Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 469: Crushing momentum, sweeping all the way

"Another full-attack style of play? We'll both die together, and it's still a very fast attack!?"

"What the hell... do you want to hurt both of us?"

"Hmph! My [Late Dark Strength] realm has been completely stabilized, and I have killed three 'perfect level' powerhouses in a row."

"If you want to die with me, tonight you are destined to be the whetstone for my martial arts!"

Chen Yang suddenly stomped his feet, twisted his waist instantly, and his whole body sank suddenly.

this moment,
His aura was like someone exploding, his muscles were tense, and a powerful force was about to come out.


He kicked off his feet and unleashed a combo of leg sweeping and killing moves.

The force is like a mountain collapsing and the earth is shattering, it is unstoppable, this sweeping leg combo is the ultimate move, one leg after another, a ferocious mess.

It is clear,
Lafite Renault used a fast-paced attack to suppress Chen Yang.

In terms of playing style, it does not pose much of a threat to Chen Yang.

Fight fast!

Chen Yang's offensive rhythm has never been slow.

He is the number one warrior in the world, and he is also the 'King of Destruction'!
The leg-sweeping combo burst out, and Chen Yang's whole body felt like it was exploding.

bang, bang, bang...

His leg skills are sweeping and combos, powerful and powerful.

The sense of rhythm exceeds human limits and is frightening.

at this time,

The entire Octagon ring was like a hurricane blowing.

The air seemed to be blasted by Chen Yang's heavy leg killing move, making a harsh roar.

Twelve-way tan leg combo killer move!
Leg sweeping combo!

Cross one leg to form an alternating double kick.

When attacking, sweep forward with one step, center of gravity downward, the explosive power is extremely fierce, or it can be twisted in an instant, forming a terrifying lethality.

at the same time.

The powerful penetrating power of [Dark Strength Late Stage] explodes instantly, forming a series of shock waves.

This frightening force ignores the opponent's defense and is extremely lethal.

Although Chen Yang has already understood the essence of [Later Dark Jin], he has also understood the direction of [Transformation Jin].


He doesn't have the strength to [Transform Strength] yet.

In terms of the level of force exertion, there is a big gap between the force exerted in the [late stage of An Jin] and Hua Jin.

Transforming strength does not require any accumulation of energy. A casual blow can unleash a fatal move from any angle.

[Dark Strength Late Stage] Although it can greatly shorten the charging time.

But regardless of speed, penetrating power, etc., there is still a long way to go compared to [Hua Jin].

not to mention,
The most important point of the [Hua Jin] realm is that the body will undergo transformation and the entire life potential will be sublimated.

Sweeping leg combo is the ultimate move!

Using one leg to fight, the other leg accelerates.

After each kick, alternate legs.

Use the instep and calf to instantly accelerate from a static state, and attack both sides of the opponent's body through the conversion of waist strength.

This type of attack is extremely ferocious and the attack is overwhelming.

Once the power explodes, it is usually overwhelming and difficult to guard against.

In terms of offensive efficiency,
Any standing fighting technique in the world has the ultimate move of sweeping the legs and hitting hard.

Whether it’s Kyokushin Kakarate, Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Sambo, Krav Maga…

In almost all fighting skills, the leg sweep is an extremely ferocious killing move.


In terms of the basic skills of kicking, leg sweep and heavy attack are also one of the most important basic skills.

Chen Yang's leg sweeping combo is famous all over the world and has high prestige.

Since he competed in the global martial arts world, he has killed many opponents with his killing move of leg sweeping and heavy blows.

In addition, many of the best leg skills in the world's martial arts world are variations of leg sweeps and heavy strikes.

No punches and no intention is the true meaning!
The real leg-sweeping combo is a killer move, possessing a domineering aura that would give it to anyone else.

The punches exploded, sweeping down and covering the entire octagonal cage ring.

The powerful leg skills can not only block the opponent's close approach, but also form a strong defense.

Substituting offense for defense is the most striking feature of the ultimate kick move.

in addition,

Any top fighter wants to control ring reception and distance.

Super strong leg skills and combo killer moves are essential.

At this time, Chen Yang instantly burst out with a special move of sweeping leg combos, and quickly controlled the rhythm of the ring, which was shocking.

this moment,
Once Lafite Reno performs full defense and dodge.

Chen Yang's leg sweeping combo will be like a storm, instantly suppressing Lafite Reno, making it impossible for the opponent to counterattack.

The leg-sweeping combo is to attack from both sides of the body, which can block the opponent's retreat.

Especially the lunging and leg-sweeping combos are so fast, and the attack rhythm is explosive, making it impossible to avoid.

Although in terms of action,
The action of the leg sweep is very simple, without any unnecessary fancy moves.


