Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 200 Anti-official technique!death threat

Chapter 200 Anti-Joint Technique!death threat
A fierce reckless fight.

Although the two were evenly matched, neither was injured.


At this time, the rhythm of the boxing ring has been controlled by Chen Yang.

It is clear,
With restraint in play, Regula's threat to Chen Yang is very low.

Even compared to Billy and Anthony, Regula's overall combat power is worse.

Chen Yang's speed, explosive power, bone hardness, reaction ability, etc. all surpassed Regula.

This troika from the Netherlands in Europe has almost no advantage in front of Chen Yang.

In addition,

He used the 'mad dog' style of play from the very beginning, which was simply the wrong choice.

For a time,

He was completely suppressed by Chen Yang, forming a crush.

bang, bang, bang...

next moment,
The two fought fiercely on the ring.

Many boxing fans were surprised to find that after Regula's state was suppressed, he began to decline.

His leg sweep was counterattacked by Chen Yang with an amputated leg.

His calf was shocked by the violent force, and the pain caused his face to change.

Ding Ding Deng

Regula stepped back a few steps, opened the distance, and wanted to take a break.

At this time, he only felt his legs, which were in pain.

Sweat drenched his back.

Chen Yang's twelve-way tan-leg chain pose has super penetrating power.

Regula actually had a reckless fight with Chen Yang's leg skills, and even wanted to suppress Chen Yang with his leg skills, which was simply looking for abuse.

If he didn't react in the end, he would be on the defensive.

If he kept fighting hard, his leg would probably be broken by Chen Yang's kick and his bones would be fractured.

Twelve-way Tan-leg chain style, one leg after another, continuous.

In the system of martial arts,
The most powerful part of the Twelve-Road Tan Leg is that it has overwhelming attack power, making it inevitable for people to avoid.

In addition,

Chen Yang's major basic attributes almost crushed Regula.

He had taken [Bone Strengthening Pill], and his bone hardness surpassed that of any boxer.

The leg skills of the two were reckless, how could Regula be Chen Yang's opponent?

"Hey...Damn it!"

Regula took a deep breath, not having time to wipe the sweat off his forehead.

Do not know why,

A sense of fear suddenly appeared in his heart.

And this sense of fear is getting stronger and stronger.

Chen Yang's heavy strike ability is getting more and more ferocious, it can be called burst, which makes people afraid.

What makes people feel the most frightening is the invincible explosive power, which is even more irresistible.

A leg injury is extremely fatal to any boxer.

Any nirvana attack must rely on leg skills to explode.

After Regula's legs fought hard, they actually started to go numb, unable to gather strength.

His combat power plummeted.

The fight lasted only one and a half minutes, and Regula could hardly hold on anymore.

Continuing to play at this pace would be extremely detrimental to him.

" leg is hurt!"

"The legs can't gather strength, and they can't burst out with killer moves!"

"Huaxia's reaction ability is too strong, his sixth sense of crisis is stronger than mine!"

"How do I fight next? Am I going to admit defeat...?"

Regula's mind was in a mess at the moment.

After more than a minute of hard work, he was about to collapse.

If he continues to play at this pace, within 3 minutes, he will definitely lose.


For a while, he couldn't change his style of play.

Because he couldn't find Chen Yang's weakness at all.

this moment,
For the first time, the thought of 'admitting defeat' popped up in Regula's mind.

of course,

As one of the top fighters in the European Dutch boxing arena, Regula couldn't easily admit defeat.

He still has the power to fight back, and he can still fight.

How could you just admit defeat like this?
In addition,

The money of 5000 million US dollars is not easy to take.

Once he admits defeat, even if he can walk down from the boxing ring, it will not be so easy to leave Southeast Asia.

Some money, once you take it, you have to fight to the death.

This has nothing to do with the dignity of the warrior, but that one cannot back down after taking the reward money.

The only way is to fight to the end.

This is the unspoken rule of sniper warfare.


After taking a few steps back, Chen Yang bowed his feet.

at this time,

He unfolded the Bajiquan starting posture, his muscles were as tight as iron, and his eyes were fixed on Regula's midline.

The pinnacle duel of leg skills, head-to-head confrontation.

The counter-shock force he received was also not weak, and it was very uncomfortable.


While exploding the Twelve-Route Tan legs, his body formed a Tai Chi posture to release the force.

Therefore, Chen Yang suffered much weaker damage from the reckless fight between the two.

But even so, he still felt a little numb in his legs.

