Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 479: No punches and no intention, killing people invisible

National martial arts, the art of killing!

Four strikes with the whip leg, four postures with one leg!
This is not a series of kick skills, but a super special move!

One leg after another, a four-leg combo.

It looked like it was just a whip kick.


At the moment when the leg is kicked out, the most terrifying acceleration is formed.

at this time,

In the fourth challenge that opened the life and death arena, Chen Yang declared his invincibility in an extremely domineering way.

This whip leg struck four times, which can be called an explosion, making people horrified.

Domineering, ferocious, extremely fast, powerful, fierce and invincible!


Won again!

Five minutes and ten seconds!

Even Chen Yang didn't expect that the boxing match would last more than five minutes.


With Chen Yang's current strength, it will be very difficult for any opponent to block his three-minute attack.

However, Lafite Renault had a head-on fight with Chen Yang, and it took more than five minutes before he lost.

have to say,

Lafite-Renault’s strength is by no means unfounded.

He indeed has the qualifications to fight Chen Yangfeng.

If Chen Yang's martial arts power level is not completely integrated,

In this boxing match, it is indeed difficult to judge who will win.


Chen Yang won after all.

With his strong fighting style, he directly killed Lafite Reno, the most perfect strongman in the North American 'Military Industrial Group', on the spot.

From the time the boxing bell rang to when Rafe Reno finally lay down in the Octagon ring, it was five minutes and ten seconds.

This boxing match,

Chen Yang once again proved to all boxing fans around the world that he is at the top of the global martial arts world with absolute strength.


He also declared his invincibility to all boxers who wanted to challenge him.

The number one martial artist in the world!
Not far away from the Octagon ring, there were many boxers sitting.

The reason why they were so close was to feel the offense and defense of both sides in the ring.


At this time, when they felt Chen Yang's last-minute killing move, their faces suddenly turned pale.

too strong--!
That tiger-like momentum, fierce and domineering fighting power, invincible aura -!
All this is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Even many very powerful 'king-level' experts felt frightened and frightened at this moment, and it became a little difficult to breathe.

The killing intent in Chen Yang made many people feel suffocated.

To know,
Just now he unleashed his last super powerful special move, 'Four Whip Leg Strikes'.

He has already touched the aura of [Hua Jin].

The sharp-edged killing intent is difficult for ordinary people to bear.

next moment,
The medical staff quickly opened the iron door of the octagonal cage and entered the octagonal cage ring.

After a while,

After the attending physician examined the body for a moment, the staff took Lafite Reno's body away on a stretcher.

A white cloth covers Rafite Reno's body.

Killed with one blow, there is no way to save him!

No need for any first aid measures, save trouble.

Lafite Reno's internal organs were completely shattered.

His heart was violently shocked, and his pupils had begun to dilate.

Chen Yang couldn't help but exhale and let himself relax.

He must seize the time to restore his condition.

There is one more game!
With one last challenge left, he will create a miracle and become an unprecedented 'Triple Crown'!
Just now he unleashed the super powerful combo of 'Four Whip Legs', which was the most perfect attack in [Late Dark Stage].

Although he has not touched the barrier of [Hua Jin], it cannot be considered as a true [Hua Jin] power.


The power of this super powerful combo made him feel very satisfied.

There is no shadow when the leg is released, it follows the body like a shadow, and its lethality is endless.

It is not easy to burst out the perfect dark strength.

Lafite Renault's condition has declined significantly. How can it be so easy to offload and block?

Not to mention that Raffi Renault is not in good condition at this time. Even if he is still in his prime, it will be difficult to block Chen Yang's inevitable combo killer move.

at this time,

The entire underground boxing hall of the Las Vegas International Casino Hotel became so silent that you could hear a pin drop.

Even though there are many extreme boxing fans in Europe and the United States, including many top players on the scene who want to challenge Chen Yang.

They couldn't help but take a breath and looked up at Chen Yang in the Octagon ring, feeling suffocated in their hearts.

so horrible!

In the boxing match hall, many boxing fans were so frightened by the killing intent emanating from Chen Yang that they did not dare to breathe.

It's so powerful that it subverts many people's perceptions.

The four-hit whip-leg combo is the ultimate killing move. The movements look very casual, simple, and rough, without any fancy movements.

Many people didn't even see Chen Yang's heavy kick just now.

