Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 478 Killed! 1 leg 4 poses

Las Vegas International Casino Hotel, underground boxing hall.

at this time,

The atmosphere reached a fever pitch.

Almost all the boxing fans stood up, shouted and screamed,
Everyone was nervous and anxious, staring at the two people in the Octagon ring.

The boxing match has reached its most critical moment.

Lafite Renault and Chen Yang went all out and used their full fighting power.

They unleashed their fighting spirit without any reservations.

to be frank,
After Chen Yang started the 'Life and Death Arena', he performed very well in the first three boxing matches.


If we insist on making a comparison, the excitement of the fourth challenge was beyond everyone's expectations.

It's so intense!

Since both sides adopted fast attack, the speed was getting faster and faster, and the rhythm was bursting.

This superb attacking speed gives people an indescribable feeling.

Generally speaking, it is difficult to avoid attracting attention with a speed-based attack style.

Such a wonderful, fierce life and death showdown.

It is extremely rare in the global martial arts world, not to mention that the strength of both parties is at the top of the global martial arts.

at this time,

In the octagonal boxing ring, Chen Yang used the martial arts of a master-level warrior in the [late stage of An Jin] to unleash frightening fighting power.

His movements were as fast as lightning, and his killing moves came one after another.

The combat power of a strong man who ranks first in the global martial arts world in terms of comprehensive strength is vividly demonstrated.

In the boxing match hall, all the boxing fans were completely shocked.

Everyone was shocked and speechless by the fighting power that Chen Yang unleashed at this moment.

Based on Chen Yang's peak combat power at this moment, it is not much weaker than the invincible strongman 'Zeus' who has gone through the eighth experiment in the North American 'Military Industrial Group'.

Although Chen Yang is an Oriental, he is not very old and has not even reached the peak of his career.


However, he has become the strongest man in the global martial arts world ranked first in comprehensive strength.

Originally, many extreme boxing fans in Europe and the United States were not convinced by Chen Yang's achievements.

we can even say,
They have always been prejudiced against Chen Yang's Oriental identity.

If Chen Yang were a white Westerner or a black African, I believe no one would have the slightest doubt about him.

at this time,

With Chen Yang's continuous fierce battles, he swept across the global martial arts world.

Those extreme boxing fans in the West who were still prejudiced against Chen Yang finally no longer dared to have any dissatisfaction.

All boxing fans around the world believe that Chen Yang has the opportunity to create miracles.

He is very likely to win the five challenges of the 'Life and Death Arena' and win the championship of the third most prestigious martial arts competition in the world.

Anyone who wants to defeat Huaxia Chen Yang will face the most brutal challenge.

"Come on! China Chen Yang, come on -!"

"Kill Lafite Reno, kill him! I bet you fifty million dollars. Come on, you must defeat Lafite Reno."

"Lafite-Reno's combined killing move was so powerful that the bakelite floor split open with his kick."

"Too strong! Rafite Renault is indeed the most perfect strong man. He is the number one strong man in the Mexican singing and martial arts world."

"If Lafite Reno had not retired five years ago, he would definitely have won the same record and honors as China's Chen Yang."

"Wonderful! I have never seen such a wonderful and intense boxing match in this century."

"China Chen Yang controlled the rhythm of the ring and he had the upper hand, but it is not that simple to defeat Raffi Reno."

"The counterattack started, too fast! Huaxia Chen Yang finally launched a killer move to counterattack, it was too fierce!"

"It's a combo killer move! It's indeed a combo killer move. This is China Chen Yang's trump card killer move. His moves are invisible and you can't see his movements clearly at all."

"Damn it - how could a human being unleash such a terrifying attack?"

"Haha - combo attack! Huaxia Chen Yang finally broke out with the combo attack, and the boxing match will be over soon!"


In the boxing match hall.

The vast majority of boxing fans bet on Chen Yang to win.

Only a few extreme boxing fans, as well as some family forces and consortiums in Europe and the United States, bet on Lafite Reno's victory.

At this time, many boxing fans were holding their breath nervously.

this moment,
Almost everyone understands that the boxing match has reached its most important moment.

It will be over soon.

Unknowingly, the boxing match was approaching five minutes.

For Chen Yang, this boxing match is definitely one of the most intense and longest boxing matches.

Five consecutive hits to kill at the risk of your life!
This one is super powerful, has a lot of alcohol, is extremely lethal, and is very fast.

The ultimate trump card!

Normally, for any boxer, the real killer move is to save his life.

Under normal circumstances, it will not be performed.

Once it is used, it is the final moment of victory or defeat.

