Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 269 One hit kills!winner takes king

Chapter 269 One hit kills!winner takes king

Twelve-way tan leg sixth-hanging kick!
Six-way hook, chop and twist single whip!
Running and kicking, hitting people is like hanging a painting!

The explosive power of this hanging leg is so fierce that it is terrifying!
A bursting sound spread throughout the sports center.

With a heavy blow, he kicked the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli's abdomen with extreme precision!

The most obvious feature of the hang kick is the sudden force, making it hard to guard against.


With the power of Chen Yangming's Dacheng state, the lethality is extremely ferocious.

The kick is like a sword, fierce and vicious!
Chen Yang concentrated his whole body's strength in one point, and broke out forcefully without any reservations.

Ding Ding Deng

'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli was kicked in the abdomen by this kick.

next moment,
He flew out all over.

Next, I saw him fall heavily to the ground.

Fortunately, at the last moment, he lowered his arms to form a block and unloaded his strength.

This heavy-legged ultimate move could defeat him on the spot, or even kill him.


Even so, the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli at this time was constantly bleeding from his mouth.

The powerful explosive force exploded in his abdomen.

He only felt his abdomen, as if he had been hit hard by a sports car driving on the highway.

An unbearable sharp pain was transmitted from the abdomen to the brain.

His viscera almost burst, which made him unbearable.

It hurts so much...!
'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli only felt a gust of qi, which blocked his throat and made him unable to breathe.

His brain was buzzing and his eyes were blurry.

'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli is, after all, the chief boxer of the Xingyue training camp.

His reflexes and combat experience are outstanding.

When his body fell to the ground, he kicked his feet and supported his arms.

next moment,
I saw him turning over and jumping up.


I saw him stepping back quickly, exerting force instantly, and opened the distance between him and Chen Yang.

After he got out of Chen Yang's attack range, he took a long and deep breath.

at this time,

All he felt was his stomach, as if he had been hit by a bomb.

That severe pain was like a knife cutting!
He couldn't help but gasped, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and blood kept pouring out of his mouth.

"Ahem... bastard! I'm hurt!"

"Could it be that today... I will lose!?"

'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli wiped the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth with his hands, feeling a trace of fear in his heart!
That's right,

He never thought that his sense of fear at this moment would become so intense.

Chen Yang's punching, kicking and kicking ultimate move directly almost destroyed the martial arts belief of the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli.

His confidence plummeted!
"Damn... what kind of kung fu is this guy using?"

"How can there be such terrifying speed and explosive power in the world?"

"At that moment just now, he was able to control my defensive weakness in the blink of an eye?"

"how can that be?"

'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli's mind was in chaos at the moment.

His fighting spirit began to decline, and his state naturally declined.

This leg-hanging ultimate move kicked the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli's abdomen with extreme precision.

The extremely ferocious impact caused his internal organs to be violently impacted.

The internal bleeding was so severe that it was even difficult to gather strength.

this moment,
'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli's powerful sixth sense of crisis issued a stern warning to him.

He felt the breath of death.

"Hmph! The chief boxer of Xingyue training camp, that's all!"

"If you want to snipe me, you are not qualified enough!"

"Sniping me in the Ultimate Fighter World Tour with a wild card will be the stupidest decision you've ever made."

"I would like to see how many more people will come to die!"

Chen Yang exhaled and snorted coldly.

this moment,
There was a terrifying murderous intent emanating from him.


I saw Chen Yang kicking back, and the speed of Jiugong's flying steps exploded completely.

His body sprinted quickly, and rushed towards the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli.

at this time,

His killing intent reached its limit.

Since the world's top five black boxing training camps want to snipe themselves and prevent themselves from winning the title of 'Ultimate Fighter'!


I don't need to hold back at all!
there is always a solution to a problem!

Anyone who wants to snipe himself must be prepared to pay the price of his life.

Chen Yang is not a good man and a faithful woman.

not to mention,
This is the ultimate fighter's global tour, the arena of bloody battles.

Although this is not a battle of life and death, anyone can choose to admit defeat.


In this top competition in the world, the strong have dignity.

No one will give up easily!
Even dying in the ring is an honor.

Once you admit defeat in the boxing ring, not only the road to martial arts will come to an end, but also the belief in martial arts will collapse completely, life is worse than death!
At this time, even if the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli was injured by Chen Yang and was at an absolute disadvantage, he would not be able to admit defeat!

And at the moment when he exuded killing intent towards Chen Yang.

