Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 239 You are fierce!I'm stronger than you

Chapter 239 You are fierce!I'm stronger than you
North America Mexico City!

eight pm!

The ultimate fighter's global tour, the fourth round of the boxing match officially kicked off.

Because the opponents of the boxing match are not determined by lottery.

Instead, the boxer initiates the challenge, and after the Global Martial Arts Federation confirms and agrees, the battle list is officially announced.

A boxer who challenges must have the qualifications to challenge.

That is,

Anyone who wants to challenge Chen Yang must win the first three rounds.

Chen Yang is now branded as a 'Public Enemy' by the organizer of 'Ultimate Fighter'!
Many top players began to challenge him.

'Blade' Kurson!
'Tank' Brian!

'Tiger of the Far East' Tuglev!
'Ghost back' Hattori Chikun!
at the same time,

During the global tour of the ultimate fighters in the global martial arts world, there were actually four super strong fighters who challenged Chen Yang.

This shows that

'Public Enemy' is growing in influence.

The goal of almost all the top powerhouses participating in the battle is to get rid of Chen Yang, the 'public enemy' first.

Anyone who can defeat the 'Public Enemy' created by the organizers of 'Ultimate Fighter' will receive an additional income.

The further back, the stronger the opponent's strength.

Any one of them has the strength to enter the 'Ultimate Battle' and compete for the final 'Ultimate Fighter' title!

They are all top powerhouses who have stimulated their 'super potential', and they are all super masters standing at the pinnacle of human martial arts.

Everyone has their own killer move!
According to the final challenge rules.

Round [-] of the World Tour,

'King of Destruction' Chen Yang VS 'Tank' Bryan!

Half an hour before the start of the boxing match, the betting time ends.

no way,
Chen Yang's popularity is too high now, and at the same time, he was made into a "public enemy" by the organizer of "Ultimate Fighter".

Therefore, in every boxing match, his betting turnover broke the record.

This is why it is necessary to close the disk half an hour in advance.

The purpose is simple,
In case the betting time is exceeded and the boxing match ends in the blink of an eye, the peripheral handicap of the major underground banks will be very troublesome.

This kind of early closing is very common in the 'Ultimate Fighter' global tour, and it's not unexpected.

Any peak duel, as long as the betting funds exceed the warning line, the game must be closed in advance.

Chen Yang didn't pay attention to the betting.

He is a boxer who participated in the war and is not allowed to participate in gambling.


Since each boxing match will have a limit, relatively speaking, boxing match bonuses are much more profitable than participating in boxing gambling.

not to mention,
Chen Yang asked the Douyin live broadcast platform to buy the live broadcast rights of his boxing match very early on.

There is absolutely no need for him to participate in gambling to gain benefits.

Tonight's fourth round of the Ultimate Fighter World Tour, if Chen Yang can beat his opponent to advance, he will earn more than [-] million US dollars.


When Chen Yang appeared at the Mexico City Sports Center.

at this time,

He found that the Mexico City Sports Center, which can accommodate 5 people, is full of people.

To know,
Chen Yang's boxing match was originally held in Monterrey, Mexico.

Finally, in order to expand the income of tickets, but also to enhance the influence.

According to the arrangement of the Global Budo Federation, the venue of the boxing match was finally arranged at the Mexico City Sports Center.

The Mexico City Sports Center, which can accommodate 5 people, can double ticket revenue.

Although there are more people watching the battle.

However, ticket prices have not been reduced.

Even the farthest ticket price is five thousand dollars.


No matter how expensive the tickets are, it can't stop the enthusiasm of boxing fans.

When the news of the boxing match was announced, all tickets were sold out within half an hour.

Many scalpers even hoarded tickets and made a fortune.

With Chen Yang's current popularity and personality, all his tickets for boxing matches can be easily sold.

of course,

Chen Yang has the current popularity in the global martial arts world. Apart from his own strength, he cannot do without the support of the Global Martial Arts Federation!
Their purpose of praising Chen Yang is very obvious.


Chen Yang can bring more attention and greater benefits to the organizer of 'Ultimate Fighter'.

Chen Yang's boxing fans are not only in Asia, but also have many die-hard fans all over the world.

His image is so good, and his boxing style is sharp, which has made rich boxing fans all over the world go crazy for him.

Chen Yang is full of confidence in tonight's boxing match.

He is now in full condition, and the realm of martial arts development has been stabilized.

of course,

He never underestimated any opponent, and was always vigilant in his heart.

When he entered the locker room,

He quickly adjusted his state of mind, put himself into a fighting state, and his fighting spirit reached its peak.

Although Zhan Zhilei gave him the boxing video and information about 'Tank' Bryan.

But Chen Yang just looked around for a while, after getting a general understanding of the other party's style characteristics.

He didn't continue to pay attention to each other.

'Tank' Bryan, one of England's three strongest players, is definitely a very difficult opponent.

Chen Yang felt that the other party did not pose any threat to him.

When ready,
Chen Yang came out of the locker room with a calm face and stepped onto the octagonal boxing ring.

'Tank' Bryan stood in the middle of the octagon ring, staring at Chen Yang opposite him.

He has dreadlocks and dark skin, like a gorilla.

He challenged Chen Yang for the 8000 million USD boxing prize.

