Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 505: The power of transformation is infinitely powerful

"Mr. Coote, go back!"

"I have left the North American 'Military Industrial Group' and I will not fight in the 'Supernatural Battle'!"

No. 03 took a deep breath and said insistently.

He thought for a while and continued:

"Although I have passed the ninth experiment, my strength has not been fully restored yet!"

"With my current strength, I am no match for the Chinese."

"He is now the number one martial artist in the world, and he is incredibly powerful."

"Even if the 'Ancient God' Zeus died under his fist, I have no confidence in defeating him."

No. 03 tells the truth, he doesn’t have any arrogance.


"I can promise you a billion dollars. As long as you can defeat the Chinese, the billion dollars will be yours."

Those who don’t know are fearless!
Only the stronger you are, the more cautious you will be.

Because they know very well how terrifying that super power is!
Although his current strength has not reached its peak, he can be called an invincible strongman in every aspect.

"I know that you have always wanted to lead your people and get rid of their current fate."

"Your tribe in Africa has begun to be annexed by other tribes following the war!"

To be honest, No. 03 was really worried.

"You need money, lots and lots of money!"

not to mention,
Such efforts are meaningless.

"No. 03, I know that after you came to Africa, you wanted to build your own kingdom!"

He has just experienced his ninth experiment and has not yet fully integrated his own strength.

He doesn't have much confidence in himself.


No. 03 doesn’t think Chen Yang is that easy to kill.

"You can have your own gambling company, which can provide you with a steady stream of funds."

Huaxia Chen Yang has a very strong fighting spirit, strong energy and blood, and is in a very fierce state.

If he didn't have the confidence to defeat Chen Yang, he would never agree to fight easily.

For him, he would rather go to the African savannah and compete with those beasts.

"If you want to restore the glory of the tribe, you need a lot of money, and even more resources."

With No. 03 recovering his strength, he went to challenge Chen Yang.

He was not sure of defeating Chen Yang.


Mr. Coote took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:

"One billion! U.S. dollars! How about that?"

He seemed to be able to feel that Chen Yang had also mastered that 'extraordinary' power.

He was not afraid of death, but he had to stay vigilant when he was not sure of defeating the opponent.



"You can become one of the largest tribes on the African savannah."

Before experiencing the eighth experiment, any perfect level strong person will think that he is invincible.

Instead, they began to become cautious and did not dare to be careless in any way.

"If you can defeat the Chinese, not only can you get more money, but we can also provide you with a boxing betting license!"

Perfect level 'gene warriors' will have an extremely arrogant feeling in their hearts.

After the ninth experiment, I experienced the 'extraordinary' power.

For top players, confidence is very important.

He doesn't want to fight in the 'Supernatural Battle'!
He doesn't want his life to be ruined.

If it were before the eighth experiment, maybe he would challenge Chen Yang without hesitation.

After experiencing the ninth experiment, he understood how precious life is.

If you move it as you please, you can unleash that terrifying lethality.

"Number 03, you will become the king and the totem of your tribe!"

"We promise you to provide you with various weapons so that you can develop your own African kingdom."

He wants to enjoy life to the fullest and doesn't want to work so hard anymore.

"And from now on, our military group will be your eternal support."

Hearing this, No. 03 immediately remained silent.

"Okay! I agree to go to war. One billion dollars needs to be paid to me in advance. I want to buy 'firepower' for my people!"

Kurt nodded and said solemnly:

"No problem, I promise you."

"When you return to North America, I can handle the funding issues for you right away."


Twenty days later.

Domestic, the training hall of the Capital City's National Martial Arts Hall.

After Chen Yang defeated Hamlet, he returned to the country.

He didn't slack off at all, but practiced hard every day.

He has just broken through to the realm of 'Hua Jin', and has not yet stabilized his realm.

We must take advantage of this opportunity to consolidate our own realm.


When he came to Guowu Hall, he needed to verify the strength of his 'disciples'.

After such a long time, he must take a closer look at the current strength of the 'disciples' he taught.

Perhaps it was because of his strength that he inspired everyone in Guowu Hall.

Chen Yang didn't need to ask too much, everyone trained very hard.

Many people have understood the essence of the Chinese martial art Bajiquan.

Several disciples understood it very quickly after Chen Yang taught them the power of the Twelve-Road Tan Leg.