As long as the opponent is suppressed strongly, it will be very difficult for anyone to avoid the suppression of the leg sweep.

In the Octagon ring, the two men started the most intense fight.

The fierce collision between leg skills and leg skills is fierce and explosive.

That terrifying explosive power can make anyone speechless.

at this time,

A harsh sound spread throughout the boxing hall, making people terrified.

This kind of hard fight without any fancy moves advocates the explosion of power and the peak showdown of speed.

That super powerful attack power gives people an indescribable spiritual shock.

The power of the shock wave caused by the head-to-head fight between two of the world's top martial arts figures can be imagined.

this moment,
The boxing bell has just rang.

The two powerful men in the octagonal cage boxing ring began to explode with all their strength, without any reservation, and broke out in the most terrifying and fierce attack.

Fierce, domineering, ruthless, intense, wonderful—!
at this time,

In the entire boxing match hall, almost all boxing fans' eyes were fixed on the two people on the ring.

Everyone was highly focused and did not dare to be distracted, for fear that in the blink of an eye, the two people on the ring would complete the most exciting moment.

For a super strong man like this, victory or defeat can be determined by one move.

Every killing move they make has the ability to kill their opponents.

The timing of winning and losing is hard to predict.

The winner may be decided in half a minute, or it may be a tug-of-war, with the two sides fighting for more than five minutes.

This is also an important reason why all boxing fans hold their breath and become nervous.

bang, bang, bang...

The two people broke out with their leg skills and combined their killer moves continuously, and their attack rhythm was very fast.

This kind of powerful leg skills with consecutive killing moves is extremely rare in the global martial arts world.

This scene of a killer move made everyone feel extremely shocked and dumbfounded.

The pace is too fast!
Such fast speed and attacking rhythm simply subverted the perception of all boxing fans.

Even many boxing fans close to the ring could hardly see the actions of both parties clearly.

Especially the combination of Chen Yang's killing moves at this moment, which was completely invisible, made people's scalp numb.

To know,
This is the most classic 'quick attack' style of play in the global martial arts world.

I have never seen such a fast-paced style of play.

Even the battle between Mike Qiao and Chen Yang was far worse than this one in terms of offensive rhythm.

Let's not talk about how powerful the leg skills of both sides are. Let's talk about the rhythm and speed that exceed the limit, which shocked everyone.


In the last boxing match, when Chen Yang fought against Douglas Jay, he limited the opponent's speed.

Therefore, others don't know very well how strong Chen Yang's speed is.

At this time, when facing Lafite Renaud, Chen Yang simply couldn't suppress the opponent with speed and could only break out into attacks.

Fight fast!

At this moment, the attacking rhythm of the two completely surpassed the peak of human martial arts, making everyone feel adrenaline soaring. Chen Yang used his combination of leg skills to hit the killer move in a crazy burst without any reservations.

His offensive rhythm is getting faster and faster, and speed and power are superimposed.

The entire octagonal cage boxing ring was enveloped by a fierce wind.

In an instant, as a powerful attack broke out, Chen Yang's body was filled with endless killing intent, reaching its peak.

The crushing force swept all the way, and the leg skills were continuous!

After his punches exploded, his heavy-leg combination killer moves were extremely lethal.

At this moment, the fist movements merged, and the penetrating power of [Late Dark Strength] exploded perfectly.

in a blink,
Chen Yang suppressed Lafite Renault's rhythm and restrained Lafite Renault's fast attack style.

have to say,

With Chen Yang's current state of martial arts power, after a strong explosion and fast-paced attacks, he has no fear of any opponent.

Even the perfect powerhouse Lafite Reno and Chen Yang can suppress the opponent forcefully.

[Late Dark Strength] The meaning of a strong master, infinite fighting power, unstoppable.

Deng Deng Deng——!
Lafite Renault quickly took a few steps back, widening the distance between him and Chen Yang.

His expression completely changed, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

at this time,

Raffi Renault was extremely shocked. He found that the offensive rhythm he was proud of had no advantage in front of China Chen Yang.

to be frank,
He has always been confident in his speed. .

Especially in terms of attacking rhythm, I don't think there are others in the global martial arts world who can compete with me, or even suppress me.

But now,

Chen Yang learned a good lesson from him.

At this time, in the Octagon boxing ring, once Chen Yang's offensive rhythm broke out, it was simply dazzling and it was impossible to see his movements clearly.

A powerful shock wave swept around.

The extremely overbearing and lethality of the leg skills swept down.

Deng Deng Deng——!
Lafite Renault could only keep retreating.

There was no way, judging from the combination of leg skills that both sides exploded at this moment, Lafite Reno found that he was actually at a disadvantage.

Can't fight!
The two sides fought fiercely, but he couldn't beat the opponent.


