Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 226 Who Is The Whetstone?

Chapter 226 Who Is The Whetstone?
Chen Yang frowned slightly after hearing the words.

at this time,

He looked up at Mino on the opposite side, very surprised in his heart.

Kill a life! ?
Super potential powerhouse! ?

Lost City Battle!

Didn't expect this black guy to know the way of "killing life" martial arts?
In this way, there is the inheritance of Chinese martial arts in the Columbia Black Cross training camp!

In the Black Cross training camp, there are top instructors who are proficient in Chinese martial arts.

"Hmph! Don't think that you have won a few boxing matches and killed a few opponents, so you think you are qualified to compete in the global martial arts world."

"The world's top martial artist is not what you imagined at all!"

"Once your combat power has been stimulated to the realm of 'super potential', it can be considered that you have truly embarked on the road of martial arts!"

Mino stomped his feet, sank his center of gravity, and started to attack and defend.

Super potential powerhouse!
at this time,

Chen Yang remembered the words of Stephen, the leader of the Siberia training camp.

Next, he frowned slightly.

Unexpectedly, the master Mino of the Black Cross training camp in front of him turned out to be a super potential powerhouse.

But so what?

Chen Yang stretched out his arms expressionlessly, and made a Tai Chi starting gesture.

Both rigid and soft, both offensive and defensive!
At this moment, Mino kicked his feet and rushed towards Chen Yang.

He raised his leg in an instant and kicked towards Chen Yang's center line.

Fierce, fierce, fast, and full of explosive power.

As the second-ranked superpower in the Columbia Black Cross training camp, he is a super-class master who has inspired 'super potential'.

Mino's martial art strength state has reached the state of great success.

Every move of his killing move contains terrifying killing intent.

He has already comprehended the true essence of 'The Way of Killing Lives'.

Once the attack broke out completely, it was like a sword out of its sheath, and it was like a broken bamboo, making it hard to guard against.

this moment,
It seemed that the surrounding air was enveloped by his killing intent.

His legs formed a strong attack, like a storm enveloped the surroundings, and it was inevitable.

at this time,

Chen Yang was like the feeling of 'unable to contend' that can only be produced when facing a battle spirit.

He couldn't help being startled, exerted force on his feet, and quickly retreated.

"This... so terrifying attack speed, such explosive power!"

Tai Chi Potential——as closed as closed!
Chen Yang blocked with both arms to test the opponent's leg skills.

The next moment, he was knocked back three meters by a powerful force!


Chen Yang turned sideways quickly, contracted his abdomen, and avoided the opponent's extremely ferocious leg-sweeping blow!

Chen Yang couldn't help but gasped.

This is the first time he has encountered such a terrifying master, the speed is simply indescribable.

The last time Chen Yang fought Billy in Southeast Asia, and finally killed Billy easily.

At the same time, he also killed Anthony in the Lumpini Boxing Stadium in Southeast Asia.

In Chen Yang's impression, the masters of the world's top five black boxing training camps are nothing more than that, nothing special.

But now,

When he faced Mino, who was also in the Colombian Black Cross training camp.

Chen Yang found that he completely underestimated the horror of the black boxing training camp.

To know,
Mino is only the second strongest player in the Black Cross training camp.

His combat power is not at the same level as any opponent Chen Yang has encountered before.

at this time,

Mino's eyes were cold, and his mind was extremely calm.

It was as if he had known for a long time that Chen Yang used Tai Chi to block and unload his strength.

It can be seen from this,

Mino's prediction ability is not much weaker than Chen Yang's.

Kicking Chen Yang three meters away, Mino's attack did not stop.

He continued to exert force on his feet, and with a heavy blow to his legs, he continued to rush towards Chen Yang like a violent storm.

Sweeping with one foot, unstoppable!

this moment,
The entire octagonal boxing ring seemed to be covered by his legs.

Sweep kick, bump kick, lunge kick!

Three-style chain, combined leg skills combo ultimate move!
As soon as he makes a move, it is a three-style combo ultimate move, which is shockingly fierce and infinitely lethal.


Chen Yang's powers of observation and agility, as well as his spiritual sensing ability, far surpassed ordinary people.

At the moment when Mino kicked three times, Chen Yang stepped back quickly.

Then he moved two steps sideways, with his center of gravity down, avoiding the opponent's combo attack that was bound to be obtained.

Chen Yang couldn't help exhaling again.

At this time, his heart became extremely fearful and his attention was highly concentrated.

Immediately afterwards, the strength of his whole body was concentrated, and his fist intention completely exploded.


The world's top martial arts powerhouse!
The top powerhouses of the world's top five black boxing training camps, after stimulating their 'super potential', their strength is terrifying!

this moment,
Chen Yang's sense of spiritual crisis constantly reminded him.

Each of Mino's killing moves is extremely powerful, possessing the ability to kill with one blow.

To know,
With Chen Yang's current level of martial arts development, his combat power has already surpassed the limit of Asian martial arts.