It is also impossible for Chen Yang to let the other party go easily.

In an instant, Chen Yang approached the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli.


His palms were close together, and one palm went up, straight for the throat of 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli.

Split palms!

Nirvana - Windward Palm!
Tai Chi Poses - step back and pierce your palms!
Double combo!

This palm skill nirvana is very fast!
Suddenly, the force rises from the ground, and the force is like a bow!

An ear-piercing sound of bones breaking spread throughout the sports center.

'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli's throat and cervical spinal cord were instantly shattered by Chen Yang's ultimate palm move.

One hit kill!

'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli covered his throat with both hands, trying to make a sound.


At this moment, he could only open his eyes wide and stare at Chen Yang, unable to make any sound.


He just felt dizzy and fell to the ground with a plop.

next moment,
Blood gushed out of his mouth, instantly staining the ground red.

An extremely fierce palm chop not only shattered his throat, but also took away everything from him, including his life.

Overbearing, fierce, ruthless!

Chen Yang kicked his feet, stepped back instantly, and widened the distance between him and the opponent.

He was not afraid of the other party's counterattack, but worried about the blood splashing on his body.


Chen Yang kicked his feet, and his body rose into the air.

He swept his legs, and a stunning leg stunt broke out.

When he landed firmly in the middle of the octagonal boxing ring, Chen Yang roared at the live broadcast camera!
this moment,
He seems to be declaring war on all opponents who dare to attack him!
Invincible, mighty and domineering!
All the boxing fans in the Cairo Sports Center in Egypt felt the murderous intent emanating from Chen Yang, and were too frightened to speak out.

'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli lay quietly on the octagonal boxing ring.

He was motionless and made no sound.

The chief boxer from the Xingyue training camp, he will retire from the world of martial arts forever.

He lost!
In 3 minutes, he was shot dead by Chen Yang on the spot!
He has made brilliant achievements in the global martial arts world, and even won the title of 'Supreme King'.

He killed many people.

Since he fought in the global martial arts world, he has never lost a single game, and he has defeated many famous boxing figures.

He dominated the Xingyue Black Fist training camp and killed countless martial arts geniuses!
All along,
'Bloodthirsty' Aoli's boxing style is extremely cruel, hot and crazy!

He advocates offense, and his style of play is very popular among boxing fans.


He should not have participated in the Ultimate Fighter Global Tour with a wild card, let alone attack Chen Yang.

from now on,
He will never have the chance to compete in the martial arts world again!

He was like a dead dog, lying on the ring, motionless.

His eyes were wide open, staring intently, he could not rest in peace!
The Ultimate Fighter World Tour!
The two sides are in the boxing ring, not a battle of life and death.

So even if you lose, you won't necessarily be killed by the opponent.

Generally speaking,
There is no grievance or enmity between the two sides, and it is generally rare to kill each other with heavy hands.

Stay on the line, see you in the future!
As long as you are on the ring, you don't exude killing intent to the opponent, and you don't have the will to kill.

Then, the opponent will not kill you easily.

Just like when Chen Yang defeated the 'Big Rock Crazy Forest' before, although he won, Chen Yang didn't kill the opponent with a make-up knife.

All this is because Jushi Kuangsen didn't exude that kind of "killing heart" towards Chen Yang!
After the others stepped onto the ring,

In order to attack Chen Yang, they all sent out extremely strong killing intent towards Chen Yang.

Under such circumstances, how could Chen Yang show mercy?

'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli chose to use a wild card to attack Chen Yang, which he himself probably didn't expect.

I will lose!

He didn't die in the highly competitive Xingyue Black Fist training camp, nor did he die in the North American martial arts world, but died in the Ultimate Fighter World Tour.

He is the 'Xeon King'!
He is unwilling, extremely unwilling!
Even at the last moment, he felt extremely regretful in his heart!

If he didn't hold a wild card to attack Huaxia Chen Yang, with his peak combat power, it would be impossible for him to die so early.

He doesn't want to die!

In this world, no one wants to die!

It's just a pity that,
There is no regret medicine in the world!
One shot kill!
3 minutes!
The eighth round of the Ultimate Fighter World Tour.

Chen Yang killed the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli, won again and advanced to the ninth round!
The power of 'Public Enemy' is unstoppable!

"Bastard! ''Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli actually lost to the Huaxia people!"

"How is this possible? 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli is the head of the Xingyue training camp, how could he lose?"

