Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 462 Whoever blocks my way will die!

Rushing and kicking, unstoppable!
One leg after another, like a sword unsheathed, kicking Chen Yang continuously.


The moment his lunge and kick approached Chen Yang.

I saw his feet kicking hard, and his body instantly rose into the air.

Fly into the air and perform a heavy leg combo.

Special move - whirlwind slashing with five consecutive hits!
This is one of Douglas-Jay's most ferocious super combination special moves.

From the force exerted by his feet to the body rising into the air, it seems to be very similar to the chop in ancient Muay Thai.

of course,

From the action point of view, it is similar to the "air splitting" in Hijima Kyokushin karate.


Douglas-Je's killing move was originally a combination special move.

It combines kickboxing, karate, Muay Thai and other most ferocious fighting skills.

Although judging from the explosive speed of the ultimate move, it is very similar to the Kyokushin karate 'Kill in the Air'.

But this is not a simple 'kill in the air', but a whirlwind slash!

The five-hit killing move is unstoppable and unavoidable.

The speed is too fast...!
A kick from his feet, an instant burst of power, and then the moment his body soared into the air.

He instantly unleashed the most terrifying combo of killing moves, which was unstoppable.

The speed is shocking, and the power conversion is smooth and easy.

That powerful and invincible aura gives people an extremely shocking feeling.

This super powerful combination of special moves is extremely lethal and hard to guard against.

Anyone who wants to master this extremely ferocious combination of special moves cannot do it overnight.

Five consecutive hits of whirlwind!
The core of understanding this super-powerful special move is the speed of kicking and the conversion of force.

It is necessary to develop muscle memory and perform the movements in one go, in order to unleash such a terrifying combo of leg skills.


It is necessary to understand the essence of leg skills and form combos in order to use the explosive power of leg skills to the limit.

Extremely strong and powerful, indestructible!

If you want to perfect the killer move of explosive leg skills, you not only need to study hard and practice hard, but also need super-class martial arts talent.

Without talent, no one would be able to master such a powerful killing move.


Even if you are extremely talented, you still need hard training.

There is no hard training for more than ten years, and constant attempts on the edge of life and death.

I believe that it is difficult to perfectly present the ultimate combo of leg skills, and it is impossible to reach the ultimate level.

Douglas-Jie's killer move had been refined for more than ten years.

As a 'perfect level' expert, after all, it was with the help of the laboratory that he could develop his leg skills to this level.

Just imagine,

How could others succeed if they didn't have the training conditions he had?


Douglas Jay's body instantly jumped into the air, and then continued to spin in the air.

His legs were like fans, showing the force of a whirlwind.

A combination of heavy kicks and chops, attacking Chen Yang's midline vitals.

to be frank,
If we look at the action of this killing move.

Douglas-Jie's five-hit whirlwind attack is very similar to Chen Yang's special move, 'Tornado Heavenly Sword'!


In terms of attack speed, there is a big difference.


Douglas Jay's five-hit whirlwind chop was mainly a chop to kill the heavy leg, not a whirlwind leg sweep.

His attack is downward, slashing and slashing in one go.

With the shortest distance and the fastest speed, it forms a downward slash, and under the acceleration of gravity, it explodes with the most ferocious attack.

The moves are as fast as lightning, domineering, ferocious, and sudden, making it difficult for people to guard against.

As for Chen Yang's "Tornado Heavenly Sword" combo kick skill, it mainly uses the whirlwind leg sweep.

Although the two's leg skills are very similar in movement, their lethality is completely different.

this moment,
Douglas-Jay used his trump card to explode completely without any reservations.

This is the most 'perfect level' strongman cultivated by European and American experimenters, with unlimited combat power.

The ancient Indian hunting martial arts practiced by Douglas Jay appear to be more pure than other top martial arts in the global martial arts world.

It advocates a one-hit kill, simple, crude, direct, and traceless.

From any angle, Douglas Jay seems to be able to unleash the most terrifying blow.

Even if he is in the air, he has the ultimate move to kill Chen Yang with one move.

From the perspective of the core strength of nirvana.

Douglas-Jie's super-powerful killing move is no longer considered a fighting skill.

This is a real enemy-killing technique, a hunting technique!

It is the struggle of human beings for fate and survival, fighting with prey in the primeval forest.

That's right,

This is a real killing technique, and the purpose is definitely not a competitive sport.

Douglas-Jie's every killing move was aimed at Chen Yang's fatal vitals.

