Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 201 Killed!Pass the customs, Megatron the audience

Chapter 201 Killed!Pass the customs, Megatron the audience

Chen Yang took a deep breath to calm himself down!

If you don't calm down at this time, the consequences will be unpredictable.


Chen Yang saw Regula's other arm, and wanted to form a cross lock upwards.


Chen Yang's arm kept pressing down, making it impossible for Regula's hand to move up.

Once Regula's hands formed a cross lock, there was no solution at all.

"Nimma's...the cross that wants to explode Gracie's anti-joint skills!?"

Chen Yang saw Regula's legs pressing up, trying to grab his neck.


He quickly understood Regula's intentions.

this moment,
The crisis of life and death enveloped him.

In the world of martial arts, the "cross-bolt" in Brazilian Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is famous all over the world.

This killer move is very powerful, it can be regarded as the ultimate move in anti-joint skills.

Anyone who is proficient in anti-joint techniques can use their arms and feet to form a "cross lock" to lock them up.

Then, there will be no resistance, let it be slaughtered.

Even the world's top "Xeon King" in martial arts can't get rid of the killer move of "Cross Solid".


Once locked, it is impossible to exert force at all, and the joints are reversed, and it is impossible to crack at all.

If you want to crack the Brazilian anti-joint technique, you can't be locked by him, you have to start in advance.

This is why since the beginning of this century, the global martial arts has broken the dominance of Gracie's anti-joint skills in Brazil.

The first is to prevent melee ground combat.

If it is not guarded, after being dragged into the ground, it must be freed from the shackles before being locked.

Just like a python, if you want to deal with the entanglement of the python, you must not be completely locked by the python.

at this time,

Fortunately, Chen Yang's arm kept pressing down, and it blocked Regula's other arm, preventing him from forming a force.

His cross is solid, there is no way to lock it.

This is Chen Yang's chance to fight back!

Chen Yang let out a roar.


He concentrated all his strength on one point, spread out his five fingers, and grabbed Regula's lowered arm.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yang exerted strength instantly, his whole body was surging with energy and blood, and his muscles trembled like waves.

Inch strength!

This is the inch strength in Bajiquan!
In terms of force, the core of Bajiquan is to cut every inch, hold every inch, burst every inch, and hit every inch!

Pay attention to hard opening and hard hitting!

Wu Yan said:
One inch, two wraps, three lifts, four shoulders, five pokes, six hugs, seven hards, and eight throws!
At this time, the two sides were entangled, and Chen Yang could only form a lethal force if he broke out with an inch of strength.

Once Cunjin explodes, the attack power will increase dramatically.

It can unleash the most terrifying lethality in the shortest distance.


Chen Yang grabbed Regula's wrist which kept going upwards and wanted to slap it to death.

He twisted hard!
It seemed that Chen Yang's explosive power was not strong at this time, but this twist directly discouraged Regula.

There was a hum in Regula's mind.

It's only ten centimeters away...just ten centimeters away!

If his arm can move up another ten centimeters, it can be completely locked.

Once the 'cross solid' is formed, there will be no solution in the world!


Chen Yang grabbed his wrist and twisted it like this.

Regula only felt his wrist, and suddenly lost consciousness, unable to condense any strength at all.

Once the wrist is dislocated, it is impossible to condense any strength at all.

next moment,
Chen Yang continued to twist his hand.

Regula's wrist turned ninety degrees unexpectedly.

"Ah...!" Regula let out a scream.

He gritted his teeth and looked down at his other arm.

Seeing that he was about to succeed, the winner was about to be decided, and Huaxia Chen Yang was completely locked up.


One of his wrists was twisted by Chen Yang.

The severe pain made the strength of the whole body relax.

this moment,
Chen Yang's eyes exuded a frenzied killing intent.

He grabbed Regula's wrist with one hand, gritted his teeth and continued to twist it.

The wrist twisted 180 degrees, making a piercing sound.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yang directly broke Regula's wrist.

Cunjin burst out, extremely ferocious!
"Ah... bastard! I... ah...!"

It hurts so's unbearable!
Although Regula has super martial arts willpower, he can endure inhuman torture and unbearable pain.


The wrist was twisted suddenly, and Chen Yang forcibly twisted it off.

