Stop it Cybermen, it's full of gamers

Chapter 284 Giant Creature

There are three underground floors in the manor area.

The ground began to vibrate.

The players immediately hid and looked around.

The huge movement disturbed several spores, but it did not pose a threat.

Cackling! A bulletproof spore man looked around.

In fact, its vision is already very poor, but its sense of smell and hearing are greatly enhanced.

The bloody mouth came under the head of the bulletproof spore man, swallowing it off guard into the huge mouth, leaving only two legs flapping outside the huge mouth.

Soon, both legs were swallowed into the mouth.

This guy's head is as big as a room, and the bloody mouth occupies three-quarters of it.

Hundreds of small eyes are scattered irregularly in the remaining locations.

Around the head, there are also some deformed appendages, which are replicas of the head. Some are useful, and some are just a mass of deformed flesh.

It swallowed up the spore man and then went down to the lower level.

Ho ho!

Although the remaining spore men were not swallowed up, they were splashed by corrosive slime and fell down in pain while wailing.

When there was no movement on the ground, Brother Lang said: "Is this our enemy, the leader of the demonic tide here?"

"It's the same," a speedster player agreed, "If this is still the younger brother of the leader of the demon tide, I suggest that we teleport back to Thunder City quickly and don't go looking for death."

Brother Wolf said: "It seems to be injured."

[Wolf that meows like a cat]: Smoker, I encountered a giant creature here. It caused earthquakes.

[Smoking in reverse like a god]: Giant creature? That should be correct. We almost caught up with the monster. Noah had fought a giant monster before, and he was fine, but his power armor was almost useless and he had to replace it with a new one.

[The wolf meowing like a cat]: I understand.

Brother Wolf was about to turn around when he saw Potato Girl tiptoeing close to a spore man from the corner of his eye.

what is she doing

I saw Potato Girl hiding behind a metal table, carefully launching hacking attacks at the spore man who was close at hand.

Ho ho?

The spore man heard something and was about to walk behind the metal table.

Suddenly, it covered its head and some light green liquid flowed from its ears.

Kill it while it's sick!

Tudou Girl took out a dagger from her game backpack and slashed it hesitantly.

Ho ho!

The spore man wanted to attack, but the prosthetic body in his brain was as hot as boiling water, his whole body was weak, and his muscles began to spasm.

One, two, three...

Tudou Girl killed the spore man, and then happily pulled out the necklace hanging from the spore man's neck.

The dagger is stained with green bodily fluids, it doesn't matter, just wipe it off.

She studied the loot and kicked the spore man's body aside.

This scene is indeed somewhat violent, but people who die twice cannot speak.

To some extent, this is called waste recycling.

The staff member ended his career as a walking corpse and gained eternal peace; Tudou Girl received new fashion clothes. It’s simply a win-win situation.

Brother Wolf had silently come to Tudou Girl's side while she was killing the spores.

He was ready to take action at any time, but seeing that Tudou Girl had taken care of it on her own, he said, "Be careful."

Potato Girl turned around and shook the trophy necklace in her hand towards Brother Wolf, with a bright smile on her face.

"Brother Wolf!" Seven players came back, more or less injured. One of them said, "The elevators here can't be used, and the fire escape is completely blocked. We can go through the middle corridor. The other side; but there are a lot of spore people on that side, and there are a few mutated ones that look difficult to deal with."

Brother Lang asked: "Is it all bad news?"

"There is good news," the player said. "The number of spores here is very small, and it is safer than us on the underground level. In addition, I saw the sign, this should be the third underground level. "

After falling from the first underground floor to the third underground floor, it is truly a miracle that more than [-] players survived.

Although they were among the first to enter here and had some unique skills, their firepower was not strong enough to blast open the blocked fire escape.

  Everyone's eyes turned to the signal receiver in Tudou Girl's backpack.

The beeps are obviously more frequent.

"We are closer to Red Beard, very close," said Potato Girl. "If he were right in front of us, this sound would keep ringing and never stop."

The player asked: "Then let's find the way up first, or should we first find the location of the miserable traveling merchant?"

Brother Lang thought for a while and said: "Looking for Red Beard, we are here for him. We can only play support at most. To eliminate the leader of the demonic tide, we still have to rely on Noah himself."

Tudou Girl took out the signal receiver in her backpack and walked around in this safe location.

Although there is a wall blocking it, the general direction of the signal emission can still be determined.

"East, east by north," Potato Girl confirmed. "If we reach the location with the strongest signal and don't find Red Beard, it means he is on the upper or lower floor."

One player complained: "Does this place still need to be divided into southeast, northwest and northwest? To be honest, I am a road fool."

Tudou Girl put away the signal receiver: "Anyway, it depends on the signal strength. I just said casually about the direction."

She uses her own standing position as a yardstick, and there is no compass here, so how can she know what the north, south, east, and west are?

"Use less guns," Brother Wolf reminded everyone, "Don't disturb the spores on the other side of the corridor. There are too many of them. Once we disturb them, it will be difficult for us to escape intact."

A speedster player said: "I understand, isn't it just Xia Ji's eight slashes? I'm used to it."

Players took out the melee weapons in their game backpacks.

It's a little dark here, making the players' glowing weapons more conspicuous.

The machete that emits golden light has an attack power bonus at first glance; the dagger that emits blue light also has a liquid nitrogen injector hidden in the hilt, which can cause a freezing effect; as for the modified prosthetic bodies on the players, that is even more too much.

From teeth to toes, as long as they can be replaced with prosthetics, players may be able to replace them with all kinds of unexpected prosthetics.

"My big ax has long been thirsty." A player, as a pure fool, added most of the attribute points brought by upgrades to strength, and many parts of his body were replaced with prosthetics that can enhance strength. .

In this way, he can wield the giant battle ax in his hand.

Tudou Girl began to lead the way.

Although they don't know the terrain here, they can't go wrong if they proceed according to the signal strength.

Ho ho!

A lone spore man appears.

Before it could bite the potato girl, the player holding a giant tomahawk had already split it in half.

Tudou Girl said to Brother Lang: "Brother Wolf, what if we find Red Beard's signal transmitter, but he is not there; or he himself has been parasitized by those Ganoderma lucidum and turned into those spore man monsters -"

"Kill him without hesitation," said Brother Lang. "He has been dealing with us for half a year, and I don't want him to end up like that. But if it does happen, it's better to bury him in peace." (End of chapter) )

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