Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 464 collapsed! Extreme danger shrouds

A huge sound spread throughout the octagonal cage ring.

Ding Ding Deng

Under the powerful counterattack, the two of them fought head-on with their killing moves.

No one backed down, no one blocked the defense.

This is a powerful burst of trump card's ultimate move, a ferocious attack of willpower.

The hunting technique and Chen Yang's double-fisted combo attack, the two of them were fiercely fighting for a killing move.


The strong wind roared and swept around.

The force of the killing move is frightening.

Chen Yang took a few steps back and kicked hard to steady himself.

The powerful impact made his expression change.

this moment,
Chen Yang's eyes were solemn, his face turned livid, and he remained vigilant in his heart, not daring to be careless in the slightest.

too strong……!
The force of that fierce and domineering counterattack was a bit unbearable even with his current level of martial arts.

After a head-on fight between Douglas-Jie and Chen Yang, he took seven or eight steps back.

He stumbled on his feet, staggered around, and almost fell to his knees.


I saw his body leaning against the protective net around the Octagon ring, and his face became extremely ugly.

Chen Yang couldn't bear such a terrifying counterattack, and Douglas-Jie couldn't bear it either.

The head-to-head attack method is originally a lose-lose tactic.

If both sides fight forcefully, it will naturally be uncomfortable for both parties.


Douglas Jay constantly adjusted his condition and took deep breaths to relax himself.

at this time,

His forehead was covered with cold sweat, blue veins bulged, and his eyes became red.

A fierce wind was blowing in the entire boxing hall at this moment!

Even all the boxing fans in the audience seemed to feel the impact of that strong wind.

A shock wave spread towards the surrounding area where the two people had just fought hard.

Many boxing fans close to the ring were so stimulated by the strong wind that they could not open their eyes.

Many boxing fans felt the ferocious killing intent and couldn't help but gasp.

The huge sound, accompanied by the strong wind, gives people a suffocating feeling.

That powerful impact subverted the perceptions of many boxing fans.

There were even many spectators who couldn't believe it.

How could human martial arts erupt with such terrifying power?

It was like two rhinoceroses colliding fiercely, and the strong wind whipping up around them swept across the entire boxing hall like a storm.

at this time,

Throughout the underground boxing hall of the Las Vegas International Casino Hotel, there was complete silence, and you could hear a pin drop.

Everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them.

So fierce!
In the arena of life and death, fight to the death!
The peak fighting power that the two people unleashed at this moment was shocking.

Such terrifying speed, explosive power, and reaction ability... completely subverted the perception of boxing fans.

Inhuman extreme combat power!

Especially the final killing blow between the two sides made everyone feel unbelievable.

This scene,
It deeply stimulates the senses of all boxing fans and makes people's adrenaline surge.

"Oh... buy it! Is Douglas-Jie's strength so terrifying?"

"It's so strong. He deserves to be the 'perfect level' powerhouse in the global martial arts world. Douglas Jay's combat power is stronger than Neil Jones!"

"Chinese Chen Yangcai is really too strong. He is in his third round of battle. Won't his physical strength be exhausted?"

"He actually beat Douglas Jay's strong attack style, it's so strong!"

"Indeed, China's Chen Yang's fighting ability is really terrifying. His speed and explosive power, and even his ability to control the rhythm of the boxing match, are no worse than Douglas Jay."

"Chinese Chen Yang can become the number one strong man in the world's martial arts world. He dares to open the 'Arena of Life and Death'. He is definitely not someone who lives in vain. This guy's fighting power is so terrifying!"

"With Douglas-Jay currently unleashing his super-powerful killing moves, there are definitely not many people in the world of martial arts who can block his killing moves!"

"The two's peak combat power has completely surpassed the limits of human martial arts. They are like two bombers engaging in the craziest collision."

"Douglas Jie is the most mysterious 'perfect level' powerhouse in the North American martial arts world. He belongs to the North American 'Military Industrial Group'. Why is he still unable to defeat China's Chen Yang? It seems that Western martial arts are actively being suppressed by Eastern martial arts."

"What's going on? Douglas Jay has such terrifying combat power, but he will still be at a disadvantage after all?"

"I have been paying attention to China's Chen Yang since he competed in 'The Ultimate Fighter'. This guy is so powerful that he definitely has the power to sweep the global martial arts world."

"Douglas Jay, come on, kill the Chinese, come on...!"

"It's so exciting. Tonight's 'Life and Death Arena', every boxing match is worth remembering. I've never seen so many peak fights like tonight!"

"Both of them started to unleash their special moves. The boxing match should be over soon...!"


In the Octagon ring, an extremely fierce attack broke out at this moment.

It’s exciting and gives your adrenaline a rush.