"1000 million dollars! Bastard... I lost 1000 million dollars in this boxing match!"

"Haha... I won again! I knew that Huaxia would win. Since I bet on him, I have won three times in a row. It's so exciting!"

"I also bet on Huaxia, but unfortunately I only bet $100 million. If I had known, I would have bet more. What a pity!"

"What a terrifying killer move! The Huaxia people's last killer move was so fast that I didn't even see it clearly!"

"I didn't see it clearly either, I just saw him wave his arm, and then...'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli was killed."

"Could this be Huaxia Kungfu? It's too strong!"

"I missed an opportunity to make money. In the next fight, I will definitely bet on Huaxia. I will win back all the money I lost in this boxing match."

"'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli is the 'Supreme King'. I didn't expect that he only lasted for 3 minutes under the fists of the Chinese people."

"In the world of martial arts, who can stop the Chinese from finally winning the title of 'Ultimate Fighter'?"

"As expected of 'Public Enemy', the peak combat power of the Chinese is terrifying!"


In the Cairo Sports Center in Egypt, the atmosphere exploded at this moment.

The boxing fans all stood up, screaming and cheering...

The applause sounded like a tsunami.

In this boxing match, both sides played very fiercely, aggressively, and brilliantly!

Especially the formidable speed and strength, and the constant attack of combo killing moves made all boxing fans feel the adrenaline rush.

The peak combat power shown by the two gave people a super visual impact.

not to mention,
Chen Yang's killer move at the last moment was even more shocking.

That ruthless and invincible momentum makes people feel frightened.

under the ring,
Zhan Zhilei looked up at Chen Yang, feeling extremely proud.

I won...!
This is the first real 'Xeon King' that Chen Yang has encountered!
This boxing match is of great significance!

Representing Chen Yang's peak combat power, he has already stood at the level of 'Xeon King'.


next moment,
The entire sports center was completely crazy.

No matter the audience who lost or won, they all stood up and cheered for Chen Yang!

Wonderful, intense, cruel, exciting...

This boxing match is destined to be recorded in the history of the ultimate fighter.

This is a peak match worth recalling.

All the boxing fans at the scene came to Cairo, Egypt, with the purpose of watching a wonderful duel and looking forward to a brutal fight.

At this time, the atmosphere in the entire sports center exploded, and the applause sounded like a tsunami, and lasted for a long time.

After almost all boxing fans reacted, they became excited.

Even many loyal fans of 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli started to celebrate and cheer for Chen Yang at this moment.

In the global martial arts world, the strong are respected!
'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli was killed in the ring, it can only be said that he is not strong enough!
Chen Yang's strength deserves all boxing fans to be crazy about it.

at this time,

The passionate voice of the on-site host came from the broadcast of the Cairo Sports Center in Egypt.

"Gentlemen and ladies, tonight is a night to remember."

"Huaxia Chen Yang killed the 'Bloodthirsty Demon' Aoli from Xingyue Training Camp with undisputed fighting power!"

"He is invincible!"

"The Ultimate Fighter World Tour, he has already won eight rounds and advanced to the ninth round!"

"In eight boxing matches, he killed seven opponents! He is the most terrifying powerhouse in this year's Ultimate Fighter World Tour, and he is worthy of being the 'King of Destruction'!"

"Can Huaxia Chen Yang clear twelve rounds and make it to the final 'Ultimate Battle'?"

"In the arena of the ultimate martial arts fighter in the world, who can stop him from continuing to win? Is there anyone else who can defeat him?"

"Let us give Huaxia Chen Yang the warmest applause, and look forward to him bringing us the most exciting matchup in the next boxing match."


Global martial arts competition, the winner is king!
I want to gain the respect of boxing fans, I want all boxing fans to worship, applaud, and cheer...


You must become stronger, fiercer, and more ruthless!
If you want to be respected, the only thing you can rely on is your own fist.

Since Chen Yang started to fight the 'Ultimate Fighter'.

He swept the entire 'Ultimate Fighter' arena with overwhelming momentum, and won the love and respect of all boxing fans.

There are many extreme boxing fans advocating European and American boxers at the boxing scene.

Their hearts are extremely fanatical, and they even discriminate against Asian martial arts and Asians.


With Chen Yang's invincible combat power, even those extreme boxing fans began to express their respect for him with warm applause.


next moment,
In the ups and downs of the live host's voice.

In the Cairo Sports Center in Egypt, the atmosphere reached its peak...

(End of this chapter)

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