Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 507 Extraordinary Battle! opening

One move and five moves!
This is the most powerful combo killer move!
Strength and speed form a superposition, condensing power into one point.

Super powerful nirvana!

No one can withstand the super powerful special attack of five consecutive hits, and the lethality can be called explosive.

As long as the opponent is focused with one move, there is no doubt that the opponent will be killed.

This is the most powerful force in the realm of [Hua Jin].

Ignore the defense and hit the Arrancar!
Chen Yang looked at No. 09's information and couldn't help but snorted.

The only drawback of the combo's special attack technique is that it consumes a lot of physical energy.

Even with Chen Yang's [Hua Jin] power level.

He also cannot burst out with consecutive killing moves, he must master the timing.

Otherwise, the physical exertion will be too great and it will be easy for defensive flaws to occur.

The more powerful the killing move, the more energy it consumes.

Only when the three elements of spirit, energy and spirit are united can the most powerful killing moves be unleashed.

When bursting out with killing moves, you need to master the timing and distance.

at this time,

Chen Yang's power level has been stabilized and his confidence is overwhelming.

not to mention,
As he broke through to the [Hua Jin] realm, his distribution of distance and physical strength has reached a level of perfection.

Although it is impossible to continuously burst out the combination of special attacks.


He can change his style of play at any time.

No matter what opponent he faces, although Chen Yang cannot guarantee whether he can kill the opponent.

But there is absolutely no problem with self-protection.

not to mention,
With his strength in the realm of [Transformation of Energy], once he faces a strong enemy and is unable to defeat him, he has enough means to ensure that he is undefeated.


Although Chen Yang has not yet fought against a master who has passed the ninth genetic enhancement experiment.

But he didn't believe that the other party's strength could surpass his own [Hua Jin] realm.


Las Vegas, MGM Plaza Hotel.

Underground boxing hall.

This is the world’s largest casino hotel with the most rooms.


The most exciting boxing match will take place here.

Extraordinary battle!

Tonight will officially kick off in the underground boxing hall of the MGM Plaza Hotel.

China Chen Yang VS Mika-09!

Chen Yang arrived at the boxing hall of the MGM Casino Hotel very early.

After he entered the locker room, he began to change his boxing clothes with a calm face, and continued to stretch and warm up to reach his peak condition.

Beside him were Zhan Zhilei and security personnel.

The original location of this boxing match was planned to be in San Francisco.

Later, it went through several rounds of discussions, as well as betting on boxing and other influences.

Finally, with Chen Yang's consent, the boxing match was arranged at the MGM Plaza Hotel in Las Vegas.

For casino hotels in Las Vegas.

The underground boxing hall of the MGM Plaza Hotel is very large.

It can accommodate 12,000 live spectators.

When the final location of the boxing match was announced, the boxing match caused a global sensation.

Everyone from all over the world wants to come to the scene to watch this peak showdown.

To know,
This is the opening ceremony of 'Supernatural Battle'.


Almost everyone knows that the purpose of the 'Extraordinary Battle' was originally a martial arts competition held by Western martial arts in order to attack Chen Yang of China with all its strength.

The battle of life and death, to the death!
If someone else fought in the opening match of tonight's 'Extraordinary Battle', it would definitely be difficult to attract the attention of global boxing fans.

The key is,
This is the pinnacle showdown between Hua Xia Chen Yang, the world's number one martial arts warrior.

A person’s name is like a tree’s shadow!
It can be seen from this that tonight's peak showdown has caused such a huge sensation.

And what is certain is that tonight’s boxing match will be absolutely wonderful.

Those in the global martial arts world who are eligible to enter the underground boxing hall of the MGM Casino Hotel are all rich and noble people.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for ordinary rich people to qualify to enter, no matter how much money you have.

You must have status to be eligible for tickets.

The key is,
The opening battle of this 'extraordinary battle' was originally not open to ordinary people.

Moreover, no media filming is allowed on site, and no global live broadcast is allowed.

It is because of this that the 'Supernatural Battle' becomes more and more mysterious, making people want to watch the battle in person.


This 'Extraordinary Battle' martial arts competition is called the most mysterious top competition in the global martial arts world. It is no exaggeration.

The boxing match is in preparation and will start soon.

at this time,

Throughout the boxing match hall, many boxing fans were waiting quietly.

Perhaps because the quality of boxing fans is very high, the entire boxing match hall was surprisingly quiet.

