[Due to unknown energy interference, the system is reloading, please wait patiently]

The cute man stared at the game interface, and many values ​​​​turned into [? ? ? 】.

He could feel a power flowing through his body, like an unruly wind in the wilderness.

"I need to get used to it." The cute man said to the doctor.

The mutant doctor nodded: "Yes, it's your first time to master such power. You really need to take it slow. There's no rush, cute man."


From the edge of the ceremony pool, Xiao Zhao's choking voice came.

The cute man looked around and saw the seriously injured factory director soaking in the water. His body was black, but his eyes were open.

The mutant doctor said: "I remember that your Flying Potato God Cult originally came here to find the director of the cannery, right? It's a pity that you can't bring him back to Thunder City."

"what happened to him?"

The doctor replied: "He is going to die. He has not been conscious since the guards brought him; his current consciousness is just a flashback. The mutant ritual of the border warrior is already difficult to survive; it is even more difficult when he is seriously injured. Looks like he lost a little luck."


Xiao Zhao held the cannery director's hand tightly: "Uncle! Hold on! If you hold on, you can survive!"

The factory director's face had a terrifying black color, and the veins on his forehead were exposed and pulsing, as if there were insects burrowing inside.

His tone was a little relieved and a little regretful: "Xiao Zhao, don't lie to me. A long time ago, I watched others fail beside the ritual pool. I was very young at that time, and I clamored all day long to stay in the wasteland. After doing something great in life, I was never afraid of death; decades later, when I woke up and found myself lying in the ritual pool, I knew what had happened."

"Uncle!" Xiao Zhao shook his head with red eyes, "You'll be fine."

"Bullshit!" the factory director scolded, "I know my own body! The prosthetic body has filled my stomach and it still can't save me. Alas, Xiao Zhao, every time I see you, I feel like before I am just as arrogant and unscrupulous, and I dare to do ridiculous things because of my youth. I have no children, and you are Lao Zhao’s only child, and you are the one I watched grow up. You may not know that Lao Zhao is old Son, don’t mention how happy I was at that time! He usually doesn’t drink, but when he found out the news that day, he still smelled of alcohol in his mouth on the third day after drinking.”

Xiao Zhao didn't want to listen anymore.

It was the first time that he heard the uncle, the factory director, talk so verbosely.

Also the last time.

"Listen, kid, Lao Zhao took several bullets for me when he was young, and seriously overdosed on battlefield stimulants several times. He was covered in injuries, and he woke up from his sleep every night because of the sequelae, all relying on painkillers. Live your life. You are his son, and I regard you as mine. When I die, you must learn to take over the cannery, and don't let Lao Zhao bear too much. He is in poor health and can't bear it."

"I know," Xiao Zhao burst into tears, "I know."

The factory director wiped away the tears on Xiao Zhao's face with his cold hands: "Before I turn into a monster, could you briefly tell me what happened here?"

Even when he was about to die, his vision was still sharp: "Xiao Zhao, you cried before, not long after."

Xiao Zhao lowered his eyebrows and said, "Uncle, I thought I met my true destiny, but she died and turned into a monster, and her body melted in this ritual pool."

The factory director said feebly: "Why are we so similar, Xiao Zhao? If you can't let go, the worst you can do is be like me and never have children for the rest of your life. But don't make a decision so quickly. Uh-"

He groaned and bent down.


"Doctor," the factory director raised his head, "I'm going to trouble you again this time. I still owe you a favor, but it seems I can't pay it back."

The mutant doctor walked silently to the side of the ritual pool, pulled out a pistol from his waist, and pointed it at the director's forehead.

"Doctor! What are you going to do!"

Xiao Zhao wanted to seize the doctor's pistol, but the mutant doctor was too strong and he was weak, so he couldn't do anything.

"Xiao Zhao!" the factory director said, "I hope I die in human form instead of turning into a dirty monster and finally melting into this ritual pool."

Tears couldn't stop flowing down Xiao Zhao's face.The factory director tried his best to straighten his body, straighten his chest and raise his head: "Doctor, we have known each other since you were not a mutant but a field bachelor. Now, please kill me!"

The mutant doctor stared directly at the factory director. Under the factory director's fleshy skin, there seemed to be weird limbs sprouting under the skin.

"Bachelor!" A painful voice came from the director's throat, "Please give me your last mercy!"

Just as he had done countless times before, the doctor silently recited the Brotherhood's slogan: "The Brotherhood will bring the dawn!"

He pulled the trigger.

With the sound of a gunshot, the director fell backwards and slowly sank to the bottom of the ceremonial pool.

Xiao Zhao cried so much that he huddled up and knelt on the ground sobbing.

The mutant doctor decided to leave him alone to cry for a while.

The cute man climbed up from the ritual pool, his whole body wet, and the pool water formed a stream at his feet.

In a place where he can't find it, Yao Luo is looking for the source of this magical power by relying on the divine chain connecting the cute boy's soul.

It is said that the border warriors steal the power of monsters, so this power must have a source.

Very strange.

Following the connection direction of the unknown energy, Yao Luo found the world barrier along the way.

The source of power does not come from this world.

If we continue to track down, we may be able to find the source of the demonic tide, but we don’t know how long it will take to track it down.

"If a cute man directly accepts these energies, there may be problems with his soul."

Yao Luo used his divine power to cut off the energy connection and hide the transmission routes of these unknown energies.

This way, he can monitor directly.

As for the power that a cute man should have, Yao Luo imitated the path of this unknown energy and connected it to Youlin's body.

At this time, Youlin was in a classroom at the Brotherhood College, sitting upright and pretending to listen carefully to the class.

"Youlin," Yao Luo's voice sounded in her ears, "Cute Boy will borrow a small part of your power. Some of the abilities you have explored can be used by Cute Boy to observe the actual effect."

Youlin quickly closed the blue-covered notebook placed on the desk and said in a very low voice: "I understand. Yao Luo, don't use your power to peek at what is written in this notebook."

"I won't watch it," Yao Luo said, "but I'm a little curious, why can't I watch it?"

Youlin's cheeks were slightly red: "I can't look at it anyway. You have to swear that you will never look at it!"

"Okay, I swear," Yao Luo smiled and put his four fingers together, and this scene came to You Lin's eyes, "If I see it, I will take the players to eat dirt together."

"Yao Luo?"


"Yao Luo."

"What's wrong, Youlin?"

"It's okay, I just called you."

Youlin felt her forehead being flicked.

Yao Luo's voice said in her ear: "If you don't pay attention in class, you will get zero points in the exam. I'm going to do other things. Call me if you need anything." (End of Chapter)

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