Chapter 41

"Dr. Chen paused. It's leather trousers and cotton trousers. There must be a reason."

"Good poetry."

"Whoever marries this young lady will definitely smoke from the ancestral grave."

"Isn't it Qingyan?"

"The coffin of ancestral spirit exploded, and there was nothing but black smoke."

"Marry someone who commits suicide at every turn and is full of love. When she returns home, she will not be able to hold on even with her tough fate."

"Even if the confession is rejected, the young lady can justify committing suicide. What is this, self-sacrifice?"

"Compared to her, Wang Baochuan, the patriarch of the love brain, is a junior sister."

"I think she should be the grandmother of the love brain. Throughout history, I can't find a second one."

The water friends all felt sympathy for the boy.

It is estimated that boys can't think of anything.

It is because of him that my fellow countryman and classmate have committed suicide many times.

If you know, you will be woken up from sleep.

Chen Yu said slowly: "Seeing that you were chatting and laughing with that boy, your mother thought that your condition has improved after treatment by a psychiatrist."

"Go to the living room and call the psychiatrist immediately."

"Just as your mother left, the boy suddenly told you a few well-known ancient love stories."

"You feel like the boy is borrowing a story to confess his love to you."

"Gradually his face turned red, his heart beat so fast that he couldn't breathe, and then he passed out directly."

"When you wake up, the boy is gone."

"You stayed at home honestly for a few days, which made your mother think that her condition has improved a lot."

"The supervision of you is not so strict."

"You took the opportunity to sneak out of the house and wanted to tell the boy that you were willing to accept his confession."

"You didn't find out until you arrived that the boy's house had been sold."

"And he didn't go back to school until school started."

"I think it was my fainting that scared the boys away. You are committing suicide for the seventh time."

"Since then, your mother put you in restraints and took away all your communication tools."

The process and reasons for committing suicide seven times were all explained by Chen Yu.

Water friends can be regarded as an eye-opener.

Some people charge for love, which turns out to be a script in the end.

Some people swear not to continue for love.

Later, it was revealed that he was a scumbag.

The melancholy Xingdelou committed suicide for love.

One time is not enough, a full seven times.

It seems that there will be an eighth time.

Zhuge Liang captured Meng Huo only seven times.

What the melancholy Xingdelou said next proved everyone's guess.

"Without him in my world, there is no light and hope."

"I can't love each other in this life, I only hope that I can stay together in the next life."

"Doctor Chen, no matter how you know, I will thank you for the love between me and him."

The melancholy Xingdai showed up with a sad smile.

"I am very satisfied to be able to hear the bits and pieces of the past with him again."

"You don't need to worry about me anymore, death is actually a kind of relief for me."

"You can't be a couple in this life, but you will be able to love each other in the next life."

As soon as the melancholy Xing Dailu spoke, the live broadcast room was filled with bullet screens.

"All Arhat Bodhisattvas, great gods and immortals, take action to accept this love brain monster."

"My mother, I have seen the real version of the sick girl with my own eyes. I just emo directly. There is no reason to give up."

"I don't study much, so who can say whether she is sickly or in love."

"Sick and in love with the brain."

"If two love brains get together, they should be very happy, right?"

"It's a good idea upstairs."

"Amitabha, the four elements are empty."

"Master, I understand, I'm going to break up now."

"I realized it too."

"Zhang Jindan, don't you understand me, I'm hungry, go cook."

Waiting for the rain under the cherry blossom tree to pursue the goddess. Although the other party is a man, he has confessed his love after all.

Gender aside.

The love between the two is quite enviable.

The melancholy Xing Dailu's view of love can only be said to make one's scalp tingle.

"Daughter, why are you so stupid!"

The woman hugged the melancholy Xingdelou tightly.

"Mom is your only daughter. If you die, what will mother do?"

"You want to fall in love, my mother agrees a hundred times."

"What kind of boy do you like? Mom will find you tomorrow."

Fearing that her daughter would commit suicide again, the woman was so flustered that she couldn't choose what to say.

As long as the melancholy Xingdelou does not commit suicide.

Tomorrow, she will hold a big blind date event for her daughter.

"Mom, you still don't understand me."

The melancholy Xingdelu shook her head.

"The love I want is the kind of pure love that falls in love at first sight and will never change."

"This kind of love is like Bao Dai's love, or Sima Xiangru Zhuo Wenjun."

The woman was completely speechless.

She really couldn't keep up with the melancholy Xingdelue's brain circuit.

"Miss, stop talking, these two examples are not auspicious."

"Doctor Chen, please help her, we Jimeis can't stand it anymore."

"Melancholy Xing Dailu, this is obviously a distorted view of love."

A lot of female water friends sent barrages one after another.

Except for the sympathetic and melancholic Xingdelu.

What's more, I still hope that Chen Yu can cure her sick and tender love brain.

Two extremely terminal illnesses concentrated on one person.

Too deadly.

Chen Yu smiled lightly: "This patient, you have misunderstood a little."

"What am I misunderstanding?"

The melancholy Xingdelou subconsciously asked.

"He went to your house to see you and tell you a love story, not to confess his love to you."

"I saw that in your bookcase, there are hundreds of books about love from all over the world."

"Guess that love must have a high status in your heart. I specially use the persevering characters in the story to persuade you to get out of the cloud of mental illness."

Chen Yu hesitated for a moment.

"In other words, he is using the love story as an inspirational story to encourage you."

The melancholy Xingdelu was dumbfounded after hearing this.

I will be wrong again.

Although the barrage on the screen is still going on.

But there are very few bullet screens, and they continue to tease and ridicule the melancholy Xingdelu.

Anyone can see.

The melancholy Xing Dai showed her complexion and began to become painful.


Chen Yu only said two words.

The barrage in the live broadcast room is dozens of times.

The eyes of the water friends glistened with excitement.

Chen Yu wanted to drag the car again, and continued to make a big slalom in a straight line.

"But he does have a crush on you, and he will confess his love to you after graduation."


These words are like fairy voices.

The melancholy Xingdelu has a painful and gloomy expression.

There has been a 180 degree change.

Chen Yu nodded and said, "Unfortunately, he doesn't have this chance."

"Before he was injured, he planted a serious hidden disease in his health."

"Not long after he left your house that day, he vomited blood."

"It was diagnosed that the old injury caused liver damage and needed a liver replacement."

"The gangster who beat someone had no money to compensate, so the boy's family could only sell the house to raise money for his son's liver replacement."

"A month ago, he had just completed a liver transplant operation, and then suffered severe rejection."

"Calculating the time, there are still two months to live."

(End of this chapter)

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