Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 503 No one can defeat him, not one person

Throughout the underground boxing hall of the Caesars Palace Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas,

The atmosphere became very strange and silent.

Many boxing fans were stunned at this moment.
The entire Octagon was filled with only Hamlet lying on the ring, letting out heart-rending screams of pain.

The boxing match is over!
This boxing match was promoted for a long time before the boxing match started.

No one expected that it would end in twenty seconds.

Asia's King of Destruction Chen Yang, winner of the Triple Crown in the global martial arts world.

He won!
Endless killing moves, invincible sweep!

Is it really impossible to defeat Eastern martial arts?

From now on, Western martial arts will be completely trampled on?
Damn, how could this happen?
Many Western extreme boxing fans have their heads buzzing.

Hamlet's strength is very strong, which can be seen from his explosive attack.

"I may not agree! The Chinese just became the 'Triple Crown Champion', so for at least a year, he probably won't agree to start any 'extraordinary battle'!"

What kind of master is he at the level of [Grandmaster of Energy Transformation]?

But no one thought that this vigorous boxing match before the game would end like this.

"The 'Old God' Zeus lost. Unexpectedly, Hamlet lost even more completely. He fell down in twenty seconds!"


"Absolutely no one can shake the status of the Chinese in the global martial arts world."

No matter how weak his strength was, he would not be instantly knocked down and seriously injured by the Chinese within twenty seconds.

The Chinese swept the global martial arts world and won an unprecedented triple crown. He was at the top of global martial arts.

His strength is definitely not weak, even stronger than that of the 'Ancient God' Zeus.

Especially the major financial groups in the West spent a lot of money to support Hamlet in challenging Chen Yang.

Even the host at the boxing match couldn't understand such a result at this moment.

He exhaled, his face not looking particularly excited about winning the boxing match.

Such a powerful Hamlet was defeated by the Chinese in twenty seconds.

From the moment the bell rang in this boxing match, Chen Yang acted very relaxed and casual.

Just kidding, in this boxing match, he just wanted to test his fighting power in the [Hua Jin] realm.

No, not one!

"Oh! Maikar, the Chinese are too strong. He has already proven that he is invincible. Why would he arrange for others to challenge him and bring humiliation to himself?"

Many boxing fans even suspected that this was a boxing match specially prepared to improve the record.

He knows very well how terrifying Hamlet's strength is.

Moreover, Hamlet is a perfect powerhouse specially invited by the Western Martial Arts Alliance.

To know,
Chen Yang is now a strong man who has created the glorious "Triple Crown" of the global martial arts world and swept the global martial arts world.

Many boxing fans at the scene couldn't understand all this. They couldn't figure out why the boxing match ended in twenty seconds.

"Too powerful! It is said that the Western Martial Arts Alliance wants to start a 'supernormal battle'. I wonder if Huaxia Chen Yang will agree?"

The other party couldn't pose a threat to him at all.

"Any decision made by the Western Martial Arts Alliance requires the nod of the Chinese people."

If you can't defeat even one challenge from Hamlet.

to be frank,
If it weren't for Chen Yang's participation in this boxing match, everyone knew it would be impossible to fake it.

if not,

In the boxing ring and martial arts world, no one should be able to defeat the Chinese.

Could it be that Hamlet's strength is all a media propaganda and false?
Otherwise, there is no way to explain it.

How could a 'perfect level' powerhouse who was stronger than the 'ancient god' Zeus be inferior in strength?
Chen Yang came down from the ring with an expressionless face.

"That's right, he has already won the highest honor in the world's martial arts world, and he doesn't care about 'extraordinary battles' at all!"

He can represent Western martial arts and challenge the Chinese people.

He represents Western martial arts to challenge the Chinese people, and it is impossible for him to fake punches.

have to say,


His psychic sensing ability did not issue any warning of danger.

From beginning to end, he never regarded Hamlet as his opponent.


He is already above the Global Martial Arts Alliance.

Hamlet was promoted by the media and his strength was recognized by many people.

"The Western Martial Arts Alliance has made it clear that it wants to start a 'paranormal war' for revenge. How can the Chinese agree to it?"

"It's hard to say that the Global Martial Arts Alliance's resolution, if Huaxia Chen Yang insists on having his own way and never agrees to start a 'paranormal battle', will probably cause the Global Martial Arts Alliance to split!"