Chen Yang's popularity is too high, and the prize money for each boxing match leads the entire 'Ultimate Fighter' global tour.

If there is no benefit,

It is impossible for 'Tank' Brian to challenge Chen Yang for no reason.

To know,
Chen Yang can be made a "public enemy" by the organizer of "Ultimate Fighter", and his combat power is extraordinary.

If there is no benefit, who will challenge the 'Public Enemy' in the fourth round?
'Tank' Bryan is more dissatisfied besides the 8000 million dollars!
An Asian boxer was actually set as a 'public enemy'!
This is an insult to all European and American boxers who participated in the "Ultimate Fighter".

Especially seeing Chen Yang's popularity now, 'Tank' Bryan was even more jealous.

The bell hasn't rang yet.


At this time, the atmosphere in the entire Mexico City Sports Center exploded.

Tension, intense!
Many boxing fans at the scene stood up, screaming and screaming.

After all, this is North America, not Asia!

Most of the boxing fans who came to watch the fight were North American boxing fans.

Although there are boxing fans in Asia, Europe and other places, the number is not many.

However, due to the relationship between England in Europe and North America, it is extraordinary.

Many North American boxing fans hope that England's 'tank' Bryan can kill Chen Yang in the ring!
They don't want to see a Chinese boxer killing all directions in North America.

"'Tank' Brian, come on, you're the best!"

"Kill the Huaxia people! Kill him!"

"The Chinese killed Mino and killed Vares. He made me lose a lot of money. 'Tank' Brian, we must kill him!"

"'Tank' Bryan, let the Chinese see the combat power of the top European martial artists."

"Let the Chinese understand the invincibility of England's 'knights'."

"Kick his head out, his heart out, 'Tank' Brian, come on."

"Use your heavy-leg killing move to maim him and screw his head off, haha...'Tank' Bryan, you will definitely win!"

"I bet $1000 million on you, 'Tank' Bryan, blow up the Asians!"


Many European and American boxing fans at the scene shouted at this moment and became crazy.

Listening to the voices around him, Chen Yang seemed very calm in his heart.

He took a deep breath, twisted his arm, and his mind became clear.

After entering the combat state, nothing outside can affect him.

He was calm and focused.

at this time,

Only the opposite 'tank' Brian was left in his mind, and everything around him seemed to disappear.

have to say,

The realm of Chen Yang's martial arts power is firmly behind the realm of 'Ming Jin Dacheng'.

His mood also improved.

Once in the ring, it seemed easier for him to get into the fight.


His martial arts willpower became more firm and indestructible.

Even if someone interfered with a laser pointer in the auditorium, it would be difficult to affect Chen Yang's display of combat power.

When Chen Yang was standing in the middle of the octagonal boxing ring.

The Chinese boxing fans in the entire Mexico City Sports Center held small flags and painted the camouflage of the national flag on their faces. They stood up and cheered for Chen Yang, cheering for him.

at this time,

The Chinese boxing fans at the scene were extremely excited and full of expectations.

As Chen Yang became more and more famous.

Except that some 'bananas' are indifferent to Chen Yang's rise, and even jealous in their hearts.

Many Chinese groups still worship Chen Yangqi.

If Chen Yang can sweep all the way and finally win the title of 'Ultimate Fighter', he will break the global dominance of Western martial arts.

of course,

Because the Douyin live broadcast platform purchased the live broadcast rights of Chen Yang boxing match.

Naturally, this boxing match once again caused a sensation in China.

The 'guest' Ding Taisheng who has always attracted attention by 'making an uproar' was quickly kicked out by the TV station.

[Soul of Martial Art] In the live broadcast room, all boxing fans were staring at the screen, waiting for the boxing match to start.

this moment,
All boxing fans are praying for Chen Yang, hoping that Chen Yang can create miracles again.

Eight ten in the evening.

The ultimate fighter's global tour, the fourth round of peak duel, officially begins!
After the bell rings,
The atmosphere on the octagon boxing ring suddenly became heated.

Chen Yang stomped his foot and exerted strength instantly.

He kicked his right leg forward and took the lead in attacking!

The force is like a cannon ejected from the chamber, fierce, burst!
A dull voice spread throughout the Mexico City Sports Center.

Serial Kicks!

At this moment, without the slightest hesitation, Chen Yang took the lead in breaking out his leg skills, kicking and kicking to clear the way, crushing all the way!
Violent attack method!

That's right,

Chen Yang used his extreme speed to fully unleash his combat power, and instantly broke out a violent attack!
His legs kicked in a row, like two battle axes, sweeping across the ring.

Ferocious, fast, sweeping all the way!
He has learned about the style of 'Tank' Bryan, and knows that this top player from England is also best at destructive attacking style.

To know,
Brian's nickname is 'Tank'!
What he likes most is the crushing style of play, which completely defeats the opponent.

Dealing with this kind of opponent doesn't require much thought.

The most efficient way to fight a 'tank' is to blow up the opponent directly and suppress it strongly.

You are fierce!

I am fiercer, faster and more ruthless than you!

Head to head, the brave who meet in a narrow way wins!

The key to dealing with such a master of 'tank' attack is to destroy the opponent's defense!
Brian's strongest point is actually not his offense, but his defense!

How can he be called a 'tank' if he doesn't have thick skin...?
(End of this chapter)

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