Stop it Cybermen, it's full of gamers

Chapter 285 The Spore Man Blocking the Road

  The signal receiver's red light flashed in the darkness.

  Tudou Girl compared the frequency of the red light flashing, lowered her head and walked forward.


She bumped into Brother Wolf's back.

Sensing something was wrong, Tudou Girl used her right hand to rub her smooth forehead that had been hurt by the impact, while she probed her head to observe the situation in front of her that was blocked by Brother Wolf.

Just after taking a look, she knew why Brother Lang stopped.

There are groups of ordinary spore people, a few giant spore people, swollen spore people that will self-destruct after death, and a few weird ones that have never been seen before.

This place has been completely occupied by these humanoid monsters.

  The sound of the signal receiver attracted the attention of several spore people on the edge.

They came slowly towards here.

If not handled properly, swarms of various spore people will flood this place!
  Only then did Tudou Girl remember that she could temporarily turn off the signal receiver, and guiltily turned the switch to off.

The beeping sound stopped.

No player is paying attention to this.

They secretly glanced ahead attentively, changing positions tacitly, allowing the expert players who could quickly and almost silently deal with the spores to reach the best position.

Everything is ready, waiting for the prey to enter the net.

The first spore man walked in.

Ho ho!

Even if it has poor vision, it can still see a little colorful light in the dark.

Ho ho?

Before he could express his doubts, a strong arm grabbed its neck and pressed it to death.

The spore man struggled hard, but to no avail.

The player took a step forward and used all his strength to break its neck, ending the body's second life.

The other two spore people walked over together.

One of them is a giant spore man with greater strength and size.

Sometimes Tudou Girl wonders, why do the staff here eat themselves into a fat man? Are you eating too many local fruits and vegetables?
  There was a flash of cold light in the air, and the head of the ordinary spore man was severed from its neck and rolled down.

One player squatted on the ground and hugged his fallen head to avoid making any noise.

A drop of blood dripped from Brother Wolf's mantis knife.

The spore man giant will be more troublesome.

It discovered the death of ordinary spore people and was about to call other spore people when Brother Wolf's mantis knife fell again.

It hit the spore-man giant's throat, but it didn't cut it.

It was about to scream in terror.

Brother Wolf swooped over and rolled past the Spore Man Giant Mac.

The blade of the mantis knife slashed across the neck of the spore man in an arc, and then stabbed hard.

The three players held the body of the headless spore man and slowly placed it on the ground; Brother Wolf held up its severed head.

Tudou Girl silently applauded everyone.

She aimed at the last ordinary spore man, quickly switched [limb obstruction/prosthetic malfunction], and launched an attack.

The spore man trembled all over. Although he noticed something was wrong, he was completely unable to move.

The player using a huge battle ax pulled the humanoid monster with the lower edge of the ax blade, and the sharp point of the battle ax sliced ​​across its neck like cutting pork.

If you ignore the burst of green blood, everything is perfect.

Not even the game system blocks green blood.

This trivial sneak attack is over, and now is the time to face the test.

Hundreds of spore people gathered in front, but the signal receiver indicated that they must go to the opposite side.

"Come four people and go to the nearby area to see if there is a way around them," Brother Wolf said. "Two go to my left and two go to my right. Pay attention to the time. No matter what you find, it will take fifteen minutes. We must gather here later. Two more people..."

Players don't know the structure here and can only spread out to find the way past.

Each player was given a small task and had to complete it as much as possible without making a big fuss. Effective intelligence is very crucial in a place where you are unfamiliar with your life.

Five minutes later.

[Supreme Crazy Young Man]: Brother Lang, I found a way to go to the other side, but it's a bit dangerous. Do you want to come and take a look? QWQ
  [Wolf meowing like a cat]: I'm coming.

Tudou Girl observed the situation ahead.

When Brother Wolf came to her side, she was still gesturing with her fingers.

Brother Wolf looked forward. There were all spore people blocking the road in front of him, and he couldn't find a route that could be passed.

He stretched his head and stared at Tutu Girl.

The deep breathing caught Tudou Girl's attention.

Only then did she realize that Brother Wolf was coming, so she looked at Brother Wolf's shoes curiously. They looked ordinary and a bit bulky.

But why does Brother Lang make no sound at all when he walks?

Tudou Girl pointed forward.

A swarm of spore monsters?
  Brother Wolf frowned.

Seeing that Brother Lang didn't understand what she meant, Tutu Girl turned her head and whispered in Brother Wolf's ear: "Look at the wall, those should be passages for transporting goods."

Freight lane?

Brother Wolf finally noticed.

There are some protruding partitions on the metal wall at the edge of the swarm of spores.

These partitions are about five meters high from the ground, and some have robotic arms next to them.

On the partitions, boxes of various sizes were piled up in a messy manner, but they were generally neat.

Was this empty space originally used to transport supplies?
  Now it is occupied by spore people.

Brother Wolf continued to observe.

On the edges of the partitions, there are short partitions in most places to prevent goods from falling. They are about as high as a fist.

This is good news.

The existence of the isolation board allows players to lie down on the cargo channel without being discovered by the spore people below.

"Good idea." Brother Wolf confirmed Tudou Girl's idea.

"Then, can I not go?" Tudou Girl whispered, "It would be too scary to crawl through the heads of these monsters."

One player laughed: "Isn't it right, Tudou Girl? You don't dare to go with your opinion?"

"These are two different things!" Tudou Girl retorted.

Brother Lang said directly: "Well, give me your bag. The signal receiver is in it, right? You go find a safe place first and start the transmission queue."

Tudou Girl was completely shocked.

Such a direct discussion of the matter made her feel like her little mind was suddenly smashed to pieces.

It shattered with a bang.

Did you just abandon her without even saying a word of comfort?
  A wooden head with no emotional intelligence.

Cold, vicious, expressionless.

Let Tudou Girl gnash her teeth secretly.

So she also put on this look and said feebly: "I changed my mind. I'm going too."

Aren't they just a few spores, if they make her angry, they'll be chopped into pieces by her.

Brother Wolf had no idea about this.

He was not curious about the change in Tudou Girl's expression, nor did he have any intention of exploring. Now his mind was filled with the matter of sending the players there through the cargo channel.

"Brother Wolf!"

The players are all here, the numbers have been counted, and no one is missing.

They found no other way past.

That means that players must get through the monsters. (End of chapter)

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