Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 216 Annihilation!Just a massacre

Chapter 216 Annihilation!it was a massacre
In the rainforest!
"Boss, the situation is not good, that bastard left long ago!"

A team member yelled into the intercom.

"What? Left?"

Santo frowned, holding the walkie-talkie in his hand.

"Be careful, don't chase, everyone come back to me!"

Santo took a deep breath.

Chen Yang didn't really leave, but lurked not far from them.

He didn't intend to go far, but actually wanted to inquire about some news.

before this,

He only knew that many people came to hunt Rong Rou.


In the team of these people, there are masters who are proficient in tracking, and there are also locals who are familiar with the rainforest.


Because Chen Yang destroyed an eight-person team yesterday.

Therefore, the armed forces dispatched two helicopters.

The electronic signal in the rain forest is weak, and the helicopter carries a signal amplifier.

When the helicopter appears in the area, within two kilometers, the signal of the walkie-talkie is much better.

on a helicopter,
A tall and strong man, a 'one-eyed dragon' with one eye covered, was holding a walkie-talkie in his hand, with an extremely ugly face.

All the armed groups who participated in this rainforest siege, no one knew his name.

I only know that this one-eyed dragon is called 'Stinger'!
He is extremely cruel and vicious.

Before entering the rainforest to search, members of some armed groups did not want to enter because they were afraid of the danger in the rainforest.

At last,
The poisonous sting became fierce, and he directly killed chickens and monkeys, beating a guy who wanted to back down to death.

In front of everyone, he dug out the man's eyes, and then cut off the man's blood vessels one by one.

The method was so brutal that the retreating guy didn't die until an hour later.

Perhaps because he is a one-eyed dragon, he is very keen on poaching people's eyeballs.

That's why many people didn't want to enter the rainforest, but in the end they had to come in to follow Rong Rou, they dared not speak out.

of course,

Although the stinger is extremely cruel and ruthless.


There is one thing worthy of everyone's praise, he is very trustworthy.

As long as the benefits and treatment promised to all armed personnel, he can fulfill them in time.

Money for money, guns for guns!
This is also one of the reasons why members of all armed organizations absolutely obey his management.

After all, as the armed men of the Northern Burma Electric Fraud Park, they are all desperadoes.

Who will obey management if there is no benefit?
Once he took advantage, he didn't want to enter the rainforest, so he retreated.

It's reasonable to use the poisonous thorn to kill chickens and scare monkeys, so everyone won't say much.

The stinger can suppress these rebellious armed personnel, and it will definitely not work without two brushes.

at this time,

Stinger is very angry.

He originally thought that with so many people dispatched, entering the battle in the rainforest to catch a woman was like beating mosquitoes with cannons.


What he didn't expect was that the actions failed in succession.

What made him even more unacceptable was that,
The target of chasing and killing was lost, and now in the rainforest, there is an extra master who is elusive and elusive.

This guy killed many people in a row and seriously injured several people at the same time.


Stinger's rage burns brightly.

If it weren't for the fact that what the woman took was too important, it was related to the transaction information of 'rich businessman' customers all over the world.

How could the stinger bring so many people into the rainforest to pursue them?
If something is not obtained, once it is exposed.

Not only will the "human organ trading" market in the Northern Myanmar Electricity Fraud Park suffer a catastrophe, even many "rich businessmen" who have traded in the past will be severely cracked down on.

Therefore, a death order has been issued from above, and the things must be taken back at all costs.


The Stinger made contact with Santo.

Before he could wait for Santo's plea for backup, the Stinger roared into the intercom.

"Santo, you bastard, because of your incompetence, let that guy run around freely in the rainforest."

"You took so much money by riding a horse, and you are afraid of death. You want to preserve your strength, and you are afraid that your armed forces will suffer losses."

"I'll make it clear to you first. If this operation fails and the things are not obtained, you and everyone in your organization will die!"

"You bastards, don't even think about leaving the rainforest alive!"