But when facing Mino, he was at a disadvantage.

Could it be that the combat power of the 'super potential' powerhouse is really so terrifying?
in fact,

What Chen Yang didn't know was that Mino had obtained the true power of the Black Cross training camp.

He had aroused his 'super potential' a few years ago and possessed extremely powerful combat power.

According to the realm of martial arts and martial arts, he has already entered the realm of 'Ming Jin Dacheng'!
What he lacks is the state of mind!
Once his sixth sense of crisis has also stepped into the realm of 'Six Senses', it will be very difficult for Chen Yang to avoid his attack!


Yiminuo's extremely powerful offensive ability.

Although Chen Yang's defense ability is extremely strong, it is impossible to resist the opponent's heavy blow.

Just as Mino exerted strength under his feet, continued to charge forward, and began to continue to attack explosively.

Chen Yang swept forward with one kick, and immediately launched a counterattack.

Use offense instead of defense, fight fast with speed!
Under Mino's fast-paced offense, it is very dangerous to adopt a "static braking" style of play!

Because Mino's offensive rhythm and speed have already surpassed Chen Yang's ability to 'start first'.

The stronger the opponent's strength, the stronger the fighting spirit in Chen Yang's heart!
When facing stronger and invincible fighting spirits, Chen Yang can fight fiercely for 2 minutes.

Facing Mino at this time, how could he be intimidated by the other party?
Chen Yang didn't hesitate at all, just at the moment Mino broke out to attack with a leg sweep.

He kicked his feet and whipped his legs forward to fight back.

The whip leg hits hard, like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves!

The speed of this whip kick was very fast, and the attack was very sudden.

In an instant,

His whip leg was close to Mino's ribs, like a sharp knife, unstoppable!

Comprehending the true meaning of speed, the whip kick is very lethal.


Mino felt the crisis, and his expression changed.

He has experienced hundreds of battles, has extremely rich experience in battle, and has a strong sixth sense of crisis.

He kicked his feet and stopped attacking instantly.

Then he exerted his strength instantly, moved half a step sideways, and at the same time stepped back, widening the distance between him and Chen Yang.


At this time, Chen Yang's whip kick had already been kicked out, and the speed exploded at full strength, how could he give up the attack?

Left whip kick, right whip kick, leg sweep, side kick...

A series of kicks, a strong explosion!

Once the Twelve-Road Tan-Leg Chain Form erupts, the momentum will be like a rainbow and will continue continuously.

Chen Yang's attack was like a violent storm, one leg after another.

Back up... back up...!
Ding Ding Deng

Mino backed away continuously until he reached the corner of the octagon ring.

He barely opened the distance with Chen Yang.


A scene that shocked all boxing fans in the entire Sao Paulo Sports Center appeared.

In the octagonal cage, the two launched the most brutal and intense attack method.

Vicious kicks, punches, elbows...

Fierce, domineering, ferocious, ruthless!
The impact of the explosion made everyone feel the adrenaline rush.

After Chen Yang entered the martial arts world, his favorite style of play was the 'destructive attack style'.

He seldom competes with his opponents in moves, but likes to fight fast and break power with strength!
And now,
On the octagonal cage boxing ring, he and Mino actually launched the most exciting and intense fight-to use cleverness to break cleverness!
The contest of moves is dazzling!

See tricks and split tricks, it's wonderful!
This is not a practice of martial arts routines, nor an attack and defense drill, nor is it a trick!

This is a real fight in the arena, a bloody battle between fighters with 'super potential'.

Every move is extremely dangerous!

As long as there is the slightest negligence, there will be unpredictable costs.

Punches, kicks, knees, elbows...!
The speed is getting faster and faster, the movements are fierce, rough, but unpredictable, and extremely dangerous.

this moment,
All the boxing fans at the scene were shocked and dumbfounded by the scene on the boxing ring.

Everyone held their breath and made no sound.

"Such a fast attack speed, such an exquisite move, is this the ultimate move of the Black Cross training camp?"

"Mino is the second strongest player in the Black Cross training camp! His offensive rhythm is too fast."

"In the world of martial arts, no one dares to underestimate the strength of the black boxing training camp, it is too strong!"

"Huaxia boy is going to be unlucky, he is suppressed by Mino, and he looks very passive."

"No, Huaxia's rhythm is not chaotic, he is very calm, this boxing match... Minuo wants to win, it is not easy!"

"Winning or losing is hard to predict. No wonder the odds of the two are very close. Even the gambling company can't accurately predict the winning or losing between them."

"Damn... Why is the strength of the Huaxia people so terrible? Can he block Mino's strong attack?"

"Top king-level masters! Both of them have reached the level of the top king-level masters in the world's martial arts."

"The Huaxia boy is known as the number one martial artist in Asia, no wonder he is called the best martial arts genius in Asian martial arts since this century!"

"He's the 'Destroyer'! Don't forget, he easily killed Mexico's 'Scythe' Vares in his last fight."


