Stop it Cybermen, it's full of gamers

Chapter 259 Youlin’s Campus Life

Fraternity College.

The small window is neat and the breeze blows.

The leaves outside the window blocked the dazzling sun and shed speckled sunlight.

"Everyone has previewed the section on the common formations and response methods of demonic tides," the teacher standing in front of the blackboard adjusted his glasses, "Before this class begins, I will select two students to take a look. Their preview results.”

As soon as they heard that spot checks were going to be conducted, the students immediately became nervous.

Although Youlin, who was sitting in the second row, didn't know why she was nervous, she pretended to have a tense face.

"I'm staring at the teacher right now," the female classmate next to her said quietly, "I've been staring at him for a semester, and he hasn't even hit me."

On the podium, the teacher could clearly see this little whisper.

He frowned.

Although the new classmate Youlin has a special status and was dragged to the gymnasium by an outside god to give him a lesson, the god emphasized that no special treatment should be given to Youlin.

"Then please invite the new classmate Youlin and her deskmate to bring over the results of the preview." The teacher held the table with both hands.

My deskmate made a sad face and took out his exercise book.

She originally wanted to make eye contact with Youlin, but Youlin stood up directly and handed over her exercise book without fear.

So brave.

My deskmate could only pout and hand over the exercise book.

The teacher who was giving the lecture first flipped through the second hand-in, and his frown relaxed.

The summary is not bad and well-behaved; although the response method is a bit rigid, it can be regarded as well-behaved.

This kind of theory class is dull and boring. He will only pay attention to the students in the first three rows; as for those in the back, as long as they don't disturb the students in the front row to listen to the class.

But since you sit in the front row, you have to listen carefully.

The teacher said: "Although the content of this section is complicated, no matter what job you are engaged in in the future, you will benefit from it. Many of you here may never leave Thunder City in your lifetime, let alone encounter the magic tide mentioned in the book. , but I still have to tell you—"

The students laughed and said together: "The evil tide is coming!"

Even those students who just want to pass the exam and not fail the exam can still shout loudly when playing games on the wrist terminal.

This teacher can emphasize this sentence a thousand times in one semester. He is simply a repeater.

The teacher was not angry.

He sincerely hoped that every young student here would never encounter a demonic wave in his life.

No matter how prepared you are, you will always have a narrow escape if you hit the demonic tide.

The theoretical knowledge taught in class will only increase the students' survival rate a little bit when applied in practice.

"Next, I will read selectively first, and the second one will hand in the preview results of the classmate," the teacher said. "Please check what you have written. After I have read the preview assignments of the two classmates, please Please put forward your opinions and suggestions.”

He opened the exercise book and read the content: "As a guerrilla, when facing a small and powerful demonic wave in the wasteland, you should avoid its sharp edges and use the terrain to avoid and hide yourself to avoid being discovered by the demonic wave. . Avoid carrying highly irritating items, and promptly discard clothes with blood stains, etc. When necessary, the troops must be divided into two groups, one as a bait, and the other to preserve supplies and mission results."

The teacher's voice was cadenced and seemed emotionless; but his heart was not so calm.

This is the most standard way to respond, but who is the bait?If you make a bait, facing the demonic tide will almost mean death.

He continued reading: "Our captain, because of his strongest power armor, should serve as the core of the guerrillas and wait for opportunities to attack the leader of the demonic tide; when necessary, he can inject battlefield medicine provided by the bachelor according to the actual situation and execute decapitation tactics."

The students were talking.

Although this plan is very risky, it is a method that most students can think of to avoid falling into a unnecessary war of attrition and directly dispatch one's strongest combat units for a blitzkrieg.

The teacher is still not satisfied.

According to the textbook, this way of writing can get full marks; but in reality?
As the second-in-command of the guerrillas, can the bachelor quickly judge the situation and decide whether to fight hard or retreat?There are different types of demon tide leaders. Can the bachelor be clear-headed and prepare suitable potions and tools for the captain in a very short time?Can the guerrilla leader quickly advance in and kill the leader of the demonic tide?Nothing like this was written.This approach seems comprehensive, but in fact it is general.

Youlin quietly handed a small note to her deskmate, which said: "You are so awesome!" The deskmate looked at it and beamed.

But there is another sentence at the end: "I don't think this will work. You will probably die."

The smile on his deskmate's face froze.

She looked at Youlin, and the worried expression on Youlin's face didn't seem to be fake.

Another note was handed over: "Otherwise, you should stay in Thunder City and don't go out. You are my new friend. I will be sad if you die."

The deskmate couldn't tell for a moment whether Youlin, the transfer student, was mocking her or caring about her.

The teacher closed the second student's exercise book and turned to Youlin's.

It was surprisingly full of writing.

He didn't pay attention at first.

The new classmates have only been here to study for a short time, so it would be nice if they could write some of their own thoughts.

The other students didn't pay attention either.

They generally believe that the combat qualities of transfer students are not as good as those of them who have been trained since childhood?
Moreover, it has a beautiful face, a delicate body, and is very small. At first glance, it doesn’t look like it can be beaten.

Although the theoretical lessons are about talking about combat on paper, the concepts of combat are all the same.

"Classmates," the teacher randomly selected a page from Youlin's exercise book, "let's read it -"

He's stuck.

The content on the paper is shocking.

"We...we," the originally calm teacher even turned into a stammer, "we..."

His hands began to shake.

Youlin's exercise book says:

"In order to prevent decapitation tactics, we should create suspicious formations, such as disguising ordinary monsters as the leader of the demonic tide, and setting up powerful traps; when the strong humans rush into position, focus fire to attack the strong humans. Eliminate the strong humans. For example, if the leader of the guerrilla team desperately destroys the opponent's bachelors, then the enemy will be destroyed without attack."

"Hide the identity of the demonic tide, and do not activate the berserk before the target enters the attack range to avoid alerting humans due to red eyes. When it is confirmed that the target is surrounded, immediately launch the berserk and throw abnormal cannon fodder to make the guerrillas exhausted. In order to reduce the overall If the forceful attack causes the loss of aberrations and monsters, the human guerrillas should be killed one after another, and the human race should collapse through psychological warfare."

"Injure a human and leave pheromones on the wounded human through the mutant frog. When the wounded human returns, the entire guerrilla group will naturally be exposed."

what is this.

what is this……

what is this!
The teacher who was giving the lecture felt his scalp numb and his hands began to tremble.

What should be done, how should be prevented, it is a trap, a series of traps, and a bait.

Die, die, die.

The shadow of the terrifying demonic tide shrouded the teacher's mind.

In order to win, the image of the leader of the evil demonic tide who is cunning, unlimited, and extremely powerful seems to have bitten off his head with a maniacal laugh.

And he had no power to resist.

The teacher giving the lecture was so frightened that he was sweating, and he was constantly analyzing countermeasures in his mind.

How could there be such an evil and wise demon tide leader in this world?

Youlin tilted her head slightly, looking at the teacher who was behaving strangely, her head filled with doubts.

Doesn't she write well?This is what she summarized various classic tactics used by players and actually applied them to her homework.

Although players always behave in some obscene and weird ways, their tactics are indeed very useful. (End of chapter)

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