Who can bear this kind of severe pain?
all of a sudden,

Regula was completely discouraged.

His body is like a loose belt, without any winding power.

Once the strength is relaxed, it is simply unrealistic to lock the opponent again.

this moment,
He finally felt the breath of death in his heart.

He knew very well that he had lost the chance to kill Chen Yang.

Such a good opportunity just now was not locked, and it is even more impossible now.

have to say,

Regula was very decisive, he quickly let go of Chen Yang.

Immediately afterwards, with the other arm, he smashed Chen Yang's eyes.

this moment,
Chen Yang had to loosen his wrist to guard his eyes.

Taking advantage of the moment when Chen Yang let go of his wrist, Regula rolled on the ground a few times.

When the two sides distanced themselves.

Regula jumped up from the ground and leaned against the iron fence around the ring.

He took a deep breath and looked down at his left wrist.'s broken!
The wrist was twisted 180 degrees, and after the joint was dislocated, it was completely broken and could not condense any strength.


The wrist is swollen badly.

"After all, it still falls short...!"

Regula took a deep breath, ignoring the pain in his wrist, feeling a little bitter in his heart.

Keep fighting, he has no chance!

He knew very well in his heart that Chen Yang's comprehensive combat power was stronger than him.

Even in his perfect state, he couldn't suppress Chen Yang.

At this time, his wrist was seriously injured, and almost half of his combat strength was abolished, so he couldn't continue to defeat the opponent at all.

Just now was the best opportunity!

Now that Chen Yang is ready, he wants to perform Brazilian Gracie Jiu-Jitsu in close quarters again, which is simply a dream.

Chen Yang got up from the ground, stood in the middle of the ring, and couldn't help but take a deep breath.


It was indeed too dangerous just now!

The moment Chen Yang was entangled by Regula's body, he even felt the breath of death.

Once it is completely locked by Regula's 'cross lock', the gods will be hard to save.

all of a sudden,

Chen Yang only felt a moment of fear in his heart.

It seems that

After this time is over, you must practice your ground skills well.

If you want to crack the ground technique, the first condition is to be proficient.

Brazilian Gracie anti-joint technique!

The most important reason why this incomparably powerful fighting skill was deciphered was that it was thoroughly researched.

Chen Yang knew very well in his heart that he wanted to compete in the global martial arts world.

Then, there cannot be any weakness.

The weakness of ground skills must be made up for as soon as possible.

The trial battle of the ultimate fighter, as long as you get the ticket, you will start the global tour.

At that time, he will definitely face the top powerhouses in the world's martial arts world.

Once you run into a 'peak king-level master'.

They are proficient in various fighting skills, and there must be many who are proficient in Brazilian Gracie jujitsu.

not to mention,
It is very likely to meet the children of the Gracie family in Brazil.

If you can't crack the Brazilian Gracie's anti-joint technique, you are destined to be unable to go far in the global martial arts world.

"I must break through to the realm of 'Bright Strength' as ​​soon as possible, so that I can better explode 'Inch Strength'!"

"Cunjin's lethality, the more powerful it is in close quarters!"

"Using the shortest distance, the strongest power will erupt!"

"If Ming Jin reaches the realm, I can maximize the power of Cun Jin!"

"By then, it will be easier for me to crack the ground anti-joint technique."

Standing in the middle of the ring, Chen Yang thought to himself.


Although Gracie's anti-joint technique is extremely powerful, its shortcomings are also prominent.

It must be close to drag the opponent into the ground in order to burst out perfectly.

Similarly, the power of Cun Jin also needs to be exploded in close proximity in order to exert its strongest power.

Once Chen Yang's martial arts exerted strength, he broke through to the state of great strength.


He can easily burst out an inch of strength.

To know,
Cun Jin's power explodes, and the distance is very short.

Even within a distance of one inch, an astonishing force can be erupted, and the lethality is horrifying.

If the opponent wants to use lock techniques such as 'cross lock' and 'guillotine' in close quarters.

You just need to seize the opportunity and counterattack with an inch of strength in an instant before the opponent has completely locked in.

With one move, it can not only destroy the opponent's attack, but also inflict heavy damage on the opponent.