In the entire boxing match hall, after all the boxing fans reacted, applause sounded like a tsunami.

Everyone stood up and let out ear-piercing screams.

this moment,
Everyone started shouting, cheering, and cheering for the boxer they had bet on.

It can be seen from everyone's voices that Chen Yang's comprehensiveness in betting on the spot almost overwhelmed the boxing fans who bet on Douglas-Jay.

Based on the background display of the bet.

The vast majority of boxing fans bet on Chen Yang, but only those European and American consortiums, including some forces under the North American "Military Industrial Group", paid heavily to hold down the handicap and bet on Douglas Jay.

Douglas Jay's super special move is infinitely powerful.

Every burst of killing moves is frightening.

The powerful momentum and killing intent gave people a very strong sense of oppression.

Chen Yang took a few steps back and distanced himself from Douglas-Jie, and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Hiss... this bastard's musculoskeletal strength has been greatly improved, and he is as hard as iron!"

"His genetic enhancement is stronger than Neil Jones and Odin!"

Chen Yang kept swinging his arms to relieve the powerful impact of the hard fight just now.

The force of the shock was so strong that it caused unbearable pain in his arm.

The numbness must be alleviated, otherwise you will not be able to continue exerting force.

The fierce confrontation between him and Douglas-Jie just now, the extreme explosive power of both parties, far exceeded the peak of human martial arts.

Chen Yang used a combination of heavy punches to kill Douglas, and in a head-to-head attack, he defeated Douglas-Jie's super-powerful special move.

It is conceivable that both sides have been greatly impacted.

A lose-lose style of play is destined to cause both parties to suffer a lot of damage, which is uncomfortable for both parties.


A frightening sound breaking through the air instantly rang in Chen Yang's ears.

He couldn't help but gasp.

A fatal danger instantly enveloped the surroundings.


A leg shadow whizzed down, targeting the vital points of his lower body.

The kick is like an axe, and the force is extremely powerful!
The lethality of this heavy kick can be called an explosion, making people frightened.

"Damn...heavy legs are sure to kill! Want to sneak attack on my lower body?"

Ding Ding Deng

Without enough time to think about it, Chen Yang quickly backed away.


He didn't have time to think about it, his feet instantly exerted force, and then his body rose into the air.

In an instant, Chen Yang hit hard with his back swing leg, instantly blocking Douglas Jay's downward sweep.

have to say,

This leg sweep is vicious and vicious, like a cobra coming out of its hole, making it difficult for people to guard against.

This kind of sneak attack with leg skills is very lethal.

Fortunately, Chen Yang was always on guard against the opponent's sneak attacks, otherwise the consequences would be unpredictable.

this moment,
Chen Yang swung his leg back and interrupted Douglas-Jie's offensive counterattack.

His mind fell into a state of emptiness, and his state of 'six senses and trance' reached its limit.

at this time,

Chen Yang swept his feet, swung his leg behind him to block Douglas Jay's attack, and instantly opened the distance.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yang counterattacked again with a backsweep, blocking Douglas-Jie from sprinting close.

at this time,

He increased his speed to the top.

With his high concentration, he did not dare to neglect at all and controlled the distance between him and Douglas Jay.

Elbow kick!

bang, bang, bang...

next moment,
Douglas-Jie's feet suddenly exerted force, his center of gravity sank, and he sprinted towards Chen Yang.

He was so fast it was shocking.

at this time,

The aura emanating from him was like a storm.

The ultimate move is a combination of lunging, kicking and elbow strikes, targeting Chen Yang's vitals on the chest and abdomen.

Brutal collision, overwhelming momentum.

The combination of elbow strikes and kicks is a surefire move, with lightning-fast, decisive and ruthless movements.

This combination of a kick and an elbow attack is a combination of a killing move. The movements are wide open and closed, and the attack angle looks very straight, but it contains countless changes.

The killing move is fierce and surging, making it difficult for people to guard against, and it can be called an explosion.

Ding Ding Deng

Chen Yang's foot speed increased to the limit.

It has to be said that after Douglas-Jay’s ultimate trump card exploded with all his strength, the attack was too fierce!

After a while,

Chen Yang was quickly suppressed by Douglas-Jie and was pushed to the corner of the Octagon ring.

It seems,
The situation is extremely unfavorable for Chen Yang.

Chen Yang stumbled and was almost kicked by the opponent.

this moment,
Chen Yang's expression became more solemn.

What a fierce attack!
Chen Yang couldn't help but take a deep breath, and the murderous intent in his eyes began to gather.

It's almost time. After adapting for so long, Chen Yang has basically begun to adapt to the opponent's offensive and defensive characteristics.

"Nah! That's a combination of special moves and a strong attack! This guy's combo of elbow strikes is really too powerful!"