Rafi Reno felt the pain in his legs unbearable.

The suffocating pain was like an explosion.

At the same time, it was accompanied by a sense of numbness, which made Lafite Reno unable to exert force.

this moment,
He only felt a buzzing in his mind.

" is this possible?"

"How come his leg bones are so strong that they can compete with my legs?"

"My bones are genetically enhanced and are called the hardest bones. He can actually suppress me with his leg skills?"

"The key is, this bastard doesn't have any genetically enhanced aura on him."

"What is going on? Has the biotechnology in the East completely surpassed that in the West?"

"No, absolutely impossible! This kid probably gained such powerful combat power through his own training."

"Oriental civilization has been passed down for thousands of years, and there are many unknown mysteries that make people feel scared."

"It is definitely not easy for Chinese members to rise to the global martial arts scene."

"Hiss—my leg was injured after fighting hard with him, Shete!"

Lafite Reno's heavy leg exploded, and after a series of hard fights with Chen Yang, he only felt that his legs became numb.

He couldn't help but take a breath, and the killing intent in his body became more intense and fierce.


I saw Lafite Reno taking half a step back, taking a deep breath, and adjusting himself.

The next moment, he kicked his feet back suddenly, gathering all his strength, and his condition began to improve again.

A suffocating breath burst out from his body.

This exciting and adrenaline-filled attack is fierce and explosive.

The action is fierce, rough, simple, direct -!
Deng Deng Deng——!
The two sides once again broke out into a fierce combination of killing moves.

After taking a few steps back and distanced himself, his face became solemn and deep, and his heart was full of fear.

Raffi Renault took a long breath, only to feel the unbearable pain in his legs again.


Chen Yang's combination of leg skills exploded, containing terrifying dark energy penetration.

He is faster, stronger and more lethal!

Especially Chen Yang's fist power exploded at this moment.

His Nine Palace Flying Steps and leg skills were integrated, and his leg speed became faster and faster, causing a great sense of pressure on Lafite Reno.

The two sides fought hard for less than a minute.

Raffi Renault's back was soaked with sweat, and he felt a bad feeling inside.

This ferocious attack with a combination of leg skills not only tests the comprehensive combat power of both parties.


This is the pinnacle showdown of martial arts willpower and courage.

in addition,

This kind of confrontation without any fancy moves is the most severe test for both sides' endurance and reaction ability.

Lafite Renault never expected that after consecutive head-to-head battles with Chen Yang, he would be at a disadvantage again.

He is the true 'perfect level' strong man in the global martial arts world.

How could this be?
For some reason, he always felt that Chen Yang's strength seemed to have improved somewhat compared to the last boxing match.

The killing intent in Chen Yang reached its peak at this moment.

Fierce, domineering, ruthless!
His condition was extremely good, he became stronger when he was strong, and his whole person seemed extremely excited.

Bang, bang, bang—!
Lafite-Reno's combination of leg skills was a surefire move, and the offensive pace accelerated again.

He has no trace of his legs, which is dazzling.

The combination of ferocious leg skills and killing moves were hard to guard against, and seemed to completely block all Chen Yang's escape routes.


He wanted to use his extreme speed to attack and tear apart Chen Yang's defense.

at this time,

Chen Yang completely exploded his leg skills. He had already mastered the four major martial arts, and his strength and fist intention formed a state of unity between heaven and man.

Although at this moment he has not had the chance to unleash his strongest trump card.


The combined leg skills he unleashed in a head-on fight made him much more powerful than three months ago.

It would be useless for anyone to study his playing style based on what he did three months ago.

To know,
[Late stage of Anjin] The realm is completely stabilized and the four major martial arts are integrated.

This makes the penetrating power of each of his killing moves perfect.

At this time, Chen Yang had no reservations and exploded with all his strength.

His unique combination of leg skills has the power to crush all opponents.

of course,

After all, Lafite Renault is the top 'perfect level' powerhouse in North America's 'Military Industrial Group' and is not so easy to deal with.

Although he seemed to be at a disadvantage, he was suppressed by Chen Yang's combination of special moves.


Chen Yang's offense was also unable to shake his defense and pose a threat to his life.

Lafite Reno's defense is impeccable, and his offloading skills are extremely superb.

More importantly, his ability to control distance and rhythm in the ring is more terrifying than the opponents Chen Yang has encountered before.

It seemed that any reaction of Chen Yang was under his precise calculation.

Even Chen Yang's attack direction and intention were within his expectations.

Every time Chen Yang wanted to unleash a super powerful move, Lafite Renault could always distance himself in advance to avoid Chen Yang's attack.

One can imagine that

Lafite Renault is a 'perfect level' powerhouse cultivated by the 'North American Military Industry' group.

How powerful is his overall combat power——! (End of chapter)

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