Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 502: Are they evenly matched?


Although within three seconds, Chen Yang knocked down Hamlet with a casual move.


Hamlet has not lost his strength.

His most powerful thing is not his extremely powerful offensive ability.

The focus of genetic enhancement is his defense.

His defensive ability is outstanding. Not only is his defensive blocking ability very strong, but his ability to resist attacks is also terrifying.

This was also the reason why he dared to challenge Chen Yang.

In terms of defensive ability alone, Hamlet is stronger and more powerful than the 'Ancient God' Zeus.

In his usual training, he once wrestled with an anaconda.

A dull voice came out.

Subconsciously, he felt that he had been careless just now and attacked rashly without paying attention to defense, which gave Chen Yang a chance to counterattack.

at this time,

It can be clearly felt from the offensive ability displayed by Hamlet at this moment.

There was almost no time for brewing, it suddenly happened and it was a complete mess.


In his mind, as long as he attacks with all his strength, he feels like he has lost his mind.

It’s too fast though!
It moves suddenly, as fast as lightning, and of course it is impossible to guard against it.

While attacking, he kept letting out roars from the bottom of his mouth, which made people feel scared.
Bang, bang, bang—!
His leg skills exploded, sweeping left and right.

As a perfect 'gene warrior', his willpower is extremely firm.

Too fierce——!
Is this the horror of a perfect, invincible strongman cultivated in a laboratory?

His comprehensive combat power is more terrifying and more powerful than the 'ancient god' Zeus.

His style of play is extremely ferocious and he never knows how to back down.


Chen Yang's whip kick was instantaneous and extremely powerful.

this moment,
He's like a mad dog.

With this whip kick, Chen Yang randomly unleashed the power of [Transformation Energy].

This is the first time he has stepped into the Octagon ring after breaking through to [Hua Jin].

However, the killing skills that broke out were horrifying.

In the end, he was entangled by the anaconda and forcefully broke the anaconda's head in half.

He was not panicked by Chen Yang's heavy leg killing move.

Although it seems very casual, relaxed, simple and direct.

Hamlet's foot suddenly stamped.

While he is attacking, his main strength is defending.

Although this whip kick was extremely ferocious, it was still a test of Chen Yang's kick.

Even if he was knocked down by Chen Yang within three seconds, he still didn't know what it meant to be afraid.

of course,

at this time,

Hamlet jumped up from the ground, his eyes terrifyingly cold.

His bones are extremely tough.

All the spectators in the boxing ring were so shocked that they could not speak when they saw Hamlet's state at this moment.

He swept with one leg and launched the most violent attack on Chen Yang again.

Attack, attack, keep attacking!

Hamlet's state becomes extremely crazy.

His muscles were tense, and his whole body was like a wounded lion.

His heavy punches and elbow strikes form a combination of special moves, a powerful explosion.

In terms of extreme explosive power, this whip kick is reserved and does not go all out.

In his subconscious, only the most violent attack remained.

His attacks became more and more ferocious, extremely fast, and endlessly ruthless.

Although Hamlet was kicked away, he was not seriously injured due to his ability to resist the blow and his skills in blocking and offloading.

This is the characteristic of Hamlet's style.

Swinging legs, side kicks, sweeping legs, elbow bumps, punches -!
Hamlet's combination of killing moves, one move after another, continues.

The power of the combined killing move was fully unleashed under his attack at this moment.

It can be seen from Hamlet's strong attack at this moment.

Although he and the 'Ancient God' Zeus are both perfect powerhouses who have passed the eighth experiment.


His offensive and defensive abilities are even more powerful than Zeus.

In terms of overall combat power, he is much stronger than any boxer Chen Yang has ever encountered.

That life-threatening posture and determination to fight for his life are much more terrifying than anyone else.

He is indeed a highly praised boxer in the European and American martial arts circles. He dares to challenge Chen Yang, and his peak fighting ability is no small matter.

at this time,

Chen Yang did not panic at all under Hamlet's domineering attack.

He took a few steps back casually, and at the same time moved a few steps instantly to widen the distance between him and Hamlet.

Fist without fist, intention without intention!
The way of playing in the realm of [Hua Jin] is completely different from the state shown in [Ming Jin] and [Dark Jin].

Chen Yang looked very casual and relaxed.

Use silence to stop, take advantage of every move, and keep a tight rhythm of attack and defense.

at this time,

Chen Yang instantly entered the 'six senses' state.

He becomes very calm, keeping his eyes on Hamlet's midline.

