Chapter 59 Mission Completion
The pick-up car drove into Meizi Street.

"Speaking of which, was Meizi Street like this before?" the company staff was full of doubts.

At the intersection of Meizi Street, there are three huge calligraphy and paintings hanging on the traffic lights.

On the left is "Your grandpa came here for a visit", on the right is "Your grandma has gone far", and above the head is "Welcome to the sunset red tour group".

The handwriting is flying and dancing, and the backs of the calligraphy and paintings on both sides are also signed with the nicknames of the players.

"Of course not," said the driver who answered the car. "Since the Wild Wolf Gang fell apart, a gang called the Flying Potato Sect has occupied Meizi Street. A few days ago, a large group of people who claimed to be members of the Sacred Cult suddenly appeared. Where did it come from?"

He pointed to his temple, and said to the people in the car: "You guys in Meizi Street, you have to be careful. Those people from the Flying Potato God Sect, there is something wrong here."

The company people wanted to ask something else, but seeing the strange expressions of the other people in the car, they seemed to be holding back their laughter.

The driver stopped the car and waited for the traffic light.

In front of him, a player who was standing upside down and trying to walk with his hands wobbled across the zebra crossing.

In fact, it can no longer be called a zebra crossing.

The players painted every glowing zebra crossing into a stick figure of the human body, and it seemed that the ink was not dry yet.

This may be a real sidewalk.

"Auction! Bidding is now available!"

On the side of the road, a female player stood on a high platform, under the neon lights emitting a reddish halo.

Next to it was another female player who was tied up with a rope and her mouth was gagged.

She shouted towards the road below: "Next to me is the auction item, a poor woman, twenty years old!"

The female player slapped the other female player's buttocks hard: "Look at this fat butt, I don't know who will be cheaper!"

The other female player blushed, spat out the blockage in her mouth, and yelled to overwhelm the shouting female player.

They were laughing and playing around on the high platform.

"You must not step on these dangerous traps," the driver of the car said solemnly, "I heard that some people couldn't stand the temptation and really went to ask these lunatics of the God religion, but those lunatics shouted and ran beside them. Dozens of big and three thick men came out. The person who asked the question was scared away at that time."

He said: "These people are dangerous, cunning, and do all kinds of evil. Although they don't collect protection fees like the Wild Wolf Gang, it's just a disguise, just like their god. Although these lunatics keep saying that their god is a potato with wings , but I think it’s more like a cyberpsychopath with twelve prosthetic arms.”

Brother Wolf and Smoker turned their heads and stared at Potato Girl.

Potato girl smiled.

The receiving car continued to drive forward.

The four motorcycles on the side of the road are shining with colorful lights, which act as both sound system and ambient light.

Seven or eight players twisted their waists in a unified rhythm, and pulled their hands from their foreheads to the back of their heads.

On the other side of the road, there was a middle-aged player selling skewers.

This is most likely to be aberrant.

"The skewers are sold cheap! One groschen, one groschen! Don't miss it when you pass by!"

The middle-aged player used the exhaust pipe of the car as a horn and yelled hard.

As for the source of the exhaust pipe, it is very simple. There is a burning car next to it, and half of the car is crowded on the second floor of the roadside building, as if it flew up.

On the streets of the busy city, the number of aboriginal businesses visible to the naked eye has decreased by half, and the vacant shops are naturally occupied by players and used for other purposes.

Bang bang bang!
There was a burst of gunfire ahead.

The smoker rolled down the window and poked his head out from the passenger seat.

A player, with a cigarette in his mouth, shoots at lines drawn in white paint.

Bullets flew everywhere.

"I told you to look at the white line!" He said to the player in the car in front, "Do you see this corner in the rearview mirror? If you see it, turn the steering wheel."

The smoker asked, "What are you doing?"

The player who spoke smiled: "Anchor, there is my cousin in the car. He is going to take the driver's license test after a month. He is a novice, so he has to practice more. Anyway, this game is so real, if you don't practice, you don't practice for nothing .”

He saw that the car was crooked, and his face changed: "Wrong! Wrong again! Haven't you developed your brain? I practiced in the game for two hours and put the car back into the garage, but I haven't made any progress!"

The receiving vehicle continued to move forward slowly.

It can be seen that the driver drove very cautiously.

Whenever there is a possibility of danger, he would rather drive at the speed of a turtle crawling.

Even at night, neon lights illuminate the street.

After passing the busy city, the number of players dropped a lot.

"It's finally out," the driver said, "I'll break out in a cold sweat every time I drive here this week, for fear of accidentally offending those lunatics from the god religion. But, to be honest, the entertainment videos they made are still pretty good. Yes. I heard the guy who sold the film was a fat guy, like—"

He gestured towards the smoker: "Yes, almost as fat as you."

The potato girl in the back seat laughed out loud.

In mid-air, holographic images of flying birds shuttled back and forth, and the translucent images could not block the sight of the aerial sightseeing airship.


[Male host]: Dear viewers, this is the channel "Night Interest".As you can see, Plum Street has changed a lot.These changes come from a new gang, the "Flying Potato Cult", who replaced the Wolf Gang and ruled Plum Street.

[Female Host]: Compared with traditional gangs like the Wild Wolf Gang, I personally prefer the current Flying Potato Sect.They also have a strange vitality.

The two hosts stood in the live broadcast room of the sightseeing airship and broadcast live through the camera equipment under the airship.

[Male host]: This kind of vitality has caused a huge impact on the branch of the Giant Spirit Building in the fourth district.Especially the security personnel of the building. According to reliable sources, their number of security personnel has tripled.

[Female host]: It is worth mentioning that the warden of the Fourth District Prison applied for the expansion of the prison, because the prison is full of members of the Flying Potato Sect.In addition, the maintenance cost of the Giant Spirit Building Branch in District [-] has increased fourfold this month.

[Male Host]: However, the Flying Potato God Sect is not useless.I really like watching their new video, it has a wild beauty.


The pick-up car drove to the wasteland gate.

Four security personnel from the Giant Spirit Glory Company stood against the wall with their guns in hand, chatting casually.

"Don't stop here!" The company man covered his face, "If I'm found out, they'll kill me!"

"It's all right," the driver said, "you climb up in the back seat, switch places with me, and everyone gets out of the car except you."

The company staff nodded: "Is this what the middleman said? I understand. Now that my face is not good enough to investigate in the Giant Spirit City, I need to contact the prosthetic doctor first and have the facial plastic surgery done in the wasteland."

The three got out of the car.

The company people drove the pick-up car, quickly drove out of the gate, and drove into the wasteland.

"Mission completed?" Potato Girl asked.

Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the receiving vehicle driving on the wasteland exploded, and a huge macular mushroom cloud rose.

The company people sitting inside were blown to pieces in an instant.

"It's done now," said the driver.

(End of this chapter)

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