"Everyone else, please listen to me. If you get the item, a reward will be offered again, 500 million US dollars!"

"Let's all step on the horse to cheer up Lao Tzu. If anyone backs down from Lao Tzu, I will take the knife first!"

500 million dollars!

That's a lot of money for these poor armed men in the rainforest.

Originally, before this, all the people who entered the rainforest got a reward.

And now,
The remuneration actually increased, and it was 500 million dollars more.


This method of the stinger is very influential.

Originally, many people retreated at this time, thinking about dealing with it.

It's too dangerous in the rainforest, and that guy's marksmanship is good, and he's elusive.

If you try harder at this time, you will be killed if you really don't make it right.

But with Stinger's words, even Santo had nothing to say.

According to Stinger's observation on the helicopter, he guessed that Chen Yang must be in the designated No. [-] or No. [-] area.


Chen Yang's whereabouts were uncertain, which made him feel very troublesome.

The key is,
Every time Chen Yang shot, the speed was so fast that no one could be seen at all.

If nothing else happened, the target woman should have been hiding.

Where is it hiding?

Stinger sat on the helicopter, holding a pencil in one hand, and kept drawing in a notebook.


He made a decision that the target woman he was chasing should be hiding near the No. [-] area.

Stinger quickly ordered through the walkie-talkie, and began to deploy other personnel to support Santo.

He wants to step up the search and search the entire No. [-] area carefully.
Going into the rainforest to hunt down this woman this time has cost so much manpower and material resources, absolutely no failure is allowed.

In case this woman ran away.

It will be a catastrophe for the electronic fraud park in northern Myanmar in Southeast Asia.

Stinger soon came to his senses and no longer entangled with Chen Yang.

Because his goal was Rongrou, he had nothing to do with Chen Yang.

Although Stinger was extremely cruel and ruthless, he was the commander in chief to search in the rainforest this time.

He has absolute command over this operation.

He is not stupid, and he is very clear about the goal of his operation.

Area two!

Shanchai and the troops of the 'Cobra' armed organization are quickly gathering in the No. [-] area.

By Stinger's arrangement,
The target person is likely hiding in area one.

All personnel must be assembled and Area [-] must be sealed off.

at this time,

Shanchai said to his companion, who was extremely good at tracking and was familiar with the rainforest:

"That bastard's marksmanship is very accurate. He has already killed many people. You have been walking in front. You must be careful and protect yourself."

Hearing that, the subordinate took a deep breath and shrank his head in fear.

at this time,

His heart was very tense.

Hit the bird!
Ever since he knew that Chen Yang had killed many people, he felt very scared when he walked in front.

Can you be nervous?
Chen Yang was haunted by ghosts, gunshots shot his head, he was like a ghost.

This subordinate is very familiar with the rain forest and is good at tracking.


His marksmanship is not good, and his combat effectiveness is not strong.

He just lived in the rainforest and had a lot of experience in rainforest tracking.

If it is to track ordinary people, it even includes some guys who escaped from the electric scam garden.

With their experience living in the rainforest, they were able to catch up to each other very quickly.

This time when he entered the rainforest, hundreds of people followed the woman at once, which surprised this subordinate very much.

Originally, he thought that this mission was too easy, without any danger, and with a lot of money.

but now,

Suddenly a top master appeared in the rainforest, his combat power was so fierce that he disappeared like a ghost.

He went ahead and became the primary target.

He was flustered and extremely nervous.

I don't know if it's because of fear, but he always feels a pair of eyes staring at him in front of him.

His figure was exposed under the opponent's gun.

This feeling made him feel even more afraid.

He desperately wanted to find out the other party, but every time he was one step too late, and there was no gain.

"You're on a horse... I told you to be careful, not to hide behind you timidly!"

"You hide like this, let's go to Area [-], when will we go?"

Shanchai saw that this subordinate kept shrinking back, and suddenly became angry.

