Stop it Cybermen, it's full of gamers

Chapter 277 The Spore Man Giant

"We need to light up the dark place," Smoker looked at the situation, "Who has a high-power lighting tool?"

Players all looked at the player with glowing arms.

He transformed all his skin into luminous prostheses, and the light is so strong that it can be called a humanoid bright light.

"I can't do it!" The player gave in decisively. "My prosthetic body only has a little bit of armor, so I can't block any stronger attacks. It's too conspicuous, and I will be killed instantly!"

He suddenly thought of something, squatted on the ground, and pulled out the prosthetic body disguised as a normal hand.

The palm is disconnected from the wrist, and the five fingers are very stable on the ground.

"If you want lighting, this is fine."

He controlled his palm remotely, causing it to emit strong light, and then touched the ground with five fingers, pushing the palm forward.

Light illuminated, revealing the murky air ahead.

"Strange, why is the concentration of spores in the front so high?" the cute man asked.

Where the players have just walked, the spores in the air will not reach a concentration that makes the air turbid.

The corpse of a staff member was covered with Ganoderma lucidum as usual.

The moving Broken Palm is under the control of the player and bypasses this obstacle.

Maybe this corpse is an alive spore man, like the one Potato Girl encountered.

No need to take risks now.

One body, and another.

"Are there too many corpses?" The player controlling the Broken Hand scratched his scalp.

Obviously, this group of staff gathered here for some reason when they were escaping in a hurry, but they were eaten by something.

There were at least thirty corpses present.

"Is it because Ganoderma lucidum grows too much, so it releases more spores? This should make sense." Tudou Girl said.

"Let me tell you," Smoker recalled the approximate location of each corpse he had just seen, "before we move forward, it is best to blow the head off every corpse, so that we don't have to worry about the spore man coming back to bite people. "

"I think the anchor is right," the player controlling the Broken Hand said, "If I had gone up directly just now, I might have been eaten to death by plant zombies now."

The cute man suddenly said: "Go back and look at the wall."

The player controlling Broken Hand muttered: "What's there to take a picture of on the wall?"

Despite saying this, Duanzhang still retreated.


Many players present took a breath.

The glowing broken palm just passed by in a hurry, and no one noticed the abnormality on the wall.

The dark red flesh-shaped organism and the wriggling tentacles were clearly a nest of aberrations.

It was stimulated by strong light and spit out a swarm of wet spores.

"Ugh -" Tudou Girl said in disgust, "It's so disgusting."

"It's just a matter of time."

The smoker raises his gun and shoots.

Eight seconds, twelve bullets, kill all six slimy spore men.

He whistled: "Hey, take it easy."

"Ho ho."

Another spore man appeared, but he was a fat man almost three meters tall.

Before the glowing broken palm had time to move, it was stepped on by the spore-man giant.

"Fuck," the player controlling Broken Hand exclaimed, "my hand!"

The broken palm was seriously injured, and the strong light emitted by the prosthetic body weakened and began to flicker.

Perhaps the light stimulated the Spore Man Giant Mac, and it began to run towards the players.

"Shoot." Brother Wolf immediately ordered.

Amidst the constant gunfire, the spore-man giant fell down before running ten steps.

"I wonder how this fat man's belly feels." The lost player waited for a few seconds, thinking that there were no other enemies, so he walked towards the place where the Sporeman Big Mac fell.He also wants to recover his severed palm.

In fact, this kind of damage is very simple, and he can perform simple repairs himself.

The player stepped forward and patted the spore man's giant belly: "It feels very relaxing, really. It's very bulging, as if it's filled with liquid. Huh?"

The spore man's giant belly expanded in front of him.

"Why do I seem to have seen this scene before?"

"Run!" Smoker shouted.

As soon as the player reacted and turned around, there was an explosion behind him.

He flew up and then fell into a dog chewing mud.

In fact, the explosion was not very powerful, but the air wave was a bit strong.

"Self-explosion watermelon, you deserve it." This player let his whole body shine.

He immediately discovered that there were two holes in his gas mask.

My breathing started to feel wrong, and my throat started to feel like it was on fire.

In this place where the spore concentration seriously exceeds the standard, his blood deduction speed is faster.

The player stopped breathing, pulled out the broken gas mask, and then stumbled towards other players, covering his mouth and nose.

The cute man has quick eyes and quick hands. The moment he arrived, he put the gas mask he just took out of the game backpack on the player's face.

Take a deep breath!

Take a deep breath!
The player began to twitch unnaturally and rolled his eyes.

"This Guawazi must be hallucinating." Tudou Girl said, crossing her arms.

"Cute guy... Boss," the hallucinated player chuckled, "Why are your pecs so exaggerated?"

The smoker pushed away the player's hand that was touching everywhere: "I am the anchor holding you now! Stop touching me, you are tickling me."

The player suddenly laughed: "Anchor, I feel sad when I think about my three ex-girlfriends; but when I think about you being born from your mother's belly without even holding the girl's little hand, I suddenly feel like laughing."

"It hurts, old iron."

The smoker is no longer waiting.

He let go of his hands and let the player fall to the ground.

"Did you hear that?" the player asked, "There are a lot of... mushrooms running around."

Brother Lang squatted on the ground, his ears pressed against the alloy floor.

What the player felt in his hallucination was correct, there was a group of things moving towards here.

When the members of the Brotherhood walk, the sound of power armor hitting the ground is the same as the sound of collision. It will not be as soft and heavy as this.

In other words, the person who comes is not good.

Brother Lang said: "I think it is a large group of spore people, and they are all of this size."

"I'm ready! I'm ready!"

Players leisurely find a bunker that suits them and set up their light machine guns.

One player almost stepped on the air and fell down. Fortunately, a nearby player caught her.

They shined their flashlights downwards and saw a huge pool filled with green algae.

It can be seen that there was originally a glass top here, but now it is all broken and fell to the bottom of the pool.

When everything is still normal, there must be staff walking through the corridor here, and while studying, they will appreciate the ecology of the pool outside the floor-to-ceiling glass window.

Although the transparent wall of the pool looks like glass, it is much stronger and has no damage at all.

"Ho ho."

A spore man giant appears in the players' field of vision.

It crawls towards the players on all fours in a weird posture.

Behind, there is more.

"Ho ho!" (End of chapter)

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