Chen Yang believes that,

As long as his martial arts breaks through to the Dacheng realm, and then practice the ground anti-joint technique, he will be able to completely break this powerful martial skill.


Regula moved two steps sideways from the iron net around the ring, and opened the distance between him and Chen Yang again.

at this time,

His face became pale, and the pain in his arm caused his fighting spirit to plummet.

If you can choose to admit defeat,

I believe that Regula will definitely admit defeat immediately, without any hesitation.


He can't admit defeat!
If he accepted the reward, he couldn't admit defeat!
Once he chooses to admit defeat, he will never even think about leaving Southeast Asia.

No, it should be said that he will not live to tomorrow morning.

On the ring, he still has a chance to fight.

Once you admit defeat,
He won't have any chance, and the gambling companies and underground money houses can't let him go.

Regula took a deep breath, constantly adjusting his state.

He decided to give it one last go!
next moment,
Regula exerted force under his feet, sprinted two steps forward, and then kicked him.

Kick up!
Leg skills ultimate move, this is Regula's only reliance, and it is also his hole card that he has never given up!
That's right,

He still has cards...!

Chen Yang is full of fighting spirit at this moment, how could he be suppressed by his leg skills?
I saw Chen Yang sweeping with one foot, and instantly burst out with a leg sweeping blow.

As well as rushing and sweeping his legs, he fought recklessly against Regula's kick.

"If you want to kill me, it depends on whether your life is hard enough!"

Chen Yang snorted coldly in his heart.

bang, bang, bang...

next moment,
Chen Yang broke out the most classic 'violent attack method'!
Twelve-way tan-leg chain-style, from rigidity to fierceness, unstoppable.

Strong suppression, open and close movements, simple, rough, hard to guard against.

Regula kept stepping back, trying to block Chen Yang's twelve-way tan-leg combo.


At this time his left hand was abolished.

After Chen Yang broke out the 'violent attack method' with all his strength, Regula could only defend passively, constantly retreating and dodging.

at this time,

His face turned pale...!
"Chance! Only one chance is needed...!"

"I can fight back, and I still have a chance to fight back!"

"I can't lose, I can't lose to him...I won't lose!"

"I am Regula, the top player in the Netherlands in Europe. In the Asian martial arts world, I am invincible. I cannot lose to the Chinese!"

In Regula's heart, he kept cheering for himself and giving himself confidence.

His mood was chaotic, and his willpower began to collapse...!
However, he can't give up...!
"Regula, counterattack, come on... counterattack!"

"Regula, I bet on you, come on, use your leg skills to fight back!"

"Damn it, Regula, what about your three-strike combo ultimate move? Why didn't you see you perform it?"

"Keep a distance, yes, don't let the Huaxia people get close!"

"I lost... Regula was beaten and collapsed, his hand was injured, Huaxia Chen Yang completely controlled the rhythm of the boxing ring."

"It only took more than two minutes, less than three minutes. I didn't expect that Regula would be equally vulnerable under Huaxia Chen Yang's fist!"

"It's unbelievable. Regula is the top player in the Netherlands in Europe. Why can't he beat Huaxia Chen Yang?"

"Regula's offense and defense were messed up, and he was unable to recover. It was a mistake for me to bet on him."

"Why doesn't Regula admit defeat? It's strange...he can definitely admit defeat."

"Regula is about to collapse, does he still want to fight back...?"


Under the boxing ring, many boxing fans were talking about it.

On the octagonal cage ring,

At this time, the fierce battle between the two sides reached the most critical moment, and everyone's hearts were extremely tense.


Judging from the atmosphere of the boxing match.

The more bloodthirsty, brutal, fierce, and exciting the boxing match is, the more adrenaline will soar for all the rich boxing fans on the scene.

They like the feeling of tension and excitement.


The boxing fans in the entire Lumpini Boxing Hall stood up.

They started screaming and shouting at the bottom of their lungs, cheering and cheering for the two on the ring.

this moment,
The fierce battle on the octagon boxing ring has reached its final moment.

Chen Yang became more and more courageous as he fought, and his condition was so good...!
in contrast,

Regula was completely crushed, his left wrist swelled so badly that it was completely useless.

Under Chen Yang's strong attack.