"Once the Western Martial Arts Alliance feels that it no longer has any benefits, it is likely to leave the Global Martial Arts Alliance."

"Turn over the table and stop playing. Isn't this the consistent style of the Western Martial Arts Alliance?"

"So, for the sake of the overall situation, Huaxia Chen Yang is likely to agree to the start of the 'Extraordinary Battle'. Anyway, no one in the global martial arts world can threaten him."

When I saw Chen Yang in the ring, KOing Hamlet in twenty seconds.

He acted too strong.

For a while,
Many boxing fans are full of expectations for the next "extraordinary battle" in the global martial arts world.

Can the Chinese pass the first 'Supernatural Battle'?
Can he pass 'Path to Extraordinary'?

This is the world's top martial arts competition that has just started this century. If you can pass the 'Transcendent Road', it will definitely go down in history.


What surprised all boxing fans around the world.

After this challenge is over.

At the press conference, Chen Yang accepted interviews from the media.

He didn't talk about anything about the 'transcendental path'.

He didn't even talk about the upcoming boxing match arrangements, nor did he show any arrogant words in front of the media.

Very low-key!
Chen Yang behaved very low-key at the media press conference.

His low profile has made many boxing fans around the world feel incredible.

You know, in the global martial arts world,
Chen Yang is synonymous with arrogance and arrogance.

He behaved so low-key, which made many people feel uncomfortable.

The low-key style doesn't match his personality at all.

This is not his style.

have to say,

Ever since Chen Yang entered the global martial arts world and won the 'Ultimate Fighter' title, he has been very low-key.

After he became the strongest man ranked first in the global martial arts world in terms of comprehensive strength.

There is no need for him to act arrogant and arrogant.

There is absolutely no need for this.

He doesn't need to be arrogant on purpose to enhance his reputation.

Chen Yang started to act very low-key.

If possible, he definitely doesn't like to act arrogantly, which is completely inconsistent with the state of mind and philosophy of national martial arts.

With Chen Yang's current record and honors.

Although I dare not say whether anyone will be able to do it in the future, but in terms of the history of the global martial arts world, it is definitely unprecedented.

The boxing match press conference is over.

Chen Yang did not stay in front of the media for too long. He greeted Zhan Zhilei and left the Caesars Palace Casino Hotel in Las Vegas with his security team.

Since Chen Yang won the 'Triple Crown', his security team has not been disbanded.

He now has too much money to spend, so there is no need to disband the security team. ——

Inside the hospital.

Hamlet is lying in a hospital bed.

Although he was seriously injured, he was fine after recovering.

Originally, according to the arrangement of the laboratory, Hamlet would not enter the hospital and would be sent directly to the laboratory.


With Hamlet's defeat, the heads of the European and American laboratories did not seem to be particularly concerned about Hamlet's injury.

They have not yet recovered from their defeat.

This challenge caused heavy losses to many financial groups.

As a result,
Hamlet was taken to the hospital.

After he recovered, reporters swarmed in to interview him while he was lying on the hospital bed.

Originally he didn't want to be interviewed.


In the end, he had no choice but to lie down on the hospital bed, with a cast all over his body and unable to move at all.

have to say,

Hamlet is in a very bad mood.

What he didn't expect was that he would be seriously injured by a Chinese move within twenty seconds.

For a perfect 'gene warrior' in the global martial arts world, this is absolutely a great shame and humiliation.

But it’s worth celebrating.

Although Hamlet was seriously injured, he did not die!

So lucky!

He is an extremely rare boxer who can survive under the Chinese Chen Yang boxing.

With his physical talent, this injury will not have much impact on him.

In just a few months, he will be full of life again.

Compared to the 'ancient god' Zeus, he is indeed luckier than everyone else.

of course,

Although he is not dead, he will never be grateful to Chen Yang in his heart.

The reporter came to Hamlet's bedside, held up the microphone and interviewed:
"Hello, Mr. Hamlet, in tonight's boxing match, you were knocked out by the Chinese in twenty seconds."

"Can you tell us why you lost so quickly in tonight's boxing match?"

The reporter asked very professionally.

Hamlet couldn't help but take a deep breath, endured the severe pain in his body, and said in a deep voice:
"Chinese Chen Yang's combat power is really terrifying!"

