Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 470: Chaos! The chapter is messed up

"Huaxia Chen Yang, you hurt me by hitting me!"

"Asshole! I didn't expect you to be able to hurt me? Your sixth sense of crisis surpasses mine!?"

"I have always believed that my combat power has absolutely no rivals in the world and no one can threaten me."

"I am the most perfect strong man in the world's martial arts world. No one can defeat me except people from European and American laboratories."

"I didn't expect you to be able to hurt me in today's boxing match!?"

"Not bad! Haha...boy, you are very good!"

"Now you have the qualifications to fight me."

"I will definitely dig out your heart and regard it as my glory——!"

Raffi Renault looked up at Chen Yang and couldn't help laughing wildly.

He looked crazy, and his whole person gave people an indescribable feeling.


No one dared to look down upon him with the murderous intent emanating from him.

at this time,

I saw Raffi Reno standing in the middle of the Octagon ring, with his whole body bowed and shaking his legs constantly.

He had just had the most intense leg fight with Chen Yang, and his leg bones had been injured and he had received a violent impact.

The pain would be unbearable for ordinary people.


Rafi Reno is not an ordinary person. After shaking his leg to relieve the pain, he quickly returned to his form.

Immediately afterwards, his mind fell into emptiness and he became absolutely calm.

That's right,

He did not lose his position because he was at a disadvantage in a head-on fight with Chen Yang.

at this time,

Instead, his state became extremely violent, and his fighting spirit reached its peak.

His eyes were sharp, his fists were clenched like iron, and his muscles were tense.

That crazy fighting spirit became hot and frightening.

The strong are invincible!

Any top player has a belief in winning.

Even if you are temporarily suppressed by your opponent, you will never lose your confidence in winning.

The more terrifying the opponent's fighting power, the more determined their hearts will become and the stronger their fighting spirit will be.

Rafite Reno is a 'perfect level' strongman in the global martial arts world, possessing a rock-solid martial arts willpower.

It was impossible for him to have panic and fear in his heart just because he was suppressed by Chen Yang for a short period of time.

Generally speaking,
Only people with weak mental states will have a state of fear.

Although there is a big gap between Lafite Renault's state of mind and Chen Yang's.


After all, he is a top expert who has experienced seven trials and has absolute faith in himself.


He has experienced life and death, experienced bloody battles, and can face death calmly.

That's right,

When he was training, he often had duels with ferocious beasts, and he didn't care about his own life or death for a long time.

He is not afraid of death and even enjoys the thrill of being on the edge of death.

On the other hand, any 'perfect level' expert who can pass the seventh test has died many times.

Every experiment is actually testing and wandering on the edge of death.


I saw Lafite Reno suddenly kicking his feet, his center of gravity downwards, and then sprinting forward a few steps.

next moment,
He kicked his leg forward, with lightning speed, and his body rose into the air.

The aura and killing intent all over his body merged into one, reaching their peak state.

Whirlwind leg sweep combo - three hits in the air!
Three postures with one leg, a sure move of flying into the air and kicking!

This super powerful combo is one of Lafite Reno's most terrifying killing moves.

Sprint with your feet to create a powerful counterattack.

Then his body rebounded and instantly jumped into the air. While still in the air, he swept his leg across the air, bursting out with the fastest acceleration in his leg skills.

With his legs in the air, he swept down left and right, aiming for Chen Yang's head, forming a sure-kill momentum.

This combined killing move is very clever in terms of speed, strength, and timing.

Especially when he suddenly moves and spins his body in the air, it is extremely confusing.

If you can't judge the direction of his heavy leg killer move.


It's easy for him to tear apart his own defense with this combo of his killer moves.

"Hmph! There are many people who want to kill me. Do you have the qualifications to do so?"

"I don't know where you got the courage to kill me?"

"Although your ultimate kick move is called a 'perfect level' power, your defense has obvious flaws."

"You are too confident in your offense. Do you really think that your speed is unmatched by anyone?"

"Don't forget, my style of play has always been characterized by speed."

“Today, I’m going to let you, the frog in the well, experience what true ‘perfect control’ is!
"Fight 'Quick Attack Style' with me, you chose the wrong tactic -!"

Chen Yang looked up at Lafite Renault and couldn't help but snorted coldly.

this moment,
Chen Yang only felt an ethereal state in his mind, and his whole person had completely entered a state of 'six senses and spiritual connection'.

He became very calm.

Faced with Lafite Reno's fast-paced attack and combination skills.

Chen Yang's eyes were so sharp and scary that he didn't dodge and stepped back.

He stomped his feet, his center of gravity suddenly sank, and his whole body fell down instantly.

The muscles under his feet were tense, containing terrifying explosive power.