The gazes of all boxing fans were on the two people on the octagon boxing ring.

this moment,
There was a trace of horror in everyone's eyes.

The offensive movements of the two were brilliant, and the moves were dazzling and breathtaking.

The most adrenaline rush is the speed, which is incredible.

That super lethal force erupted a powerful shock wave, centered on the two of them, and spread towards the surroundings.

Mino fully demonstrated the peak combat power of the 'super potential' powerhouse, which is shocking.


Chen Yang was not completely suppressed by him, but started the most exciting confrontation with Mino!
at this time,

Chen Yang wanted to unleash a combo killing move, but he didn't have a good time!

no way,
Minow was too reflexive, too quick, and so terrifying offensively at the same time.

If you want to unleash a killer move, you must have the right timing.

Mino suddenly let out a snarl, and kicked back with all his strength.

The next moment, his body soared into the air, and with a flying knee combo, he slammed into Chen Yang's chest.

at the same time,

At the same time as he broke out flying knees, he raised his elbows upwards, aiming at Chen Yang's head.

Flying knee combo, elbow impact!
After the combo killer move broke out, the lethality increased dramatically!

The combination of this ultimate move, the speed and explosive power broke through the limit, making it inevitable for people to avoid!
The most frightening thing was that murderous intent, which locked Chen Yang completely!
In an instant, it enveloped the entire octagonal boxing ring, completely blocking all of Chen Yang's escape routes!
Flying knees in the air is one of the most terrifying killing moves in any martial arts in the world.

Especially when the body soars into the air, under the sprint of inertia, it has the power to defeat all obstacles, fierce and domineering.

If Mino used this ultimate move to attack a tree.

With such a powerful outburst of his, the trees would be broken on the spot.

Invincible, unstoppable!
This is the world's top five black boxing training camps, to stimulate the top masters of 'super potential'.

Each of their simplest moves can become the most terrifying nirvana.

at this time,

Mino didn't hold anything back, and completely exploded his strength, which was a mess of ferocity.

Although it is said that Chen Yang's reputation in the global martial arts world has become more and more famous.

He is not only the strongest in Asian martial arts, but also easily killed the Mexican master in the last boxing match.

In addition,

The 'Naimeng' instructor of the Black Cross training camp highly admires the fighting power of the Chinese people!

But from the heart.

Mino's goal has always been the 'Ultimate Fighter' Frazier!

Since he aroused his 'Super Potential', his combat power has increased dramatically, and his martial arts have even reached the level of great success.

His purpose of joining the Ultimate Fighter, besides avenging his dead brother 'Billy', is to win the title of 'Ultimate Fighter'.

He wants to be recognized by the Black Cross Black Boxing Training Camp and become the number one 'Xeon King'!
In his eyes,
Only the strongest king is qualified to be his real opponent.

Huaxia people are destined to be his 'whetstone'!
After the boxing match started, Mino broke out the most terrifying attack without any hesitation.

A strong man who stimulates his 'super potential' has extraordinary combat power.

at this time,

Chen Yang could clearly feel the terrifying lethality of Mino's combo of ultimate moves.

Can't resist...!
After taking a few steps back, Chen Yang stared at the black Mino who was opposite him.

"Damn turns out that this is the top combat power in the world's martial arts world!"

"Hmph! Once I break through to the realm of 'Great Strength', I will definitely kill all the strong people who stimulate the 'Super Potential'!"

"I want to sharpen the knife with Lao Tzu, but be careful to grind the knife...!"

Chen Yang snorted coldly in his heart.

at this time,

He is full of confidence in his fighting power.

Now that he is only in the realm of Ming Jin Xiaocheng, he is not afraid of Mino's strong attack.

If he can break through to the realm of 'Ming Jin Dacheng', his strength will increase dramatically again.

Black Mino's strength is very strong, suffocating, beyond Chen Yang's estimation.

When Chen Yang cleared the customs at the Lumpini Boxing Stadium in Southeast Asia, he met Anthony, Billy, Regula...etc.

Although their strength is very strong.

But to be honest, compared to the master Minuo who activated his 'super potential' in front of him, he was one level behind.


At this time, Chen Yang didn't feel afraid, but his blood was surging, and his fighting spirit broke out completely.

The stronger the opponent is, the more he can strengthen his belief in martial arts after defeating it.


Somewhere, Chen Yang had a premonition.

It seems that after defeating Minuo, he will be able to break through to the 'Ming Jin Dacheng'!
There is no need to rely on the medical assistance of the [enhancement panel], nor any [Broken Mirror Pill]!

Relying on one's own comprehension and fighting, after breaking through to the realm of Ming Jin Dacheng, the realm will be more stable and the combat power will be stronger!
Thinking of this, Chen Yang couldn't help but take a deep breath.

His eyes became brighter, his muscles tensed like iron, and his fighting spirit soared.

at the same time,

His observation ability has been raised to the limit, and his spiritual sensing ability has reached the peak...

(End of this chapter)

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