Chapter 29 Golden City Devil
After the previous barrage passed, another barrage with special effects appeared.

"Doctor Chen, is the small northern city you mentioned, Jincheng?"

"I seem to know who he is."

"Oh my god! Is it really him?"

"Absolutely him!"

"The first deceased in that case was a rich man, and the No. 2 deceased was a female worker."

The emergence of the word Jincheng seems to have stabbed a hornet's nest.

The location is Shuiyou in Jincheng.

Started to use various oral gymnastics, "Greetings" Hangzhou No. 180 Yuji, [-] generations of ancestors.

Even after swearing, the account will be officially banned.

Local netizens in Jincheng are still fighting.

"The death penalty is considered cheap for him."

"This kind of demon should be Lingchi!"

"It's too much to write down."

"Scum ah ah ah ah ah!"

"At that time, there were too few Skynets. If it were changed to today, this kind of devil would have died a long time ago."

"Are you talking about the Jincheng Devil?"

"Because of him, all primary and secondary schools in the city must be dismissed before dark."

"A city of 100 million people has been terrorized by this demon for almost 20 years."

"If this bastard was placed in ancient times, it would be easy to kill his nine clans, and the earthworms in the house would be chopped horizontally."

"That's sixteen lives! No wonder Dr. Chen said he has cold-blooded psychosis."

Even if they are not local water friends in Jincheng, they still hate the Jincheng demon.

Jincheng Devil, a frightening nickname.

In just five years, sixteen innocent people were killed.

The means are cruel, and the anti-reconnaissance ability is strong.

Different from ordinary cold-blooded murderers.

The Jincheng Devil commits crimes without any direction.

It's random killing.

Some media dubbed him a modern-day Ripper.

Chen Yu glanced at the barrage and said, "There are more than sixteen victims who were killed by him."

"The No. 1 victim, the local rich man, was killed when his wife was eight months pregnant."

"When I went home and saw the tragic situation of my husband, my wife not only suffered a severe mental shock, but also lost the child in my stomach."

"The security captain suffered from severe depression due to the tragic death of his wife, and eventually left."

"There are also parents and relatives of many victims who have been admitted to the hospital for psychological treatment."

"He ruined 34 lives, really."

The inside story behind these cases was discovered by Chen Yu through Tianji.

It has never been publicly disclosed.

None of the local water friends in Jincheng knew that there were so many victims.

"Whoever can find the location of this bastard, I will give him 10 yuan!!!"

"What the hell, I'll add another hundred thousand!"

"Is there any master hacker in the live broadcast room, help to find out the IP address of this demon."

"I'm in Hangcheng. Is there any local brother who will form a group with me to get him?"

"Sign up."

"The victim's family has been crying all day long, but this bastard is alive and well, this damn is unreasonable!"

"I never believe in reincarnation, but I hope he can sink into the eighteenth level of hell forever."

The sense of justice of the water friends is fully reflected at this moment.

There are still a lot of articles and news about Jincheng Devil.

The reason why Jincheng Devil can escape capture again and again.

Partly because of his high IQ.

another reason.

It is limited by the technology of the times.

Twenty years ago, surveillance probes appeared only in a few first-tier cities.

And not many.

Back then, let alone DNA databases.

Even the Internet is not popular.

Even if criminal investigation technology is backward.

The local authorities in Jincheng have not given up on the investigation.

In the past 20 years, seven leaders of the task force have changed.

Six of them were tired and fell on the front line of the investigation.

Since the emergence of serial murders, and learned that the murderer is a person.

The people of the whole city fell into panic.

Every household is equipped with anti-theft doors, and almost no one dares to go out at night.

Worried that the devil not only kills, but also steals sex.

There are always some pretty women in Jincheng.

Not marrying out.

It is to dress yourself up in an ugly way.

Even skirts, they dare not wear too much.

"You devil! Give back my cousin's life!"

"Son, the murderer has been found, and you can finally rest in peace."

"I'll buy a ticket to go to Hangzhou now, to witness the end of your demon with my own eyes!"

Following Chen Yu's exposure of Hangzhou's No. [-] Entertainment Record, he was the Jincheng Devil back then.

The number of people in the live broadcast room exceeded 150 million in an instant.

Most of them are local citizens of Jincheng.

Chen Yu accidentally created a live broadcast spectacle.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens from one city gathered in one live broadcast room.

"I heard that the anchor caught the Jincheng Demon online. Is it really so magical?"

"I'm going, don't you want to be so exaggerated, is this the Jincheng Association? Why are all the water friends with Jincheng's IP?"

"They are not water friends, they are suffering masters."

"Is this the modern-day Jack the Ripper? It's not as scary as the legend says."

"Upstairs, in this atmosphere, is it appropriate for you to say such words?"

"It is recommended to resume Lingchi."

"For the first time, I feel that the word suggestion sounds so nice."

"I'm new here, should I line up and scold, or just start spraying?"

Facing the overwhelming abuse, Hangzhou No. [-] Entertainment was panicked.

Gritting his teeth, he began to quibble.

"Just because I wanted to beat you, you actually labeled me a murderer."

"You are so cruel!"

"False is always false. No one will believe a false accusation without any evidence."

He came here with the purpose of cracking down on fakes.

Never thought of it.

A perfect crime will be discovered one day.

"You think your series of cases have been done seamlessly."

"But I don't know, there is no perfect clothes in the world, only the recovery of the sky."

Chen Yu sneered.

"In the first six crimes, you did it carefully and did not leave any clues."

"By the seventh time, you start to get megalomaniacal."

"A large number of personal traces were left at the scene."

"Limited by technology, the police used the most primitive human investigation to solve the case back then."

"Comparing fingerprints and footprints, we use a magnifying glass to compare them one by one."

"Wait until the police start collecting fingerprints of the city's residents, and you run more than 100 kilometers away to live in another city."

"But it didn't stop committing crimes."

"For the next few crimes, you returned to Jincheng by car."

"After the murder, you will leave immediately by car."

"Because of the heinous nature of the case you committed, Jincheng Bus Station has become the first city in the country that needs to register personal ticket purchase information."

"In the warehouse of the bus station, there are still records of your ticket purchases that year."

"At that time, the Jincheng police did not have a big data analysis and comparison system."

"There is no biological information collection system."

"But now, it's all there."

"The marks left by you for provoking the police will soon become the rope to hang you."


There was a loud bang outside the door.

Countless figures rushed in quickly.

The No. [-] Yuji of Hangzhou, who was sitting firmly on the chair, was thrown down by four or five police officers in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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