This kind of pure leg work recklessly cannot eliminate the counter-shock force only by unloading force.

Injuring the enemy one thousand and self-injuring eight hundred!
Facing Regula's mad dog-like style of play, fighting recklessly is the only option.

This is the last game for Chen Yang to clear the customs.

A quick fight, Chen Yang didn't want to waste any more time with the opponent, so he chose this reckless style of play.

In general,

If he had a choice, it would be impossible for Chen Yang to fight so fiercely with the opponent.

Chen Yang took a deep breath.

at this time,

He already had a good idea of ​​Regula's style and characteristics, as well as his assessment of strength.

No need to delay any longer.

Regula stomped his feet, took a deep breath, and said with a cold snort:

"Huaxia people, I admit that I underestimated your combat power before this."

"5000 million US dollars, it turns out that it is not so easy to get."

"Your combat power can be regarded as the top king-level master even in the European martial arts world."

"But for this boxing match, I have already won the bounty, so there is no way out."

"Of the two of us, only one can leave the octagon boxing ring."

"Come on, let's see if I will die under your fist today, or if I can get the 5000 million dollars...!"

After speaking, Regula's momentum began to increase.

Although his leg has been injured, the pain is unbearable.


At this moment, his fighting spirit was blazing, and his state was bursting.

Bloody battle at the pinnacle, endless death.

at this time,

Regula had no way out, so he had to go all out and fight desperately.

He is not a newcomer to the boxing world, nor is it the first time he has had a life-and-death fight with someone in the boxing ring.

in Amsterdam, the Netherlands,

Regula had killed many peak powerhouses and killed many people.

He is very clear that in the octagonal boxing ring, the state cannot drop, and there must be no fear in his heart.

Any time,
Once the state declines and the belief of winning is lost, then it is not far from losing.

Although Regula's condition declined at this time and his leg was injured, there was even a trace of fear in his heart.


From Chen Yang's body, he felt the extreme danger.

Even he could already feel the breath of death.

But he knows that the more critical the moment is, the less he can be discouraged and lose his will to win.

As long as the momentum is weak at this time, the consequences will be very serious, and it is possible to die.


Regula took a deep breath, and began to adjust his state, restoring his fighting spirit to its peak.

Immediately afterwards, his mind fell into a state of emptiness, he forgot about life and death, and put aside all distracting thoughts.


Regula let out a roar, and kicked his feet suddenly.

bang, bang, bang...

Next, he instantly burst out with a leg sweep, sweeping towards Chen Yang.

this moment,
His center of gravity sank, his fists were clenched like iron, and his eyes were fixed on Chen Yang's eyes.

at this time,

As long as there are any flaws in Chen Yang's defense, Regula will unleash his killer move.

Do not,
It should be said that he could not wait for Chen Yang to show any flaws, but directly exploded his nirvana, trying to tear Chen Yang's defense.

The fight lasted less than 2 minutes.

However, the atmosphere on the boxing ring has reached a fever pitch at this moment.

Autumn wind and fallen leaves cut!
The whirlwind sweeps the legs and hits hard!

Double kill!

Regula stamped his feet, his body rose into the air, and rushed towards Chen Yang.

at this time,

He is like a wounded beast, launching its final madness towards its prey.

That bursting madness gave people a strong spiritual impact.

this moment,
Regula had no way out, he put aside all scruples and fought with his life.

All of a sudden, his aura reached its peak.

Cruel, cruel, domineering...!
His offensive tempo accelerated again, which was shocking.

Just like a bullet fired from the chamber, its destructive power soared with lightning speed.


The next scene on the boxing ring made everyone feel incredible.

Regula completely exploded,

But Chen Yang seemed to be able to handle it with ease, and he was not affected at all.

at this time,

Chen Yang raised the speed of the Jiugong flying step to the limit.

See tricks and disassemble them, so as not to change.

Although Regula's offensive rhythm is very fast, the explosive force is a mess.


Under Chen Yangchao's first-class agility and observation skills.

He could accurately judge Regula's attacking intention and direction.

Chen Yang himself felt that all this was really normal. Once the footwork speed increased, he seemed very relaxed.


After seeing the scene on the boxing ring, all the audience in the entire Lumpini Boxing Stadium felt extremely shocked.

too fast……!
Chen Yang's footwork is dazzling.

All of Regula's attacks seemed to be firmly controlled by Chen Yang.

This scene gives people a strong visual impact.

That's right, control.

