Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 268 The offensive is like a wave!Peak power

Chapter 268 The offensive is like a wave!Peak power

Chen Yang took a few steps back to increase the distance between him and the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli.


He took a deep breath, his eyes became serious.

at this time,

The two people on the octagon boxing ring were vigilant and full of fear.

The two fought hard just now.

'Bloodthirsty' Auri was very uncomfortable.

Similarly, Chen Yang was also terribly uncomfortable!
Evenly matched reckless fighting is originally a style of play that hurts both sides.

The powerful counter-shock force, it's no wonder that both sides can feel better.

Although Chen Yang interrupted the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli's combo killing move.


That torrent of counter-shock force made his arm numb.

Bajiquan, Taijiquan!
The two major boxing techniques of Huaxia Guoshu are fused into one!

Rigidity and softness are combined, and the strength explodes at one point.

As long as Chen Yang hits the opponent with one punch, the damage will be extremely terrifying.

It is even possible to kill the opponent with one move.

Since Chen Yang fought in the martial arts world, many opponents died under his heavy punches.

not to mention,
At this time, he broke out with all his strength, and his power was extraordinary.


'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli was not afraid to fight Chen Yang recklessly.

Like Chen Yang's style of play, he adopted the cruelest counter attack method.

A dull voice spread throughout the Cairo Sports Center in Egypt.

Chen Yang's heavy punch combination ultimate move, and the heavy leg combo of 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli, once again faced head-to-head.

Ding Ding Deng

The two were impacted by the force of the counter-shock, and each took a few steps back.

'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli's unloading skills and super strong ability to resist blows.

The hardness of his bones is also outstanding, so he was unscathed from such a fierce fight.

this moment,
Chen Yang's heart became more and more vigilant, and he didn't dare to relax at all.

of course,

In fact, Chen Yang still had some reservations, his killer move did not explode at this moment.

[Madden Blast Technique]!
That's right,

If he bursts out the [Madden Explosion Technique], within a few seconds, his explosive power will be doubled!
If the two fight recklessly, he is confident enough to completely maim the other party.

It's just a pity.

'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli's crisis sensing ability is too strong, Chen Yang has no chance to burst out the [Madden Explosion Technique]!
[Madden Explosion Technique] The most terrifying thing is the defensive counterattack, not the offensive!

Attacking with [Madden Blast Technique], the agility will drop by 80%, making it difficult to hit the opponent effectively.

The battle at this time is so fierce, and the combat power of the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli is even more shocking.

Once the 【Madden Explosion Technique】is activated and does not hit the opponent, it is very dangerous!
Without full confidence, Chen Yang couldn't easily activate the [Madden Explosion Technique]!
in addition,

'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli is the 'Supreme King', and his sixth sense of crisis is very sensitive.

As long as Chen Yang wants to unleash [Madden Explosion Technique], the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli will definitely be able to predict it in advance.

In this case, the chance of hitting the opponent is lower.

'Bloodthirsty' Aoli's style of play is very comprehensive, fierce and fast.

If Chen Yang wants to unleash the [Madden Explosion Technique], he must wait for a favorable opportunity.

of course,

As long as the time is right.

There is no need to activate [Madden Blast] to kill an opponent.

'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli's speed was getting faster and faster, and he kicked back suddenly, exerting force instantly.

Then, his body rushed forward quickly, with momentum like a rainbow.

in a blink.

I saw his body soaring into the air, kicking in the air, and kicking at Chen Yang's chest vitally.

Super nirvana - rushing into the air, kicking and kicking five times in a row!

Bison rushed!

This is one of the most ferocious nirvana of the Xingyue Black Fist training camp, and it has a very high reputation in the global martial arts.

At this time, the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli unleashed this combo killing move, the lethality was simply shocking.

Sudden force, move with the heart, without any warning.

Kick back with your feet to form a powerful counter-shock, and your body will rise into the air.


The waist twisted, and the body rotated rapidly, forming a five-hit combo killing move of kicking and kicking.

Power hedging, spin like a drill!
This super powerful nirvana is similar to Chen Yang's "Rush, Kick, and Kick the Poisonous Dragon Drill".

This is the most ferocious and invincible super leg skill in the Xingyue Black Fist training camp!
Domineering, ruthless, extremely fast, and infinitely lethal!

Once the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli bursts out with all his strength, it will be hard to guard against.

too fast……!
The key is that his control over the timing of his moves is superb.

If you are hit by this five-hit combo of punching, kicking and kicking.

In the world of martial arts, I believe no one can resist.

Even if Chen Yang's [Defense] had broken through to the limit of human martial arts, he still couldn't resist such a ferocious attack.

