Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 225 Decisive battle against Sao Paulo!

Chapter 225 Decisive battle against Sao Paulo!
After Chen Yang came out of the office.

He called Zhan Zhilei.

Mr. Stephen, the leader of the Siberian training camp, told him that there were more than four forces trying to deal with him.

He had to be a little more cautious.

This is North American Canada after all.

If you want to ensure your own safety, you must ensure that there is enough deterrence on the surface.


There needs to be a strong force in the dark to deter those desperadoes who are about to move.

After meeting with Zhan Zhilei, Chen Yang obviously felt that his security force was not enough.

Because the nature of 'Ultimate Fighter' is totally different from that of 'King of Thailand'.

This is the pursuit of personal martial arts!
Once something happened, even if the 'Guowutang' wanted to take revenge, there would be no excuse.

To solve this problem, the most efficient way is - money!

That's right!

Sometimes, the US knife can solve many problems.

For $1000 million, you can hire a well-equipped and highly professional security team.

Meanwhile, security groups can resolve various visa issues.

Especially security issues in the short term.

Money is absolutely omnipotent!

This is why many of the world's top richest people hire security teams when they go abroad for business.

Chen Yang was not stingy, and directly spent 2000 million US dollars to ask Zhan Zhilei to upgrade the security level.

He wants to make sure that he is safe during the Ultimate Fighter World Tour until the end of the final 'Ultimate Battle'.

Zhan Zhilei quickly found an acquaintance in China to take the lead and contacted the world's largest 'Blackwater' group.

An elite security team of 20 members was quickly negotiated.

And that night,
The security team is already in place and very efficient.

When Chen Yang saw the newly recruited security team and checked their firepower configuration, he was finally satisfied.

the next afternoon...

Chen Yang, Zhan Zhilei, and the security team came to Brazil, South America together!

The ultimate fighter's global tour, the second battle will be held here.

After Chen Yang settled in the International Hotel, he chose to stay behind closed doors.

With the victory of this boxing match, Chen Yang's popularity skyrocketed in the global martial arts world.

Originally, when he cleared the Lumpini Boxing Arena last time, his [Reputation Point] remaining was 10.85 billion;
Since this time,

He didn't turn on the [Lucky Big Wheel], nor did he activate the [Battle Spirit Card]!
have to say,

After conquering the world, the increase in prestige is another level higher than in Asian martial arts.

His current [Reputation Point] remaining has exceeded 16 billion;
[Activate the battle spirit card successfully, consuming 1000 million reputation points! 】

I want to perfect my own strength and consolidate the true meaning of speed that I just comprehended.

The most efficient way is to conduct actual combat with the battle spirit.

Fighting spirit!

This is a virtual actual combat training ground specially used by [enhancement panel] to consolidate one's actual combat strength.

On the other hand,

The soul of battle is the projection of Chen Yang's strongest state of martial arts at present.

With his fighting strength, it is very difficult to defeat the fighting spirit.

of course,

It's not that it's impossible to defeat War Soul, after all, War Soul didn't inherit the talent he acquired.

Such as observation ability, spiritual perception manifesting, etc...!
After Chen Yang entered the virtual combat training ground,

The battle spirit soon appeared in front of him.

The spirit of battle is on his body, and his aura is horrifying.

Even with Chen Yang's current state, he felt that he couldn't do anything.

Invincible, invincible!
That's right,

The aura on Zhanhun is invincible!

Although Chen Yang has experienced bloody battles, he not only won the championship of the "Battle of Thai Kings", but also swept the Lumpini Boxing Arena.


He easily killed the Mexican 'Scythe' Vares.

However, in front of the battle spirit, he still felt that his strength was not enough.

He is now a master of the four major martial arts, and the state of exerting force is only a thin line away from the state of 'Ming Jin Dacheng'.

If you want to find a sparring partner who is evenly matched, it is difficult to find even in the world of martial arts.

The battle spirit is not only exactly the same as his martial arts power state, but also his strongest state projection.

for him,
Soul of War is definitely the best sparring partner!

"Nimma's... if I can reach the fighting state of the fighting spirit, I believe I will be able to dominate the world's martial arts world!"

Chen Yang observed the fighting spirit on the opposite side, and took a deep breath.

Compared with before, he is more confident now.

Next, Chen Yang stomped his feet, and without any hesitation, he took the lead in a strong attack.

Rush, kick, kick, sweep your legs...!
Combined leg skills exploded continuously.

Chen Yang's leg speed increased by a level, and his combat power increased dramatically.

The direction of his attack is the upper body of the battle spirit, while taking into account the middle and lower body.

Combining reality and reality, the moves are as fast as thunder, fierce and domineering, and the force is like a landslide.

The comprehensive combat power of the battle spirit is indeed the strongest state in Chen Yang's current realm.

His reaction ability and speed are faster than Chen Yang.

And the battle experience is several levels beyond that of Chen Yang.

A whip kick kicked Chen Yang's abdomen instantly!

Three combos!

