Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 463: Kill with one punch! All cards revealed

Douglas Jay's offensive speed is too fast!

The strong attack style is like a tsunami, making it difficult for people to guard against.

In the boxing ring, it seemed that the air was exploded by his killing moves, making a roaring sound.

this moment,
I saw Douglas Jay's offensive rhythm increase dramatically, one move after another.

The all-attack style is so powerful that it is inevitable for people to avoid it.

at this time,

Chen Yang must interrupt Douglas Jay's offensive rhythm.


Once he is suppressed by Douglas Jay's strong offensive style, it will be extremely dangerous for Chen Yang.

The most terrifying thing about this strong attack style is its rhythm.

As long as the offensive rhythm is interrupted, the opponent's state can be defeated, and a crushing trend cannot be formed.

I saw Chen Yang's body suddenly rising into the air.

His legs swept across like a whirlwind, unstoppable.

Whirlwind attack!

The kick is like a sword coming from heaven, leaving no trace behind.

His heavy leg killing move had a very clear target and was the fatal blow to Douglas Jay's head.

The key is,
After Chen Yang's body took off, his waist kept twisting in the air, and the attack direction of his legs kept changing.

It seems to be a fatal attack on the opponent's head.


At this moment, his legs began to cover all the vital points of Douglas Jay's upper body under his legs.

Virtual and real, unpredictable!
It seems like an attack but not an attack, making it impossible to predict accurately!
Just when you thought he was attacking the opponent's head, Chen Yang's leg movements were aimed directly at the opponent's chest, abdomen and heart.

This super powerful combination of special skills is Chen Yang's trump card.

At the same time, this is also his ultimate trump card to break through to the [late stage of dark power].

Fly into the air and slash with a whirlwind!

The core of this combination of special moves is to integrate the power of the Twelve Road Tan Kicks with Tai Chi.

Both strong and soft!

It not only possesses the fierceness and dominance of Twelve-Road Tan Legs, but also contains the softness of Tai Chi.

Therefore, the power of the combined killing move is doubled, making it more difficult to defend.

To know,
Even though Chen Yang met two 'perfect level' powerhouses before, they both fell to his super-powerful special moves in the end.

Any force-relieving technique is useless when Chen Yang unleashes his killing move with all his strength.

Chen Yang's unique leg skills, which combine strength and softness, are vividly displayed at this moment.

at this time,

When Chen Yang faced Douglas Jay, the two had fought fiercely for so long, and Chen Yang had adapted to the opponent's offensive and defensive rhythm.

He continuously unleashed his killing moves, and without hesitation he unleashed the 'Heavenly Sword Whirlwind' killing move.

This shows that

Douglas Jay's comprehensive combat power is indeed much stronger than Odin and Neil Jones.

He was able to enter the Octagon ring in third place and challenge Chen Yang, which is definitely not a wasted reputation.

"Flying and slashing combos! Humph... Huaxia Chen Yang, this is your ultimate killer move!"

"I didn't expect that you would start to reveal your trump cards so quickly!"

"Many people say that your killer move is invincible in the world and no one can stop it!"

"I'm going to give it a try today to see how powerful your killer move is..."

"Come on! Explode with all your strength, haha...!"

Douglas Jay let out a wild laugh, and his entire state reached its limit.

He kicked his feet suddenly and put his weight down.

next moment,
He exerted force on his feet and kicked Chen Yang head-on towards the center line.

A crackling sound spread throughout the boxing hall.

Deng Deng Deng,
Douglas-Jie was kicked back a few steps by Chen Yang's fierce and domineering "Heavenly Sword Whirlwind" special move, and almost fell to the ground.


Immediately afterwards, his body hit the protective net surrounding the Octagon ring.

He couldn't help but take a breath, and his expression completely changed.

His legs were in splitting pain, and his whole body was shaking violently.

Fortunately, there was a protective net around the Octagon ring, which prevented him from falling so quickly.

With this hard attack just now, he would be knocked back and fall to the ground.


Douglas-Jay felt a sense of fear in his heart.

Once this feeling of fear emerged, it could not be extinguished, making him tremble with fear and make his scalp numb.

" could this happen?"

"Why is his killing move so powerful?"

"Hiss...impossible! According to various studies in the laboratory, Huaxia Chen Yang's heavy-leg killing move is definitely not that powerful."

"He is faster, more explosive, and even has an unstoppable concussive force!"

"What's going on? Is there an error in the calculations of the research?"

" leg is hurt...!"