That invincible aura and murderous intent like a ferocious beast simply frightened everyone.

At this moment, Chen Yang looked like a terrifying god of death.

The violent and bloodthirsty aura was frightening and enveloped the entire boxing match hall.

There was a smell of blood in the air.

to be frank,
Not to mention that many boxing fans at the scene did not clearly see Chen Yang's "four blows with whip and leg".

Even including many top 'king level' players.

They were so focused that they didn't see clearly the details of Chen Yang's killing move just now.

Even if they want to study Chen Yang's playing style, they may have to watch slowed down videos.

[Late Dark Strength] This "Four Whip Kicks" special move, whether it is speed, rhythm, or artistic conception, has been integrated and mastered, reaching the realm of unity between man and nature.

Perfect blend!

No punches and no intention, killing people invisible!

No one could have imagined that such a casual kick could kill Lafite Reno instantly.

Fierce, brutal, fierce, fast, unstoppable, kill with one move!
The perfect master of North America's 'Military Industrial Group', a highly cultivated experimenter, Lafite Reno was once known as the number one master in the Mexican singing and martial arts world.

He died and left this world forever.

The honors and achievements he once achieved will all disappear in the long river of history with his death.

Perhaps he once had the admiration of many people.


When a person dies, the light goes out. As long as he dies, it will become a thing of the past and no one will remember him.

Maybe in a few months, many people will mention him.

But in a few years, I believe no one will remember this former number one person in the Mexican singing and martial arts world.

As the top martial arts player in the world, he must not lose.

The price of losing is too high, most likely death.

This may be the cruelty of global martial arts competition.

Chen Yang also had the same preparation in his heart when he was competing in the global martial arts world.

This is originally a cruel road of no return. We cannot stop and must climb all the way.

Only by reaching the top can you be qualified to dominate the global martial arts world.

"What a powerful killing move! How come this kicking move has such terrifying lethality?"

"It's too scary. Do we really need Zeus to kill him?" Under the ring.

'Regulas', who was watching the battle, let out a long breath.

He stared intently at Chen Yang on the ring, feeling his head buzzing.

He was highly focused just now and was always staring at Chen Yang's attack.

When Chen Yang unleashed his super-powerful special move 'Four Whip Kicks' at the last moment, Lafite Reno felt numb in his heart.


this moment,
He was completely stunned!

He couldn't believe it until Rafi Reno's body was taken away by the staff.

How could this be?
Regulus was seen clenching his fists, exuding a strong fighting spirit, and his eyes turned red.

As a 'perfect level' expert who passed the seventh test in the laboratory.

Regulus naturally knew how terrifying the killing move that Chen Yang had just unleashed was.

It looks like a simple whip-kick combo killer move.


Regardless of the timing of the move, the control of the distance, the speed of the kick, the fusion of strength, the explosion -!
Such a terrifying heavy-leg combo killer move, with endless variations and invincibility.

This heavy leg killing move and the angle of attack are completely invisible.

From any direction, it was difficult to block Chen Yang's whip kick.

The moment he kicked out just now, he changed the direction twice in a row.

have to say,

Chen Yang's sudden burst of heavy leg combos was a killer move. Even the invincible strongman 'Zeus' who passed the eighth experiment in European and American martial arts circles would be hard-pressed to unleash such terrifying power.

in addition,

If Zeus encountered Chen Yang's super powerful move in the octagonal boxing ring, it would be difficult to fight head-on. He would have to avoid its edge and adopt defensive tactics.

Regulus, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but take a deep breath when he saw this scene.

Do not know why,

Just for a moment, he actually felt a hint of fear.

Be timid before fighting!
That's right,

He actually felt a little scared, which was incredible to him.

He is a 'perfect level' strong man, his strength is no worse than Lafite Reno.

But now, there was fear in his heart.

As Regulus continued to take deep breaths, he extinguished the fear in his heart.


He adjusted his condition and began to improve his condition.

"Damn it - the ultimate combo of leg skills!"

"At that moment, he didn't kick one leg, but kicked four legs in a row!"

"How can he make his four legs form a leg motion? How can he be so fast?"

"There is no such terrifying move in the powerful martial arts database."

"What is going on? If I face this killing move of his, it will be difficult to block it."

"Incredible. Could this be the mysterious oriental martial arts? He is indeed a super strong man with a civilization history of five thousand years."