Not only does Lafite Renault have his own killer moves, but Chen Yang also has his own.

of course,

Chen Yang's biggest trump card is not some super special move, but [enhanced panel]!
Because of the assistance of the [Enhanced Panel], he was able to recover from his injuries in the shortest possible time.


His level of martial arts power is also constantly improving with the activation of the [War Soul Card].

His current achievements and honors are inseparable from the [Enhancement Panel] in his mind.

In terms of martial arts talent, Chen Yang's talent is not high.

But with the help of the [Enhanced Panel], his strength has reached the top of global martial arts.

at this time,

Chen Yang also began to enter the [violent] state, and his combat power increased dramatically.

His combos of killing moves also began to explode.

[Late Dark Strength] The ultimate power state, once it breaks out, one move after another, it is unstoppable.

of course,

If you want to burst out a combo of fatal moves, you must have the right timing and distance.

Just like Lafite Reno's 'Five Life-Sacrificing Attacks', the same is true, you must have the opportunity to explode.

Once the opponent distances himself and gets out of the attack range.


Any super powerful trump card special move will be very dangerous if it fails to hit the opponent.

Normally, if the timing is not right, Chen Yang rarely unleashes a combo killing move.

Unless the opponent's attack is too fierce, he interrupts the opponent's offensive rhythm with a combination of special moves.

If he wasn't in a particularly dangerous situation, Chen Yang wouldn't be able to easily unleash a combination of special moves.

Because he rashly unleashes his ultimate killer move without hitting his opponent, it is easy for him to fall into irreversible danger.

At this moment, Lafite Reno exploded into his own "Five Life-Sacrificing Attacks", and it happened continuously.

It was obvious that he was anxious!

He was strongly suppressed by Chen Yang and was at a disadvantage. He had no choice but to continuously use his killer moves to have a chance to interrupt Chen Yang's offensive rhythm.

If he wants to come back from adversity and break out a counterattack, he must unleash his strongest killing move.

Although the special move of 'Five Life-Sacrificing Attacks' is very strict on the timing of the explosion, it also requires an optimal distance.


Once a powerful attack breaks out, it is difficult for the opponent to resist it and they have to retreat and dodge to avoid its sharp edge.

Bang, bang, bang—!
Lafite-Renaud's killer combination of leg skills exploded once again, a desperate fight that risked one's life.

His legs are like two swords, sweeping invincibly and running rampant in the Octagon ring.

at this time,

All the power in his body exploded like fireworks bursting into the sky.

The extremely powerful killing intent is concentrated on the heavy leg killing move.

One move determines victory or defeat!

Finally, Lafite-Reno's essence, energy, and spirit were all integrated into one move.

Victory or defeat is in this moment.

Fight with your life, stop killing with your life!

Raffi Renaud let go of his defense and attacked with all his strength, his mind becoming clear.

As long as anyone is enveloped by his killer combination of leg skills, there is no way to retreat or escape.

Once it hits an opponent, anyone will suffer heavy damage or even be killed on the spot.

of course,

The two people in the octagonal cage boxing ring are both figures who stand at the top of global martial arts.

Both sides have a sixth sense of crisis that goes beyond the limits of human martial arts, and both can detect fatal crises.

At this time, after the two sides fought head-on in close quarters, they did not dare to use their trump card killing moves easily.

It's very dangerous to use your ultimate killer move at close range.

If you are not careful, you can easily put yourself in a desperate situation.

For any powerful special attack, in order to maximize the power of the attack, the essence, energy, and spirit must usually be integrated into one.

Once the killing move broke out, it did not hit the opponent.

In this lost state, it is impossible for the opponent to stop and counterattack.

As long as the opponent seizes the opportunity, the risk is extremely high.

Chen Yang's offensive rhythm is too fast, and his extreme explosive power is extremely ferocious.

Raffi Renault knew very well that at this time, the offensive and defensive rhythm of the boxing ring had been completely controlled by Huaxia Chen Yang.

If he keeps playing at the current pace, he will never be able to tear apart the Chinese defense.

The longer time passes, the less chance he has.

The boxing match has been close to five minutes, and he has no time!
Rafite Reno made up his mind to let go of his defense and attack with all his strength.

He kicked off his feet, rushed forward quickly, and soared into the air again.

With a sweeping leg, he instantly unleashed his last life-saving trump card.

For the third time in a row, he unleashed a life-threatening killing move. Success or failure depended on this move.

Special move - four whip kicks!
One leg and four postures, fierce and domineering!

Twelve Road Tan Leg's combo killer moves completely exploded at this moment.

Chen Yang also unleashed his strongest killing move, using the punching intention of [Late Dark Strength] to merge into this 'whip kick four strikes' combo.

The leg skills are like an axe, invincible.