This scene is extremely rare for underground boxing gambling in Las Vegas.

this moment,
All the boxing fans at the scene sat quietly.

There was no loud shouting, cheering, or anyone clapping.

Everyone seemed very quiet and began to place bets.

Due to the major financial groups in Europe and the United States, at the request of the Western Martial Arts Alliance, the odds were lowered.

The handicap for this boxing match has always been at a very high position.

Even the vast majority of people bet on Chen Yang to win.

However, the final handicap odds did not fluctuate much.

At this time, the atmosphere at the scene seemed very strange and intense.

Chen Yang was in the locker room. After warming up for a while, his condition began to reach its peak.

His mind became empty and his whole person was in an extremely calm state.

The mountain collapsed in front of him, but his face did not change.

As a [Grand Master of Energy Transformation], Chen Yang can adjust his condition to reach the peak anytime and anywhere.

Any top expert has the ability to adjust his status at any time.

Just like the boxing matches in the 'Arena of Life and Death', Chen Yang encountered several perfect opponents.

They all have the ability to adjust their status.

Just when Chen Yang's state reached its peak, he was majestic and full of fighting spirit.

Zhan Zhilei answered the phone, approached Chen Yang, and whispered:

"For this boxing match, we have formed a financial hedge with European and American consortiums on the periphery!"

“Almost all bets are now limited!”

"However, the amount of capital hedging we have with each other has exceeded US$30 billion."

“We also have tens of billions of dollars to bet on peripheral markets.”

"But it is a pity that it is difficult for outside dealers to make money. We have lowered the odds, but there are still many people betting on you to win."

"I have controlled the betting amount at the outside banker, and the focus is on hedging funds!"

"The winning or losing of this boxing match is around US$30 billion."

"Although with our current funds, this boxing match will not have any impact on us."

"But once we lose, our losses will be more than tens of billions of dollars."

"Also, I have good news for you. Our investment in Africa has begun to bear fruit."

"We have almost completed the investment in mining, timber industry, agriculture, etc. throughout Africa."

"In less than five years, various resources in Africa will be continuously developed by us and fully controlled by us!"

"After winning this boxing match, we will have more funds. If possible, we will set our next target in Oceania."

"So, you can't lose now, you can't afford to lose, all of us are bound to you."

"This is also an important reason why I have always disagreed with you fighting this 'supernormal battle'."

"But now that you are about to step into the Octagon ring, all I can say is, come on!"

"If you fall, I, the chief disciple, will not be able to sustain such a big scene."

Chen Yang was stunned when he heard this, looked at Zhan Zhilei and said: "The winning or losing of 30 billion US dollars, this time I bet on boxing, it's so fierce all of a sudden!"

Zhan Zhilei shook his head helplessly and said with a smile:
"Then there's nothing we can do. Since major European and American consortiums want to hedge our funds, how can we back down?"

"No matter how much they bet, I dare to follow up!"

"If you don't make money, you are a fool. Anyway, it's all about taking a chance. What are you afraid of?"

"You're going to lose. No matter how much money you ask for, it's useless."

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said:

"Okay, since we're betting, it doesn't matter if we play bigger."

"But you kid, although you have always reminded me to pay attention to safety, I didn't expect you to bet so hard."

"It seems that you trust me very much. Aren't you afraid that I will lose to the other party?"

Zhan Zhilei nodded and said seriously:

"You are my master. I remind you to pay attention to safety and not to be careless. It is your duty as a disciple."

"If I can't believe in your strength, then I will stop you from participating in the 'Supernatural Battle' no matter what!"

"You can't lose, it's just hard to win."

Chen Yang laughed immediately after hearing this, patted Zhan Zhilei's arm and said:
"You better understand me, don't worry, I will definitely win this boxing match tonight!"

"Anyone in the global martial arts community who wants to attack me must pay the price with his life."

"No. 09, even No. 01, I can defeat him."

After saying that, Chen Yang exuded a frightening fighting spirit and was full of confidence.

Let’s not talk about the breakthrough of his martial arts power level to the realm of [Hua Jin].

Don't forget, Chen Yang can enter the 'six senses' state.

This is his real trump card.

at this time,

The locker room door opens.

next moment,
The entire underground boxing hall of the MGM Plaza Hotel was silent and fell into dead silence.

Strong light shone on the door of the locker room, shrouding Chen Yang.


Under the strong light, I saw a passage leading from the locker room to the Octagonal cage boxing ring.

Extraordinary battle!

It officially opens tonight.