With every move, Chen Yang was waiting for the best time to make a move.

The power of observation and spiritual prediction in the Huajin realm are second to none.

Compared with before, Chen Yang's spiritual sensing ability has once again improved to a higher level.

He was very calm in his heart, and his expression remained unchanged despite the mountain collapse.

at this time,

His whole person was in a state of 'six senses and spiritual connection'.

Any attack or defense by Hamlet seemed to start to slow down in Chen Yang's consciousness.

This is the terrifying thing about the powerful [Hua Jin] Grandmaster.

Any attack and defense of the opponent can be easily predicted under his powerful spiritual sensing state.

in fact.

Any strong person will launch the most violent attack.


After his powerful attack, there will always be flaws when he changes force, no matter how smooth and fast it is.

Although Chen Yang's strength has already broken through to the realm of [Hua Jin].


He has integrated the four major martial arts, and all of them have broken through to the [Perfection] realm.

Once he breaks out a combo of killing moves, his movements are done in one go, with almost no pause.


This is only true when a combination of special attacks is unleashed.

Once his killing move is switched, the power is exchanged in an instant.

His defense will also expose his flaws.

This is inevitable!
No matter how strong you are, how fast you are, or how explosive you are.

of course,

As the strength becomes stronger, the flaw in this moment of pause in power exchange is usually very short.

It would be very difficult for any opponent to seize this flaw.

Can you take advantage of the opportunity for the opponent to reveal a flaw, instantly tear open the opponent's defense, and form a one-hit kill?

All this depends on strength.

It is impossible for any top powerhouse to maintain a strong offensive state all the time.

Neither the heart nor the muscles can withstand sustained extreme bursts.

There must be a state of force exchange.

For a top player, changing the state of power is a skill.

This is why some boxers, in the ring, seem to be attacking all the time, and their fighting style is completely messed up.

In fact, this is not a continuous extreme explosion, but a stage of extreme explosion, followed by a change of force, relaxation, and another strong attack!

As long as the force exchange skills are good, there seems to be no pause.

In this state, the strong attack style will appear to be uninterrupted and the style of play will be abnormally strengthened.

Even Chen Yang is like this. His attacks at the extreme limit usually don't last more than fifteen seconds.

After the time is up, force must be exchanged.

It's like the difference between sprinting and long-distance running.

In general sprinting, the extreme state breaks out within ten seconds, which consumes a lot of physical energy.

If you are in a long-distance running state, you must not explode at the limit of sprinting.

The exchange of force must be maintained at all times.

So many long-distance runs of ten kilometers are not even as tiring as sprints of ten seconds.

This is the difference in physical energy consumption of extreme state explosion.

After Hamlet got up from the ground.

He once again launched his most violent attack, and in less than fifteen seconds, he began to change his strength.

at this time,

How could Chen Yang not counterattack when he was in a state of changing strength?
Once the opponent changes strength, a defensive flaw is exposed.

This is the most efficient time to counterattack.

Hamlet stamped his feet suddenly, rushed forward quickly, and kicked Chen Yang with a sweeping leg kick.

His arms were down, defensive.

At the same time, his waist twisted instantly, and at the moment of exchange of strength, the time for him to reveal his flaws passed by in a blink of an eye.

It is definitely not easy for anyone to catch the flaw in the moment when his offense changes power.


With Chen Yang's current spiritual sensing ability and his superb reaction speed.

Once the opponent reveals a defensive flaw, how could Chen Yang not counterattack?
A combo of kicks and kicks erupted at this moment.

at this time,

Chen Yang had no intention of keeping distance, nor did he think of avoiding the opponent's attack.

The opponent's power exchange is a flaw that is fleeting.

If we don’t fight back now, when will we wait?

I saw Chen Yang kicking him, like a sword unsheathed, approaching Hamlet in an instant.

The kick was very fast and aimed at Hamlet's abdomen.

As fast as thunder, fierce and domineering!
The most frightening thing is that the timing of Chen Yang's heavy leg killing move was extremely precise.

A sudden counterattack broke out, completely interrupting Hamlet's offensive and defensive rhythm.

To know,
The purpose of Chen Yang's kick combo was not to attack Hamlet, but to tear apart Hamlet's defense.

Only by interrupting Hamlet's attack can he effectively open up his defense.

This flaw is to interrupt Hamlet's opportunity to attack.

next moment,
After tearing apart Hamlet's defense, Chen Yang instantly launched his most ferocious counterattack.

A heavy punch forward, like a hammer hitting Hamlet's leg instantly!

