Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 217 Breakthrough!leave the rainforest

Chapter 217 Breakthrough!leave the rainforest
at this time,

It's time to test Chen Yang!
As the 'Cobra' armed forces before the staff is dispersed.

When Shanchai was attacked, all members of the 'Cobra' armed team began to gather in the divided second area.

in the rainforest,

Once blocked, if there are helicopters in the air, it is very dangerous.

and soon,

The other armed forces that supported them rushed over.

If you are blocked in the bushes and covered by heavy firepower, no matter how strong you are, you will not be able to escape.

This is also why the era of the heyday of martial arts in the past.

The reason why any great master of martial arts can only raise his hand and surrender under the pressure of guns and guns.

While firing, Chen Yang used his spiritual sense to the limit to sense his surroundings.

He saw a tree not far away,

Immediately afterwards, he moved forward quickly, and soon came to the bottom of the big tree.

He took a deep breath and took out a grenade.

Looking around, he tied the grenade to a tree vine.

After pulling away the safety pin of the grenade, he swung the vine forward.

With a flash of his figure, he quickly disappeared under the big tree.

The tree vine was forced to form a swing, and it swung backwards.

Although the speed of the tree vines swinging past is not fast.


Chen Yang managed the timing very cleverly.

When these people caught up, the grenade on the tree vine was just above their heads.

When they saw the vines swinging towards them, everyone couldn't help but stop.


Everyone's attention was on the position where Chen Yang appeared just now.

At this time, no one paid attention to the swinging of the vines.

To know,
Chen Yang has plenty of ammunition, and no one dares to take it lightly.

A tree vine is nothing to worry about.

After seeing that it was a tree vine, many people chased after it again.

This time,
Shanchai gave a death order, and he must take down this bastard.

There was one guy who seemed to feel something was wrong.

He looked up at the vines.

When he saw the grenade on the tree vine, he was dumbfounded.


At this time the grenade was just above his head.

This unlucky guy could only stare at two eyes at this moment, and it was too late to make any sound.

A loud noise spread around.

The grenade exploded in the sky, its power exerted to the extreme.

Perhaps it was because they were afraid that Chen Yang would attack one by one, so they all naturally began to gather when they chased and killed them this time.

of course,

The most important reason is that at this time, the members of the 'Cobra' armed team, like frightened birds, were frightened by Chen Yang.

They didn't dare to act alone anymore. Once they left the team far away, they didn't even know how they died.

To know,
Chen Yang not only used guns, but also knives.

Sometimes, if he encounters a single person, he will end the battle with a silent blow.

If the personnel are not concentrated at this time, it will be impossible to form fire suppression at all.

As for the support promised by Stinger... Shanchai has given up hope.

Every armed force in the rainforest has its own interests.

Who cares if the 'Cobra' armed forces live or die?

When the reinforcements arrive here, I am afraid that the entire 'Cobra' armed forces will be wiped out by the regiment.

In addition,

Chen Yang's speed is very fast, and he runs away when he hits.

Not staying in one place at all.

Shanchai didn't dare to relax at all.

Another grenade exploded in the air.

Shanchai was lying on the ground, and one of his subordinates helped him suppress the injury on his head.

He was hit in the head by shrapnel from an exploding grenade.

The shrapnel was clamped on the skull, and blood continued to flow out.

Shanchai looked like he was about to die, his face became extremely ugly, his mouth wanted to speak, but he could only make intermittent sounds.

"Damn...I...don't...should accept this...mission!"

"I said that the rainforest is... very dangerous! This time... I can't escape at last."

"This bastard...killed so many of us 'Cobras', can't even see his face clearly!"

"I'm not reconciled...not reconciled...ahem...!"

The people around can only hear what he said clearly if they get close to him.

From a distance, I had no idea what he was talking about.

Shan guessed dead...!
'Cobra' Armed Forces, it's over!

The "Cobra" armed team of more than 50 people was beaten and disabled in the rainforest.

Even Sanchai died.

"Leader...! Woohoo...leader!"

The few remaining people around Shanchai cried out.

Although their hearts were full of resentment, they didn't hate Chen Yang, but hated all the armed forces they assembled.

If all can unite,
Then before entering the rainforest, the woman can be caught.

Unexpectedly, a woman ran into the rainforest under the pursuit of so many people.

