Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 504: All-out sniping! We can't afford to lose

Hamlet couldn't help but exhale and said with deep eyes:

"I have to say that Huaxia Chen Yang is worthy of being the number one warrior in the world."

"I lost! But he is an opponent worthy of anyone's respect!"

"I don't know the specific situation of the 'Supernatural Battle', but since the Western Martial Arts Alliance wants to start the 'Supernormal Battle', it must be prepared."

"And it won't be that easy for anyone who wants to pass 'The Road to Extraordinary'."

"As far as I know, 'Supernatural Battle' not only has one-on-one duels, but also one-on-two duels."

"I admit that the Chinese are very strong, but if the final sniper attack is one against two, I think it will be very difficult for the Chinese to pass the level."

"Anyone who participates in the 'Supernatural Battle' is stronger than me and is the most perfect strong man."

"They are likely to undergo the ninth experiment and become the most terrifying 'gene warriors' in this century!"

"So, it is almost impossible to pass the Transcendent Road. Whether the Chinese can become the first to pass the Transcendent Road and become an 'extraordinary strong man', I cannot judge."

All the lakes, woods, tall buildings, and even life including humans, plants, beasts, etc. were all destroyed by the meteorites.

"Although this is the first 'Extraordinary Battle', it will not be that easy for anyone who wants to become an 'Extraordinary Warrior'."

He couldn't make an accurate judgment, and he didn't even know whether Huaxia Chen Yang would agree to start a supernatural battle.

"It will become the fourth largest martial arts competition in the global martial arts world, and may even be the most brutal challenge."

Many people say that the evolution of life actually comes from outside the world.

The reporter held the microphone and couldn't help but take a deep breath at this moment. said:
"Mr. Hamlet, you are right!"

Any life will be easily destroyed in the face of natural disasters.

"However, Huaxia Chen Yang is recognized as the strongest person in the global martial arts world. He has created countless miracles."

have to say,

Hamlet was knocked down by Chen Yang within three seconds.

The area within the Friedeberg meteorite area is too large.

Its emergence has extraordinary significance for the study of global evolution.

of course,

Town of Vredeburg.

The arrival of meteorites also represents disaster.

If we only rely on the local area, even if life can be born, it will be difficult to form wisdom.


Moreover, the development of global high intelligence has only occurred in these few hundred years.

Vredefort Crater!
This is one of the largest meteorite craters in the world, with a diameter of 248 kilometers. It is also one of the oldest meteorite craters in the world.

The moment the boxing bell rang,


It is the most mysterious phenomenon when foreign civilization enters the mainland.

South Africa!

"No matter how strong a person is, there is a limit after all. It is beyond imagination to finally pass the 'Path of Extraordinary' with one against two."

At this time, what else could Hamlet say but remain silent.

According to the continuous research of scientists, perhaps the meteorite that fell in Friedberg was the beginning of life in Africa.

Hamlet found that he had seriously underestimated the strength of Huaxia Chen Yang.

"So, according to a survey by the Global Martial Arts Alliance, almost all boxing fans believe that Huaxia Chen Yang has a good chance of becoming a 'supernormal warrior'!"

next moment,
Within twenty seconds, he was seriously injured again by Chen Yang.

at this time,

Research and development of various technologies are emerging in endlessly.

Hamlet shook his head and said nothing.

Anywhere where a meteorite hits is equivalent to a nuclear explosion.

"The road to transcendence has nine turns in total, and every turn is a bloody battle!"

"What do you think of Huaxia Chen Yang's chances of passing the level once the extraordinary road is opened?"

Before he challenged Chen Yang.


"Of course, I believe that if the 'Extraordinary Battle' can truly start, it will definitely be the greatest martial arts competition of this century."

Even if you are walking on a meteorite crater, you probably cannot imagine that you are walking on the largest meteorite crater in the world.

Hamlet exhaled, shook his head, and remained silent.

Hamlet himself did not expect that with his perfect strength, he could only last twenty seconds under Chen Yang's punch.

Under the powerful shock wave, no life can be spared.

This is also an important reason why the dinosaur era died out in an instant.

Once a meteorite hits, the impact will sweep across almost the entire world.

Bang, bang, bang—!
at this time,

I saw an explosion-like sound coming from three kilometers away from the Vredefort Crater.