At this moment, the Jiugong Flying Step burst out instantly, and its speed exceeded the limit.

The punch is invisible and follows you like a shadow!

Chen Yang raised his leg and kicked Lafite Reno's sweeping leg head-on.

The special move - high sweep three strikes!
Stand on one foot, then lift one leg up to form a high sweep!

Judging from the movements, this high sweep kick has some obvious differences from the high whip kick.

However, in terms of lethality, the power of the high-sweeping kick combo is no weaker than that of the high-whipping kick.

The force exerted is like a huge wave crashing on the shore, and the movement is like thunder. If the heart moves at will, the tricks are endless.

bang, bang, bang...

next moment,
In the Octagon ring, a frightening leg showdown once again broke out.

The fierce fight makes people's adrenaline soar.

to be frank,
For all the boxing fans present, this most ferocious kicking showdown was simply an indescribable shock to the soul.


This most explosive head-to-head fighting style can definitely make anyone's blood boil.

The force is like a mountain collapsing and the earth is cracking, and the strength is like an overwhelming mountain!

The power that both of them erupted contained terrifying penetrating power.

At the same time, when defending, his skills are extremely high.

Rather than saying that this is the pinnacle of leg skills duel, it is better to say that this is the most classic offensive and defensive system duel.

The most terrifying thing is that the two people's attack speed is too fast.

at this time,

The entire boxing match hall was filled with explosive collision sounds, which made people feel horrified.

In many live boxing matches, I couldn't help but gasp when I felt the terrifying power impact.

so horrible!

With such a fierce and domineering head-to-head fighting style, the two men's fighting power exceeded everyone's imagination.

Although the influence of this boxing match is far behind the peak showdowns of 'The Ultimate Fighter' and 'The Lost City'.


Since this is the fourth challenge of the 'Arena of Life and Death', the amount of money to bet is not much lower than that of the two decisive battles. With Chen Yang's current popularity and reputation.

Those who came to the scene to support Chen Yang were all the richest people from the global martial arts world.

to be frank,
Although everyone knows very well that Huaxia Chen Yang is called the number one martial artist in the world, and he is ridiculously powerful.

No one dares to question Chen Yang's peak combat power.


After everyone saw the peak combat power displayed by Chen Yang at this moment, they couldn't help but be shocked.

Such terrifying strength has subverted the perception of most boxing fans.

Even many of the top boxers in the world's martial arts circles felt their heads buzzing when they saw the explosive fighting power of Chen Yang and Lafite Reno.

They came to watch the battle, originally hoping to absorb the battle experience from the two people's offensive and defensive status.

This kind of super-strong duel is extremely rare in the global martial arts world.

If you can absorb 10% of the fighting experience, it will not be a loss for any boxer.

But now they realize that it is too difficult to gain combat experience from both sides.

Their battle experience is of little use to others.

It was too fast and too fierce, it was simply dazzling, and it was impossible to see clearly the offensive and defensive movements of both sides.

To know,
Lafite Reno's peak combat power ranks at the top among the 'perfect level' powerhouses in the North American martial arts world.

If we look at it in terms of overall combat strength.

With Lafite Renault's strength, he is definitely qualified to rank in the top three.

in addition,

He is also the third strong person to be the first to undergo the seventh test in European and American laboratories.

Under normal circumstances, no one in the global martial arts world should be able to suppress him.


Now Chen Yang actually suppressed Lafite Renaud.

Even if Lafite Reno breaks out the fastest-paced attack, his trump card killer moves are one after another, one after another.

But all his attacks were of no use in front of Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was in the state of 'Six Senses', and his spiritual sensing ability was at full capacity.

this moment,
The combat power he showed was stronger and faster than in the last match against Douglas Jay.

That's right,

With the continuous fierce battles, Chen Yang's peak combat power has been increasing.

Damn - what the hell happened?

Many boxing fans at the scene were shocked and dumbfounded when they saw the fighting power Chen Yang showed at this moment.

Could it be that in the previous three boxing matches, Huaxia Chen Yang has always retained his strength?
Did he unleash his ultimate combat power just now?

Many boxing fans couldn't help but gasp.

Before this, many boxing fans thought they knew Chen Yang's fighting ability very well.

But now, almost everyone can't see through Chen Yang again.

Throughout the underground boxing hall of the Las Vegas International Casino Hotel.

The eyes of all the boxing fans at the scene were fixed on the Octagonal cage boxing ring.

Everyone was shocked and speechless by the fighting power unleashed by both sides.

All of a sudden.

The atmosphere in the entire boxing match hall seemed strange.

Soon, after all the boxing fans reacted, everyone started talking in low voices.