Now a master appeared in the rainforest. With so many people besieging the opponent, the opponent will definitely launch the most violent counterattack.

It is indeed a wrong choice for the 'Cobra' armed forces to accept this task.

Entering the rainforest is very dangerous.

Even without the presence of Chen Yang, accidents are easy to happen in the rainforest, and the danger is very high.

And now,
'Cobra' has a team of nearly 50 people, using their lives to explain the horror of the rainforest.

With Sanchai's death,
The rest of the 'Cobra' armed team no longer had the mood to chase that woman, let alone chase Chen Yang.

of course,

They also don't have the ability to go after them.

Just now, Chen Yang's continuous attack and killing almost completely disabled the troops of the 'Cobra' armed organization.

There are only six people who still have combat power.

With such a small number of people, it is not enough to deliver food.

If it is elsewhere, a small team of six people may dare to fight.

But now, he couldn't even see the other party's shadow.

To pursue in this way, what is it if it is not death?
Chen Yang did not continue to attack and kill the last few members of the 'Cobra' armed team.

at this time,

Several groups of people on the periphery began to gather here.

He must leave here as soon as possible without leaving any traces, so as not to be tracked.

for the rest of the time,

Chen Yang ran deep into the rainforest for almost half an hour.

As he moved forward, he erased all traces of himself.

And when moving forward, he deliberately disguised a lot of opposite directions.

If someone followed him, he would soon be disoriented and unable to continue the pursuit.

of course,

This is just for Chen Yang to be in case.

The reality is, no one is chasing him anymore.

When the stinging one-eyed dragon on the helicopter knew that the 'Cobra' armed organization was almost dead.

He was so angry that he almost jumped off the helicopter.

At this moment, he was very angry and full of hatred towards Chen Yang.


He knew that he had to keep calm, otherwise the mission might fail.

If it's just a problem with an armed squad, he can kill them without hesitation.

but now,

Several consecutive teams began to retreat.

He had to think carefully.

If tough measures are used again, let those armed teams continue to round up.

After the personnel of those armed forces are stimulated, they are likely to be self-defeating.

Stinger had to adjust his strategy and concentrate all the horses in the first area.

Because he always felt that that damned woman should be hiding in area one.

Why did that guy start attacking when he mobilized people to search in area one?
all of these,
It's not right.

Stinger intends to 'wait for the rabbit', guarding area one, to see if that guy will show up by himself?

When the leaders of several other armed groups received the order from Stinger, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

They are really worried about their armed forces, following in the footsteps of the 'Cobra' armed forces.

In northern Myanmar in Southeast Asia, it is not easy to pull up an armed team.

Not only money is needed, but also many channels are needed to be able to buy guns and grenades, and at the same time, support from the local people is needed!
They cannot afford to lose too much in the rainforest.

The 'Cobra' armed forces have been abolished, and even Shanchai is dead.

They don't belong to Stinger's men, they just accepted the task.

Everyone is looking for money, and no one wants to die.

There is nothing wrong with the command of the Stinger in the air helicopter.

He gathered all the personnel in one area, and then searched intensively, and it was easy to find the woman.

As long as you find that woman, everything will be easy to handle.

What Stinger didn't expect was that he miscalculated one thing.

Rongrou was not in the first area, nor in the second area.

Chen Yang appeared in this place to deliberately mislead their judgment.

Therefore, a wise man will make a mistake if he thinks about it!
The poisonous stinger never thought that Chen Yang kept attacking and killing in the No. [-] area, but that woman was not here.

in fact,

From the start, the Stinger misjudged.

In addition, in the rainforest, the people who participated in the pursuit of Chen Yang and Rongrou were not the ones who stabbed him.

These people are nothing more than armed groups who have accepted the reward task.

To put it simply, they are just a bunch of rabble, and there is no cooperation between the various teams.

If the other armed groups could unite as one, they would quickly surround Chen Yang after he appeared, and helicopters would conduct a survey in the sky.

It would not be so easy for Chen Yang to get rid of the pursuit.

Originally, the stinger thought that it would be effortless to use so much manpower and material resources to chase a girl.

Things that can be solved with a few million dollars, these poor armed troops in northern Myanmar can do anything in order to make money.


It never occurred to him that things were out of his control and became more and more complicated.

In such a large rainforest,

Why did a guy with such perverted strength come all of a sudden?

