Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 267 Darkness!The way of Yijin, the beginning of strength

Chapter 267 Darkness!The way of Yijin, the beginning of strength
Chen Yang's feet were very fast, and he kept backing away, widening the distance between him and the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli.

at this time,

Chen Yang did not choose to fight back!

He raised his power of observation to the limit, constantly observing the offensive characteristics of 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli.

have to say,

Ever since Chen Yang broke through to the realm of Ming Jin Dacheng.

The power of his Jiugong flying step is getting more and more terrifying.

Once the Nine Palaces Flying Step is fully used, it will dazzle people, and it is impossible to see his moving steps clearly.

this moment,
He didn't keep his combat power, but completely exploded the speed of Jiugong flying step.


His crisis sensing ability has been raised to the limit.

The other party was not taking any drugs at all, let alone insane.

'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli's attack was too fierce, no matter it was speed or explosive power, it could pose a threat to Chen Yang.

If you keep your combat power at this time.

Once being strongly suppressed by the opponent, a nirvana burst out suddenly.

It is very dangerous, Chen Yang will fall into an absolutely passive situation.

not to mention,
'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli broke out with a six-strike combo super nirvana at the very beginning of the boxing match.

All this made Chen Yang extremely vigilant.

to be frank,
At this moment, Chen Yang felt a little depressed in his heart.

In the Ultimate Fighter World Tour, I was actually made a 'public enemy' by the organizer!
Since entering the big battle in the second half of the global tour.

Chen Yang obviously felt that his opponent's combat power was getting stronger and stronger, and his pressure was also getting bigger and bigger.

And now,
What he didn't expect was.

Aoli, the chief boxer of the Xingyue Black Fist training camp, "Bloodthirsty Demon", even used a wild card to snipe himself.

It seems that my enthusiasm is too high, which makes many people feel uncomfortable.

of course,

Judging from the [Reputation Point] and boxing bonus, the greater the fame, the better!

According to the state of China's martial arts.

Chen Yang is now at the pinnacle of Ming Jin Dacheng!
Yigu peak realm!

of course,

According to the realm of martial arts in the global martial arts world, there is no such division as Ming Jin, Dark Jin, Hua Jin, Gang Jin, Dan Jin... and so on.

All martial arts realms are evaluated comprehensively based on data.

Speed, power!
That's right,

All martial arts power states are actually divided according to explosive power and attack speed.

Even the most popular "combo" division in the global martial arts is finally reflected in the data.

This purely data-based division of martial arts power realms is very simple, brutal, and direct.

There are not so many unreasonable claims.

To put it simply, the core of everything is three words - attack power!

What bright energy, dark energy, transformation energy, gang energy... and so on.

How explosive is it?

How fast?
To what extent can the final reflected attack power reach?
This division of pure data is actually more intuitive and easy to judge.

The state of Ming Jin is called the state of Yi Bone.

The muscles, bones, tendons, etc. of the whole body are tempered to the limit.

This is the process of increasing strength, making the body's quality, speed, explosive power, etc. reach the limit of human martial arts.

Anyone who learns martial arts,

It is actually not difficult to step into the level of "Introduction to Mingjin".

Under normal circumstances, the explosive power of ordinary people is about twice their body weight.

An ordinary person with a weight of [-] kilograms, if he has not been trained, his explosive power is usually about [-] kilograms.

After systematic training,
Once the explosive force reaches twice the body weight, it means 'Ming Jin'!
It is equivalent to entering the threshold of boosting.

of course,

It's easy to get started with Ming Jin, but if you want to improve your explosive power again, you must improve your martial arts power development realm.

That will not be easy!
not to mention,
Like what Chen Yang is doing now, he has raised his explosive power to the limit of human martial arts, breaking through to the pinnacle of the state of Ming Jin Dacheng.

Without 30 years of hard work and hard work, no matter how talented you are, it will be difficult to break through to the realm of great strength!

A martial artist in this realm, very casually made a heavy blow killing move.

Essence, Qi, and God are three in one.


If the power can be condensed at one point and exploded, it can break the surface with a point, forming an explosive secondary damage!
The penetrating power formed by the power of Ming Jin burst out with a shocking force.

This shock force ignores defense and is invincible!


It also represents the realm of martial arts exerting strength, breaking through to the next "state of changing tendons" - dark strength!
Dark energy can't increase explosive power, nor can it increase attack speed!

The peak of Ming Jin is already the limit of speed and strength, reaching the pinnacle of human martial arts.


Dark energy can increase the lethality!

If you can train the dark energy to the state of 'dark energy', it can even explode several times the damage!

The fighting skills of any country in the global martial arts world all focus on explosive power and speed training.

Even ancient muay thai, karate, ninja training methods, sambo, Krav Maga, boxing...etc, advocate offense.

They constantly temper their bodies, adopt extreme training methods such as electric stimulation and acupuncture, and constantly stimulate the potential of their bodies.


