Chapter 42

Chen Yu gave the following, no less than a blockbuster.

I just learned that boys have a good impression of me.

After graduation, I will take the initiative to confess.

The melancholy Xingdelou was so happy that she wanted to stand up and celebrate loudly.

But the next moment.

The melancholy Xing Dailu was thrown into the abyss of eternal doom again.

The boy I had been secretly in love with for several years had only two months to live.

"Actually, even if he didn't encounter this crisis."

"You also can't wait for his confession."

The melancholy Xingdelou's mind went blank.

He didn't hear Chen Yu's words at all.

She didn't hear.

The water friend and the melancholy Xingdelou's mother could both hear clearly.

The woman said urgently: "Doctor Chen, does my daughter..."

Chen Yu nodded and said, "It seems that you have guessed it."

"We're back to the very beginning of pathological analysis."

"Broken heart syndrome is not as poignant as your daughter thinks."

Chen Yu said lightly: "Once this disease occurs, it will cause chest tightness, aggrieved, and nervousness in patients."

"I fell into various negative emotions such as sadness and unable to extricate myself."

"Ancient physicians called it heart disease."

"Mostly occur in people who have lost their loved ones and have rough love."

"Your daughter has had a crush on a boy for three years and lacks the courage to confess."

"I fell into the thinking circle of whether he loves me or doesn't love me. This is the cause of the disease."

"Every time your daughter sees him, her heart hurts."

"I thought I was beating my heart, but I didn't know that it was a signal of illness from the heart."

"Broken heart syndrome is a mental illness first. If it is not taken seriously, it will soon become a fatal physical illness."

As he spoke, Chen Yu tapped his chest again.

"Its corresponding physical disease is here."


The woman exclaimed.

At this moment, the woman finally understood.

Chen Yu recounted how her daughter committed suicide several times.

Why is the cardiac response mentioned so many times.

Chen Yu nodded and said, "If you find out early and go to the hospital for treatment in time, the physical condition can be easily cured."

"Once delayed, the negative emotions generated by sadness will continue to cause chest tightness, chest pain, and shortness of breath."

"The nerves release a large amount of adrenaline and dopamine, causing the heart to contract weakly."

"At the same time, the blood vessels will also continue to twitch due to emotional influence."

"The heart cannot get blood vessels to supply in time, and my daughter will die suddenly from cardiac arrest at any time."

Chen Yu breathed a sigh of relief, with a trace of pity in his eyes.

Suicide for the fourth time.

The melancholy Xingdelou generally knew that she might have Broken Heart Syndrome.

Thinking with a clear brain circuit.

This disease is specially prepared for a person like her who loves first.

The melancholy Xing Dai revealed the past using the secret strategy just now.

Chen Yu almost couldn't help covering his face with his hands.

no Zuo no Die.

Absolute wisdom.

"Quack doctors! All quack doctors!!!"

She gritted her teeth femininely.

The daughter's life was hanging by a thread, and the group of psychiatrists kept saying that she was just depressed.

It wasn't Chen Yu pointing Mingjin.

I'm afraid that until she dies, she won't know the real situation of her daughter's illness.

"Ma'am, please calm down first. In fact, you can't completely blame them."

Chen Yu comforted.

"Broken Heart Syndrome is a highly concealed disease, and misdiagnosis often occurs abroad, not to mention domestically."

"In addition, this disease has only been discovered for 30 years, so it is difficult for non-experts to diagnose it."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yu took another look at the melancholy Xing Dailu who had regained consciousness.

The woman hurriedly said: "Doctor Chen, if you can speak so clearly, you will definitely be able to cure my daughter's illness."

"Is 100 million enough? I'll give you 300, no, [-] million!"

Chen Yu said lightly: "If her mental illness is not cured first, even if her body recovers, she will still die."

"And this eighth time to commit suicide, there is no doubt that he will die."

The melancholy Xing Dailu's expression changed.

"Can you cure him?"

After hesitating for a moment, the melancholy Xing Dailu looked at Chen Yu with expectant eyes.


In an instant, the live broadcast room was boiling.

"Doctor Chen showed his feet again."

"Don't dare to say that it's not that kind of person. I'm sure I'm going to send talisman water in a while."

"I guess it's an elixir."

"It may also be a stretching leg staring pill."

"Doctor Chen, you just recruited, what kind of immortal are you in the sky?"

Old water friends who are familiar with Chen Yu know that the psychiatrist is simply a cover.

Chen Yu wants to pretend.

Everyone also cooperated with him tacitly to continue the performance.

I have already seen Chen Yu's ability to predict the future without any omissions.

Next, it's time to give pills and send talismans.

The woman said: "Doctor Chen, please ask for a price. I paid for the boy's medicine."

"Please also sell me my daughter's medicine again."

Even now, women still can't understand.

The daughter's heart was firmly attached to that boy.

Let my daughter take medicine obediently and give up the idea of ​​suicide.

The boy's life must be saved.

If the boy died, his own daughter would never live.

Besides, Chen Yu also said it.

The daughter's eighth suicide attempt will surely succeed.

Thinking of this, women are willing to spend no matter how much money they have.

Chen Yu smiled and said, "Two sets of medicine, one hundred thousand each, keep the medicine until the disease is cured."

"so cheap?"

The woman froze for a moment.

Get ready for a hemorrhage.

Unexpectedly, it was only 20.

"Auntie, do you still lack a daughter? I'm so good."

"The gap between people is bigger than that of dogs. I hope that in my next life, I can be a child of this family."

"A few years later, the baby girl upstairs is called Mama Xingdailu."

"Miss Xingdailu has a good personality, we can be friends."

"20 is still so cheap, rich people are really arrogant."

"I don't eat or drink for a year, and I only get more than 6 yuan."

"I am even less, with an annual salary of only [-]."

"Who gave you the courage to call your annual salary in five figures."

After years of worrying, the problem with my daughter is finally going to be resolved.

The woman is in a good mood.

Not only did he not care about the water friends making fun of himself.

Also generously use the reward function.

Choose to reward all the water friends in the live broadcast room with 2 yuan.

At this time, Chen Yu left the seat.

The water friends had just finished grabbing the red envelopes, and Chen Yu returned to his chair and sat down.

I have two more things in my hand.

"That package is spicy strips, right?"

"It's spicy strips, I've eaten them before."

"I'm going to get glasses again. Wearing this pair of glasses will give me hallucinations."

"Why does that bottle of green drink look so familiar to me?"

"Of course the eyes are familiar, the heart is flying, and the heart is cool."

"Doctor Chen, are you sure it's medicine? Isn't it a prop to make us laugh?"

The water friend who was thanking the woman non-stop, his expression turned into a confused face.

What Chen Yu brought back was from hair to heels.

Can find a little connection with medicine.

The water friends collectively called him Dad.

A bottle of green Sprite with a slightly blackened cap.

And a pack of rough packaging.

The color matches the vulgar spicy snacks.

Tang monk meat.

(End of this chapter)

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