'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli used to kill an adult bison on the spot with this super nirvana in training!
That's right, an adult bison!
Although the movement is very simple, there are no subtle movements.


'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli's super nirvana burst out at this moment, even the shadow of his legs can't be seen clearly.

Inside the Cairo Sports Center, Egypt.

After all the boxing fans saw such a ferocious combo nirvana from 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli.

next moment,
The atmosphere exploded completely.

Many boxing fans who supported 'Bloodthirsty' Aoli stood up and shouted for 'Bloodthirsty' Aoli, come on, cheer!
"Wonderful!'s so exciting! The peak duel really didn't disappoint!"

"Huaxia Chen Yang's combat power is too strong! Even in the face of the 'Xeon King' Aoli, he is not inferior!"

"Nonsense, if the Huaxia people's combat power is weak, how can they become 'public enemies'?"

"Damn it... I bet on 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli, so I shouldn't have read those comprehensive strength evaluation reports."

"The boxing match is not over yet, 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli hasn't lost yet, what's the rush?"

"Come on... 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli, come on, kill him!"

"Hmph! No matter how strong the Huaxia people are, he doesn't seem to have much advantage in front of the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli."

"'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli's killer move has not yet exploded. I have seen his ultimate move once, and the lethality is a mess."

"It's started...'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli has completely exploded!"

"Haha... It seems that the Huaxia people will be suppressed soon, and they are not far from losing."

"The comprehensive combat power of the world's five major black boxing training camps is really too strong!"

"'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli is the real 'Supreme King', there are only a handful of people in the world who can defeat him in martial arts!"

"Huh? Have you noticed? 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli doesn't seem to be taking any medicine at all. What's going on?"

"Look! The attacking tempo of 'Bloodthirsty' Aoli and the Huaxia people has accelerated again. It seems that the winner is about to be decided...!"


When all the boxing fans at the scene saw the attack rhythm of 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli began to speed up.


Shouts, screams, and applause can be heard throughout the sports center.

The atmosphere reached its peak at this moment.

Under the octagon boxing ring, Zhan Zhilei held his breath and clenched his fists like iron.

at this time,

He was so nervous that he couldn't breathe, and his palms were sweating.

The head boxer of the Xingyue training camp, 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli, is too powerful!

Zhan Zhilei felt the killing intent and aura on his body, and felt a strong sense of oppression in his heart.

to be frank,
If he stood on the boxing ring at this time, I am afraid that he would not have the courage to fight the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli.

Worthy of being the 'Supreme King' of the global martial arts world!
In this sniper battle, it was extremely challenging for Chen Yang to win and advance to the ninth round.


In an instant,
I saw Chen Yang stomp his foot, and the Jiugong flying step speeded up again!
His body is like a fish swimming in the ocean, turning left and right, making people dazzled.

this moment,
On the octagonal boxing ring, only the afterimage of Chen Yang could be seen.

The speed exceeds the limit, which makes people dumbfounded.

This is an illusion created by the speed of human beings breaking through the limit.

It's like suddenly disappearing, then one meter away, suddenly appearing.

Like a ghost, there is no trace to be found, which is frightening!
'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli's ultimate attack of Buffalo Rush did not even touch the corner of Chen Yang's clothes.

Too fast!
His legs couldn't keep up with Chen Yang's moving figure.

After Chen Yang's spiritual sense sensed the power of 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli's super special attack.

He didn't dare to take it lightly, and exploded his extreme speed with all his strength.

at this time,

His speed increased instantly, to [-]%, breaking out to the limit.

After opening the distance and avoiding the five-strike nirvana of 'Buffalo Rush' by 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli, Chen Yang let out a long breath.

The burst of extreme speed made him feel like he was out of strength, and his leg muscles were a little sore.

no way,
When the limit speed is erupted, the blood flow speeds up, and the moment it stops, the body will be in a state of hypoxia, resulting in loss of strength.


The debilitating state is not serious.

After Chen Yang took a deep breath, his center of gravity suddenly sank.

next moment,
He kicked his feet, sprinted forward, and instantly approached the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli.

It is not Chen Yang's style to be beaten passively.

Once there is a chance to fight back, he is absolutely impossible to miss.


With a heavy whip kick, he kicked the right side of the body of 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli.


At the moment when the whip kick broke out, he raised his elbow and suddenly changed his move.

With lightning speed,
He smashed his right elbow forward, aiming at the vital point in the chest of 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli!

Combination of fiction and reality, false ones!
The attack of the whip kick is a false move, the purpose is to attract the defense of the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli.

Chen Yang's real killer move is elbow strike!
Elbow combos!