"How many variations of this combination of killer moves is he proficient in?"

"It seems that after this 'Life and Death Arena', I have to consolidate my combat power and strive to break through to 'Energy Transformation'!"

"Only by integrating the strength of your fists, you can unleash your killing moves at will, without being controlled by distance or timing!"

"'The Realm of Energy Transformation'! Reborn, the entire martial arts will undergo transformation, and only then can you be invincible."

at this time,

Douglas-Je's destructive power-attack attack moves become faster and faster, making people frightened.

His leg skills are like two battle axes, sweeping invincible and unstoppable.


The most frightening thing is his combo of elbow strikes, which catches the opponent by surprise and unleashes an even more frightening lethality.

But it's a pity that

Although Douglas-Jay's combination of killing moves became more and more fierce and explosive.


Chen Yang changed his attack into defense, fighting and retreating at the same time, always controlling the distance between the two sides.

Douglas-Jie's offense did not threaten Chen Yang's vital points.

no way,
Chen Yang's reaction speed is too fast and he has super spiritual sensing ability.

His whole body was immersed in the state of 'Six Senses', and his agility was increased to the limit.

Even though Douglas Jay's offense became more and more lethal, he was unable to completely suppress Chen Yang or tear apart Chen Yang's defense.

Half a minute later...

Douglas-Jay was introverted and increasingly impatient.

He knew very well that he could not continue playing at this pace.

It is impossible for anyone to maintain a superb offensive rhythm, and must change forces.

Although he is a 'perfect level' strong man, his genes have been enhanced.


He is a human being, and no matter how strong his physical strength is, he cannot maintain a fierce 'destructive attack' like a real machine!
Just now he had been maintaining extreme attack, which was very taxing on his physical strength.

If he continues to play at this pace, although he can control his physical energy at any time, it will not be exhausted and he can adjust his state at any time.

But as long as the force is exchanged, there will definitely be flaws.

And as time went on, Chen Yang became more and more accustomed to his offensive rhythm.

If this fight continues, it will become increasingly disadvantageous for Douglas Jay.

Douglas Jay began to feel a little impatient in his heart, and his anger was burning.

Anyone who cannot attack for a long time will become impatient.

Douglas Jay knew he couldn't delay it any longer.

He kicked his foot suddenly, and a cracking sound spread throughout the boxing hall.

next moment,
I saw his body rising into the air instantly.

He hit Chen Yang on the head with a heavy elbow.

The moment his body was in the air, his heavy legs collided, targeting Chen Yang's chest and abdomen.

Continuous combination of elbow chop and heavy leg is a surefire move!

Double kill combo!

Another combination of special moves, unleashing the most fierce and domineering attack.

Douglas Jay went completely crazy and made a desperate move.

Domineering, ferocious, extremely fast, fierce...

This killing move once again forced Chen Yang into a blind corner.

"What the hell...another combination of special moves!"

"It's almost time. I've let you explode for so long. Now it's my turn!"

"Today I want to see how strong you, the 'perfect level' powerhouses, are at their peak combat power...!"

A terrifying fighting spirit burst out from Chen Yang's body.

The muscles all over his body were congested and swollen, and his eyes became as cold as iron.

Being suppressed by Douglas Jay for such a long time.

Chen Yang felt unhappy for a long time.

bang, bang, bang...

at this time,

The offensive and defensive rhythm in the Octagonal cage looked like it was completely controlled by Douglas Jay.

His attacks became more and more crazier, more intense, and faster and faster.


Only Douglas-Jay felt so uncomfortable inside.

His combined killing move attack looked very powerful, almost completely suppressing Chen Yang.

In order to forcefully suppress Chen Yang's killer move, he counterattacked.

Douglas Jay had no choice but to use a 'destructive attack' style of play, and even let go of his defense and adopted a trap tactic that would hurt both sides!

His trump card ultimate move kept exploding, making it a mess.

Just ignore it,
After attacking for so long, they were unable to effectively hit Huaxia Chen Yang once.

Unable to tear apart the Chinese defense, all attacks are ineffective!

If it continues to be delayed, it will become increasingly detrimental to Douglas Jay.


Douglas-Jay let out a roar.

He was completely crazy. He had to end the battle in the shortest possible time and tear apart China Chen Yang's defense.

Quick victory!

If he continued to fight like this, he felt in danger!

That's right,

A strong sense of crisis enveloped him.

He didn't dare to stop the attack, let alone give Chen Yang a chance to counterattack.

Only by pressing hard did he feel a sense of security.

For some reason, his powerful sixth sense of crisis kept reminding him.

As long as he stops attacking, he will receive an unbearable counterattack...! (End of chapter)

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