After Douglas-Jie fought hard with Chen Yang's heavy leg moves, he leaned against the iron net around the Octagon ring and almost fell to the ground.

He kept shaking his legs to relieve the pain.

this moment,
He only felt his legs becoming numb and unable to gather strength.

The two men fought fiercely and domineeringly, unleashing an extremely terrifying counterattack.

Douglas Jay collapsed completely and felt that his leg was almost broken.

The power of shock!

Chen Yang's combination of special moves perfectly exploded the penetrating power of [Dark Strength Late Stage].

The 'inch strength' he was in at this time was extremely lethal and contained an extremely ruthless concussive force.

Douglas Jay couldn't help but take a breath, relax his muscles, and shake his legs to relieve the force of the shock.

It hurts so much...!
at this time,

Douglas Jay only felt a concussive force spreading in his legs.

His right leg, which was already numb, was in excruciating pain.

It's like... there is a saw inside the bone, which is constantly sawing.

Only those who have experienced this kind of pain can know how uncomfortable it is.

The key is,
As he kept shaking his legs.

Not only did the shock force not lessen, it became more and more serious.

"Chen Yang, China, in order to deal with you, I studied your style and characteristics before the boxing match started."

"Now it seems that everything I studied before has underestimated your peak combat power."

"No one thought that your strength has reached such a terrifying level."

"You can be said to be ranked number one in the global martial arts world and you deserve it."

"Based on various comprehensive assessments, we have concluded that your combat power has been completely transformed and has broken the shackles of human martial arts!"

"Sure enough, our assessment was not wrong. You have indeed surpassed the limits of human martial arts."

"Your bones, muscles, etc., even surpass mine."

"If your overall physical fitness is worse than mine, it is impossible to injure me. My bones and muscles have been genetically enhanced and are far superior to ordinary people!"

"Since I have decided to challenge you in this 'life and death arena' tonight, I have never thought about going on!"

"Even if it means death, I will definitely pull you along!"

"Haha... Chinese people, die with me...!"

Douglas Jay bowed his feet and protected his sides with his arms.

He stared at Chen Yang with cold eyes and said deeply.


His whole body began to become violent, and his whole body became sharp and murderous.

The explosive aura was frightening.

to be frank,
Before the boxing match started, when he decided to challenge Chen Yang, he had already studied Chen Yang's offensive and defensive characteristics in detail.

In order to deal with Chen Yang, he had many tactics.

All along,
He did not underestimate the world's number one strong man. Right,

With Chen Yang's current fame and prestige, who dares to underestimate him?

After getting into the ring and fighting Chen Yang for so long.

Douglas-Jie found that he had underestimated China Chen Yang's combat power after all.

To know,
Douglas Jack is the 'perfect level' strongman in the global martial arts world.

He has always considered himself to be at the top of the world's martial arts, and his genes have undergone transformation.

He has the qualifications to be proud of.


The boxing match has been almost three minutes.

Douglas-Jie found that he was attacking with all his strength, but was unable to suppress China Chen Yang.

How could he accept this scene?
not to mention,
After he continued to fight head-on with Chen Yang, the powerful penetration caused unbearable pain in his bones.

The bones are injured!
That's right, in a fierce confrontation with Chen Yang, the counterattack force was terrifying.

Douglas Jay's leg bone has cracked.

he got hurt……!
The backlash of power is very terrifying, even if his bones are as hard as iron and his genes have undergone transformation.


The powerful penetrating power was still too much for him to bear.

Then, Douglas Jay took a long breath.

His fists were clenched like iron, his eyes fixed on Chen Yang, and his feet kept shaking.

at this time,

He began to gather strength and relieve the numbness in his feet.

A wild beast-like killing intent completely erupted from his body.

It seems,
He was like a wild beast, not angry but powerful.

That crazy beastly aura swept across the entire octagonal cage boxing ring, giving people a sense of useless oppression.

The atmosphere in the Octagonal cage reached a fever pitch at this moment.

Intense, solemn, crazy, bloodthirsty...


I saw Douglas-Je's feet bowed and he took half a step diagonally.

His center of gravity suddenly sank, and all the muscles in his body tensed...

It seems,
He was ready to attack, like a hungry beast, facing his prey, ready to unleash the most powerful blow at any time.

In an instant, Douglas Jay's feet were seen moving.

He sprinted forward a few steps, returned with an elbow, and then swept with his leg!
Elbow strikes and heavy kicks are the ultimate combo combo!

Douglas Jay's body suddenly jumped into the air at the moment of sprinting!