The force is like a landslide, unstoppable!
this moment,
Chen Yang was like an angry king of the forest, exuding a suffocating killing intent all over his body.

The combination of the ultimate move of whip leg heavy blow and elbow hit combo is integrated, and the change of moves is extremely smooth.

Unreal and real, unpredictable, people can't avoid it!

"You, you can die!"

Chen Yang snorted coldly.

The ultimate move of hitting the elbow combo exploded, and the speed and strength reached the limit, which was shocking.

The intention of Bajiquan is as strong as it is fierce!
With the momentum of a fierce tiger, the domineering side leaks, and everyone will be terrified.

this moment,
Chen Yang completely integrated Bajiquan Yi with the super powerful nirvana of hitting elbows.


With a roar, fight the world wildly!
Anyone who feels the killing intent exuded by Chen Yang at this moment will be terrified.

The roar shook the mountain, and he was half paralyzed if he didn't fall!

It is also a tactical play in Huaxia Guoshu, and even a martial arts technique.

Many masters who practice martial arts, when performing martial arts or training.

They will continue to roar to build momentum!

It's not about being cool or trying to get attention.


Strictly speaking, this can be regarded as a kind of kung fu!
It can condense one's own momentum, and at the same time give the opponent an infinite sense of oppression, so that one's state can be promoted to the peak.

Speaking of,
Whether it's Taekwondo, Kyokushin Karate, or Muay Thai, they will constantly use "roar" to improve their state during training.

The artistic conception of Bajiquan is fierce and domineering, invincible!

Once the artistic conception and boxing skills are integrated, when the attack breaks out.

Must have a sweeping invincible momentum, brave, domineering.

Drums, louder and louder!

Boxing, the more you practice, the better!

Chen Yang let out a stern roar, ready to go with all his strength.

His fighting spirit reached its limit at this moment, giving people a strong sense of oppression.


He also seems to have started to become a little crazy and domineering!

this moment,
He integrated the artistic conception of Bajiquan with Twelve-Route Tan Leg.

Sweeping legs, kicking sideways, whipping legs, swinging legs...

Straight punches, uppercuts, swing punches...

Combining serial attacks, the speed is getting faster and faster, sweeping around like a tide.


On the octagonal boxing ring, it was like a storm was blowing, which made people frightened.


'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli was taken aback, with cold sweat constantly breaking out from his forehead.

at this time,

His sixth sense of crisis became more acute, and a deadly threat locked on his vitals.

He only felt the shadow of a leg whizzing towards his chest.

Appears instantly, without warning!

The ear-piercing sound of piercing the air resounded on the boxing ring.

A shock wave centered on Chen Yang and spread towards the surroundings.

this moment,
Aoli, the 'Bloodthirsty Demon', only felt a trace of fear in his heart!

That's right,

He suddenly felt panic and fear!
Since he became the chief boxer of the Xingyue training camp, he hasn't felt afraid for many years!

Even if he overdosed and was sent to the hospital, he almost died!
He has never been afraid!

But now, there was fear in his heart.

To know,
'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli entered the Xingyue Black Fist training camp since he was a child, and received the cruelest training.

He has experienced the baptism of blood and is used to seeing life and death.


Since he became an adult, he dominated the Xingyue Black Fist training camp and became the chief boxer.

Over the years, although he has been injured and taken drugs.


He never lost!
Originally, he thought that he had become the "Supreme King" and had comprehended the six-strike super nirvana, so it was impossible to feel fear in his heart.

Even if he died in the boxing ring, it was impossible for him to feel fear in his heart.


At that moment just now, there was indeed a sense of fear in his heart!
That's right,

That sense of fear is suffocating.

Many people thought that the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli had taken an overdose of drugs, causing him to lose his mind and go crazy.

in fact,

It's all just a disguise.

Before he entered the boxing ring, he did not take any drugs at all.

After the boxing bell rang,
He didn't take the lead in attacking, and kept his eyes on Chen Yang, pretending to be crazy, just trying to make Chen Yang relax his vigilance.

After all, he still underestimated Chen Yang's peak combat power.


He also underestimated his crisis sensing ability.

Ding Ding Deng

'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli kept dodging, retreating, blocking with both arms, unloading!
He wanted to avoid Chen Yang's combined attack, wanted to counterattack, and wanted to distance himself...


Chen Yang combined the artistic conception of Bajiquan with the combined attack, and his fighting spirit was overwhelming.

'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli wanted to avoid Chen Yang's attack, how could it be so easy?

Once Chen Yang controls the rhythm of the ring, he will attack like a tide!
'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli wants to fight back, it's just a dream...

(End of this chapter)

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