Stop it Cybermen, it's full of gamers

Chapter 260 Youlin’s Campus Life

The teacher who was giving the theoretical class fell ill and fell down on the podium, clutching his heart.

Fortunately, he was fine after examination, but he just needed more rest.

"So, I will teach you the next time. It happens to be my class in the afternoon, so we will continue directly." The teacher, who was wearing a full set of power armor and nicknamed "Mad Dog", glanced around the people in the classroom, " All rise!"

The classmate whispered: "It's over, it's Teacher Mad Dog. The last time three students were sent to emergency room, it was him who caused it."

The teacher directly gave an order: "Everyone is welcome! First, run around the academy ten times to warm up!"

My deskmate rolled his eyes: "Youlin, I feel like I'm going to die. I won't be able to see the sun tomorrow. What should I do?"

She rested her round chin on Youlin's shoulder and was about to cry.

"Teacher, I want to ask for leave! My relatives are here..."

Another female classmate had already thought of a way, but the teacher's tone was as hard as steel: "Will the mutant let you go just because your relatives are here?"

His voice rose steadily: "Will the monsters not kill you because your relatives are here? Will the demon tide not tear you into pieces because your relatives are here?"

"Everyone get out! Start running!"

Under the roar of the mad dog teacher, the students fled for their lives in a hurry.


Youlin ran easily.

However, her deskmate was different.

"Youlin, help, I'm dying!" My deskmate ran and gasped, "After I graduate, I want to inherit the family business and become a pastry chef! Why does a pastry chef need such strong endurance! Oh, help! …”

Youlin asked: "So you are a cake chef?"

The tablemate wailed and nodded: "You can say that. My skills are already better than those of the assistants in the store! I am confident that within a year, I can compete with my dad who is a pastry chef!"

"Follow this."

The deskmate barely caught the round badge thrown by Youlin.

Engraved on it is a potato with wings.

"What, what is this?" she asked.

Youlin ran at a steady speed and said while running: "Tangtang, you will be my cake chef from now on! With this badge, no matter where you go, the people of the Flying Potato God Cult will help you. If you need help, you Just pray to the badge and call my name."

My deskmate, nicknamed Tangtang, panted like a dog and said happily: "I, I have never received such a strange gift. Youlin, I want to pierce a hole in this badge and make it into a necklace to hang around my neck." !”

Youlin was a little shorter than her deskmate. At this time, she said vaguely: "Little cake, little cake, little cake..."

"You two!" Teacher Mad Dog shouted in the distance, "You are falling behind! Hurry! Run!"


"I'm so stupid, really," Tangtang showed a silly smile, "I know that Mad Dog Teacher won't just let us run, but I still hold on to unrealistic hopes."

This gym looks ordinary, but is actually extremely solid.

As early as the establishment of the college, this building was designed as an emergency shelter.

The stepped auditorium is now separated from the sports field, with a thick metal mesh in the middle.

Hoarse screams echoed in the gym.

The students formed a circle around the teacher.

Behind them, there is a power armor for teaching.

This kind of power armor can only resist the bites of ordinary aberrations for a short time, but it is enough for teaching purposes.

The teacher said: "Today, we will conduct a class test. Your task is to put on power armor and kill a mutant alone."

He lifted the black curtain, revealing rows of cages holding the mutants below.They are ugly, hoarse-voiced, and agile.

"In order to see your true strength, I starved them for a day yesterday," the mad dog teacher said terrifying words, "Don't worry about being killed by them, I will save you in time. If you unfortunately die, your family will gain Sufficient compensation.”

Tangtang shivered: "Youlin, what should I do? I'm going to die! I didn't have enough energy to run, and now I have to fight monsters!"

Youlin stared at these poor little things.

These aberrations are the most common ones in the wasteland.

Some powerful novice players can defeat it with just a knife, not to mention the power armor here.

If the players start with such a power armor, they can kill for a week, all the way to the wasteland no man's land.

These poor little things are very hungry and a little malnourished. It seems that the teacher will starve them every two days.

There are power armors for teaching and melee weapons to choose freely. Even the weakest life player in Djinn City can scream in terror while hacking this little thing to death, right?
In Youlin's eyes, they are not much better than cockroaches.

"Teacher, I come first!" A male student bravely fought for first place.

He chose the classic long-handled battle axe.

This male classmate entered the small death fighting cage and was locked up with the aberrations released from the cage just now.

"I'm already scared..." Tangtang started gibbering, "Youlin, if I die, please remember to ask my dad to engrave on my tombstone, 'My beloved daughter failed in her pastry business and was bitten by a freak on the way. Die' to warn future generations."

Youlin habitually said what the players said: "It's not necessary."

The male classmate in the death fighting cage wears power armor and fights against the mutants.

He made a mistake: the space in the death fighting cage was small, and the long-handled tomahawk was constrained in this environment.

The male classmate decisively abandoned the long-handled battle ax and fought with fists wrapped in power armor.

Two minutes later, the death fighting cage opened, and the male student walked out calmly, with blood on his power armor.

"You have realized your mistake and switched to fists, which is good!" Teacher Mad Dog commented loudly, "But your movements were hesitant and indecisive! With your strength, you could have solved the battle within 15 seconds! Your The score is eighty, please reflect on it yourself!"

The teacher shouted: "Next!"

With a sad face, Tangtang entered her teaching power armor.

"Choose a hammer, a short hammer," Youlin's words rang in her ears, "You can only use a hammer."

Tangtang looked out of the power armor. Youlin closed her mouth and didn't speak at all.

She really chose the short hammer and entered the death cage.

The mutant screamed hoarsely and crawled out of the narrow cage.


Tangtang, who was wearing power armor, was so frightened that he dropped his hammer and his body was trembling tightly against the death cage.

According to the comics that players read, Youlin has three black lines drawn on her forehead.

She sighed slightly, a faint purple light flashing in her pupils.

At the same time, the same light flashed in the eyes of the aberrations in the death fighting cage.

"Kill yourself to death." Queen Youlin ordered.

The abnormal one, in full view of everyone, was killed by the hammer thrown by Tangtang.


Silence is today's stadium. (End of chapter)

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