Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 240 Crushed!crush!strong crush

Chapter 240 Crushed!crush!strong crush
to be frank!
Chen Yang's current martial arts strength has already broken through to the realm of 'Ming Jin Dacheng'.

He's against defensive players like 'Tank'.

With his superb speed and explosive power, he really doesn't need to think too much.

This is also the reason why Chen Yang stopped paying attention to 'Tank' Bryan after learning about his style.

Strength type, meat shield type, agility type, all-around type...

Chen Yang has encountered all kinds of fighters in the ring.

Whether it's the 'Battle of the King of Thailand' or the trial battle at Lumpini Boxing Stadium in Bangkok.

All the opponents Chen Yang encountered were not weak!
Their styles are very distinctive, but unfortunately they all fell under Chen Yang's fist in the end.

'Tank' Bryan's style of play is mainly his elbows, legs, and heavy punches!
This kind of fierce and fierce style of play is characterized by low skills and emphasis on lethality.

His defense is very strong, and his main focus is 'defensive counterattack'!
As long as he is successfully counterattacked, the consequences will be very serious.

This is also the main reason why 'Tank' Bryan's counter-attack and destructive attack is irresistible.

His heavy punches are very powerful and fast, and he attacks the fatal vital points of the body, making it inevitable for people to avoid.


Because of this style characteristic, the weakness of 'Tank' Bryan is also very fatal.

He relies too much on his own defense and is too confident in his counter attack.

'Tank' Bryan loves nothing more than going head-to-head with his opponents.

He's super confident in his defense.

All along,
He doesn't even bother to start 'peek-and-seek' tactics with his opponents.

In his opinion, the tactics of fighting are cowardly and have no merit.

at this time,

After the boxing match started.

Chen Yang took the lead in breaking out the 'violent attack method' without any hesitation.

The opponent likes head-to-head confrontation, and likes to fight tough battles, so come on!
Fighting tough battles depends on who is more tenacious!

this moment,
Chen Yang didn't give 'Tank' Bryan a choice at all, and suppressed the opponent strongly!

Use the destructive 'violent attack method' to crush all the way until the opponent is completely crushed.

This style of play against 'Tank' Bryan is definitely the most efficient way to play.

of course,

It may be difficult for others to adopt this style of play, but Chen Yang is different.

All the [basic attributes] of his body have been raised to 144, crushing the 'tank' Bryan!

In addition, the four major martial arts must surpass each other when they exert their strength.

Tai Chi is tricky and fierce!
Bajiquan is extremely rigid and fierce, shocking all directions!
The brave martial arts of Twelve Tan Legs are unstoppable!
The nimble, elegant, and extremely fast flying steps of Jiugong!
After this period of hard training, the four major martial arts have been mastered.

Chen Yang's combined attack became more domineering and fierce, and the attack power broke through the limit.

bang, bang, bang...

Following Chen Yang's twelve-way Tan-leg chain, the most ferocious attack broke out.


'Tank' Bryan was completely stunned.

Ding Ding Deng

He retreated continuously, blocked, and unloaded, unable to carry out an effective counterattack.

In arena duels, tactical play is very important.

At the same time, the first opportunity is also very important!


'Tank' Bryan's judgment erred.

After the bell rang, he didn't expect Chen Yang to attack instantly with the momentum of thunder.

all of a sudden,

'Tank' Bryan lost his head start and looked very passive!

Since 'tank' Bryan is best at 'defensive counter attack'!
If the opponent launches a destructive attack from the very beginning, it will consume a lot of energy.

Anyone who uses the 'violent attack method' for more than 3 minutes will be affected.

Chen Yang took the lead in attacking from the very beginning, as if he didn't understand the style of 'Tank' Bryan at all.


Don't say 'Tank' Bryan couldn't understand Chen Yang's tactical choice.

Even all the audience did not expect that Chen Yang would launch such a violent attack the moment the bell rang.

As long as Chen Yang understands the style and characteristics of 'Tank' Bryan, the safest way to play is to adapt to the rhythm of 'Tank' Bryan first, instead of taking the lead in attacking.

When all boxing fans saw the scene on the boxing ring, they were very surprised.

Take the lead and crush with strength!
As soon as the fight started,
Chen Yang suppressed the 'tank' Bryan strongly with the momentum of thunder.

'Tank' Bryan lost his head start and wanted to fight back.

This is what he is best at!
As long as he counterattacks, he can instantly interrupt Chen Yang's offensive rhythm.


After all, he still underestimated the speed of Chen Yang's attack.

Following Chen Yang's [-]-way Tan-leg chain-style strong suppression, the ferocity was in a mess.

Where does 'Tank' Bryan have a chance to fight back?

