Youlin chose two practical ways of running psychic energy and transmitted them to the cute man.

[System loading completed]

[You have obtained three spell slots]

[Spell No. [-]: Psychic Shield, psionic energy is condensed into a round shell-shaped shield to block damage]

[Spell No. [-]: Psychic Pierce, psionic energy is like an arrow, piercing the target in front of you]

[Spell No. [-]: None yet.When you need it, you can pray to the queen for the spell you need]

Mutant Valley, underground ritual pool.

The cute man found that there was an extra "spiritual energy value" on his interface, and the amount at this time was one hundred.

He looked at the palm of his left hand, and purple energy gathered in it.

The two available spells have a different cost of psychic energy; the more psychic energy injected, the stronger the spell.

"It seems you know how to use it," the mutant doctor said, "Let's go, there is a small training ground behind the clinic, you can exercise your newfound strength."

He patted the cute man on the back: "I'm not an excellent trainer, but I'm still qualified to teach you, a novice who uses psychic powers."

The three simulated humanoid targets were all covered with heavy body armor.

The mutant doctor raised his rifle and shot one of them.

There was an extra bullet hole in the body armor of the humanoid target, but it did not penetrate.

"Not bad," the doctor said to the cute man, "it's your turn."

The cute man exhaled.

[Psychic Puncture]!
His right hand clenched tightly, and the purple spiritual energy began to become unstable.

After injecting enough psychic energy, Mengnan felt like he was losing his grip.

He threw it hard.

After conveying the command to attack, the small psychic ball in his hand became so violent that it dragged the cute boy forward.

The small ball changes into the shape of a spike at the front in mid-air.

There was a dull impact, and the thick human-shaped target shook back and forth.

In the middle of it, the body armor had been completely destroyed, leaving a large hole.

"Hmm -" The mutant doctor walked to the humanoid target and turned the humanoid target over while observing.

The back of the humanoid target was also penetrated, leaving a small hole as big as a finger in the body armor.

"How should I put it?" the doctor said, "a sputter-type attack, the most deadly in the middle. It is like a heavy sniper cannon using armor-piercing bullets, which can penetrate the primitive biological armor of most low-level monsters, and can also target A small number of mid-level monsters cause effective damage. I don’t expect another one with the same ability to change the terrain as a hunter. This one is already very good. Is there any more?”

[Psychic Shield]!
The cute man is also infused with extreme spiritual energy.

"It actually has two abilities. It is a perfect awakening." The mutant doctor picked up the rifle and pointed it at the round translucent shield. "Don't worry, I will aim well and won't hurt you."

The cute man's psychic shield didn't move at all.

"Okay, okay, what about this?"

The doctor took out a submachine gun from the clinic.

"Doctor, is this too much?" The cute man looked at the dark muzzle of the gun, feeling a little horrified.

"Have some faith in yourself."

Da da da da!
The cute man's psychic shield shook violently, but it still blocked it.

He took a look at his psychic energy level and saw that it was only sixty.

"Very good, then come again."

Under the frozen expression of the cute man, the mutant doctor pushed out a cannon.

Many players were attracted by the movement here and came to the area one after another.

Seeing the cute man challenging his body to catch cannonballs, they started talking a lot.

"The market is open, the market is open! The minimum is ten Groschen, or five contribution points! Bet on the cute male boss who will be shot to the left of the station where he is resurrected and cooled down, and bet on the station on the right if he can't be killed with one shot!" "I can play! Fifty cents? Cash transfer."

"This is my sister. She is 1.5 meters tall and weighs [-] pounds. She is Loliyin. I use my sister to bet that the boss will be beaten to a pulp!"

"Hello, brother-in-law, can we get acquainted?"

The cute man has no time to care what the players say.

He was tense all over at the moment.

"Doctor, you're going to kill me!" he shouted. "Why did you hide a cannon in the clinic!"

The mutant doctor chuckled: "As a doctor, it's reasonable for me to collect some arms, right? Don't worry, I'm sure that you have a [-]% chance of surviving."

In other words, there is a [-]% chance that he will die suddenly on the spot?
The cute man said to himself: "Is it too late for me to run now?"

The doctor stuffed the shell into the barrel, then immediately squatted down and covered his ears.

The cannon was ejected.

Mud splashed and fell like raindrops.

The players looked together.

The cute man fell on the outer wall of the clinic, more than ten meters away from his previous position.

He was blown away and landed with a speck of mud.

"Ahem." The cute man coughed and stood up, holding on to the wall.

After receiving a shell from the front, the health bar was only one-eighth less, but the spiritual energy value had been exhausted.

The mutant doctor walked up to the cute man and said humorously: "Cute man, wear thicker clothes. Your shield can be comparable to the armor of some medium tanks."

"You almost killed me."

"Have some faith in me, okay? I haven't fired a cannon in many years, and my hands are a little raw, but I can still shoot accurately - just kidding, I think my medical skills are pretty good, you can't die."

The doctor turned his head and saw Xiao Zhao walking up in despair.

The sunlight on the ground was particularly dazzling to him.

Xiao Zhao's eyes were wet at first and now dry. He couldn't adapt to the strong light, so he could only block it with his arms.

For him, growing up is a long time, but growing up is the moment when the factory director sinks into the pool.

This shitty world doesn't care what he thinks, it just throws him death.

Although not a relative, the factory director, who was more like a relative, really ended his life.

Xiao Zhao is not as accustomed to life and death as the mutant doctor, and he still has the leisure to joke around at this moment; nor is he as heartless as the players, who does not take everything in this world seriously.

"Are you okay?" Smoker came up and asked.

"Some babies died and disappeared into the pool; some survived and became stronger." Xiao Zhao did not answer, but he seemed to mean something.

The Smoker followed his words and said: "There are still some people who are half-dead. Being a Riddler won't solve any problems."

"If you want to eat some good meat, come to the cannery to find me." Xiao Zhao seemed to be possessed by the dead factory director, and his words and deeds became a bit like the director of the factory. "If I drive away the truck, it will affect You guys?"

The smoker said: "No, how far is this?"

Xiao Zhao left alone.

When he comes he brings laughter, and when he leaves he is as silent as a rock in a pond.

The smoker looked away.

He found the cute man: "Cute man, when I was playing parkour in the valley, I heard some mutants say that the wasteland traveler Red Beard and some manor owner were attacked by the demonic tide. I have posted several of them before. Red Beard didn’t even reply to a message. Did something happen to him? "

The cute man immediately sent the message.

[Cute man with big eyes]: Redbeard, where are you?
[Big-eyed cute man]: I heard that you were attacked by a demonic wave?
[Big-eyed cute man]: Are you there?

【Traveling Businessman Red Beard】:¥……&……%¥¥
[Big-eyed cute man]: What do you mean?
【Traveling Merchant Red Beard】:¥……&……%¥¥;¥……&……%¥¥
The cute man took back the game interface: "I think something happened. Who knows where the manor is?" (End of Chapter)

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