Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 508: Endless killing intent! Cutting Machine

"Gentlemen and ladies, tonight is the opening match of 'Battle of the Extraordinary'!"

"Welcome everyone to the boxing hall of the MGM Plaza Hotel, where one of the most classic fights of the century will be staged tonight."

"The battle of life and death, the ultimate showdown!"

"Now on the ring is the top strongman from North America, Mika-09, known as the 'Cutter'!"

"He is a strong man who came from hell, a true warrior!"

"In the global martial arts world, Mika-09 is called one of the most terrifying masters, and even the most perfect invincible strongman!"

"He is one of the representatives of Western martial arts and the most reassuring master!"

"Tonight he will represent Western martial arts and challenge the strongest man in the global martial arts world with the highest comprehensive strength. Can he defeat China's Chen Yang?"

"Can Mika-09 defend the glory of Western martial arts? Can he restore the glory of Western martial arts?"

"The next person to appear is the opponent that Mika-09 challenges today, and he is also the number one invincible strongman in the global martial arts world, the 'King of Destruction' Chen Yang from the Chinese martial arts world!"

"Chen Yang of China won the title of 'Ultimate Fighter', then won the title of 'King of the Lost City', and even won the title of 'Arena of Life and Death'!"

"He is the only strong man in the world's martial arts world who has won the championship of the three top martial arts competitions!"

"He created an era belonging to the 'King of Destruction' and created the history of the global martial arts world!"

"Tonight's opening of 'The Extraordinary Battle' is destined to be a night that people are looking forward to."

"Can Mika-09 succeed? Can he defeat the Chinese?"

"Wherever the applause is, give it to them. I look forward to them bringing you the most exciting showdown in the coming time!"


In the passionate voice of the live host.

For a while,
The atmosphere in the entire MGM boxing hall was suddenly ignited.

Applause, shouts, and screams sounded like a tsunami.

Countless boxing fans stood up and cheered for Chen Yang and Mika-09.

this moment,
Almost all the boxing fans present were fixated on the two men in the boxing ring who were preparing for the final fight.

They wanted to guess the final victory or defeat from the auras emanating from the two people, as well as the fighting spirit and state of both parties.

Although from all aspects, the advantages of the Chinese people are obvious.

But no one can predict the final outcome of the opening ceremony of this 'extraordinary battle'.

If the North American 'military industrial group' is not sure, it will definitely not easily challenge the Chinese.

Since you dare to challenge, you must have a chance to win.

Who of the two will win in the end needs boxing fans to judge for themselves.

This boxing match had a great influence due to Chen Yang's participation.

What's more, due to the strong pressure from major Western financial groups, the odds for the boxing match remain at 1 to 2.

According to the betting backend data of this boxing match, it can be clearly seen.

The money flow for tonight’s boxing match is huge!
It's not even far from Chen Yang's boxing match in the 'Arena of Life and Death'.

A huge amount of money poured into the backend of betting.

The major families and forces in the Western martial arts world include the North American military-industrial complex.

They all bet huge sums of money.

If Mika-09 loses to Chen Yang in this boxing match, it will be a heavy blow to the entire West.

The losses will be huge, and even many extreme boxing fans in the West will jump off the building.

Funds from all over the world poured into this boxing match, and a fierce battle began in secret.

have to say,

The opening battle of this 'extraordinary battle'.

Although on the surface, it looks like a peak showdown between Chen Yang and Mika-09.


On the other hand.

This boxing match is a battle between Eastern martial arts and Western martial arts.

This is also a sniper battle carefully prepared by Western Martial Arts in order to make a comeback.

If Chen Yang defeats Mika-09, this sniper attack that represents Western martial arts will lose its effect.

Because Chen Yang invested a lot of money and formed a capital hedge with major Western consortiums.

Zhan Zhilei even placed heavy bets on the outside.

The amount of money invested by both camps in this boxing match almost broke the historical record.

Chen Yang was completely involved in this shocking boxing battle.

With such a huge amount of money, I believe anyone will be pumped with adrenaline.

Won the fight,
Chen Yang's assets will increase by tens of billions of US dollars again, and his investments around the world will be smoother.

But if you lose,

Everything is gone, even his life, will disappear in the long history of global martial arts.

The opening battle of this 'extraordinary battle',

Both sides represent their respective camps and cannot afford to lose!
The Western Martial Arts Alliance couldn't afford to lose. They had been preparing for a long time to start the 'extraordinary battle'.

In order to snipe Chen Yang, they even forcibly started the ninth genetic enhancement experiment.

Once it fails.

The experimental results of so many years in North American laboratories will be completely lost and a complete failure.

It also proves that the genetic enhancement experiments in European and American laboratories have failed!
Wrong way!

of course,

Chen Yang didn't think much about it at all.

He just wanted to keep himself popular and gain more [reputation points].

Although he also attaches great importance to whether he makes money or not, he doesn't really care about it in his heart.