Too fast, too fast!

In fact, Chen Yang has many ways to restrain the 'tank' Bryan.

He can choose to play the same 'defensive counterattack', or 'lightning assault style', swimming tactics and so on.

These plays also have a very significant effect on breaking 'Tank' Bryan's tactics.


Without any hesitation, Chen Yang directly chose the most aggressive style of play.


His martial arts power realm has been consolidated, and he only wants to make a quick victory, to test how fierce his strong attack power can be.

He never thought of delaying time!
To put it simply,
He just wanted to take Bryan the 'tank' and try his extreme offensive ability.

The result he wants most is to see how long he can defeat the 'tank' Bryan!

'Tank' Bryan's leg skills, elbow strikes, and boxing skills are very fast, and the attack angle is unpredictable and tricky.

He has experienced cruel training since he was a child, and even went to Africa to fight against beasts.

After more than ten years of growth, the fatal point of killing his opponent has penetrated deep into his bones and become an instinct.

In the global martial arts world, the birthplace of 'boxing' is England.

Especially in the past few centuries, England has been called 'the empire on which the sun never sets'!
They fought all over the world and plundered everything in the world...!
Therefore, martial arts in Europe has developed extremely rapidly, and it has gathered various fighting skills from all over the world.

'Tank' Bryan has fought to the death and experienced the baptism of bloody battles.

His style is extremely fierce and tenacious.

Chen Yang understands the style and characteristics of 'Tank' Bryan, so he chooses to sharpen his martial arts with the opponent.

He used the serial speed of Twelve Tan's legs to forcefully suppress the opponent.

have to say,

Chen Yang's explosive power is too strong, and the attacking rhythm is too fast!
'Tank' Bryan was completely suppressed all of a sudden, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

A deadly danger enveloped him.

Although Chen Yang's "Twelve Road Tan Legs" was only strengthened to Xiaocheng + 4 levels.

His leg skills have not yet broken through to the Dacheng realm.


He mastered the four major martial arts.

Ming Jin Dacheng's exertion is no joke.


Chen Yang formed a strong suppression with a series of twelve Tan legs, and the offensive rhythm, explosive power, and speed can be imagined.

With a kick, he kicked 'Tank' Bryan in the stomach.

Full of explosive power, as fast as no shadow!

Although from the perspective of action, the attack goal of this kick is very obvious.


The most frightening thing was Chen Yang's change of leg skills.

He can change direction at any time the moment he kicks out the heavy-legged killing move, and the switching speed is shockingly fast, smooth and easy, making it hard to guard against.

Such a fierce and domineering "violent attack style" style of play is extremely shocking.

at this time,

In the entire Mexico City Sports Center, all the spectators were shocked and dumbfounded after seeing the scene on the boxing ring.

Too strong...!
Many European and American boxing fans were suddenly dumbfounded.

The heavy-leg chain-style strong suppression, the action is too fast, too fierce, too ruthless!

Like a shadow, people can't see clearly, can't judge!

There were even quite a few spectators close to the ring, their eyes were wide open, but they couldn't see the direction of Chen Yang's kick.

Twelve-way tan-leg chain style, with endless changes.

this moment,
Chen Yang completely exploded his attacking ability of legs.

The strength of the four major martial arts is fused together, and the strength is sometimes fierce, sometimes soft, and unpredictable!

There is rigidity in softness, and softness in rigidity!
This kind of tricky and weird heavy-leg chain style stunned Brian the 'Tank' all of a sudden!
"Bastard... Falk squid...!"

"I didn't expect you to take the lead in attacking, which caught me off guard!"

"However, do you think you can completely suppress me by attacking first?"

"Huaxia people, you underestimate the strength of the top European martial arts fighters."

"I, 'Tank' Bryan, is one of England's three strongest players, a real top king-level master!"

"You want to suppress me, but today I want to see how fast you can go?"

'Tank' Bryan kicked his feet and snorted inwardly.

Ding Ding Deng


With a kick, he fought hard with Chen Yang's kick, and retreated with the help of the shock, widening the distance from Chen Yang.

have to say,

This 'tank', one of England's top three powerhouses, has superb reaction speed and rich experience.

At the moment when he took advantage of the counter-shock to open the distance.

He stomped his feet, kicked back, and his body rebounded and sprinted forward.

Immediately afterwards, his body soared into the air, and he slashed down at Chen Yang's center line with a heavy leg chop!

Reverse attack!

This is to use the body's anti-shock to reverse, and suddenly burst out in the opposite direction to chop and kill heavy-legged killer moves.

Bang, bang, bang...!
Four consecutive cuts!
This is the unique skill of Brian the 'Tank', with his body in the air, his legs are like fans, chopping and slashing combo!