One minute and fifty-five seconds!

Chen Yang only lasted for one minute and 30 seconds under Zhanhun's legs, and was instantly kicked away by Zhanhun's three-stroke combo.

When he was forced to exit the [Virtual Training Ground].

Chen Yang took a deep breath and suddenly sighed helplessly.

"Damn! One and a half minutes, still can't break through 2 minutes!"

"I know the ultimate move of the three-style combo, but if you want to use it like a fighting spirit, you have to practice hard!"

Fortunately, after activating the [Battle Spirit Card], after actual combat training, you will not be injured!

Chen Yang will be scarred by the battle spirit.

The strength of the fighting spirit is too perverted!

Every movement is accurate to the millimeter level.

Even the simplest leg sweep, whether it is speed, explosive power, or the timing of the move, is worthy of Chen Yang's thinking and comprehension.

In Asian martial arts, Chen Yang is known as the number one powerhouse in Asian martial arts.

He is the 'King of Destruction'!
But in front of the soul of war, he is a 'weak chicken'!
of course,

Compared to being vulnerable before, he can now fight fiercely for a minute and a half, which is considered a huge improvement.

Once he only needs to break through to the realm of 'Ming Jin Dacheng'.

Then this gap will widen again.


Once Chen Yang breaks through to the 'Great Strength of Brightness' realm, the battle spirit will be in the peak and strongest state of the 'Great Strength of Brightness' realm.

Under that kind of realm, one is definitely standing at the top of the world's martial arts, unrivaled!
Chen Yang took another deep breath.

He didn't rush to activate the [Battle Spirit Card] again, but started to think.


He went through the whole minute and a half of the fierce battle with the war spirit just now in his mind.

The purpose of opening the battle spirit card is to improve your combat power!
Through fierce battles with war spirits, let yourself quickly comprehend the application and integration of the four major martial arts.

After a while,

Chen Yang activated the [Battle Spirit Card] again, taking the lead in attacking.

Rush straight punch, knee top lore, elbow strike rampage!
Combining Bajiquan and Taijiquan's ultimate move, Chen Yang's offensive speed and explosive power are horrifying.

bang, bang, bang...

In the virtual training ground, a fierce battle broke out again.

One minute and fifty-five seconds!
This time, Chen Yang persisted for two more seconds under the fist of the war spirit.

He was kicked away by the war spirit again, and was forced to withdraw from the virtual training ground.

This time,
He almost cried out in pain.

It hurts so much...!
Thankfully it was just pain and no actual damage.

Chen Yang might have to lie in bed for half a year, or even sit in a wheelchair forever, for this heavy-legged killing move.

"The power is too strong! Every movement is a perfect explosion, it's unplayable!"

"Kicking can be so explosive!? The lethality can still be so fierce?"

Chen Yang was very clear in his heart,

As long as he is defeated by the battle spirit, it means that he still has room to grow.

"Continue...five actual combat trainings every day, I want to see if I have a chance to break through the 2-minute time!"

Chen Yang was not discouraged.

He thought for a moment, then activated the [War Spirit Card] again!
bang, bang, bang...

This time, Chen Yang persisted for one minute and 35 seconds in the virtual combat training!
Compared with the previous game, he lasted three seconds longer!

Three days later,

Brazil, South America, Sao Paulo!
Inside the International Hotel.

bang, bang, bang...

In the virtual actual combat training ground, the fierce battle between Chen Yang and the fighting spirit was very intense.

This is the peak duel between Bajiquan and Bajiquan, and it is a fierce confrontation between Taiji and Twelve-Road Tan Kyu.

If someone can see the scene in the virtual actual combat training ground at this time, they will definitely be surprised.

2 minutes!
That's right,

Chen Yang was finally able to rely on the essence of speed he had comprehended to hold on for 2 minutes under the attack of the war spirit!

When Chen Yang was forced out of the virtual training ground again, a smile appeared on his face.

"After comprehending the essence of speed, my combat power has indeed improved a lot!"

"Unexpectedly, under the fist of the war spirit, I could last for 2 minutes."

Chen Yang did not continue the actual combat training, but went to Zhan Zhilei instead.

Tonight is the second duel on the global tour.

Because of this place in Brazil, it can be called 'Second Day Island'!
The Japanese islanders have a big base in Brazil, or great ambitions.

Zhan Zhilei felt that he was under a lot of pressure.

He, who used to be the number one master in Chinese martial arts, now not only has to be responsible for Chen Yang's safety.


He himself has more important tasks.

In the past few days, he has not relaxed at all.

Sometimes, if you want to ensure safety, you need to have a strong security team.

In addition,

It is also necessary to buy news from the local land snakes.

eight pm!

Sao Paulo Sports Center!
Tonight is the second peak duel in the global tour!
During the previous two days,
Zhan Zhilei had already given Chen Yang information about his opponent.

Boxing odds are the same as in the first fight.

That's right,

The Ultimate Fighter World Tour, since there is no lottery.

Every boxing match will arrange an evenly matched opponent, and the odds will be maintained at around one to one.