His waist twist, elbow strike and heavy leg killing move form a combination attack.

The ultimate skill - hunting skill!

This is one of Douglas-Je's most powerful killing moves, and it is also the most powerful killing move in terms of his elbow strikes and leg skills.

The movements are fierce, ferocious, and extremely fast!
Because his body suddenly took off, he changed moves very quickly under the acceleration of inertia.

The twisting of the waist and the continuous explosion of combination killing moves, one move after another, are hard to guard against.

have to say,

This super powerful combination of special moves is one of Douglas-Jay's most ferocious special moves.

Any 'perfect level' strong man in the global martial arts world will be extremely lethal once he unleashes his ultimate killer move.

That fierce and domineering aura gives people an endless sense of oppression.

Hunting skills!

This is the most powerful hunting skill of the Indians!

This super powerful killing move explodes with force and can kill prey instantly.

Very fast, specifically targeted at key points!

Once it explodes with all its strength, it can completely block all of the opponent's escape routes, making them unavoidable.

To know,
The explosive power of the leg sweep is extremely ferocious.

This is not a simple leg sweep, but the most fierce and domineering leg sweep combo!

After his body was in the air, he launched a powerful sweep of leg combos, targeting the vital part of Chen Yang's head.

In addition to the leg sweep, the most terrifying combination of this super-powerful killing move is the elbow strike.

Combine two moves to form the most ferocious combo attack.

The head, neck, chest, abdomen and heart are all covered by this super powerful combo.

It's so vicious and vicious that people can't avoid it.

Once the head is hit by his heavy leg killing move, even with Chen Yang's super resistance ability, the skull will explode.

The hunting skills come out!
at this time,

Douglas-Jay's combination of killing moves became extremely crazy, and murderous intent enveloped the entire boxing match hall.

All Chen Yang's escape routes were completely blocked by his special move.

Whether it was the timing of his kick, his explosive leg speed, or his final elbow attack.

Completed in one go, the super lethality has surpassed the peak of human martial arts.

In the moment of life and death, one move determines the outcome!

The power of this super powerful combo is too terrifying.

Douglas-Jie had completely given up his retreat and launched a final life-and-death struggle with Chen Yang.

this moment,
There was silence in the entire boxing match hall, and you could hear a needle drop.

All the spectators at the scene took a nervous breath.

Everyone opened their eyes wide and stared at the Octagonal cage ring.

Everyone can clearly feel that the boxing match has reached a fever pitch.

The most important moment came soon.

Neither of them retreated, and they unleashed their ultimate killer moves.

Facing Douglas-Jie's strong attack, Chen Yang did not retreat and dodge, nor did he think of using wandering tactics.

He didn't put distance between himself and Douglas Jay.

no way,
Under Douglas-Jay's super powerful combo.

All Chen Yang's escape routes were completely blocked by the opponent.

There is no way to avoid it, and there is no way to retreat!

At this time, if you choose to retreat and dodge, choose defensive tactics.

Then all reaction states are under Douglas Jay's accurate prediction.

As a result, Chen Yang will fall into an absolutely passive state.

The combination's special move - cannon reaching the sky from the ground, rushing to move, block and pound!
Fight with both fists!

Chen Yang did not retreat, but instead lowered his center of gravity and punched Douglas-Jie in the chest and abdomen.

The punch is like a hammer, fierce and domineering, invincible!

This powerful combination of punches combines the power of Bajiquan and Taijiquan, combining hardness and softness.

In an instant...

The heavy punch was like a cannon being ejected from the chamber, making a whining roar, and its lethality exceeded the limit.

The super powerful combination of killing moves, with Chen Yang's martial arts level at this time, has the powerful lethality to kill the opponent with one move.

Judging from the counterattack of this heavy punch and killer move!

this moment,
Chen Yang didn't have any thoughts, and he entered the state of 'six senses and spiritual connection'.

His boxing power reached its peak, and his mind fell into a state of emptiness.

In his mind, only Douglas Jay was on the opposite side.


The opponent's movement trajectory, in Chen Yang's eyes, started to slow down...!
In the 'Six Senses' state, Chen Yang's counterattack was extremely accurate, which happened to be Douglas-Jie's defensive weakness.

in fact,

At this time, if you use your leg skills to counterattack strongly, the damage will be even greater.


The speed, flexibility, etc. of leg skills are far behind compared to boxing skills.

This combination of heavy punches is a killer move, and the punches are invisible, completely surpassing the reaction speed of humans!

It seemed like the air was blasted by this punch! (End of chapter)

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