A tall black man was training hard.

In front of him was a huge discarded rubber tire.

The tire was tied to a huge rock.

The strong black man kept kicking the abandoned tire with his heavy legs.

The dull and explosive sound was frightening.

He is not strengthening his leg training, but adapting to his sudden increase in strength.

at this time,

His movements were very casual and easy, with almost no burst of force.

A layer of rubber inner tube is wrapped on the outside of the used tire, which can provide force resistance.

This type of tire is very tough and can withstand heavy blows continuously.

Even if a car runs over it, it cannot be damaged.

This is a specially designed training facility that cannot be destroyed by manpower.

The height of the black man is over two meters.

His dark skin gave people an indescribable feeling.

Especially the aura erupting from his body was even more frightening. Endless sense of oppression,

Yes, the aura emanating from him gave people the feeling of a real beast.

What’s even more shocking is that the teeth in black people’s mouths have actually changed.


It is simply unbelievable that he has grown fangs that only wild beasts can have.


This is a genetic mutation that has caused earth-shaking changes in black people's bodies.

If it weren't for his human appearance.

to be frank,
Anyone who is around him will feel that he is a real beast.

at this time,

The strong black man, who is over two meters tall, trains his leg skills very hard.

He kept adapting to the changes in his body and kept kicking.

Every burst of heavy-legged killing moves contains terrifying power, which is shocking.

A very casual heavy kick, bursting out with more than a ton of leg power.

The surrounding area was shaking continuously under his heavy kicks, as if there was an earthquake.

One can imagine that

The explosive power of the black man's leg skills is so brutal and terrifying.

at this time,

Next to the training ground, stood a middle-aged man.

He stared at the strong black man who had returned to his ancestors, with no expression on his face.

As long as they are familiar with the staff of European and American laboratories, anyone who sees this middle-aged man will know his identity.

He is one of the leaders of the North American 'Military Industrial Group'.

Mr. Coote! That's right,

He is Kurt, who is responsible for cultivating top experts in European and American laboratories.

In almost every boxing match that challenges Chen Yang, the boxers are arranged by Coote.

He has a high status within the North American military-industrial complex.

"Mr. Coote, why did you come to me?"

"Although I have passed the ninth experiment, the experiment is not perfect and my body is still recovering."

"According to the agreement you gave me before, as long as I pass the ninth experiment, I will have nothing to do with your military-industrial group."

"I'm tired! Over the years, I have been very careful in order to pass every experiment in the laboratory."

"Every experiment is almost a trip to the edge of death."

"Nine experiments are equivalent to me dying nine times."

"I don't want to continue living like this anymore. My goal now is very simple, which is to restore myself and live an ordinary life!"

"Look at me now. I am no longer human, and I am no longer a beast. I have lost the qualification to be an ordinary person."

"I live happily here, and I don't want to be disturbed for the rest of my life."

"You go back to North America, I will not agree to participate in the 'Supernatural War'!"

"Although I have passed the ninth experiment, my strength has not yet returned to its peak state."

"In addition, I have withdrawn from European and American laboratories and the North American Military Industrial Group."

"I don't want anything to do with you, you bastards will get me killed."

"'Ancient God' Zeus was my best friend, and it was because of you that he died at the hands of the Chinese!"

"I don't want to kill, and I don't want to be killed!"

"The Chinese are very strong. I'm not sure I can defeat them. You can find someone else."

"There are more than 20 people who have passed the ninth experiment this time. I believe that some of them will be willing to challenge Huaxia Chen Yang."

"Mr. Coote, what is your purpose in asking me to challenge the Chinese?"

A two-meter-tall black man stopped training his legs.

he asked, turning to Mr. Coote.

at this time,

It was obvious that the black man was very dissatisfied with Mr. Coote.

He had no scruples about Kurt's identity.

Put it simply.

He didn't care about Kurt's identity at all.

If Kurt wanted to threaten him by pretending to be the head of the military-industrial complex, it would be almost useless.

A few days ago,
After the strong black man passed the ninth experiment, he came to the vicinity of the Vredeburg sinkhole in South Africa to adapt to his improved strength.