He interrupted Hamlet's offensive rhythm with a running kick and instantly ripped open his defense.


The ultimate move is to hit the opponent with a block and a heavy punch, directly hitting the opponent's abdomen.

Combining killing moves, the movements are completed in one go.

The coordination of this killing move was completed instantly, completely natural, and there was almost no pause.

[Hua Jin] The killing move of the realm explodes smoothly and freely.

This block and heavy punch opened up the attack.


The speed was so fast that Hamlet had no time to defend.

All of Hamlet's retreat options are covered by Chen Yang's punch.

There is no way to retreat, there is no way to avoid it!
A crackling sound came out.

This heavy blow, like a big pendulum, hit Hamlet's abdomen again.

next moment,
Hamlet was blocked and punched hard by Chen Yang's thrust, and was sent flying with another punch.

With a thud, Hamlet fell to the ground.

"Oh, Shet! It's terrible, being knocked down again--again!"

"Hamlet, this bastard, couldn't stop the Chinese attack at all. In just twenty seconds, he was knocked down twice in a row!"

"If you lose, you can't serve. Hamlet is no match for the Chinese."

"Who can stop such a terrifying heavy punch attack from the Chinese?"

"In the global martial arts world, I believe no one can stop the Chinese's combination of killing moves, yes, no one!"

"Damn, this killing move doesn't seem to have any subtlety from the angle of attack, but it's too fast."

"Haha! It's so exciting. The Chinese people's combination of killing moves is invincible in the world!"

"I won! I didn't expect that I would win so easily this time by betting on Chinese people."

"It was so lethal that Hamlet couldn't get up. He lost!"

"I have to say that Hamlet is very strong. Although he lost, he is an extremely rare boxer who can survive the Chinese punches."

"Asshole, how come Hamlet lost in only twenty seconds?"

"Compared to a month ago, the Chinese's strength has improved greatly. When he defeated the 'Ancient God' Zeus, it was not as easy as it is now."

"Hamlet had no strength to fight back at all. Within twenty seconds, he was knocked down twice in a row."

"The boxing match is over! Incredible! Hamlet has no power to resist."

In the entire boxing hall, all the boxing fans on site saw the scene in the Octagonal cage boxing ring.

The next moment, the ring screamed.

The entire underground boxing hall of the Caesar Palace Hotel was in an uproar.

Even many Western boxing fans saw Hamlet knocked down twice in a row.

They all stood up, cheered for Hamlet and shouted for him!
The atmosphere became extremely crazy at this moment.


What makes all European and American extreme boxing fans feel helpless.

At this time, Hamlet was lying on the Octagon ring, wailing in pain.

He wanted to get up and continue fighting, struggling to stand.

But soon,

He found that he couldn't move at all.

Let alone stand up and fight, it is very difficult to even stand up.

Seriously injured!

Chen Yang's explosive step, block and punch was terrifying.

A seemingly casual punch contains terrifying explosive power.

The powerful penetrating power explodes instantly, ignoring defense, and creates the most terrifying impact on Hamlet's internal organs.

Ten seconds later.

All the boxing fans at the scene saw Hamlet lying in the Octagon ring, screaming in pain and not getting up.

For a while,
Everyone understood that the boxing match was over.

Twenty seconds!

damn it--!
From the time the boxing bell rang, to when Hamlet was knocked away by Chen Yang for the second time with a heavy punch.

The process sounds long, but in fact it only takes twenty seconds.

The boxing match is over!

How could it end so soon! ?

Isn’t it said that this is a close challenge?
Is this also called evenly matched?
For twenty seconds, Hamlet was knocked down continuously and severely injured, unable to get up.

Fortunately, the Chinese have never had the habit of last-hitting.

In Hamlet's current state, it only takes one heavy leg chop to kill him instantly.

How come this is the result?

What about revenge for Western martial arts?
Doesn’t it mean that Hamlet wants to regain the dignity of Western martial arts?

Didn't he swear in front of the media that he would kill the Chinese people?
Isn't he very confident?

Damn it——

He was seriously injured in twenty seconds!
Is the difference in strength too big?
Based on the momentum and publicity created by the Western media before the game, Hamlet was promoted as the messenger of Western martial arts.

But the result of the boxing match severely slapped the Western media in the face.

The difference is too big!
It can even be said that the strength of the two is not at the same level at all.

Next, all the boxing fans present could not help but gasp.

The host was stunned for a moment and didn't know what to say. (End of chapter)

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