These world-renowned fighting skills, their inheritance time is too short!
To put it simply, they lack a complete force system for martial arts.

All the training is just at the level of 'Ming Jin'.

There are only some top-notch masters in the world's martial arts world, such as the "Supreme Kings" and the five black boxing training camps.

They have already practiced their strength to the limit of human martial arts.

at this time,

Only then can they think of the lack of strength in martial arts, and they all try to understand the power of 'secondary damage'.

From the perspective of the purity of martial arts.

If one can train the combat power of the Mingjin level to the limit of human martial arts, the combat power is still extremely terrifying.

Especially the complete explosion of the 'six combo' ultimate move is even more shocking!
Just like Chen Yang's current level of strength in martial arts, there will be a bloodbath in the global martial arts world.

If he can break through to the realm of 'dark energy', his strength can cause secondary damage, and sweeping the world of martial arts is definitely not empty talk.


The power formed by the explosive power penetrates, causing secondary damage!

This is the essence of the realm of martial arts!
To be honest, 'Ming Jin' is on the same level as other martial arts in the world.

Anjin is the beginning of a powerful realm of Chinese martial arts!
of course,

Chen Yang's current level of strength in martial arts seems to be only one step away from Anjin, but in fact it is not easy to break through to Anjin!
At least... he doesn't have any signs yet.

Chen Yang stomped his feet, his weight dropped, and his waist sank.

His arms formed a dribbling trend, and he went up to form a block.

Tai Chi - unloading momentum!

Overcoming rigidity with softness, with the fastest speed, blocked the heavy leg attack of 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli.


Chen Yang punched upwards, borrowed his strength, and unleashed a heavy punch to counterattack!
This heavy punch was as fast as lightning, and his grasp of the timing of the punch was like a stroke of magic.

Eight poles split the mountain!
Turning a fist into a palm, it was extremely precise and fierce, and quickly slashed at the calf of the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli.

Mountain-split strength—mountain-split ax and steel!

Chen Yang's heavy punch changed instantly from Tai Chi's grinding and killing, and the force was smooth and natural, without any pause!
Quick, accurate, ruthless!
not to mention,
Chen Yang's spiritual sensing ability was used to the limit, and his judgment on the moves was superb.

A bursting sound spread throughout the octagonal boxing ring.

This powerful fist, which was written by God, hit the leg of 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli viciously.

There is no way to avoid it!

Ding Ding Deng

have to say,

'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli is worthy of being the chief boxer of the Xingyue Black Fist training camp, his reaction ability is astonishing.

Even if Chen Yang counterattacked with such a sudden burst of punch, the moment the punch was close to his calf.

His body went down, his center of gravity sank, and at the same time his body bowed to release the force.

With such a brilliant unloading technique, even Chen Yang was taken aback.


Although he unloaded his strength, blocked, and avoided Chen Yang's heavy punch and counterattack.


'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli's offensive rhythm was completely disrupted at this moment.

Although Chen Yang's mountain splitting force did not harm him, it interrupted his combo attack.

bang, bang, bang...

On the octagonal cage ring,

The two began to erupt the most exciting, intense, and brutal peak duel.

Bajiquan, Taijiquan, Jiugong flying step...

Combination killer moves combo, elbow strike, knee top lore...

The martial arts in the realm of Ming Jin and Dacheng are powerful, and the moves are infinitely varied, and there is no trace to be found.

this moment,
Chen Yang's combat power broke out completely, and he had the most intense confrontation with the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli.

Neither of them kept their state, but went all out and directly adopted a desperate style of play.

no way,
The boxing styles of the two are extremely similar, and they both advocate offense.

Neither side allows the other to gain the upper hand, otherwise it will be very passive.

Fierce, extremely fast, ruthless, tense, exciting...

Anyone likes such a good battle.


In the Cairo Sports Center in Egypt, all boxing fans stood up, cheered and cheered for the two on the ring, cheering!

at this time,

Many boxing fans discovered that the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli was very calm, not at all like the crazy look he had when he stepped into the boxing ring.

He didn't take any medicine at all!
Otherwise, 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli could not be as calm as he is now.

Chen Yang and the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli started a fierce battle.

He mainly uses Bajiquan and Taijiquan to counterattack, block and fight hard.

At this moment, he didn't burst out with a combo of leg skills.

Three-point risk of raising your leg!
Explosive leg skills must depend on the opponent's style of play.

If it's someone else, it's like Tuglev from Polar Bear, or Chikun Hattori from Hijima and Roger Sheen from Columbia.

Chen Yang would directly burst into heavy-leg combo killing moves, and it was impossible to be as cautious as he is now.


'Bloodthirsty' Aoli's style of play is completely different from others.

The guy's center of gravity is way too low, and it's very close to the controls.


His leg skills are too strong, too fierce.