Not only is the angle of attack unpredictable, making it impossible to resist.


His ultimate move was a four-hit combo, superimposing strength and speed, and the attack power was extremely terrifying.


The next scene on the boxing ring left all the audience in the entire Mexico City Sports Center dumbfounded.

at this time,

It was as if Chen Yang hadn't seen 'Tank' Bryan's reverse slashing four-hit combo at all.

He didn't retreat to dodge, nor did he block and unload.

I saw Chen Yang stepping on his feet, exerting force instantly, and even facing the "Tank" Bryan's reverse slashing four consecutive slashing skills recklessly.

At the moment when Bryan's four-in-a-row slashing technique approached Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's upward kick kicked out with a whistling kick.

The golden rooster is independent!

Tai Chi potential!
Twelve Road Tan legs!
Double attack!

Standing on one leg, twisting the waist, kicking up with one foot, bursting out the most violent kicking up.

One step at a time!
This "Golden Rooster Independent" upward kick aimed at the calf of "Tank" Brian.

That's right,

The heavy-legged killing move that Chen Yang exploded out powerfully does not target Brian's chest, but his calf!

His purpose is not to attack, but to decipher the opponent's ultimate move.

One leg up, like a bow and arrow off the string, the speed surpasses everything, it is shocking!

Generally speaking,
The most obvious feature of the kicking method is that the power will be concentrated on the heel to form acceleration.

Power starts from the ground and goes from bottom to top.

When the acceleration breaks through the peak, the power of the upward kick explodes at the heel.

This ultimate move of kicking and kicking is combined with the power of Tai Chi.

The speed was very fast, coupled with Chen Yang's unrivaled observation ability, he kicked 'Tank' Bryan's calf in an instant.

A dull voice spread throughout the Mexico City Sports Center.

'Tank' Bryan's body was kicked by Chen Yang's simple and rough upward kick, and he was instantly kicked into the air and fell heavily to the ground.

Chen Yang instantly deciphered the four-in-a-row slashing technique that he was bound to achieve!

'Tank' Bryan stretched his arm, and a carp turned over and jumped up from the ground.

at this time,

His eyes turned red and his face completely changed.

With a hard fight, he only felt an unbearable penetrating force from his calf.

Almost bones shattered, muscles collapsed!
It hurts so much...!
this moment,
'Tank' Bryan felt only his legs, numb and unable to muster strength.

His back was soaked with sweat.

"Damn, what kind of power is this?"

"The power of shock?... Evil door! How did the speed of this bastard's legs become so fast all of a sudden?"

"Ten days ago, when he killed Mino, his leg speed couldn't have been so fast!"

"Could it be that he retained his own strength when fighting against Mino?"

"No, it's absolutely impossible!"

"He kicked behind me, and he was able to accurately kick my calf, breaking my four-hit nirvana!?"

'Tank' Bryan took a deep breath, feeling his head buzzing.

In the last boxing match, Chen Yang beat Jushi Kuangsen in eight seconds. It is impossible to judge Chen Yang's fighting strength from the video of the boxing match.


Ten days ago at the Sao Paulo Sports Center in Brazil, the peak match between Chen Yang and Mino was used by many people to study Chen Yang's offensive and defensive characteristics.

at this time,

What Brian 'Tank' couldn't believe was that Chen Yang's speed and strength had improved by a level compared to ten days ago.

In order to deal with Chen Yang, he carefully studied all the videos of Chen Yang's boxing matches.


At this time, he never thought that everything he had studied would be invalid.

Chen Yang's combat power increased dramatically...!
'Tank' Bryan is one of England's finest powerhouses.

Although he is best at 'defensive counterattack' style of play.

But his four combo nirvana is notoriously fast!
Flying into the air and counter-slashing, the speed and strength of the legs are superimposed.

In European martial arts,
Although 'tank' Bryan dare not say that his four combo nirvana speed surpasses everything.


If one wants to suppress his four combo ultimate move with speed, no one in the Jedi can do it.

Now Chen Yang used an incomparably ferocious 'one-step-to-the-sky', he dismantled every move when he saw the move, and he came first to strike first, and he unexpectedly deciphered his ultimate move in one fell swoop!
'Tank' Bryan's counterattack, which was an inevitable killing move, came to an abrupt end as if he was suddenly stuck in the neck.

this moment,
'Tank' Bryan found that Chen Yang had cracked his four-in-a-row attack, and it seemed that any counterattack was completely controlled by the opponent.

How do you fight this horse?
With such terrifying control over the boxing ring, all his ultimate moves are invisible!

How could this be?
Evil door!

It's so evil...!
(End of this chapter)

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