Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 480 Turning into a barrier!

"Kill to death! Another strike to kill! Bastard——!"

"Five minutes and ten seconds, after all, we still can't stop the Chinese's killing move."

"Although Raffi Renault is very fast and has a comprehensive playing style, his overall combat power is still weaker than that of Huaxia Chen Yang."

"Chinese Chen Yang's strength contains terrifying penetrating power, almost no one can stop it!"

"I didn't expect that Lafite Reno exploded with his own combination of special skills, but he still couldn't escape the fate of being killed."

"What's going on? Is it true that no one can defeat Huaxia Chen Yang?"

"Although I am stronger than Lafite Renault, I am not much stronger. If I step into the ring to challenge China Chen Yang, the possibility of losing is very high."

"Rafite Renault has perfectly unleashed his strength, and his defense is impeccable. With his speed, why can't he avoid China Chen Yang's heavy attack and killer move?"

"What should I do - next, should I get on the ring and challenge him?"

Under the ring, Regulus took a deep breath, his eyes were terrifyingly deep.

The person in charge of the Western Martial Arts Alliance was equally shocked when he saw the scene on the ring.

Many people can't believe all this, and their hearts can't be calm for a long time.

Regulus shook his head helplessly and clenched his fists.

He twisted his neck to relax.

Do not know why,

Suddenly he felt a sense of fear emerging from his heart.

That's right,

This feeling of fear suddenly emerged from his subconscious.

He seemed to have lost the courage to challenge Chen Yang.


You know, Regulus is a 'perfect level' powerhouse who is stronger than Lafite Renault.

He has fought countless battles, experienced the baptism of bloody battles, and has never had the thought of fear.

but now,

He found that he did not dare to step into the Octagonal cage boxing ring, and his inner martial arts beliefs were violently impacted.


He was timid before fighting, and he had already lost confidence before he even stepped into the ring.

If he were to challenge Chen Yang in the ring in his current state, the chance of losing would be over 90%.

at this time,

In the audience, perhaps only 'Zeus' was not affected in any way.

'Zeus' has passed the eighth experiment, and his combat power has surpassed everyone's knowledge.

In Regulus's heart, only 'Zeus' who has passed the eighth experiment is qualified to fight Chen Yang.

Regulus couldn't help but take a deep breath. He felt his head was buzzing.

There are only about ten 'perfect level' strong men cultivated by the North American 'Military Industrial Group'.

these people,
Each of them is the top strongman in the global martial arts world, and they all have the ability to sweep the global martial arts world.

In order to cultivate these strong men, the North American 'military industrial group' spent a lot of effort and resources.

did not expect,
With the opening of the "Life and Death Arena" in the global martial arts world, four of the top strong men have already died.

Even Lafite Renault was shot dead on the spot by China Chen Yang.

The North American 'Military Industrial Group' has suffered heavy losses. If this continues, it is very likely that all the perfect-level strong men cultivated by the North American 'Military Industrial Group' will be wiped out.

How could something like this happen?

Could it be that the top 'perfect level' experts in the world's martial arts world are all 'non-human' test subjects who have passed the seventh test.

Will all genetically enhanced computers endure this unprecedented crisis?

Is there really going to be a reshuffle in the global martial arts world?

The thoughts in Regulus's mind became confused.

He couldn't accept such a result and felt uneasy inside.

To know,
As the leader of the seventh test of the North American 'Military Industrial Group', Regulus's strength ranks at the forefront of all perfect-level powerhouses.

According to the arrangement of the Western Martial Arts Alliance,
After Rafi Leno died in the Octagon.

Next, he is likely to be scheduled to compete in the fifth challenge of the 'Arena of Life and Death'.

He will challenge China's Chen Yang and will represent Western Martial Arts.

Originally, he was full of confidence and felt that he would be able to defeat all opponents.


Now he lost confidence and felt fear inside.

He had no confidence in whether he could defeat Huaxia Chen Yang.

For a top player, this situation is very rare.

His sixth sense of crisis is very strong and he is not sure, which means that his chance of winning is very low.

Especially when I think of Chen Yang's super powerful combination of 'whip-kick combo' at the end.

Regulus felt uneasy in his heart and could not calm down for a long time.

of course,

At this time, apart from the panic in Regulus's heart, the person who felt the most uncomfortable was probably the person in charge of the North American 'Military Industrial Group'.

The super strong and perfect masters carefully cultivated in European and American laboratories were killed four times in a row.

