Stop it Cybermen, it's full of gamers

Chapter 276 Peeping in the Darkness

"In this case, our survival rate will be much higher." Smoker observed.

Inhaling the spores will cause players to hallucinate and continuously deduct blood, but it is not as deadly as the NPC here.

He pulled up the straps of his gas mask and pulled it over his head.

The slightly difficult breathing brought a sound that was pressing in my heart.

The smoker adjusted the angle of the built-in camera and gave himself a thumbs up.

The men of the Brotherhood began to enter the passage of the manor area.

"Smoker," Tudou Girl said wearing a gas mask, "Miaomiao said she and Noah were the first to go down. It's time for us to leave."

"GO! GO! GO!"

The players' strategy is the same as Noah's. They use the strongest elites to explore the path first, and then the second group with less strength go down to consolidate the results.


The ceiling lamp in the distance was unstable and flickered.

"Should we count the numbers first? I mean, it's not good if there is one more person or one less person."

"Please speak humanly, thank you."

"Exploring abandoned underground buildings, isn't this a classic plot of ghost movies?"

"I'm already starting to panic."

"Be open-minded. There are about a hundred Brotherhood warriors in front of us, all wearing super-hard power armor; there are also more than 100 of us here. All weird things should run away."

"Holy light, blind them!"

One player rolled up his sleeves, revealing his left arm that glowed brightly.

The fear of being skinned was exchanged for glowing prosthetic skin, which players have always felt was very worthwhile.

Moreover, Dr. Anton’s craftsmanship is very good, and he usually doesn’t notice the feeling of rejection from the prosthetic body.


The smoker stepped on something.

He pointed the flashlight on his wrist terminal at his feet.

It was a dead staff member, covered in strange Ganoderma lucidum.

He had just stepped on the staff member's crotch, which was crunchy, but it was no longer useful, right?
Bang bang bang!
There were distant echoes of gunfire.

The Brotherhood encountered something and fired.

Soon, the gunfire stopped.

A player sang a children's song in an awkward voice: "In the blue sky and the Milky Way, there is - a - little white boat -"

"There is a Ganoderma lucidum tree on the boat, and the corpse is playing -"

"You can't see the oar, I don't have any clothes on me -"

"Floating - floating -"


Another player stepped on a body.

"Thank you, please shut your mouth."

"Impromptu composition, you are a master of Yin music."

As we walked, there was a fork in the road ahead.

Brother Wolf squatted down and inspected the ground and surrounding marks.

"They went to the right," he said.

"Yes," a group of fraternity men walked out of the darkness, "the purser has taken people to the right, and we are guarding here. I advise you to follow the purser, it will be safer."

The players stopped.

"How about we go separately?"

"One of the rules of horror movies is to go separately. If you are alone, you will definitely die."

The two players who had different opinions looked at each other with sullen faces.

"Let's duel!" Rock, paper, scissors!
The player who won the duel smiled: "As expected, we still have to go together. I have watched hundreds of horror movies, so I can say that I have a lot of experience!"

The remaining members of the Brotherhood always feel that the thinking of this group of consultants is very strange: "You guys go together? That's the best, there are more people and strength. You go to the right, right?"

Players shouted in unison: "Left!"

The people left behind were stunned.

At this moment, on the World Channel, Brother Zhu Jun called on everyone with words: "Everyone, follow Noah, you can't keep up with the hot shit you eat! Do we, the mighty Flying Potato God Cult, have to live on the leftovers given by acquaintances? No! A true warrior dares to face the endless unknown! Choose the left!"

Of course, the right side is safe, but if there are any good things, the Brotherhood will not leave them to the players. What is on the left side, the players have no idea, but at least if they encounter good things, they can put them directly into the game backpack.

What's more, although the atmosphere here is depressing, it's a horror game for one person, a survival game for two people, and a funny game for three people.

More than 100 elite players gather together, and even if they encounter something terrifying, they can grab it, sprinkle it with cumin and eat it.

"Brave and awesome, not afraid of difficulties!"

"Look what I found? A mouse covered in Ganoderma lucidum! It must have fainted. We can put it in a pot and make Ganoderma lucidum stewed rat meat."

"Zhushu, I don't want to be thrown into the pot to stew."

"Please don't dub dead rats, thank you."

Tudou Girl stayed at the edge of the crowd, and Derpy and Cute Man were both here.

They were discussing something about formalism, something irritating.

"Hello," Potato Girl kicked the corpse of a staff member covered with Ganoderma lucidum, "May I ask how long you have been dead?"

She was just out of fun and didn't expect the corpse to answer.

But the body seemed to move.

Potato Girl's smile gradually disappeared.

She looked back at the moving crowd of players, squatted down and fiddled with the staff's bodies.

Seems like an illusion?
Ho ho!

The corpse suddenly bent its neck and opened its mouth to her.

Cold fear penetrated her mind like lightning.


Tudou Girl screamed in horror while using a machete to chop the moving corpse into pieces.

Ganoderma lucidum was shattered all over the floor, as was the corpse.

After she was sure that the body could no longer move, she put away the machete and patted her chest gently: "The baby was scared to death."

"What's wrong, what's wrong," Smoker squeezed through the crowd of players and glanced at the corpses of the staff, "I can't tell, Tudou girl, you are quite strong."

Tudou Girl explained: "The body moved just now."

The smoker pointed to the gas mask he was wearing: "Are you serious? In this kind of environment, there is no way there will be any living people."

Brother Wolf also squeezed over.

He heard the conversation between Potato Girl and Smoker.

My whole body is covered with Ganoderma lucidum, so my body must be filled with mycelium.

How is it possible to live in this situation?

"Everyone, please pay attention to the corpses on the roadside," Brother Lang told all the players out of caution, "They are not necessarily dead."

"Brother Wolf!" The player at the front ran over, "I saw a humanoid creature, moving very fast."

The players in front started shooting.

When the four Lang brothers arrived, there were only two corpses covered with Ganoderma lucidum and covered with bullet holes in front of the players.

"I don't really believe that these people can survive." Brother Zhu Jun, who had fired before, replaced the gun with a new magazine, "But I killed one. What is this, a zombie? A spore man? A plant these days. Have you all joined the zombie team? Without Sunflower and Peashooter, I can only rely on my cleverness to prevent my brain from being eaten."

"It's more appropriate to call it a spore man," said a speedster player. "Lingzhi controls the human body and attacks."

There was a rustling sound not far away.

Brother Zhu Jun raised his gun: "I think there are more than just these two here." (End of Chapter)

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