Not long after he arrived, he discovered that Mr. Coote, the head of the North American Military Industrial Group, had already found this place.

at this time,

The strong black man knew very well that his whereabouts had almost no secrets in the eyes of the North American military-industrial complex.

Although he said verbally that he had separated from the North American military-industrial complex.


He himself didn't believe this.

Any perfect level expert who has passed the ninth experiment is the most important person in European and American laboratories.

The various data on them and their physical recovery status cannot be reviewed in detail.

How could it really be possible to break away from the control of the North American military-industrial complex with just one sentence?
in fact,

Kurt came here with a simple purpose.

He needs this strong black man to join the battle on the 'Path of Extraordinary'!
To put it more simply, he needs strong black men to challenge the Chinese Chen Yang and restore the dignity of Western martial arts.


What makes Kurt feel helpless is that the strong black man did not agree to participate in the 'Supernatural Battle'!
Although Kurt is one of the leaders of the North American military-industrial complex and has great power.

And he is one of the heads of European and American laboratories and has great power everywhere.


In front of the strong black man, the 'gene warrior' who had passed the ninth experiment, Kurt had no way of commanding him.

The two belong to different fields.

This strong black man is one of the most important experimenters in European and American laboratories.

Before they became the ninth experimenter, they were already free from any restrictions.

If there were constraints, they would not be able to pass the ninth experiment.

Any restraints on them must be lifted,

When Kurt came here, he could only ask the strong black men to participate in the 'Supernatural Battle'!
in fact,

Although the black man is ostensibly separated from the North American military-industrial complex.


As a genetic warrior, it is impossible to truly break away.

His name is Number Three!

That's right,

There is no name, only a codename, called 03!

The strong black man didn't even know what his name was.

When he passed the ninth genetic experiment, everything in the past had disappeared from his mind.

His new life now is called 03;


This number is the title of all perfect-level 'gene warriors' who have passed the ninth experiment.

They represent the highest achievements of European and American laboratories.

All the 'gene warriors' who participate in the laboratory training are looking forward to receiving a digital number.

This is a symbol of identity and status.

No doubt,

From the code name 03, it is obvious that this strong black man has an extraordinary status among those who have passed the ninth experiment in European and American laboratories.

Mr. Coote took another deep breath and his eyes deepened.

He said in a deep voice:
"Mr. No. 03, you are the most outstanding of the perfect 'gene warriors' cultivated in the laboratory."

"You are the pride of the laboratory and synonymous with Western martial arts."

"A month ago, the Chinese defeated the 'Ancient God' Zeus and won the championship of the 'Arena of Life and Death'."

"In the following time, Eastern martial arts will rise in an all-round way, and even in the global martial arts alliance, the Chinese people will have the absolute right to speak!"

"Any decision cannot bypass the Chinese people and requires his approval."

"As a result, discovery will become increasingly unfavorable for our Western martial arts."

"A few days ago, the Chinese defeated Hamlet in twenty seconds."

"Oriental martial arts has risen in an all-round way and is unstoppable. We must break this situation."

"Once Eastern Martial Arts takes the lead in the development of global martial arts, it will definitely be the biggest trouble for us in the West."

"In addition, the benefits of betting on boxing in the global martial arts world are too great for us to give up."

"So, we must start the 'Supernatural War'! And launch a final sniper attack on the Chinese!"

"If even extraordinary battles cannot stop the Chinese people, then we can only let Eastern martial arts dominate the global martial arts world in the next ten years!"

"This time, we must attack Huaxia Chen Yang with all our strength."

"Before coming to South Africa, we have obtained the consent of the three perfect level experts No. 06, No. 09, and No. 11. They agreed to participate in the 'Supernatural Battle'!"

"However, this is not enough. If we want to defeat the Chinese, we must be foolproof."

"The strength of the Chinese is so terrifying. He has surpassed the 'perfect level' powerhouse."

"With twenty seconds to defeat Hamlet, we had to make a desperate move and snipe him with all our strength."

"No. 03, please, we must kill Huaxia Chen Yang!"

"If we don't kill him, our Western martial arts will completely decline from now on!"

"We cannot afford to lose this 'supernormal battle'!
Mr. Coote's face became extremely solemn, and he no longer dared to have any idea of ​​underestimating Chen Yang's strength. (End of chapter)

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