Such a loss would have a huge impact on any force.

How can the Western Martial Arts Alliance and the North American 'Military Industrial Group' accept such a result?


This strong man swept through the Mexican singing and martial arts scene five years ago and was called the number one strongman in the Mexican singing and martial arts scene.

At his peak, he withdrew from the global martial arts scene.


Although he has left the global martial arts scene, his influence remains.

For the Mexican singing and martial arts community, Rafi Reno is the idol of many top boxers, and many people learn and imitate his fighting style.

His peak combat power has reached the top level in the global martial arts world.

in addition,

Five years ago, Lafite Reno's combat prowess had already reached the top level in the global martial arts world.

He has killed many super strong men who are 'above kings'.

After five years, he underwent genetic enhancement experiments in European and American laboratories.

to be frank,
Lafite Renault's peak combat power has reached an unfathomable level.

Few people can even estimate Lafite Reno's peak strength.

According to the comprehensive combat power assessment conducted by European and American laboratories, Lafite Renault’s peak combat power has always been at the forefront.

He is known as the most influential top player in Mexican music, bar none.

Even more terrifying is,
After Lafite-Renault’s seventh laboratory cultivation.

He is also one of the most promising experts who can conduct the eighth experiment.

Once Lafite-Renault conducts his eighth experiment, the genes will receive deeper reinforcement.

He will be like 'Zeus' and become the most perfect super invincible strong man.


Such a powerful master was actually killed on the spot in the boxing ring.

This pinnacle challenge of the 'life and death arena' is related to the pattern of the global martial arts world.

Very important, for the Western martial arts world, this is a battle of patterns.

If it weren't for such an important competition, perhaps Lafite Reno wouldn't need to play at all.

What people didn't expect is.

Lafite Reno was dead. He was killed on the spot in the Octagon ring by a killer move from China Chen Yang.

It's a fair fight, and the loser won't complain at all.

How could this be?
So what happened? Why is this the result?
Many European and American extreme boxing fans couldn't help crying after seeing the scene in the Octagonal cage.

Until many boxing fans saw Rafi Reno's body covered with white cloth.

In their hearts, they cannot accept such a result.

It’s not that I don’t want to believe it, it’s that I can’t accept it.

After a while,

The atmosphere in the entire underground boxing hall of the Las Vegas International Casino Hotel became weird. certainly,

After more boxing fans won money, they couldn't help but jump with excitement.

After everyone reacted, they shouted, cheered and screamed at the top of their lungs.

Many boxing fans lost money, although they were unwilling to do so.


They couldn't help but cheer for Chen Yang's strong performance.

The only thing that makes many extreme boxing fans uncomfortable is that they seem to have no hope for the future.

Huaxia performed very well, it was so strong!

Who can stop him from sweeping the fifth final battle?

Could it be——!
Can China's Chen Yang pass the 'Life and Death Arena' and win the final 'Triple Crown' title?
To know,
Chen Yang represents Eastern Martial Arts, and he already has two voting rights in the Global Martial Arts Alliance.

Once Chen Yang gets the third voting right, he will have absolute say in the Global Martial Arts Alliance.

In the eyes of many extreme boxing fans in the West,
Chen Yang's Eastern identity has always been criticized by many extreme boxing fans.

Because for more than a century, Western boxing fans have simply looked down on Eastern boxers.

Chen Yang's sudden rise broke out, although it had been quite a while.


Until now, there are still many Western boxing fans who are very reluctant.

Damn it - why is Lafite Renault so powerful that he can't even defeat China's Chen Yang?
The fourth challenge!

This is a 'life and death arena' wheel battle!

Four consecutive perfect level experts were unable to kill Huaxia Chen Yang, or even injure him?

Originally, many European and American extreme boxing fans, before Chen Yang started the 'Life and Death Arena', they all agreed that Chen Yang would definitely be killed.

The Orientals want to sweep the global martial arts world, and they are simply impatient.

He has already won the 'Ultimate Fighter' and won the title of 'King of the Lost City', but he actually wants to win the 'Arena of Life and Death'!
Not seeking death, what is it?
Eastern martial arts wants to forcefully suppress Western martial arts and change the pattern of the global martial arts world.

Let the Easterners take a good look tonight at how powerful Western martial arts is! ?

Four consecutive peak showdowns completely shattered the dreams of all Western extreme boxing fans.

Five minutes and ten seconds!