He kills, not suppresses or subdues the opponent.

The goal is very clear, his moves are deadly and ruthless.

this moment,
As long as Chen Yang makes any negligence, he will suffer unpredictable consequences.

In the global martial arts world,
The ancient hunting skills of the Indians have no reputation.

Because in the past few centuries, with the rise of guns and hot weapons, almost all Indians in North America were killed.

No matter how strong your killing skills are, it will be difficult to use them when facing guns and cannons.

Money is a hot weapon. When faced with cold weapons, it has a unique advantage and can attack from a long distance.

Just imagine,

No martial art can produce lethality fifty meters away.

But the fifty-meter hot weapon can easily defeat the opponent.

The gap in the middle cannot be made up by the level of martial arts.

The ancient hunting techniques and martial arts of the Indians have almost been lost.

Only in European and American laboratories have this hunting technique been preserved to cultivate the most 'perfect level' top experts.

in fact,

The ancient hunting martial arts of Indians is so mysterious and plays a decisive role in the global martial arts world. This is all related to the environment in which Indians live.

In the past era of cold weapons.

In order to survive, the Indians felt compelled to attack any wild beast, and they were not afraid of death.

of course,

The most important thing is that the living environment of the Indians is too harsh. At the same time, they are squeezed out of the place where they live, and they are poor and backward.

Their lives were worthless after being swept away, and they were killed one after another.

In order to change your destiny and get yourself out of the slums.

They practice any martial arts very hard and dare to risk their lives!
The dignity of any boxer is achieved with fists, and there is absolutely no luck.

When you step into the Octagon, your destiny is in your own hands.

If you want to survive, you must have stronger combat power than your opponent.

After European and American laboratories taught the Indian hunting skills to every experimenter.

Their fighting power is very strong, and they can integrate other fighting skills, and they have gained the dignity of being a 'perfect level' strong man in the global martial arts world.

at this time,

Douglas Jay adopted a full-attack style of play, fearless, and unleashed his most violent attack.

He did not defend, but wanted to fight with Chen Yang's killer move.

The death-killing skills exploded continuously, they were fierce and domineering, and they died together!

The most domineering defense is a strong attack!

This is Douglas Jay's motto, and he vividly displays the artistic conception of this sentence. So brutal, so fearless!
Douglas Jay's leg skills, elbow strikes, knee strikes, and punch combinations all turned into the most terrifying combination of killer moves.

this moment,
Whether it's speed, explosive power, control of the rhythm of the ring, or distance control.

Douglas Jay has reached a level of perfection that is frightening.

to be frank,
In any martial arts competition in the global martial arts arena.

Douglas-Jay's peak combat power at this moment is enough to win the championship and become the king.

With his current fighting ability, even if he joins the 'Ultimate Fighter', he will win the championship!

This third challenge of the 'Life and Death Arena' is considered to be the strongest challenge Chen Yang has encountered since he started the 'Life and Death Arena'.


This is also the strongest sniper Chen Yang has encountered while fighting in the global martial arts world!
"This guy's special moves are endless. How many super special moves have he mastered?"

"What exactly is his genetic enhancement?"

"Why are his attacks becoming more and more brutal and faster?"

"Full attack style, do you want to risk your life with me?"

"What the's this rogue style of fighting again...!"

Chen Yang couldn't help but take a deep breath, his heart became solemn and filled with fear.

to be frank,
His current level of martial arts power has been firmly at the [Late Dark Stage] level.

It's not far away from breaking through to the realm of energy.

He has mastered Tai Chi, Baji Quan, Twelve-way Tan Kou, and Jiugong Flying Steps.

The most important thing is that the basic attributes of his body have been upgraded to the pinnacle of human martial arts with the assistance of the [Enhancement Panel].

With his current peak fighting power, he is not afraid of any opponent in the global martial arts world.

Even if he was a 'perfect level' powerhouse, Chen Yang didn't really take him seriously.

This is also the reason why he dared to start the 'Challenge of Life and Death'.

This is not the first time he has killed a 'perfect level' expert trained in European and American laboratories.

Chen Yang's heart is very swollen and he has absolute confidence in himself.


At this time, after he had the most intense fight with Douglas Jay.

He found that his level of martial arts power was much higher than that of Douglas Jay.


When he bursts into peak combat power, it is difficult for him to have the same control as Douglas Jay.

Even if the killing move breaks out, he will not be able to reach such a superb level like Douglas Jay.

have to say,

The strong men trained in European and American laboratories have been tempered by life and death for combat experience and the explosion of strength.