To know,
The Guowu Hall is where the most talented boxers in the Chinese martial arts world are.

What Chen Yang taught them was the essence of martial arts, without any countermeasures;

These disciples are very ambitious, they understand very quickly, and they train very hard.

The overall strength of everyone has improved a lot compared to before.

It’s only been more than half a year,

The strength of all the boxers in the entire Guowu Hall has the strength to compete in the Asian martial arts world.

of course,

Disciples as powerful as Zhan Zhilei are still very rare.

After all, Zhan Zhilei is Chen Yang's chief disciple, and his strength is naturally not comparable to that of others.

Bang, bang, bang—!
at this time,

Chen Yang's Twelve-Way Tan Kicks exploded powerfully, and he continued to unleash his heavy kick combos against the rubber sandbag in front of him.

I saw that his legs were carrying a hundred kilograms of weight.

So powerful.

It can be clearly seen from Chen Yang's explosive leg skills.

Although he carried a hundred kilograms of weight, this weight had little effect on him due to the fierce heavy leg combos.

His heavy kick exploded very casually, which contained terrifying power and made people frightened.

There was a crackling sound.

The rubber sandbag exploded instantly under his heavy kick!

The rubber sandbags are filled with iron sand.

The ground soon fell full of iron sand.

To know,
This is a special sandbag that has been processed in three layers and is extremely tough.

Under normal circumstances, even if a car hits hard, it will be difficult to kick out the sandbags. but now,

No one expected that the rubber sandbag would be exploded by Chen Yang's kick.

Such a terrifying power impact is simply astonishing.

more importantly,
The heavy leg-killing move that Chen Yang just unleashed seemed to have no power at all.

He didn't have any energy and just kicked it casually.

It was like a very casual kick without any force.

Super powerful combo kicking move - five hits in a row!

That's right,

This is a five-hit combo, not a simple chain of kicks.

One leg and five postures!
Five consecutive kicks with the whip leg were extremely lethal.

The power of transforming energy is infinitely powerful!
All the strength in his body was concentrated and exploded at one point, and then he instantly kicked out a whip kick.


The power is explosive, violently erupting, forming a combo of kicks and killing moves.

This five-strike with the whip leg seems to be a very simple movement without any fancy features.


The power of five consecutive kicks is superimposed, and the lethality is too strong!
This very ordinary whip kick is much more powerful than any of Chen Yang's previous kick moves.

The simpler, the more terrifying the lethality!
After breaking through to the level of energy, Chen Yang's aura was restrained, but once it broke out, his murderous intent was even more terrifying.

we can even say,
At this time, this whip-leg killer move can be called a real secret skill!
The super powerful combo of five whip kicks is a special move where the whip kick is kicked out five times in a row, resulting in five accelerations.

Chen Yang even had a feeling,
Once you can explode the whip kick combo to nine times.

Then he can reach the peak of [Hua Jin]!
This is something that can only be accomplished with a speed that exceeds human limits and achieves transcendence.

Under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible for anyone to perform a 'one leg and nine postures' in an instant.

This was originally a power that surpassed ordinary human martial arts.

Chen Yang stopped training and exhaled.

He took off the towel from the shelf and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Just as he took out the water and took a sip.

I saw Zhan Zhilei walking in from outside the training hall of Guowu Hall.

at this time,

He couldn't help but be shocked when he saw Chen Yang kicking the thickened rubber sandbag out of the distance.

He stepped forward to check the fallen iron sand and couldn't help but take a breath.

"Chen Yang, why are your leg skills and explosive power so terrifying?"

"The explosive power of this leg's heavy blow seems to be too scary."

"This sandbag is specially made. It has three layers of rubber and cowhide, making it extremely tough."

"When you kicked this leg, it exploded directly. What an explosive force it was!"

"Is the outbreak of Twelve Road Tan's legs so terrifying?"

"After a while, after I have mastered the power generation of Baji Quan, I also want to learn the essence of power generation in leg skills."

"I have to tell the people at the National Martial Arts Hall to prepare a few more rubber sandbags like this in the future."

"Otherwise, every time you come here for training, you will have to destroy a few sandbags."


Zhan Zhilei continued:
"Chen Yang, actually this time I really can't understand why you would accept the start of the 'Supernatural Battle'?"

"With the honor you have achieved now, there is no need to care about the 'extraordinary battle'!"