Chen Yang tried several times to break out his leg skills, but was instantly cracked by the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli.

He became more cautious. In front of the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli, he no longer easily exploded his leg skills.

Once the body is vacated, or the legs are raised too high, the defense is naturally prone to flaws.

If the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli seized the opportunity, the danger would be extremely high.

of course,

In terms of distance control, it is safer and more efficient to use punches to attack the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli.

Chen Yang's powers of observation and spirituality were raised to the limit, and his attention was highly concentrated.

He is always on the lookout for the opponent's 'elbow strike' nirvana!

With the strong defense of Taijiquan, Chen Yang can easily defuse the opponent's heavy legs and heavy punches.

The only thing to beware of is the 'heavy elbow combo'!
bang, bang, bang...

next moment,
The battle that erupted in the octagon boxing ring became more and more brutal, intense, and exciting!

The offense and defense of the two were evenly matched, a classic confrontation like a textbook, which made all boxing fans scream.


The boxing match has exceeded 2 minutes.

The two were evenly matched in the boxing ring, and neither of them controlled the rhythm of the boxing ring.

"Asshole... This kid didn't fall for it!? He noticed in advance that I didn't take the medicine."

"Damn it, his speed and explosive power have reached such a level, even stronger than me!"

"His crisis sensing ability is terrible!"

"My offensive rhythm is considered the top existence even in the global martial arts world, and this guy can easily block it!"

"It seems that if you want to snipe him today, want to kill him, is it too big...!"

"This guy's peak combat power is unexpectedly powerful!"

'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli endured the pain in his leg and took a deep breath.

The boxing match lasted more than 2 minutes.

'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli's extreme attack did not even have the slightest advantage.

all of a sudden,

His complexion has changed!
This is his best style of play.

The key is,
After his six-hit leg skill broke out, he fought fiercely with Chen Yang.

A powerful force bounced back, causing him to almost collapse, as if his bones were almost shattered.

this moment,
'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli only felt his legs become a little numb and the pain was unbearable.

One can imagine the explosive power of the Ming Jin Dacheng realm.

A powerful force, like a bomb exploded, forming a spread.

The essence of Bajiquan's strength is fully displayed at this moment.

"Hmph! Huaxia Chen Yang, you are worthy of being a 'public enemy', and you are faster than me!"

"However, today I would like to see how strong your Chinese martial arts are."

"In the world of martial arts, I, the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli, have never been afraid to fight head-on with anyone!"

"Today, I will show you what is the strongest killing technique in Xingyue training camp!"

Aoli snorted coldly, his eyes were sharp and terrifying.


He stomped his feet, bowed his body, and stared at Chen Yang's midline.

at this time,

The killing intent emanating from his body swept towards Chen Yang like the essence.

'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli is indeed the chief boxer of the Xingyue training camp.

His peak combat power and battle experience are much stronger than any opponent Chen Yang has encountered before.


He is the real 'Xeon King'!
When the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli fought hard with Chen Yang for 2 minutes, unable to gain any advantage and control the rhythm of the ring.

Instead of being impatient in his mind, he became extremely calm.

He began to change his tactical style of play.

Able to become the chief of the world's top five black boxing training camps, 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli's martial arts talent is beyond doubt.

His ability to control the rhythm of the boxing ring, as well as his combat experience, have reached the pinnacle.

To know,
All the top boxers in the world's five major black boxing training camps are geniuses who have been carefully selected!
Not only do they have superb martial arts talents, but also their martial arts willpower has been tempered and indestructible!
Any boxer who wants to become a key training target of the black boxing training camp has to undergo cruel screening and experience the baptism of blood from an early age.

In order to improve their combat power, they will do whatever it takes.

Any of the simplest boxing techniques, elbow strikes, knee strikes, leg skills, etc., have been honed over time.

Among the top three boxing matches in the world's martial arts world.

The battle of the lost city, the ultimate fighter, the arena of life and death!

Any of the simplest basic moves has the power to kill with one hit.

The top fighters are completely different from ordinary fighters, they pay great attention to details.

Any weakness will be infinitely magnified and become the most fatal flaw.

In order to practice a super nirvana, they will not hesitate to use extreme training methods such as acupuncture, secret techniques, electric stimulation, and soaking in chemical agents.

In training, they dared to risk their lives!
In order to make themselves stronger, they can overdraw their lives infinitely!

They are also forced to.

Only by fighting for their lives can they survive in this extremely cruel competitive environment and possess such terrifying combat power.

A strong man who has come out of the world's top five black boxing training camps.

Once they fight in the global martial arts world, they will have super influence.

Many ordinary boxers will choose to give up when they know that the opponent they meet is a master from the five black boxing training camps.

No way, they are too brutal!
'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli can become the chief boxer of the Xingyue training camp under such a cruel environment.

One can imagine that

He has already made a great reputation and has a brilliant record...!
(End of this chapter)

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