The perfect strongman Raffi Renault only lasted five minutes and ten seconds under the punch of the Chinese.

He died, and it was a very frustrating death!

Brutal, violent, and cruel!
The strength of the Chinese people is still as terrifying as ever.

Damn it - why is he getting stronger?
this moment,
Many European and American extreme boxing fans feel infinitely sad inside and cannot calm down for a long time.


Chen Yang stood on the Octagon ring and roared wildly.

at this time,

He exuded an extremely violent aura that made people tremble with fear.

That crazy killing intent suddenly seemed out of control at this moment.
The intention of the fist becomes powerful, and the power of the fist becomes powerful!
The killing intent that had been suppressed by Chen Yang completely exploded at this moment.

He was like a demon coming out of hell, with endless killing intent, sweeping across the boxing ring.

Everyone felt the killing intent emanating from Chen Yang at this moment, and felt an indescribable feeling.

If we say that after breaking through to the peak state of [Late An Jin], Chen Yang has integrated the essence of the four major martial arts.

His peak combat power became unfathomable, traceless, and invincible.


The momentum he exuded at this time was simply unbearable.

The artistic conception of Bajiquan in the perfect state brings the essence of other major martial arts to its limit.

The combination of special moves that exploded at the last moment actually ignited the violent energy in his body.

Peak combat power, explosive artistic conception!

The entire boxing hall was silent, and you could hear a needle drop.

The originally noisy boxing hall suddenly became quiet.

A suffocating killing intent swept through the surroundings like a substance.

Many boxing fans were too scared to breathe.

Many top boxers close to the ring feel it more and more clearly at this moment.

Their faces turned pale and they did not dare to make any move.

That fierce and domineering aura is so terrifying——!
Those who come from the "King level" and above in the global martial arts world may not feel very scary.

But how could those ordinary spectators withstand the murderous pressure emanating from Chen Yang?
In the boxing match hall, many spectators looked up at Chen Yang and did not dare to make any sound.

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly became extremely strange.

As Chen Yang's murderous intent erupted fiercely, the ring was broadcast on the radio.

The live host began to announce the results of the fourth challenge.

in fact,

There is no need for the live host to announce the final result of the boxing match, it is completely meaningless.

Lafite Renault had already been killed on the spot by Chen Yang.

His body was covered with white cloth, put on a stretcher, and taken to the hospital.
Whether or not the final result is announced is actually not important anymore.


According to the background of the bet, Chen Yang won the boxing match, and there was some lag in the announcement of the result by the on-site supporters.

of course,

Especially related to boxing betting, so according to the rules, the host must announce the final result.

Chen Yang raised his head and looked around, taking a deep breath.

at this time,

He frowned slightly, feeling that his emotions were a little out of control.
He kept taking deep breaths to calm himself down.

This is only the fourth challenge, and the boxing match is not over yet.

Once the state is out of control, it will be very detrimental to oneself.

After a while,
As Chen Yang continued to take deep breaths, his breath calmed down, and his murderous intent was restrained.

Damn it——

What's going on?

Why did his murderous intention suddenly lose control at that moment?

Something is wrong!
Could it be——that the barrier of [Hua Jin] has been touched?

Chen Yang's thoughts were a little confused.

Chen Yang has always been very cautious and cautious when it comes to tempering his state of mind.

This is no joke!

Wu learned that in his current state, state of mind is very important.


After the boxing match ended just now, he let out a sharp roar.

He vaguely felt that his state suddenly went out of control and he could not control his murderous intention.

Only when the barrier of the [Hua Jin] realm is touched will the phenomenon of loss of control occur.

In general,

With Chen Yang's state of mind at the peak of [late Dark Strength], his martial arts willpower is as strong as a rock.

He has a firm belief in his heart and cannot lose control.

not to mention,
His state of mind has been tempered by the state of 'harmony between man and nature', and even if he is defeated by his opponent, it is impossible for him to lose control of his state of mind.

No outside interference can affect him at all.


Just now he couldn't control his violent aura, and his mind was even filled with murderous intent.

This is the state of mind'backlash'!
Chen Yang couldn't help but take a deep breath to calm down.

It has touched the mental barrier of the realm of [Hua Jin]!

this moment,
Chen Yang had to be more vigilant.

It is clear,
There are still flaws in his state of mind, it's not perfect yet!
Otherwise, if you encounter the mental barrier of the realm of [Hua Jin], this situation will not happen. (End of chapter)

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