With no one to lead the way, the speed of the procession slowed down.

If the 'stinger' is blamed, no one will have a good life.

Hearing that, the subordinate immediately took a deep breath.

He summoned up his courage and nodded to Shanchai, and began to speed up, walking at the front of the team again.


Suddenly, there was a thump in his mind.

A powerful crisis enveloped him in an instant.

He quickly turned his head and looked to the left.

At this moment, he was completely dumbfounded, his face changed drastically, and his mind went blank.

Only 20 meters away, the muzzle of an assault rifle was facing him.

Even the opponent didn't aim at all.

A piercing roar erupted from the muzzle of the sniper rifle.

A bullet roared out.

That unlucky guy just discovered Chen Yang.

The gun in Chen Yang's hand had already fired at him.

The bullet pierced through the forehead of that unlucky man in an instant.

at this time,

The armed team of more than 20 people led by Shanchai became the target of Chen Yang's attack.

Everyone on the other side was exposed to Chen Yang's gunpoint.

After killing the man who walked in the front with one shot.

The speed under Chen Yang's feet increased to the limit, and he left his original position in an instant.

His spiritual sensing ability is at its peak at this moment.

Say... say... say...!
Every time he stopped, a shot was fired.

For every shot, one fell.

With superb marksmanship and ghost-like moving speed, they are constantly harvesting the lives of members of the armed forces in the rainforest.

Generally speaking,
When a person encounters an attack, he will fire violently at the enemy, and his fingers will hold the trigger of the assault rifle.

I can't wait to empty the magazine all at once.

The suppression of firepower can cause the greatest damage to the enemy.

of course,

In this case, if all the enemies are gathered together, the lethality is very strong.


If the enemy spreads out and continues to use this method of suppressing firepower, it will become very dangerous.

Because once the magazine is emptied, if the opponent fires back.

Then there will be big trouble...!
Chen Yang fired a shot and changed his position. With his marksmanship, the lethality was even greater.

And every time he dodges and changes positions, he has plenty of time to lock on to the next target.

Under normal circumstances, only top sharpshooters will use this method of burst shooting.

If it is an ordinary armed person, when encountering an enemy, he will only hold the trigger and hold on, not only wasting bullets, but also the accuracy is far worse.

Perhaps it was because of the way Chen Yang shot.

Let Shanchai, Stinger and others unanimously judge that Chen Yang is a sharpshooter.

of course,

A sharpshooter-level master is a super threat even in plain areas, and even in street fighting.

In the rainforest, sharpshooters are more threatening and can maximize the lethality of marksmanship.

Chen Yang launched a crazy attack.

The gunshots kept ringing...

In a few minutes, the 'Cobra' armed group led by Shanchai was disabled.

For a while,
All the members of the 'Cobra' armed organization could only lie on the ground, looking for cover to hide themselves, for fear of being shot in the head.

No one dared to fight back.

in fact,

The famous 'Cobra' armed team in Southeast Asia has rich combat experience in the jungle.

They cooperated tacitly and experienced many fierce armed conflicts.

On the other hand, they are an armed force that dares to fight tough battles.

This time, they didn't even see the shadow of the enemy, and people were killed continuously.

Everyone was frightened and foolish all of a sudden.

As long as anyone strikes back, the bullet will be the first to hit the head like a prophet.


The entire 'Cobra' armed forces, completely messed up.

"Bastard, get down on the ground and disperse...!"

Shanchai lay on the bottom of a big tree root and yelled at all his subordinates.

After a while,

When the members of the 'Cobra' armed group reacted, they started to fire at Chen Yang's hiding place with assault rifles crazily.

Fire suppression...!

Someone threw a grenade, and the sound of explosions continued.

Shanchai ordered several people to outflank from both sides and keep a distance.

Boom... boom...!
The grenades were thrown forward continuously, and the personnel on both sides began to cross forward.

The place where Chen Yang hid before was quickly smashed to pieces.