Not only did he hide the girl, but he also started killing everyone who participated in the search in the rainforest.

lost heavily……!
this moment,
Stinger's only remaining eyeball emitted a sharp light.

These useless guys!

If only one armed team is allowed to carry out the task, they will be very united and the task will be completed smoothly.


When a task has more than a few armed teams to perform, it will be completely messed up.

These people have their own ulterior motives, wishing that the other armed forces would be wiped out, in this case, the money would be much more.

At this time, Stinger felt a little regret for his previous decision.

It was a wrong choice to mobilize so many people.

However, there is no way for the stinger.

Who would have thought that that daring woman would actually bring out such an important thing from the Electric Fraud Garden.

And she actually ran into the rainforest.

in fact,

Having said all that, the worst case scenario is the variable Chen Yang.

So tricky!

His appearance made all members of the armed organization unexpected, not even Rongrou.

The point is that until now, Rong Rou didn't know the specific identity of Chen Yang.

She originally thought that Chen Yang was the person in her family who requested the national security department to send him.


As time passed, she felt that Chen Yang did not look like a member of the security department.

Stinger and the leaders of other armed organizations also believed that Chen Yang was sent by the Huaxia security department to rescue Rongrou.

A sleepless night...!
It's time for the next morning.

Rong Rou has been hiding in the tree hole of that big tree.

The clothes on her body were soaked again, and she felt a little cold.

The rainforest is too humid, the key is that it rained a lot.

But I have to say that the tree hole is very safe.

Rongrou hid in the tree hole, never daring to act rashly.

last night,
She wore night vision goggles and looked around, but she didn't find anyone passing by.

It's just that after Chen Yang left here, she kept hearing gunshots.

Obviously, Chen Yang started a fierce exchange of fire with the militants who were rounded up.

And there was an explosion sound, all of which made Rongrou very worried.

this moment,
She just realized that she was so helpless and lonely.

When she first came out of the electric fraud garden, she was calm and calm.

Not only did she hide all the important things, but she started to escape into the rainforest.

She only thought in her heart that she must escape and not be caught by anyone.

She was so nervous that she didn't have time to think about anything else.

Even though she was seriously injured, she didn't feel scared.


When she met Chen Yang in the rainforest.

After she found herself dependent, she began to feel lonely and afraid.

With the appearance of the helicopter, after Chen Yang left again, the sense of security in her heart began to weaken.

I remember when Chen Yang left, he told her that he would come back soon.

It's been a whole night... Why hasn't he come back yet?
Do not know why,

Rongrou suddenly felt scared, she was worried about Chen Yang's safety...

For a moment, Rongrou's tears kept dripping down.

She didn't know why she was crying.

Is it because you are afraid that you will not be able to leave the rainforest?Or because of Chen Yang?Or for some other reason...?
do not know!
Rongrou herself couldn't explain clearly, she just wanted to cry.

When the thought of crying appeared, she couldn't hold back anymore, and began to cry softly.

at this time,

If there are armed people searching around, I believe Rongrou's hiding place will be discovered soon.

But she doesn't care about that anymore.

at this time,

She stopped crying suddenly, and saw a figure appearing under the tree.

Rong Rou quickly wiped away her tears.

this moment,
She had never realized that she missed someone so much.

When the figure walked under the big tree, he happened to see her.

I saw Chen Yang smiled at her, opened his arms, and let her come down from the tree hole by herself.

When Rongrou saw it, she was surprised.

She had been squatting in the tree hole for so long, her feet had already become numb.

At this time, she was cold and hungry. After standing up, she accidentally fell from the tree hole.

Rongrou was startled and frightened, she didn't even have time to scream, she felt her body suddenly slow down and fell into Chen Yang's embrace.


She opened her eyes and looked at Chen Yang.

The next moment, she didn't know where the courage came from, and she hugged Chen Yang tightly, unwilling to let go for a moment.

"Okay! I already know the direction to leave the rainforest!"

"I've dealt with the chaser over there, and now we'll leave here immediately."

"Are you hungry? After leaving the rainforest and returning home, I'll treat you to a good meal!"

Chen Yang laughed, wanting to put Rong Rou down.


Rong Rou shook her head, hugging Chen Yang tightly.

She didn't speak, but felt that holding Chen Yang felt too safe.

She doesn't want to move!

this moment,
She even hoped that Chen Yang could hold her forever...!
(End of this chapter)

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