He is like a solitary boat floating on the sea, which may be overturned by Chen Yang's stormy squad at any time.

"Hmph! Send you back to Europe to meet your God!"

Chen Yang snorted coldly in his heart.

He took a deep breath and took half a step back.

at this time,

His eyes exuded an incomparably fierce killing intent, which made people horrified.

He could feel that Regula's state was exhausted, and he had no power to resist.

next moment,
Chen Yang kicked his feet and sprinted forward, bursting out at the limit speed.


His body rose into the air, and he kicked forward!
Nirvana - Heart-piercing legs!

Pierce the heart with one leg!
This heart-piercing kick aimed directly at the vital point of Regula's chest.

While you are sick, I will kill you!
Chen Yang is not a soft-hearted person.

Exerting force is like breaking a bow and arrow, and its momentum is like breaking a bamboo.

This heart-piercing kick was like an off-string bow and arrow, kicking Regula's heart extremely viciously.

Quick, accurate, ruthless!
Fierce and bursting, murderous, and extremely decisive moves!

A piercing sound spread throughout the hall of the Lumpini Boxing Stadium.

That incomparably powerful killing intent was terrifying.

Piercing legs!
This is one of Chen Yang's signature nirvana, it's fierce and messy.

The chest is one of the most important parts of the human body.

Once hit, the heart will be violently impacted and killed on the spot.

Even if an ordinary person punches the heart, it will cause severe colic pain.

The blood in the heart will stop as the heart is injured, making the whole body numb and unable to gather strength.


Once the attack power is stronger, it can completely shatter the heart and burst the aorta.

The lethality of Chen Yang's piercing leg can be imagined.

Regula was already in a lost state at this moment, unable to unload and block at all.

The heart-piercing leg that Chen Yang exploded in an instant is bound to win.

Regula's body was kicked and flew backwards.

His body hit hard on the iron fence around the ring, and then fell on the ring.

His chest was critically injured, and under the fierce attack of the heart-piercing leg, his heart burst instantly.

at this time,

He couldn't make any sound, and he couldn't see the lights around him.

It seems to have fallen into endless darkness...!
He couldn't feel the pain, and his whole body started to feel cold.

He wants to open his eyes, wants to take another look at the world...


What he didn't know was that his eyes were wide open at this moment.

Killed on the spot!

The top 'king' master from one of the troikas in Holland, Europe.

He paid the price of his life for sniping Chen Yang.

Chen Yang let out a long breath, stepped back a few steps, and stood in the middle of the ring!

Finally killed all challengers!
Tickets for the Ultimate Fighter Trial Battle have finally been obtained!


Chen Yang raised his arms and let out a wild roar, interacting with all the online fans in the [Soul of Guoshu] live broadcast room, celebrating his victory.

He looked up to the audience around the ring.

This boxing match didn't seem to last long.

But for Chen Yang, it was the most thrilling boxing match he had ever fought.

Too dangerous……!
What Chen Yang didn't expect was that he had already completely taken advantage.

The opponent suddenly got close, and broke out the Brazilian Gracie anti-knuckle technique, almost killing himself!

This boxing match was a wake-up call for Chen Yang.

On the octagonal cage ring,

As long as the opponent does not fall, you must not take it lightly, and you must always be vigilant.

Chen Yang looked up at the auditorium not far from the boxing ring.

He could feel that there were several very powerful masters sitting in the auditorium.

They exuded hostility towards Chen Yang...!

Tonight's boxing match was over, and Chen Yang didn't care about other people's hostility.

Regula lay on the ring and soon became motionless.

Blood stained the ring floor.

His heart was broken by Chen Yang's heart-piercing leg on the spot, killing him with one blow!

Two minutes and 50 seconds!
In less than 3 minutes, Chen Yang killed Regula and swept the Lumpini boxing arena.

Clear the game in five rounds!

at this time,

The entire Lumpini Boxing Hall fell into silence.

All the audience looked at Chen Yang in shock.

this moment,
Almost everyone could feel the killing intent emanating from Chen Yang, which made people tremble with fear!

The power of the king of destruction, cruel, violent, ruthless, ruthless!
Even the many boxers watching the fight in the ring felt suffocated and could not make a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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