Chapter 87
Although this power armor looks bulky, it can go a long way in one step, and its steps are steady.

The steep slope environment of the dunes is easily overcome by it.

The huge ferocious battle ax swayed while running, reflecting bloodthirsty light.

Brother Wolf's muscles tensed up.

He yelled, "Run!"

The cute boy stood up, turned his head and ran away.

After running for more than three seconds, he realized that brother wolf hadn't followed.

Looking back, the distance between Brother Wolf and the steel monster was less than 50 meters.

[Big-eyed cute boy]: Brother Wolf!

[Wolf who meows like a cat]: Why do you turn back!Walk!I'll help you delay!
The cute boy immediately ran forward.

While running, he contacted Bang Bang Jiang.

【no signal】

The information given to him by the game interface made him choke.

"Cough cough."

Brother Wolf's roar came from behind, and there were several gunshots.

The cute boy couldn't figure out what method Brother Wolf would use to delay the time as much as possible.

That tomahawk was as big as a door panel, and it was obvious from just looking at it that it could kill a player with one blow.

world channel.

[Big-eyed cute boy]: Is there anyone?I'm here!Brother Wolf and I are going to be killed by elite monsters!

[Big-eyed cute boy] shared the location.

The cute boy had no hope at first.

But this time, the game interface did not prompt [No Signal], and the message was sent smoothly.

The players were talking.

[Reverse smoking like a fairy]: What are elite monsters like?I'll tidy up the team so that I don't have to turn into a gourd baby to save grandpa and hang one by one.

[Big-eyed cute boy]: I feel that even if there is a large group of players, they are still here to die.

[Reverse smoking like a fairy]:?

[Big-eyed cute boy]: It's not an elite monster, but a group of about fifty or sixty.The airship in Giant Spirit City was blown up just now.

[Reverse smoking like a fairy]: See you in three days, have a good journey.

The cute boy put away the game interface.

Running wildly all the way made his throat feel like it was on fire, and the soles of his feet were burning with pain.

The wind kept blowing and changing directions.

Once there is a headwind, it will be more difficult to run.

He has already eaten a lot of flying sand, if this is real, I am afraid that he will have to wash his stomach.

There was no more sound behind me.

Mengnan felt that he had run far enough, so he turned around.

Only 20 meters away, the steel monster rushed towards him with a huge battle axe.

It's too big!

Only when you get close can you feel its oppressive force.

This steel monster is about three meters high, like a giant, with thick armor covered in scars all over its body.

The cute boy opened his mouth and ran while screaming.

Before he could take a few steps, a big metal hand slapped him from behind, and the heavy pressure caused him to fall down instantly.

"It's over, I'm going to hang up." Meng Nan only had this thought in his mind.

A processed electronic voice came from the steel monster. It was a man's voice: "Wastelander? You run very fast. But no matter how fast you run, you can't outrun the power armor."

The cute man turned over and saw the steel monster thrusting the huge battle ax into the sand.

"Please rest assured, we are all reasonable people," said the electronic voice from the steel monster, "but it is a matter of war, and caution is necessary. Go and sit on our vehicles, wastelanders."

The cute man turned his gaze around the steel monster in front of him, and saw Brother Lang being tied up with rope by two other steel monsters, still trying to struggle.

world channel.

[Big-eyed cute boy]: Don't come, Brother Wolf and I were arrested.Might not die yet.

[Reverse smoking like a fairy]: Don't worry, since she is not dead, maybe it is necessary for the plot.The plot is coming, no matter how strong you are, you will become a little white rabbit without fighting power.This is plot killing, no shame.

[Supreme Crazy Young Master]: Rabbit?I want to eat braised rabbit, what should I do?
[Reverse smoking like a fairy]: Tudou girl, please be serious, this is a plot.

[Supreme Crazy Young Master]: I'm hungry.Decided, eat rabbit today!Bunny is so cute, it must taste good.

The steel monster grabbed the cute man's waist with both hands, and carried him on his shoulders.

"We're running out of time," he heard the steel monster say, "Giant Glory will respond. Let's go!"


The cute boy and brother wolf were bound like crabs by thick ropes, unable to move.

The bottom of the vehicle kept shaking, and it was unknown where these steel monsters were going with the looted supplies.

"Now I can speak well."

The steel behemoth sat on a solid metal chair and turned the hidden gear at its neck.

Hot white steam spewed out from many places around its neck.

The steel behemoth grabbed its metal helmet and pulled it upwards.

A man shows his face.

Gritty, tired, unshaven.

"Are you human?" the cute man blurted out.

"What else? What else can I be? Those disgusting mutants?" The man said with a smile, "If you wander the wasteland long enough, you will definitely know our names."

With his metal arms resting on his metal knees, he leaned forward: "Dawn Brotherhood. Have you never heard of your expression? This is really rare."

The cute man said: "My friend and I have been living in Giant Spirit City. We have never heard of Brotherhood of Dawn."

The man smiled heartily and said: "That's understandable. Giant Spirit Glory Company has been blocking the news from the outside world and keeping the people of Giant Spirit City behind a high wall. It's been a long time. 200 years, 300 years? In short, Since I was born, I have never heard of anyone talking about the lifting of the blockade of Giant Spirit City."

He continued: "Then why did you come here? This sandstorm is too big, if you are not careful, you will lose your life."

[Big-eyed cute boy]: Brother Wolf: Don't talk, I'm trying to trick him.

"I've been in pain," the cute boy showed bitterness, "Many people who live in the Giant Spirit City want to join the Giant Spirit Glory Company, and spend their entire lives trying to climb to higher floors of the Giant Spirit Building; the rest, Either become a gang member or die in a dark alley. I don't like Djinn City at all."

[Wolf who meows like a cat]: Is this true?

[Big-eyed cute boy]: Really.Brother Wolf, a large group of NPCs joined our Flying Potato Sect these days, so I did a simple field investigation by the way.

"Then congratulations," the man in the steel monster turned his head to look at Brother Wolf who was secretly rubbing the rope, trying to break the bondage, "and your friends. You are no longer caged birds of the Giant Spirit Glory Company. Tsk, forever It's sad to be locked up behind high walls."

The cute man continued to guide the man in front of him: "But... where else can we go? I don't want to go back to the Giant Spirit City anymore. The wasteland is full of mutants, and they will die if they are not careful."

The man in the steel monster didn't know whether he saw through the cute man's words, or he didn't care at all: "Well, our guerrilla team will pass by a small town in the wasteland. It's a relatively safe settlement. Aberration-tainted clean water. I'll put you there."

world channel.

[Big-eyed cute boy]: Brother Wolf and I are being taken to another place.There must be a new map there.

[Reverse smoking like a fairy]: Let me just say, it must have run far enough to trigger the plot.

[Player A]: Long live the cute boy!

[Player B]: Long live the big guy!

[Player C]: Long live the big guy!

[Player D]: What kind of man, don't you copy and paste?
[Player E]: Long live the big guy!

"Captain!" A steel monster came over, "All members, there should be 52 people, but there are... 53 people! There is one more!"

(End of this chapter)

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