Everyone hopes to enter the 'Ultimate Battle' and capture the last 'Ultimate Fighter'!
To reach the second round of the World Tour, there is no underdog.

The ultimate fighter!

This was originally a game between the strong, a peak bloody battle between life and death.

If there is no super strength, no belief in victory, it is impossible to go to this arena to die.

In addition,

The masters who can reach the global tour have their own famous nirvana.

Perhaps some people are not well-known.

But fame is not very useful here, and all boxing fans do not fully refer to fame when placing bets.

A few years ago, the 'Ultimate Fighter' Frazier, at the beginning, also had no reputation, and was even called a nobody.


In the end, he swept all the way, invincible and in a mess of strength, until he won the "Ultimate Fighter" and became famous in the world of martial arts!

There is absolutely no weak person who can enter the global tour.

There are no upsets in every boxing match here!

Any win or loss can happen.

of course,

There will definitely be a gap in strength, which requires boxing fans to discover and understand.

Just from superficial analysis, it is likely to lose everything.

This is why every boxing match sets the handicap as one to one.

at this time,

Throughout the Sao Paulo Sports Center, the lights were bright, and all auditoriums were full of people.

Since the second round of the global tour is in Brazil, this is the holy land of martial arts in South America.

Chen Yang VS Mino!

Perhaps it was because Mino was too well-known in the South American martial arts world.

After he played, many South American boxing fans are full of expectations for this boxing match.

Many die-hard fans of Mino came to the Sao Paulo Sports Center.

to be frank,
Chen Yang has super self-confidence in himself, but he never underestimates any opponent.

He took a deep breath and constantly adjusted his state to calm himself down.

Mino is no ordinary opponent!

The second-ranked top player in the Black Cross training camp!

According to the information given by Zhan Zhilei, the purpose of Mino's participation in the 'Ultimate Fighter' was to seek revenge from Chen Yang.

That's right,

Because Chen Yang killed Billy in the Lumpini Boxing Arena in Southeast Asia!

And Billy is Mino's younger brother!

After Chen Yang read Mino's information, he was extremely afraid of the opponent he faced in the second scene of the global tour!

The two were in the locker room. After preparing everything, they walked into the octagonal boxing ring.

Mino looked up at Chen Yang, without any expression on his face,
at this time,

There was an extremely terrifying murderous intent in his eyes.

The way of martial arts he practiced was the same as that of Chen Yang.

Kill a life!

That's right, between heaven and earth, everything can be killed!

If the sky blocks me, I will destroy the sky, if the earth blocks me, I will split the earth, if people block me, I will kill people!
This is the Way of Killing Life!

of course,

This is just a state of mind and will, not to say that it can destroy the sky!
A flash of lightning directly blows people away, destroying the sky with a hammer.

Manpower cannot compete with heaven and earth!
Even if technology has reached the point it is today, it cannot compete with the power of heaven and earth.

An earthquake, how many people were destroyed!
The declaration of killing life is just a kind of belief, a kind of spiritual will!

The fight hasn't started yet.

at this time,

In the octagonal boxing ring, the atmosphere became extremely heated, tense, and intense!

Boxing fans at the scene stood up and cheered for the two on the ring.

This is Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America, so most of the boxing fans at the scene support Mino.

After all, the headquarters of the 'Black Cross Black Fist Training Camp' is in South America.

Mino has a very high reputation in South America.

"Mino, kill him...!"

"The Chinese actually killed Billy, let him see how powerful our South American martial art is!"

"Break his neck and kill him!"

"Mino, come on, kill him!"


The boxing fans at the scene shouted and cheered, looking extremely crazy.

Chen Yang took a deep breath, and took half a step with his feet slanted.

After he calmed down, he quickly entered a fighting state.

The powerful telepathy made him feel a strong threat from Mino.


Although the opponent's combat power is strong, it is not fatal.

The bell rings.

Mino did not take the lead in attacking, but took a few steps back, opened the distance, and said to Chen Yang in a deep voice:

"Huaxia Chen Yang, to tell you the truth, the main purpose of my joining the ultimate fighter this time is for you!"

"Originally, I have been preparing for the 'Battle of the Lost City'! But it doesn't matter, after I win the 'Ultimate Fighter', I can also participate in the 'Battle of the Lost City'!"

"You killed Billy in Southeast Asia, and I don't blame you!"

"Any boxer who enters the ring must be prepared to die."

"However, if I don't kill you, there will be cracks in my martial arts belief."

"Boy, your martial arts are very similar to mine. In every boxing match, you kill or even maim your opponents. This is the most distinctive feature of 'Shasheng Dao'!"

"Our duel today can be said to be a battle of fate!"

"Come on, Huaxia boy, today I will show you what a real 'super potential' powerhouse is!"

"You are destined to be the whetstone of my 'killing way'!"

Just finished speaking,

I saw Mino exuding an incomparably fierce murderous aura, giving people an infinite sense of oppression...

(End of this chapter)

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