"It turns out that human potential is indeed unlimited!"

"Could it be that the experimental direction of European and American laboratories is wrong?"

"Using genes to change the human body structure and improve various physical qualities of the human body. This kind of change violates the laws of biological inheritance -!"

Regulus's mind was lost in thought.

Do not know why,

After seeing Chen Yang burst out with such terrifying strength.

In his mind, there was a trace of confusion about the research direction of European and American laboratories.

But after a while,

He regained his fighting spirit and filled himself with fighting spirit.

He didn't know whether to arrange for him to get on the ring to challenge the Chinese in the next fifth peak showdown, or whether to arrange for 'Zeus' to fight?
That's right,

As the top expert trained in European and American laboratories,
Regulus' overall combat power ranking is even ahead of Lafite Renault.

According to the previous arrangement, if Lafite Renault loses, Regulus will be arranged to play.


Things have changed now.

China's Chen Yang's peak combat power is too strong. Even if Regulus goes to fight, it will be difficult to stop him from sweeping the 'Arena of Life and Death'.

Regulus quickly put aside the chaotic thoughts in his mind, and his fighting spirit was ignited at this moment.

Regardless of whether he steps into the ring to challenge Chen Yang or not, he must ensure that his condition reaches its peak.

After exhaling, Regulus no longer felt any fear in his heart.

As a truly perfect powerhouse, Regulus can quickly adjust his mood and state.

After Lafite Renault was killed by Chen Yang's heavy leg move.

Regulus not only did not continue to feel fear, but instead aroused his sinister aura.

As the top strong man, Regulus's state of mind has been baptized by blood, and his willpower is extremely firm.

Although his mood had some fluctuations just now.


He quickly adjusted. He didn't allow himself to have any fearful thoughts, let alone lose his fighting spirit.

As an 'experimenter', he is not afraid of death and cannot have any negative emotions.

The training he received and the enhancement of genetic medicine had caused his inner emotions to disappear long ago.

As long as he calms down, only his opponent will be left in his mind, and he will be full of fighting spirit.

this moment,
The entire underground boxing hall of the Las Vegas International Casino Hotel was so silent that you could hear a pin drop.

The atmosphere suddenly seemed extremely strange, dull, depressing, and suffocating.


When Rafe Reno's body was sent away and all the boxing fans at the scene reacted, the atmosphere suddenly exploded.

The entire boxing hall became very lively.

Many boxing fans who had bet on Chen Yang and won money jumped up excitedly at this moment.

"Won! Haha - won again!"

"I knew that Huaxia Chen Yang would definitely win, he could pass the 'Life and Death Arena'!"

"Chen Yang of China is worthy of being the number one warrior in the global martial arts world. If he can pass the 'Arena of Life and Death' and sweep the top three top martial arts competitions in the world in an unprecedented manner, the entire global martial arts landscape will be completely changed. break in."

"Once Huaxia Chen Yang has three votes, he will lead the development of global martial arts."

"Killing Lafite Reno with one move, China's Chen Yang has the combat power to sweep the global martial arts world."

"It's incredible. China Chen Yang has fought four consecutive boxing matches, but his physical strength seems to have not been exhausted."

"The world's top strong men can control their own physical fitness. If Huaxia Chen Yang dares to start the 'Life and Death Arena', he must have prepared everything.

"I'm looking forward to the final battle in the 'Arena of Life and Death'. I don't know who will fight in the finale?"

"Haha - I won 30 million US dollars in this boxing match, 30 million dollars -"

"I also won, but it's a pity that I placed my bet late in this game. My bet was limited. I will bet in advance that Huaxia Chen Yang will win the next game."

"Is the development of the global martial arts world really dominated by Eastern martial arts? No, I believe that the Western Martial Arts Alliance will never give up."

"That's right, the final battle is likely to be the most terrifying 'invincible strongman' taking part."


The atmosphere in the entire boxing hall was completely explosive.

Almost all boxing fans started talking at this moment.

Even many spectators who had won money from betting were even more excited and cheered.

Chen Yang's popularity reached its peak at this moment.

He has won the admiration of almost all boxing fans with his powerful and invincible fighting style.

After this boxing match is over, China Chen Yang only needs to win the final battle.

He will create his own era!


Can he win the final battle in the life and death arena? (End of chapter)

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