very short time.

The mutant leader dodged and left his original position.

"This beast senses danger," the mutant hunter said. "Its skin color is strange. We'd better not approach it rashly."

Smoker looked at the position where the old hunter had just shot the target: "We need to blow up the sniper rifle."

"You're already hiding in there, how do you aim with the sniper rifle?" The mutant hunter turned his head in confusion.

Next to him, Smoker was carrying a modified rocket launcher, and his right eye was looking ahead through a projected translucent sniper scale.

The old hunter frowned: "You call this a sniper rifle?"

Smoker replied openly: "There is a sniper scope and a barrel. Isn't this a sniper rifle? I found you!"

He presses the trigger.

When a special type of rocket flies out, its recoil is slightly higher than that of the ordinary rocket.

Armor-piercing reinforcement, three hundred groschens per piece, innocent and innocent, it is a military aid material exchanged by the Flying Potato God Cult from the Giant Spirit Glory Company.

A few pills sometimes appear on the black market in Djinn City, but the price starts at [-] Groschen per pill, which is simply a profiteer.

The shrill explosion sound was accompanied by small and deadly fragments, exploding among the aberrant population.

In the silence after the explosion, the unique scream was particularly obvious.

"You did a little damage to it, but not enough," the mutant hunter said. "The sound is still strong."

His cat-like pupils suddenly shrank: "Hide quickly!"

"Hide what?"

The old hunter dodged, but the smoker was soaked all over by a pool of smelly liquid that fell from the air.

"It's really stinky, and it took away a little blood," he retched and said, "Is this leader's long-range attack spitting? He is simply the nemesis of female players."

"Run! Stay away from here!" the old hunter shouted.

Although I don’t know why, the smoker still ran away.

That time just now, you didn't listen to the mutant hunter immediately, and ended up being drenched in the mutant leader's saliva and turned into a stinky mud monster. What happened this time?

"Smoker!" shouted the cute man behind him, "Some freaks are coming for you!"

What devil?
Smoker was at the back of the team, not far from the final Beetle Chariot position. How could a mutant break through the layers of protection and come straight towards him?

He turned around while running, and when he looked back, he felt that it was outrageous.Some of the red-eyed aberrations rushed towards him regardless of bullets or swords, even though they were covered in wounds.

It's just like crazy.

However, there was a strong and well-defended Beetle Chariot position next to it, so Smoker didn't panic at all.

He estimated that he had run out of the danger zone, then turned around and swaggered into a bodybuilder pose showing off his muscles.

The red-eyed mutants won't get any crazier because they're already pretty crazy.

The smoker had some enlightenment in his heart.

The slobber attack of the abnormal leader should not just be used for disgusting people; the accompanying pheromones or other things will make his men attack him desperately and not stop.

He raised his gun and began to fight with the chariot guards.

A bullet flew past the potato girl who was attacking the mutant with [limb obstruction], scratched the scalp of a player in a dual-sword style, and hit the chest of a mutant.

The mutant fell to the ground wailing, and was quickly punched to pieces by a player equipped with a prosthetic arm muscle.

However, a player behind him was knocked down by the aberration. This bloodthirsty monster wanted to bite the player's neck open and take a big meal.

The player's left arm barely blocked the downward force of the aberration, and he saw the bloody mouth getting closer and closer to him.

He even forgot that he was still in the "game".

The shadow of death is so real.


The player howled, grabbed the small dagger on his trouser belt with his right hand, and stabbed it into the body of the aberration.

One after another, he couldn't tell how many times he stabbed, and the mutant finally lost the strength to bite.

"Death to the Lord!"

The player turned over and rode on the back of the aberration, raised the small dagger high, and plunged it into the monster's head.

"Watch your back!"

The cute man swooped down and knocked down another mutant that was trying to bite off the player's head.

The technical rifle in his hand had been fully charged, and he shot the aberration in the head.

The player who was in the dual-sword style suddenly smiled evilly.

He believes that this is a good time to show off his talents.

With his two swords crossed in front of him, the player opened his eyes and shouted: "Blade Storm!"

Shock-absorbing and fixed body members grew near his hands, and his two forearms began to move counter-jointly.

Then, the forearm began to rotate 360 ​​degrees, and the speed became faster and faster, making a whirring sound.

The two synchronously rotating knives in his hands naturally become sharp tools for cutting aberrations.

He reached out and waved, and the head of a deformed creature was cut off abruptly.

"Ah, why did you transform your arm into an electric fan?" An acquaintance of the player next to him squatted down to reload his gun.

"Idiot, this move is called 'Blade Storm'!" The player was indignant.

The atmosphere was originally so good, as if he was possessed by the sword master; but as soon as the words "electric fan" came out of his mouth, he felt that the atmosphere had dropped to the level of an old man performing acrobatics with his hands.

How could his blade be such a mundane thing?

The player stared at the red figure in the aberrations and said in a deep voice: "The last general will be among the thousands of troops. Take the enemy general's head!"

He bravely ran to the front.

"It's over," said the player who said the word "electric fan."

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