"Come on! Chen Yang, we must kill all the challengers, including Mika No. 09."

Zhan Zhilei shouted at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang nodded, took a deep breath, and walked to the ring expressionlessly.

As the lights in the entire boxing hall became brighter.

In an instant,
In the boxing hall, the attention of all the spectators began to focus on the Octagonal cage boxing ring.


After the boxing fans reacted, they screamed and shouted at the top of their lungs.

The atmosphere of the boxing match needs to be boosted.

Although before this, many boxing fans were very low-key and did not make any noise.

But when Chen Yang stepped onto the ring, the atmosphere suddenly exploded.

After all the boxing fans reacted, they started cheering.

The atmosphere was completely ignited at this moment.

In the other direction of the Octagon ring.

I saw a tall, dark-skinned man who looked like a wild beast, stepping onto the ring.

He looked like a real gorilla, covered in fur.

There is a thick layer of hair even on the face.

You can't tell his age, but he shouldn't be young.

in addition,

The age of black people is originally the most difficult to guess.

There is very little difference between a twenty-year-old black man and a forty-year-old black man.

not to mention,
Mika-09's body hair is so thick that it's hard to tell his age.

at this time,

It can be seen from the aura of Mika-09 that he is in very good condition and full of fighting spirit.

His origin is impossible to guess.

Although Chen Yang knew that Mika-09 was an instructor at the Black Boxing Training Camp and was proficient in many kinds of fighting skills.


After he passed the ninth genetic enhancement experiment, no one knew the true strength of Mika-09.

The muscles all over his body were exploding, like a real silverback gorilla.


That's right, it can be seen from the state of Mika-09 that after passing the ninth experiment, his whole person appeared to be atavistic!
In general,

Once a strong person who has undergone genetic enhancement experiments shows signs of atavism, his strength will become extremely terrifying.

They can unleash combat power several times greater than that of ordinary top human warriors.

At a glance,
It can be seen that Mika-09's strength is very terrifying, brutal, ferocious, and scary.

His arms are thick, and his legs are as thick as his waist.

At a glance, you can feel the terrifying power contained in his body.

It is clear,
Mika-09 possesses extremely terrifying punching power and explosive leg power.

Any of his movements can form the most terrifying killing move.

Something that surprised Chen Yang.

I saw that Mika-09's body seemed to have many dense scars.

There was even a long scar between his chest, abdomen and back, which was shocking.

It was like a centipede lying on his body. The hair and scars all over his body were intertwined, giving people a ferocious and terrifying feeling.

Do not know why,

When Chen Yang saw the scars and hair on the other party's body, he felt a sense of crisis.

That suffocating sense of crisis has not appeared in Chen Yang for a long time.

but now,

He could clearly feel a murderous intent from Mika-09, which posed a threat to him.

Chen Yang's journey to become the 'Ultimate Fighter' in the global martial arts world began, with more than dozens of peak duels.

He had been knocked down, injured, and even bitten.


Chen Yang rarely has scars on his body.

His recovery ability is very fast, and he has not suffered any serious injuries. From his skin, there are almost no scars on his body.

For all boxing fans around the world, this is definitely a miracle.

"The one who stepped on the horse - this bastard is truly a master who has passed the ninth genetic enhancement experiment. He has endless killing intent and can actually cause me a sense of oppression."

"The scars on his body should be injuries caused to his body during a duel with ferocious beasts."

"This injury is a bit scary. Could it be a fierce battle with a male lion at close range, a real caged beast fight?"

"It's okay to be injured like this, but his strength is a mess."

"In this boxing match, it doesn't seem that easy to defeat him!"

Chen Yang took a deep breath and thought to himself.

He raised his head and stared at Mika-09 opposite, his eyes narrowed.

After Mika-09 entered the Octagon,

Although the vast majority of the audience placed their bets on Chen Yang, there were still many European and American boxing fans cheering for Mika-09 in the end.

In the global martial arts world, Mika-09 has not fought in any top boxing matches and has almost no reputation.


Since the Western Martial Arts Alliance asked him to fight the Chinese in the opening battle of the 'Supernatural Battle'.

There is no doubt that Mika-09's strength has definitely been verified.

Now many boxing fans have begun to cheer for Mika-09.

of course,

There is no problem with verbal cheering, but when it comes to placing bets, the vast majority of boxing fans bet on Chen Yang to win.

Boxing fans are not stupid. If they are not optimistic about Mika-09, how can they easily bet on him? (End of chapter)

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