Chapter 88 The Ruins
"How come there are 53 people?" The man glanced at Mengnan and Brother Lang, "Has everyone been checked?"

The steel monster also glanced at the two people: "That's exactly what I want to say, Captain. The data shows that one of the two captives is ours."

It pointed at the cute boy: "That's him!"

The cute boy looked at the finger pointing at him and was dumbfounded.

When did he join this fraternity?
"Tell me, wastelander," the man's eyes became serious, "what are you carrying?"

"I didn't bring anything." The cute boy was tied up with a rope, and he couldn't find out what was misunderstood on him.

The man took the scanner from the steel monster, scanned the cute boy for five or six seconds, and took out a card from his trouser pocket.

The cute boy suddenly reacted.

Isn't this the card given to him by the owner of the weapon shop on Plum Street?What did that say?It's useless, you can give it to your network hacker friends to exercise their computing power.

This is useless?Probably dying.I was really hurt by Lao Jin.

The man stared at the emblem on the corner of the card: sword, wings, gears.

He asked, "Wasteland man, where did you get this thing?"

The man inserted the card into a slot in his arm.

【Brotherhood of Dawn·Fearless Legion·Captain】

[Status: Lost for more than 20 years]

[Related Event: "The Great Split"]

["Big Split": You do not have permission to view this event]

He let out a long sigh, and the original hearty smile disappeared.

"Is he okay?" the man asked. "That's the one who gave you the ID card."

The cute boy thought about it.

Lao Jin has a beer belly and is good at marksmanship, so there is nothing wrong with him.

Especially after the game's public beta, Lao Jin sold weapons to make money and made money, and his figure became more and more plump.

"Very good," Mengnan said, "very happy."

"That's good. The past is in the past." The man let out a breath.

The cute boy asked: "Is he... one of yours?"

"It used to be," the man said, "the once invincible Dreadnought Legion, since that incident... Forget it, don't mention it."

He continued: "Since the captain gave you his ID card, it means that he recognized you. How about it, do you want to join our Brotherhood of Dawn?"

"Can I think about it?"

The man stood up and smiled again: "This matter has to be carefully considered. Well, when you want to join the brotherhood, you can go to the conscription office in Thunder City with your friends with this ID card .”

Thunder City?Another city.

The man said: "Open the window, and show the two of you the most important things hidden in the Giant Spirit City."

Metal gears turned, revealing thick bulletproof glass.

Has the dust storm passed, or have they left the area affected by the dust storm?
The strong light illuminates the surroundings, and there are ancient ruins everywhere.

A few people with guns and wearing power armor killed a few mutants that emerged.

The cute boy and Brother Wolf both looked out the window.

They had never seen ruins of this scale.

"Isn't it magnificent?" the man said beside them. "The fraternity bachelor once told me that this is an extremely huge city. Archaeological work shows that at least 2000 million people worked and lived here until the Great Wall. The cataclysm came and ended everything.

This area is so large that there will always be a lot of useful things left behind.For these things, the Giant Spirit Glory Company has had large-scale conflicts with our Brotherhood more than once.Those shameless, cowardly, and mercenary scum don't deserve to share the spoils with the Brotherhood. "

world channel.

[Big-eyed cute boy]: Shared video 1.

[Big-eyed cute boy]: Shared video 2.

The world is destroyed.

The former big cities were buried in the dust of history, leaving ruins and countless aberrations.

Humanity is not extinct.

They survived tenaciously and found what they needed in the ruins of the big city of the past.

Bit by bit, human beings rebuild civilization.


"Wait, isn't this picking up trash?" Yao Luo said.

He sat side by side with the brain-machine Anton.

"Can you stop spoiling the atmosphere, Your Majesty the Flying Potato God?" the brain-machine man Anton continued to read affectionately, "They have done things that were not possible at the peak of civilization. The worst disaster did not destroy civilization. , On the contrary, it makes human science and technology more powerful and reaches a new height.”

Yao Luo bit the lollipop, thinking of finding another reason to update the game version.

"Your Majesty the Flying Potato," Anton held out his pink brain glass ball, "I have something, can you please deign to help me?"


"The thing is like this," Anton, the brain robot, rubbed its two robotic hands like a fly, "Isn't this the dissected body of the leader of the Fire Gang? I have an idea, but this idea needs to be A little financial support."

Yao Luo's eyes froze: "How much do you want?"

Anton's manipulator turned in a circle: "Actually... it's not much, I estimated it, 50 Groschen!"

It spread out its palm and stretched out the five fingers of the mechanical hand.

Yao Luo bit the lollipop in his mouth.

Anton hesitated for a moment, observing the change in Yao Luo's face, one of the five fingers retracted and turned into four fingers.

Yao Luo chewed on the lollipop fragments in his mouth, just like chewing on Anton's pink and tender brain.

The Brain-Machine fell to the ground, with four robotic arms hugging Yao Luo's thigh, crying in a choked tone: "Your Majesty the God of Flying Potato! Your Majesty the God of Flying Potato! You are a wise and handsome Flying Potato God! I am your dog, you say Go east, I dare not go west! I love you deeply, and I would like to be the dust under your feet! Your Majesty the Flying Potato God!"

"I want to see results."

"You will definitely see it! I promise!" In a trance, a vague scene appeared in Anton's long-term memory, as if it was no different from the present.

No matter in which era, is research funding always so scarce?
[Luoshui Three Thousands]: The hooded one, I'm short of money.Do you have 40 Groschens?

[Mysterious Man]: Mr. Shenming, are you serious?
[Luoshui Three Thousands]: Very serious.

[Mysterious Man]: Mr. Shenming, please forgive my offense.I would like to use the words of your digital life, "Why don't you grab it".

[Luoshui Three Thousands]: The one wearing the hood, are you drifting away?

[Mysterious Man]: How dare I provoke the wrath of the gods.Mr. Shenmei, this is actually a good way.I know where the coffers of the various gangs in Djinn City are, and you can collect the ill-gotten wealth yourself.

Yao Luo nodded.

This is indeed a good way.


Mengnan and Brother Lang stayed in the ruins of the city, watching the combat vehicles of the Brotherhood of Dawn guerrillas driving farther and farther.

"I'm going to find Shen Ruoxue and her brother," Meng Nan said, "Brother Wolf, but why did you follow me?"

Brother Wolf looked at the direction he came from: "The first time we fought, the entire army was wiped out. This dealt a big blow to those soldiers. Besides, didn't we already know the location of Thunder City?"

The cute man opened the game map, and saw a red dot flashing in a place far away from the Giant Spirit City.

(End of this chapter)

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