"I admit that I am not his opponent. Before the boxing match started, I underestimated his fighting power."

"Before I was qualified to challenge him, I had studied his fighting ability in detail. Unfortunately, his strength is completely different from what it was a month ago!"

"Compared to the boxing match with 'Ancient God' Zeus, his strength has more than doubled. It's incredible."

"I never thought that human beings' combat power could reach such a terrifying level."

"His ability to control the distance of the ring, the timing of his killer moves, etc. are all better than mine!"

"He is the number one fighter in the global martial arts world, and he deserves it. It is an honor for me to get the opportunity to challenge him."

"Being able to have a fierce fight with him in the ring is the most perfect thing in life."

"I believe that no one in the global martial arts community can defeat him."

"Even if the global martial arts world opens the 'Path to Extraordinary', he will definitely have the opportunity to be the first to pass it and make history."

"In this peak showdown, I lost completely, but I won't admit defeat just like that."

"Believe me, I will definitely get the chance to challenge him again and I will definitely defeat him!"

"I will once again represent the Western Martial Arts Alliance and launch the fiercest challenge to him."

Hamlet said confidently, acting very forcefully.

Although he lost to Chen Yang, and the loss was embarrassing.


There was no way he would just admit defeat.

Now it's an interview, as one of the representative boxers of Western martial arts.

How could Hamlet appear to be afraid of Chen Yang?
In front of the media, he naturally has to act extremely strong, domineering and crazy.

You must have a strong fighting spirit and never give up!
It can be seen at this point that Hamlet's style is very obvious.

He not only likes to express himself, but also likes to act very arrogant, for fear that others will not know that he is very powerful.

no way,
His style is what it is and cannot be changed.

The reporter held up the microphone and didn't know what to say. He could only smile helplessly.

of course,

Does Hamlet have a chance to challenge China's Chen Yang again?

do not know!
The reporter seemed to know Hamlet's style and didn't say much.

"Mr. Hamlet, the Global Martial Arts Alliance is about to start a 'Supernatural Battle'. What do you think about this?"

"The invincible powerhouse of European and American experimenters is said to have prepared to launch the most terrifying sniper battle against the Chinese in the 'Supernatural Battle'."

"Do you think Huaxia Chen Yang will accept the start of the 'Supernatural War'?"

"Can he sweep all challengers, including the strongest masters trained in European and American laboratories?"

"Also, can you tell us about the specific situation of 'Supernatural Battle'?"

"Although everyone has been promoting the 'Supernatural Battle', few people know the specific circumstances of the 'Supernatural Battle'."

"If the 'Supernatural Battle' really starts, who will be the first person to challenge Huaxia Chen Yang?"

When Hamlet heard this, he frowned slightly.

He stared at each other in surprise.

Although he has always known about the plan of 'Supernatural Battle'.

But I didn't expect that even the media reporters already knew about this news.

damn it--

Are the media already so well-informed?
"Where did you get the news that you were going to start the 'Path of Extraordinary'?"

"Also, if Huaxia Chen Yang agrees, do you think he will agree?"

"Don't forget, the Chinese are now the unprecedented 'Triple Crown' champions in the global martial arts world!"

"Do you have any news about the specific time when the 'Transcendent Road' will be launched?"

asked Hamlet aggressively.

He felt that media reporters had more information channels than he knew.

For a while,
He felt a little lost inside.

It seems that after being defeated by the Chinese, he received a cold shoulder from the Western Martial Arts Alliance.

This made him feel very uncomfortable.

The reporter looked at Hamlet, smiled helplessly and said:
"I don't know the specific opening time of 'The Road to Extraordinary'."

"However, Mr. Coote has submitted an application to the Global Martial Arts Alliance to start the 'Path of Extraordinary'."

"Did Huaxia Chen Yang refuse? No one knows now."

"But based on the attitude shown by Huaxia Chen Yang, his character has never been afraid of any challenge."

"With his strength, I believe he will not refuse to start the 'Supernatural Battle'!"

"Even if he clearly knows that the purpose of the 'Extraordinary Battle' is to snipe him, he has nothing to fear!"

"Because he is the number one martial artist in the world, an invincible and invincible strong man!"

"Mr. Hamlet, if your injury recovers, are you confident in participating in the 'Supernatural Battle'?" (End of Chapter)

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