Chapter 258 Calling
The smoker chuckled: "Well, brother, what's that girl's name?"

Xiao Zhao was choked.

"Xiao Hong? Momo, Xiao Cai, or something," he rubbed his temples, trying to wake himself up, "Furuko, Kanhara Yume, Luo Ti, I can't remember, I really can't remember! "

The smoker's face dropped: "How many girls have you dated?"

Xiao Zhao smiled shyly: "This year, there are about a dozen people whose names I remember, and even more who don't remember their names. If you even count the ones who have sex after drinking, there are countless people. Sometimes it's not I think they forced me to have sex while I wasn't paying attention."

"Bah," said the smoker, "scumbag!"

He left Xiao Zhao and walked forward.

Since the mutant girl said that the location of the portal was nearby, the team began to station in place to prevent more attacks from the mutants.

The mutants picked up shovels and began to build simple fortifications.

Xiao Zhao caught up with the smoker in shovel after shovel of sand: "Brother, help me! I really repented this time! Brother, when the gunfire broke out just now, I had already thought of marrying her and having a baby. For twins, it’s better to have both sons and daughters; then she and I will grow old together, until wrinkles creep up on our faces, our hair will be gray, and our hands will be held together. Brother, I’m really relieved, brother!”

The smoker kept walking: "I think you are greedy for other people's bodies, and you are an addict."

"That's not the case," Xiao Zhao said as he trotted next to the smoker, "She - her body is indeed very attractive. But from the first moment I saw her, I felt that she was my true destiny. Goddess. Her pure and flawless soul is shining!"

The smoker stopped and said, "After several years, you fell in love at first sight again?"

Xiao Zhao nodded again and again.

His originally dull eyes were shining; his frail face looked radiant.

The smoker sighed: "Tell me, do you want my help?"

Xiao Zhao nodded vigorously: "Brother, you will be my wingman. Does the wingman know? He is my partner who helps me pick up girls and is responsible for creating opportunities."

In Xiao Zhao's expectant eyes, Yan Gui said: "Okay, but I can't guarantee anything. Let's resolve the portal issue first, and then talk about it later. It just so happens that I owe a meal to the female undertaker on a street in Thunder City. Make an appointment to get together sometimes."


Beetle chariot.

The mutant girl was helped out of the car by her mother.

She looked around and saw a continuous desert with no greenery at all.

Xiao Zhao, who was behaving strangely, was holding a member of the Flying Potato God Cult and whispering.


That kind of unreasonable fear made her feel like the whole world was pressing down on her.

"Look into my eyes," Sister Nervous stood up in time, "There is nothing here that can hurt you. Even if there is, we will solve it."

The mutant girl nodded.

The nervous sister seems to have a unique charm that makes people feel at ease.

The girl closed her eyes and felt the direction of the greatest threat.


She still closed her eyes and walked slowly eastward.

The dirty green car, the frivolous Xiao Zhao, and the mutant neighbor who came out to buy supplies from the wasteland merchants. As she stepped forward step by step, everything in the past seemed to begin to reappear.

The sense of danger also surged over.

"Hey, beauty, where did you come from?" In the past, Xiao Zhao was dressed in decent clothes, with a handsome appearance and a human-like appearance.

at this time--

A huge vertical eye appeared behind Xiao Zhao, cold and ruthless, looking at her like an ant.


The mutant girl squatted down and screamed in terror.

"what's the situation?"


"how do you feel?"

"Give her a glass of clean water, quickly!"

"Daughter! We are not coming, we are leaving, and we are leaving now!"

The mutant aunt supporting the mutant girl was heartbroken over her daughter's pain.

"Mom," the girl held her mother's arm tightly, "No, I want to stay! I don't want to be so scared every day!" She gasped and stood up slowly.

Rejecting the kindness of the mutants, the mutant girl made up her mind to eliminate the source of fear.

This may be the best opportunity in years.

So many outsiders, so many mutant uncles and aunts, all fighting for her.

She closed her eyes again and walked forward step by step.

If there is a mountain in front of her, then there is a cliff at her feet, and she will be shattered if she falls.

When the fear reaches its peak, everything seems to calm down.

The girl walked step by step, and everyone followed behind.

There were no aberrations, no monsters, nothing that could harm her.

She walked towards the light.

Xiao Zhao, who was staring at the girl closely, opened his mouth slightly and remained motionless.

His idea of ​​washing his hands in a golden basin and turning back the prodigal son became stronger and stronger.

If such a beautiful girl could marry into his family, Xiao Zhao felt that he would be happy until death and live a long life.

How could there be such a beautiful woman in the world?

"Hey," Smoker bumped him with his shoulder, "Watch your image, you act like a fool."

Xiao Zhao lowered his head and quietly wiped the saliva from his mouth.

He whispered to the smoker: "From now on, I will be a serious person and do serious things. The rookies of the Wasteland Green Car Movie League have nothing to do with me!"

The smoker laughed: "I hope you can keep your word. The canned rat meat from the cannery tastes quite good. If you can make the decision, our Flying Potato God Cult can sign a trade contract with you. I will give you performance results." ,How about it?"

Xiao Zhao smiled so hard that his mouth twisted: "Good brother!"

The mutant girl could not hear the conversation between the two.

She concentrates on using her gift to sense hidden dangers.

Ahead, further ahead, is here.

The mutant girl opened her eyes, but her eyes were empty.

Nothing at all.

But, it must be here.

"Daughter?" The mutant aunt stretched out her hand to the air in front of her, but didn't catch anything. "Are you sure?"

The mutant girl's voice was trembling: "I, I'm sure."

"This is how to do?"

"If you ask me, if you blow it up with one cannon, all kinds of monsters and ghosts will appear!"

"The market is open, the market is open, bet on how high the portal is! Hurry up and place your bet, starting with ten Groschen!"

The players are noisy.

In their eyes, this is just an established plot process.

"I, I can feel it," the mutant girl mustered up her courage, "I should be able to catch it too!"

She closed her eyes.

In the darkness, inexplicable lightning danced around her.

This is not the result of the girl, but the way this place is.

She had never been so close to fear itself.

"Come," the mutant girl said, "come, I'm going to catch you."

An unknown heartbeat began to sound.

"Yes, that's what it smells like! Heartbeat!" A player excitedly said, "The kind of heartbeat that can cause myocardial infarction was the same last time!"

The girl's efforts were successful.

The untouchable portal is being called out bit by bit by her.

(End of this chapter)

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