Chen Yang's fighting spirit completely exploded at this moment.

Like a real Siberian tiger, it is as powerful as a rainbow and extremely domineering.

The speed and power of this killer combo completely surpassed the pinnacle of human martial arts.

The leg combos are invisible and the lethality is shocking.

Twist your waist and lower your center of gravity.

The perfect fusion of leg skills, footwork, and fist intention, and the penetrating power of [Late Dark Strength] were fully demonstrated at this moment.

The wind roars!

It was like a storm was blowing around, sweeping down and locking Lafite Reno's body.

Lafite Reno sensed the crisis and couldn't help being surprised.

this moment,
His expression changed completely, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

His mind roared.

A powerful killing intent locked onto his position, making it impossible to avoid or retreat.

At this time, Lafite Reno clearly felt death!

Chen Yang's heavy-leg killer move was like a battle ax, whizzing down towards his midline.

too fast!
All of Lafite Reno's escape routes were completely blocked by this super-powerful 'Four Whip Kicks' ultimate move.

A crackling sound spread throughout the boxing match hall.

Domineering, ruthless, ferocious, extremely fast——!
Too fast, too fierce!
Lafite Renault only felt the shadow of a leg, which disappeared in a flash, leaving him unable to make any reaction at all.

at this time,

All he felt was that his head was buzzing.

He wanted to step back, distance himself, and avoid Chen Yang's "Four Whip and Leg Strikes" combo.

He wanted to counterattack, to attack head-on, to interrupt Chen Yang's offensive rhythm.


He can't do it!

The third time he unleashed his "life-sacrifice five-hit combo" special move, he made a desperate move and was sure to win.

Unexpectedly, he was blocked by Chen Yang's sweeping leg.

Whip kick combo!

This is a combo killer move that can only be unleashed in the [Later Dark Strength] realm.

The most important thing about one-legged and four-posture is its attack speed that surpasses all others.

Lafite Renault's life-threatening move was blocked by Chen Yang's whip kick.

He wanted to retreat, wanted to bend his body to release his strength, and wanted to switch from offense to defense.


He has no strength, no distance and no chance to fight back!
have to say,

The timing of this combo killer move that Chen Yang unleashed was very precise.

Even if Lafite Reno didn't suffer the backlash from the 'Five Life-Sacrificing Strikes' killer move, he still couldn't block Chen Yang's combo killer move.

When Lafite Reno unleashed his final trump card, he originally thought that with his continuous bursts, he would definitely be able to suppress Chen Yang.


After all, he underestimated Chen Yang's peak combat power.

At the same time, he also underestimated Chen Yang's "Four Whip Kicks" combo killer move.

This combo killing move is the strongest killing move that Chen Yang can unleash after his martial arts power level has stabilized in the [Late Dark Stage].

A whip kick explodes, forming a four-hit combo!
There is no doubt about its lethality, and its strength and speed are superimposed.

The speed of the whip legs is very fast, like a flying whip, the air is exploded.

at this time,

Chen Yang's heavy leg was like an axe, kicking fiercely at Lafite Reno's chest and abdomen.


With a harsh sound, it spread throughout the boxing hall.

In an instant.

All boxing fans present felt extremely horrified.

Rafite Reno's body flew backwards and was hit hard by Chen Yang's whip kick, causing him to hit the iron net surrounding the Octagon ring.



He slipped from the iron net and lay all over the Octagon ring.

His body was constantly twitching, spasming, and shaking!
Due to the power of the whip-leg combo killer move, it contains the perfect penetrating power of [Dark Strength Late Stage].

The moment the kick hit Lafite Reno, the force formed a shock, instantly defeating Lafite Reno.

Between his chest and abdomen, his internal organs, including his heart and blood vessels, were shattered on the spot by this heavy leg killing move.

Perfect dark energy penetration, ignoring defense, blocking, and unloading force——!
In an instant,
Lafite Reno's body lost any power to resist, and there was no way to relieve the force.

His life was instantly destroyed by this super powerful combo attack.

next moment,
Blood gushed out from Lafite Reno's mouth, instantly staining the Octagon ring red.

Raffi Reno was lying on the ring, his mind going blank.

Everything around him had disappeared at this moment, and the whole person instantly fell into the ice cellar and lost consciousness.

His pupils soon began to dilate.

Until the moment before his death, he could not accept such a result.

The other party was unhurt!

Lafite Renault didn't want to die. In order to improve his strength, he was willing to join the North American 'Military Industrial Group'!
He never thought that he would be shot to death in the Octagon ring!


He just made his comeback today and appeared in front of all the boxing fans. Unexpectedly, he died!

Killed on the spot, one hit! (End of chapter)

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