"The lethality of his leg skills is so terrifying. Lafite Reno is worthy of being the strongest player in the Mexican singing and martial arts world."

"I didn't expect that after five years of retirement, Rafite Renault's fighting power would reach such a terrifying level. He would compete head-on with China's Chen Yang, and both sides would be evenly matched."

"Chinese Chen Yang is the best in the world's martial arts world. He is very powerful and understandable, but it is surprising that Lafite Reno can fight him so fiercely."

"Compared to Douglas Jay, Raffi Reno's combat power is more terrifying, faster and more lethal."

"It's so strong! I bet on China Chen Yang. I believe he can defeat Lafite Reno, but it's hard to evaluate how long it will take."

"I also bet on China Chen Yang. Although Lafite Renault is very strong, his advantage over China Chen Yang is not obvious."

"Haha... I have always believed that Huaxia Chen Yang can sweep the 'Arena of Life and Death'. He is an invincible strong man who can create miracles."

"Judging from the scene, Huaxia Chen Yang does have the upper hand. He has controlled the kung fu rhythm of both sides."

"If we continue to play at the current pace, it will be very detrimental to Lafite Reno."

"It's hard to say, Lafite Renault's trump card hasn't exploded yet. I believe we can see the final outcome soon."

"Rafite Reno is one of the strongest in the North American martial arts world. He will never lose to the Chinese so easily."

"It is said that among all the 'perfect level' strong men in the global martial arts world, Lafite Reno is ranked in the top three in terms of strength."

"How strong is Raffi Renault? All of this is just hearsay. No one has received real information."

"Chen Yang of China swept across the global martial arts world and set off a storm. It seems that this storm is about to end. Eastern martial arts will completely crush Western martial arts."

"If nothing else goes wrong, tonight's fourth challenge, 'Wolf Dog' Raffi Reno, will end up being killed in the boxing ring just like the previous three boxing matches."

"Rafite Reno's offensive and defensive rhythm is a bit messed up, and the situation is not good."

"It's a bit weird. Raffi Renault is a perfect powerhouse. How can his offensive and defensive rhythm be so fast and chaotic? Is this an attempt to confuse China's Chen Yang?"

“The final killing move didn’t happen, and no one knows the result until the last moment——!”


The peak showdown in the octagonal boxing ring makes people's adrenaline surge and their blood boil.

The boxing matches became more and more exciting, fierce and brutal.

Bang, bang, bang—!
Chen Yang took a deep breath and began to speed up his attack.

His state also started to become crazy.

The attack was like a storm, so powerful that it was a complete mess.

Such an intense and exciting scene immediately ignited the atmosphere in the entire boxing match hall.

All the boxing fans at the scene stood up, cheered and cheered for both sides.


The vast majority of boxing fans have placed heavy bets on Chen Yang.

Many of them began to cheer for Chen Yang, expecting him to win.

At this time in the boxing ring, Chen Yang began to control the rhythm of the ring and suppressed Raffi Reno.

Everyone's eyes are fixed on the ring, looking forward to the most exciting scene in the ring.

this moment,
Lafite Renault's strong outburst may have been stimulated by Chen Yang's fast pace.

His offense also became extremely ferocious, hitting fast with speed and fighting with strength!

have to say,

Lafite Reno's style of play is extremely fierce, tenacious, ruthless and has a fierce fighting spirit.

He used Chen Yang's famous tactical play - the destructive attack style!
Use the fastest speed, the most explosive power, and a devastating attack to completely destroy your opponent.

This is a test of the willpower of both parties, as well as a test of the bones and physical fitness of both parties.

Head-to-head confrontation, nothing fancy.

Very pure, very simple!
Bang, bang, bang—!
The ferocious fighting style was like a storm, sweeping the entire Octagon ring.

Lafite-Reno's unique combination of leg skills was used to the limit and swept towards Chen Yang.

His strong attack is no less than that of Chen Yang.

have to say,

In the global martial arts world, there are definitely not many people who can stop Lafite Reno's powerful attack.

No, it should be outside a limited number of people. Almost no one can block his strong attack.

to be frank,
If Douglas Jay and Neil Jones encounter Raffi Leno in this state, they will have to avoid his edge.

There is no way to fight hard!

Only Chen Yang can withstand Lafite-Renault's strong attack and not be at a disadvantage.

What shocked everyone was this boxing match.

Chen Yang has changed his traditional playing style. He seems to be becoming more and more powerful, and he is not afraid to fight head-on with the opponent.

Lafite Renault kicked his feet again, and the aura in his body became extremely domineering.

A suffocating killing intent enveloped the ring, giving people an endless sense of oppression.


Chen Yang didn't seem to feel the murderous intention in Lafite Renault. He acted extremely calmly——! (End of chapter)

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