It seemed that Chen Yang could accurately predict Regula's every move.

In this state, Chen Yang quickly found that his mind seemed to have entered a state of extreme emptiness.

at this time,

The feeling of fear in Regula's heart reappeared.

can't suppress...

He is about to collapse!
"Ah...damn it, I must kill you today!"

Regula's whole body became manic.

He abruptly extinguished the fear in his heart.

bang, bang, bang...

Regula kicked his feet, and his body rose into the air.

A "Autumn Wind and Fallen Leaves Slash" was kicked out, and it slashed down on Chen Yang's head.

at this time,

His killing move that exploded in an instant did not seem to be particularly fast.


The ear-piercing sound of breaking through the air spread throughout the entire Lumpini Boxing Hall.


A leg shadow roared down towards Chen Yang's head.

Bottom card ultimate move!
This is not a simple "Autumn Wind and Fallen Leaves Slash", but a point kick that combines kicks in the air!
As he slashed down with one leg,
His other leg aimed at Chen Yang's throat.

Just one kick will end the battle in an instant.

Double kill combined attack, the action is simple, direct, rough, without any gimmicks.


Regula no longer cared about life and death, gave up all defenses, and adopted a full attack style of play.

If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!
He knew that if he continued to delay, there would only be a dead end.

Chen Yang retreated quickly to avoid the opponent's 'Autumn Wind and Fallen Leaves Slash' nirvana.

After landing on one foot, Regula's body fell to the ground and rolled rapidly at the same time.

Just after he rolled a few times, he stretched his arms and approached behind Chen Yang in an instant.

next moment,
At an incomprehensible angle, he tripped over Chen Yang's feet.


His legs turned upside down, and suddenly caught Chen Yang's waist.

too fast……!
Even if Chen Yang had been wary of Regula's heavy-legged ultimate move, he couldn't avoid being rolled from the ground by the opponent at this moment, and suddenly approached him.


All Regula's crazy state, showing weakness to Chen Yang, is all a false move!

His purpose is to get close!

How could one of the troikas in the Dutch boxing arena in Europe be so weak?

If his combat power is weaker than Anthony and Billy,

Mr. Sim of the Lumpini Boxing Stadium, how could he allow Regula to play in the finale?

The amount of the sniper reward for this boxing match is nothing more than a drop in the bucket for the spinach company.

The real big head is the betting handicap.

Since this is the last customs clearance battle, once Chen Yang wins, the gaming company and the underground bank will have to pay a lot of money.

Regula's ability to play in the finale represents his combat power, which is no small matter.

at this time,

After Regula wrapped his legs around Chen Yang's waist, he punched Chen Yang's eyes with a heavy punch.

"Nimma's... anti-joint jujitsu!?"

Chen Yang was startled suddenly,
His center of gravity couldn't keep his balance, and Regula's legs caught his waist, and he was dragged to the ground all at once.

at the same time,

He lowered his fists, tightly pressing Regula's arm, preventing the opponent's heavy punch from hitting his eyes.

before this,

Chen Yang didn't know Regula's style of play.

He had just killed Anthony and Billy, and his confidence was inflated, thinking that Regula in the European Netherlands was nothing more than that.

And from the beginning of the boxing match, Chen Yang has firmly gained the upper hand.

He controlled the rhythm of the boxing match and pressed Regula down.


What he never thought of at this moment was that everything Regula had done before was just a show of weakness to the enemy.

of course,

His leg injury was not feigned, but it was definitely not that embarrassing.

The core of all Regula's tactics is to get close.

He knew that Chen Yang's strength was terrifying, and his ability to hit hard was even more terrifying.

If you want to defeat Chen Yang, you have no other choice but close combat.

have to say,

Regula's tactics were too targeted.

Gracie anti-joint technique!

This is a powerful fighting skill that has evolved from Hijima martial arts judo.

It can also be called Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu!
The characteristics of this fighting skill are mainly dogfighting, fighting on the ground, and through anti-joint skills, it can easily subdue the opponent.

Don't underestimate the Brazilian Gracie's anti-joint skills!

A small man of [-] kg can easily subdue a strong man of [-] kg by relying on the Brazilian Gracie anti-joint technique.

last century,

Brazil's Gracie's anti-joint technique was born out of nowhere and created a myth in the global martial arts world.

It is invincible, sweeping invincible, unstoppable in the world!
The only thing that can defeat the anti-joint technique is the anti-joint technique!

of course,

With the development of the global martial arts world, when everyone has thoroughly studied the Brazilian anti-joint technique.