"This clearly shows that the Western Martial Arts Alliance wants to snipe your martial arts competition!"

"The contestants on 'Battle of the Amazing' are people who have never heard of it."

"I think there is really no need for you to go to war or take risks."

"This year's 'Extraordinary Battle' is very dangerous, and we are not short of money now."

"In addition, you are now the 'Triple Crown' and the number one warrior in the world."

"The Western Martial Arts Alliance will definitely do anything to snipe you."

"What you represent now is Eastern Martial Arts, and what you represent behind your back is the interests of the East."

"It's not easy to get your current position. You can't lose. Once you lose, the loss will be too great!"

Chen Yang drank water, exhaled and said calmly:
"Any strong person who wants to stand at the top of martial arts must not have any fear."

"As long as you have psychological scruples, fear of challenges, fear of losing!"

"Even for the honor achieved in front of me, I am afraid of losing it!"

"Then his martial arts path will no longer have any possibility of improvement."

"Even if I refuse the Western Martial Arts Alliance to start a 'paranormal battle' now, do you think they will give up?"

"As long as I stand at the top of global martial arts and suppress the development of Western martial arts, they will never give up!"

“So, challenges are inevitable!”

"In addition, I have my own reasons for participating in the 'Supernatural War'."

Hearing this, Zhan Zhilei nodded immediately, sighed and said:
"You are right. With your current achievements, it is impossible for the Western Martial Arts Alliance to give up."

"Although you can refuse the Western Martial Arts Alliance to start the 'Supernatural Battle', they will use other methods to force you to agree!"

"Although the development speed of our Eastern martial arts is very fast, it is still unable to compete with Western martial arts."

"But you have to be careful. This time, the 'extraordinary battle' is only directed at you."

"You agreed to fight in the 'Supernatural Battle', which is extremely dangerous!"

Chen Yang laughed, nodded and said, "Okay, you don't have to worry. Since I dare to promise them to start the 'Supernatural Battle', I am sure that I will not lose to anyone!"

He needs constant [reputation points].

He needs to become stronger and activate the [War Soul Card].

It is impossible for Chen Yang to refuse to start the 'Supernatural Battle'!
He must keep his heat.

To know,
Once Chen Yang stops the boxing match, the speed at which he gains [reputation points] will plummet.

Only by constantly fighting fiercely, constantly accepting challenges, and appearing in front of all boxing fans around the world.

Only then can he continue to gain [reputation points]!
in addition,

Chen Yang wants to truly reach the peak of [Hua Jin] in the later stages.

Then, he must not stop moving forward,
On the road to martial arts, if you don’t advance, you will retreat!

For a martial artist, once he loses his aggressiveness, the path to martial arts is basically over.

Zhan Zhilei said with a helpless smile:

"Okay! You are my master. Once you have made up your mind, I don't know how to persuade you!"

"And you are right, as a warrior, you must not have any worries."

"If you are fearless and dare not accept challenges because of the honor you have achieved now, you are afraid of losing everything."

"Then, the next step will indeed have a great impact on the improvement of strength."

"I came here to find you because all the boxers participating in the 'Extraordinary Battle' have extraordinary strength."

"I spent a lot of effort to obtain information about these boxers participating in the war."

"Almost all the boxers participating in the fight are masters trained in the laboratory."

"They are similar to the challengers you encountered in the 'Arena of Life and Death', but the number of experiments they underwent was different."

"These people are all invincible strong men who have undergone nine experiments!"

Chen Yang nodded and said calmly:
"I have made a breakthrough in martial arts. No matter how strong they are, they are no match for me!"

"Don't worry, I will beat anyone."

His current level of martial arts exertion has reached the [Transformation of Strength]!

He can easily unleash the super powerful "Five Hits" combo.

His confidence is through the roof.

to be frank,
With Chen Yang's current strength, he has enough confidence to face any strong person.

What about the 'invincible' genetic warriors grown in the laboratory?
The master of the ninth experiment is not truly invincible!
He has killed more than five strong men in the laboratory!
Any one of them is qualified to stand at the top of global martial arts.

Chen Yang really didn't take any of the masters of the 'Extraordinary Battle' seriously!
He accepted the challenge not from others, but from himself!

That's right,

He needs to overcome his state of mind before he can go one step further——! (End of chapter)

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