Although their realm has not reached the level of Chen Yang, their combat power has definitely reached the true 'perfect level'!
In a life and death duel, in addition to possessing a super strong martial arts realm.

At the same time, we must also look at the performance and status of both sides.

Mindset is very important!

Douglas-Je's mentality was completely relaxed, he regarded death as home, and was not afraid of his own life or death.

He adopted a lose-lose style of play, risking his life for his life, and crushed them with a full-attack style.

His peak combat power has completely surpassed the limits of human martial arts, and his fighting style has become more and more brutal and explosive!
His killer combination of leg skills, from the moment the boxing bell rings, once it explodes, it is as fast as thunder.

Like a bomber, it is unstoppable and frightening.

The entire octagonal cage boxing ring felt like a strong wind blowing, making people terrified.

this moment,
Both of them seemed to be showing real fire, and their explosive fighting power reached the pinnacle level in the global martial arts world.

bang, bang, bang...

next moment,
The two launched the most intense attack and defense, playing tough and fearless, like a comet hitting the earth, with endless fighting power.

Douglas Jay went completely crazy, as if he had transformed into a real beast.

His state and murderous intent had reached their peak.

It seems,
It gave people an indescribable sense of strong oppression, which was even more terrifying than the killing intent erupting from Chen Yang.

It is clear,
At this moment, Douglas Jay completely revealed his violent state and stimulated his body's potential.

Quick fight.

He wanted to end tonight's challenge in the shortest possible time, crush Chen Yang and kill him!

The arena of life and death!

To kill the opponent, you don't need too many killing moves, as long as one move can effectively hit the opponent.

Then, it would be enough to kill the opponent on the spot.

at this time,

What Chen Yang lacked was just an opportunity for his ultimate move to explode.

Once the killer moves start to explode, it has reached the most critical moment of the boxing match.

Both of them have the ability to explode with killing moves and kill their opponents with one move.

And now,
Chen Yang is waiting for the opportunity to kill, and Douglas-Jie is also waiting for such an opportunity.

Which of the two will have the last laugh depends on who can hit the opponent first.

"Fight with your life! The boxing match has only lasted less than three minutes, and you are already risking your life?"

" want to die, I will help you!"

Chen Yang snorted in his heart.

Facing Douglas Jay's all-attack style, Chen Yang felt even more pressure.

at this time,

His 'Six Senses' state reached its peak, and his spiritual sensing ability reached its limit.

After a sweeping leg, he blocked Douglas Jay's attack head-on.

Ding Ding Deng

Chen Yang continued to exert force and took a few steps back to widen the distance between him and Douglas-Jie.

Next, he took a deep breath and his eyes became serious.



The muscles under Chen Yang's feet were tense, and a powerful force was brewing throughout his body, ready to go.

"You really think I don't dare to fight you head-on? Are you going to be afraid of you with your killing moves?"

"I've also mastered the super powerful combo skills!"

"In today's showdown, no one can stop me from winning the 'Life and Death Arena'!"

"Whoever blocks my way will die...!"

Chen Yang snorted in his heart and his eyes became cold.

A rage burned within him.

Suppressed by the opponent's continuous attacks, Chen Yang always seemed a little passive.

to be frank,
He has long been impatient.

Special move - whirlwind slashing combo!

The heavenly sword whirls and cuts!
This is a variation of the heavy kick combo, with endless lethality.


This killing move was also Chen Yang's famous move when he competed on "The Ultimate Fighter".

At that time, he instantly burst out with the "Heavenly Sword Whirling Slash" special move, which caused a sensation in the global martial arts world.

this moment,
Chen Yang didn't hesitate and unleashed his ultimate trick with all his strength!
The ultimate move of the Heavenly Sword's spinning chop is unstoppable. It rises into the air with its body and unleashes a whirlwind leg-sweeping combo.


A heavy leg chop to create a combo.

Essence, Qi, and Shen are integrated into one.

Ever since Chen Yang's martial arts power level broke through to the "late stage of dark strength".

His martial arts skills have been mastered and their power is endless.

this moment,
His super powerful special move 'Heavenly Sword Whirlwind' has become more fierce, domineering and faster than three months ago...!
Kill with one kick!

This combination of killing moves is very dazzling and exciting, making people's adrenaline soar.

In the entire boxing match hall, all boxing fans present were deeply shocked!


At this time, the atmosphere in the boxing match hall was completely on fire...! (End of chapter)

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