This powerful fighting skill has gradually lost its dominance in the global martial arts world.

Although the anti-joint technique is powerful, it has a fatal weakness, that is, it must fight in close quarters and knock the opponent down in order to form combat effectiveness.

In a fierce and ferocious confrontation, the possibility of trying to knock down an opponent at close range is extremely low.

Especially for a master of Chen Yang's level.

Any opponent who wanted to get close would have a hard time withstanding Chen Yang's heavy blow.

That's why Regula kept showing weakness, making Chen Yang relax his vigilance.

have to say,

He succeeded!

at this time,

Regula's feet firmly clamped Chen Yang's waist, and after bringing Chen Yang down, his body leaned against Chen Yang's back.

at the same time,

In order to distract Chen Yang.

His heavy fist began to hit Chen Yang's eyes upwards, and the other arm got stuck on Chen Yang's neck.


Chen Yang couldn't help cursing angrily.

At this time, not only did he have to be careful of the opponent's heavy punches hitting his eyes, but he also had to resist the opponent's choking of his throat.

Once the throat is caught by the opponent's arm from behind, it is very dangerous.

The key is,
At this time, Chen Yang was knocked down by Regula and lost his balance.

I saw that Regula's legs were stuck on Chen Yang's waist, and his body was like a giant python, tightly entwining Chen Yang's body.

That's right,

Seen from a distance, Regula looked like a giant python, with his arms and body tightly wrapped around Chen Yang.

In this case, Chen Yang's force range was restricted by the opponent, and he couldn't burst out any powerful force.

Chen Yang practiced boxing for several months.

He has practiced Bajiquan, Taijiquan, Twelve-way Tan Legs, and Nine Palace Flying Steps!


He has not practiced ground skills.

During the training in China's "Guowutang", Chen Yang had contact with Brazilian Gracie jujitsu.

It's just that among all the boxers in the 'Guowutang', not many people are proficient in Brazilian Gracie jujitsu.

When they used anti-joint skills to conduct actual combat training with Chen Yang, they were useless at all.

Now the situation is completely different.

Regula's Brazilian Gracie anti-knuckle is simply superb.

all of a sudden,

Chen Yang was stuck tightly by the opponent, like being entangled and restrained by a python, unable to move.

this moment,
Chen Yang was lying on the boxing ring, vomiting blood depressedly.

"Damn it... careless! I shouldn't have let him get close!"

"This guy is rolling on the ground, getting close, wow...!"

Chen Yang cursed again.

Whoops and whoops...!
He kept adjusting his breathing to gather his strength.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yang's muscles tightened, and he circulated the power of the Tai Chi posture all over his body.

A powerful crisis emerged from his heart.

Chen Yang's arm pressed down, tightly clamping the opponent's arm, preventing Regula's arm from going up and locking his neck.

to be frank,
At this time, once Regula's arm locked Chen Yang's neck, the boxing match would basically be over.

It is very difficult for anyone trying to crack Brazilian Gracie Jiu-Jitsu while they are on the ground and locked up.

This is simply not a powerful fighting skill that strength can crack.


This is anti-joint!

As long as you are stuck, no matter how powerful you are, you will not be able to use it.

When this fighting skill first appeared, it was able to defeat the world's invincible opponents, and this is not a vain name.

"It's over... Nima's...!"

Chen Yang took a deep breath, and finally felt a little flustered in his heart.

Cold sweat continued to break out on his forehead, and his mood was in a mess at this moment.

very dangerous……!
at this time,

He could feel that Regula's feet were firmly stuck on his waist.


One of his arms began to exert strength, trying to jam his neck, and the strength was tightening.

And this force was getting stronger and stronger, including his legs, which also began to tighten at this time.

Regula's head pressed against the spine of Chen Yang's back, making it impossible for Chen Yang to get rid of his entanglement.

next moment,
Regula's other arm suddenly went up, trying to lock it completely.

If Chen Yang was locked by the opponent's feet and arms at this moment.


There is no way to recover, and there will be no suspense about the outcome of the boxing match.


Chen Yang let out a roar, gathered all his strength, and blocked Regula's arm with his arm, restricting the other party to lock it up!
this moment,
Chen Yang only felt that his breathing seemed to be starting to become a little difficult.


Brazilian Gracie anti-knuckle technique.

How to crack... without being locked by the other party?
(End of this chapter)

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