The explosive power of the grenade completely overturned the surroundings.

If Chen Yang stayed where he was, under such ferocious firepower suppression, he might also be doomed.

in fact,

If you want to catch that woman, the best way is to catch this elusive sharpshooter.


Shanchai didn't dare to think about it at all.

So many people died, and they didn't even see each other's appearance, grab a hammer!

Not only did Shanchai dare not have the idea of ​​capturing Chen Yang alive, even other armed forces did not dare to have any extravagant hopes of capturing Chen Yang.

In the rain forest, trying to catch a top sharpshooter is simply a dream.

For all the armed personnel, it would be a blessing to be able to kill Chen Yang.

The idea of ​​capturing alive never appeared in their minds.

After a few people surrounded the place, they looked around for a while.

They sighed helplessly.

Left again...!

Who the hell is this guy?

Why is it so difficult?

Suddenly, one of his subordinates pointed in one direction and shouted in shock, "There...!"

The gazes of the surrounding people all turned to look in the direction he was pointing at.


A figure flashed past in the bushes.

Say, say, say...

The assault rifles kept firing, suppressing Chen Yang's position.

at the same time,

On the walkie-talkie, they informed Shanchai who was outflanking in the other direction.

Shanchai's eyes turned red at this time, and he roared into the walkie-talkie:

"Listen, everyone, those who are not dead, I will press forward, and I must kill this bastard today."

Perhaps it was because of the motivation before the stinger, it worked.

of course,

It may also be that the 'Cobra' armed forces entered the rainforest this time and suffered heavy losses.

At this time, Shanchai seemed a little crazy, and he was no longer afraid of death.

He ordered everyone in the 'Cobra' armed team to start chasing Chen Yang.

of course,

Shanchai naturally knew the danger of chasing Chen Yang.

When he led everyone to chase Chen Yang, he contacted 'Stinger' through the walkie-talkie and reported the situation on the ground.

"Very good! Be sure to bite him and not let him run away!"

"Block him in the No. [-] area, I will send people to rush to reinforce now, we must block him!"

"Whoever can kill that bastard first, I can promise you an extra one million dollars in rewards."

"And this reward is valid for any armed organization, that bastard must be killed."

From Stinger's tone, it could be heard that he hated Chen Yang's appearance deeply.

In order to be able to complete the task, Stinger increased the reward again.

Under the heavy gold, there must be a brave man!
Stinger believes that as long as the money is given enough, the following people will definitely risk their lives.


At this time, Shanchai doesn't care about money at all.

He was impatient, and only wanted to kill Chen Yang.

What is the use of more money?Whether there are life flowers is still unknown.

Of course Chen Yang knew that someone was chasing him and wanted to surround him.


He didn't leave quickly.

to be frank,
With his spiritual sensing ability and speed, if he wants to leave here, these people can't stop him.

He can easily open a gap and break through the encirclement.

With his marksmanship, these militants could not threaten him at all.

Chen Yang's range of movement at this time is unpredictable.

I saw him disappearing in front of everyone for a moment, and then he came behind a big tree very quickly.

next moment,
He reappeared in the bushes.

He was wearing a camouflage uniform, and it was difficult to find his whereabouts in the jungle.

The most frightening thing is that the gun in his hand is not idle.

Just when Chen Yang came quickly behind a big tree, he shot backhand.

Screaming gunshots rang out, and a guy who was approaching Chen Yang was headshot on the spot.

at this time,

No one expected that Chen Yang would suddenly appear behind this big tree.

He is too fast.

I was still in the bushes just now, and several people around me fired at the bushes with assault rifles.


Chen Yang suddenly appeared behind the big tree, like a ghost, which made people frightened.

At this moment, Chen Yang showed no mercy.

He didn't want to waste bullets and directly killed the people who were close to him.

When he knew that there was a helicopter in the sky, Chen Yang naturally did not dare to be negligent.

Once locked, his situation will be very dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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