Chapter 30 Zhaoxue for the person who died in vain

"Are there really prophets in this world?"

Hangcheng No. [-] Entertainment Ji, who was crushed tightly below, roared loudly.

Immediately afterwards, the screen at Hangzhou No. [-] Entertainment Ji turned into a black screen.

"Doctor Chen, you just recruit."

"If it wasn't for metaphysics, I'd be flying upside down."

"Upstairs tastes heavy, but I like it."

"Except for the prophet, I never imagined how the anchor could solve the case."

The water friends waited eagerly to see how Chen Yu would explain it.

"I can know these hidden criminal activities because of the help of this expert."

Chen Yu got up and walked out of the camera range.

Today's scene is a bit big.

Fortunately, we have been prepared.

It's time to bring out the shield.

The water friends were dumbfounded.

What is Chen Yu doing with a portrait of a foreigner?
"Doctor Chen, we are brothers, and I am also the disciple of this expert."

A water friend whose online name is Punishing Evil and Promoting Good Detective, sent a barrage of jokes.

"By the way, why didn't Hangzhou No. [-] Entertainment Reporter run away before the police tea hit the door?"

"Now it's not 20 years ago, do you think he ran away?"

"Doctor Chen, who is this foreign bearded man?"

The barrage of water friends came rolling in.

Ask who is in the picture.

Chen Yu smiled slightly and said, "Kraft Ebing, one of the founders of criminal psychology."

"I took criminal psychology as an elective in college."

"I have learned a lot from this expert's writings."

"Thus, we can accurately analyze the whole process of the crime committed by Hangzhou No. [-] Entertainment Records."

In college, Chen Yu did take criminal psychology as an elective.

Just because the credits are enough.

Talking too much nonsense, Chen Yu didn't blush at all.

The water friends continued to be confused.

Is criminal psychology so good?
Otherwise, go and buy a few related books.

Maybe he could become a crime-solving expert.

"After committing a crime, a cold-blooded psychopath reacts very differently from an ordinary criminal."

"Ordinary criminals will fall into long-term tension, anxiety and fear after committing a crime."

"The cold-blooded psychopaths are different, they will have a game mentality with the official."

"Every time a crime is successfully committed, there will be a sense of contempt for the police and everything."

"Achieve the double happiness of IQ and psychology."

"Hangcheng No. [-] Yuji is active on the live broadcast platform, taking pleasure in exposing other people's privacy."

"In addition to destroying other people's lives in this way, I might not have the idea of ​​​​continuing the game."

If it weren't for the help of Tianji.

Chen Yu couldn't figure it out at all, Hangzhou No. [-] Entertainment Ji was not only inhuman.

He's still an arrogant scumbag.

Others commit shocking crimes.

It's not about hiding in the dark and shivering, praying to God and Buddha to protect you from being caught.

He must also dare not continue to show his face in public.

Hangzhou No. [-] Entertainment Ji didn't bother to do such a shameful thing.

Just show up every day.

"Skynet is prosperous, sparse but not leaking."

"Doctor Chen is mighty!"

"Doctor Chen, can you tell me when this demon will be shot?"

Seeing this barrage, Chen Yu smiled lightly and said, "One and a half months later."

"Hey, why do these words sound so familiar?"

"Of course it sounds familiar. Dr. Chen said it more than 20 minutes ago."

"I want to come. Dr. Chen said that Hangzhou No. [-] Entertainment Ji died of illness and had four months left. If he knew the condition in advance, he could only live for one and a half months."

"Doctor Chen, what does four months mean?"

Another water friend was puzzled.

Chen Yu said: "Two months later, the Jincheng police will introduce an advanced comprehensive DNA testing device."

"Then, a city-wide DNA collection will be carried out."

"When the sister of Hangzhou No. [-] Entertainment Ji is detected, the database will send out an alarm."

"She is highly consistent with the current DNA samples left by the murderer."

"Follow the vines, and finally confirm that the No. [-] Yuji in Hangzhou is the Jincheng Devil."

Even without Chen Yu's presence.

Hangzhou No. [-] Yuji will soon fall into the French Open.


Over the years, Hangzhou No. [-] Entertainment has used the Internet and high-tech means to poach people's privacy.

In the end, he was arrested because of high technology.

It can't but be said to be a kind of ridicule.

Thinking of this, a word appeared in Chen Yu's mind.

The cycle of heaven and retribution is not good.

"Today was really enjoyable. I first watched a blockbuster business war movie, and then watched a large-scale crime scene."

"Compared to Dr. Chen's live broadcast room, foreign commercial blockbusters are like a younger brother."

"Dr. Chen, you missed the bottom line just now, be careful that the relevant department arrests you for sectioning."

Chen Yu invited out the father of criminal psychology.

It really makes the water friends skeptical.

I think Chen Yu saw that Hangzhou No. [-] Entertainment Ji is the devil of Jincheng.

From criminal psychology knowledge.

But what he said next.

The old bottom was completely exposed.

Can tell what happened two months later.

What else could it be if it wasn't metaphysics?

"Don't pretend to be an anchor, they are all on their own, why pretend to be deep."

"Doctor Chen, why don't you set up a trumpet and tell us old irons quietly."

"Good idea, ask the Heavenly Master to guide you."

Seeing that the water friends were going to talk about metaphysics again, Chen Yu sent these guys to silence for an hour.

"Fun, play, play, don't make fun of science, let's play first."

Chen Yu instantly felt two streams of merit and luck pouring into his body.

One of the good luck.

It has reached a majestic level.

It made Chen Yu feel like his body was going to explode.

"What the hell is this?"

Too late to think about it.

Chen Yu immediately locked the store door and sat cross-legged.

From yesterday to today.

Chen Yu performed a total of six secret tricks.

Yesterday was Zhou Kexin, waiting for the rain under the cherry tree, Zhang Qingshan, Uncle Zhang.

Today is Brother Xu, Mr. Xu and Hangzhou No. [-] Entertainment.

Chen Yu has already digested the three strands of meritorious luck from yesterday.

In the live broadcast just now, Chen Yu only helped Brother Xu change his fate.

There should be only one good luck.

How come there is another one.

And so majestic.

Two hours later, Chen Yu finally digested these two strands of merit and luck.

At the same time, I understood the mystery.

He really only helped Brother Xu change his fate.


Chen Yu also found the murderer for the sixteen lonely souls who died in vain.

Isn't this a great merit?

It is a merit to help people change their lives.

Zhaoxue for the person who died in vain.

It is a great merit.

Think along this line of thought.

Chen Yu stood up excitedly.

There are many ways to gain merit.

Changing fate and luck, redressing injustice.

has been identified.

So what about exhorting people to be kind?
Definitely got a head start!
Chen Yu opened the door and prepared to eat something.

Treat yourself to your smart brain cells.


There was an order outside the door, and the sound of gongs and drums sounded instantly.

"Doctor Chen, this is a little sympathy I prepared for you. It's not a tribute, it's not a tribute."

Zhang Qingshan stood in front of the store smiling with his grandson and son.

Before Chen Yu could react.

Two strong men lifted a statue from a truck.

Moved straight to Chen Yu.

Chen Yu's eyes straightened all of a sudden.

what the hell.

Freud made of gold?

(End of this chapter)

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