In fact, with his current status, no matter how much money he has, it doesn't mean much.

As long as you live, money is no problem.

If he really loses to Mika-09, then his life will be lost.

What's the point of keeping money once your life is gone?
Chen Yang has been busy improving his condition.

He had never paid much attention to the matter of placing bets, leaving it entirely up to Zhan Zhilei to handle it.

The only thing he needs to do is to get on the ring and defeat his opponent with thunderous momentum.

He doesn't allow himself to lose, and he doesn't allow himself to get hurt either.

Because once you lose, the price will be too high.

Many boxing fans focused on the faces of the two people in the boxing ring.

I hope I can tell the state of both parties from their expressions.

But it's a pity that with the two people's peak combat power, it is simply wishful thinking to observe their status from their eyes, expressions, etc.

When many boxing fans placed bets, they focused on Chen Yang's condition.

They hope to see Chen Yang showing arrogance, arrogance, or nervousness, fear, or solemn emotions.


Chen Yang's state has always seemed very calm, with almost no emotional fluctuations.

It seems,
It seemed that Chen Yang didn't care at all about the opening battle of this 'extraordinary battle'.

He seemed casual and relaxed.

of course,

This is all normal.

Chen Yang has broken through to the realm of [Hua Jin], and he can adjust his state very easily.

Even if he is very vigilant and careful in his heart.

But on the surface, it was absolutely impossible for him to show any emotion.

He never underestimated any opponent.

As long as he steps into the Octagon ring, his condition remains at its peak and his concentration is highly concentrated.

The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength!

What's more, the opponent is a strong man who has passed the ninth genetic experiment. How could Chen Yang take it lightly?

this moment,
Chen Yang's mind became clear, and he quickly entered a state of 'six senses'.

In his mind, only his opponent remained!
All the state performances of Mika-09 are invisible in Chen Yang's 'Six Senses' state. Even many details began to magnify in Chen Yang's mind.

Very strong!
Mika-09, who passed the ninth genetic enhancement experiment, is incredibly powerful.

Although Mika-09 ranks ninth among all boxers who have passed the ninth genetic enhancement experiment.

He is not the strongest one.


At this time, Chen Yang felt a stronger sense of crisis from him than anyone else.

The opponent's fighting spirit is very terrifying and his condition is extremely high.
Compared with any opponent Chen Yang has encountered before, Mika-09 performed much more powerfully.

Even stronger than the 'ancient god' Zeus!
This feeling is difficult to describe in simple words.

The opponent is like a real silverback gorilla, exuding the aura of a beast, making people frightened and under endless pressure.

at this time,

Mika-09 also seemed to feel Chen Yang's fighting spirit.

He raised his head and looked Chen Yang up and down, narrowed his eyes and said nothing.

"There's something wrong with this bastard's state!"

"So calm! How come you have such terrifying killing intent?"

Chen Yang took a deep breath and muttered in his heart.

From Mika-09's current state, Chen Yang felt a suffocating killing intent.

The edge is sharp and the killing intent is endless.

This is a kind of terrible murderous intention that is difficult to bear, and it is a state where human life is nothing.

It seems that in his eyes, human life is no different from ordinary animals.

This suffocating feeling was different from all the opponents Chen Yang had encountered before.

Whether it is the opponents encountered in the 'Ultimate Fighter' martial arts competition or the opponents encountered in the 'Maze Battle'.

Even all the perfect level powerhouses encountered in the 'Arena of Life and Death' were in completely different states.

before this,

Any opponent Chen Yang encountered would exude a sense of fighting spirit.

They are fierce, ruthless, domineering, crazy, and bloodthirsty—!
Even the killing intent exuded by the 'ancient god' Zeus seemed extremely cruel.


The aura exuding from Mika-09's body is very strange. It can even be said that there is almost no emotional fluctuation.

The states he and Chen Yang displayed were surprisingly similar.

Neither of them showed any emotional changes, and both acted very calmly.


Mika-09's aura seemed very crisp.

Apart from the sharp killing intent, there was almost no emotional outburst in him.

"Is this the strong man who has passed the ninth genetic enhancement experiment? Can he perfectly control his own state!?"

"No wonder Zhan Zhilei asked me to deal with it carefully. This guy's strength is indeed very terrifying!"

"Even with my spiritual sensing ability, I can't predict his murderous intention and offensive intentions."

"This guy's control of the rhythm of the boxing ring and the release of his fighting spirit have reached the point of perfection."

"It's hard for me to predict his attack! Damn it - it's a bit difficult to fight!"

"However, if you want to snipe me, I will risk your life today and try the killing move of my [Hua Jin] realm!"

"I want to show you what the real five-hit combo is!"

Chen Yang snorted in his heart, put on an offensive and defensive stance, and took a deep breath.

next moment,
His condition reached its limit, and his muscles were as tense as iron.

The power of the [Hua Jin] realm was brewing in his body.

It seems,
His fighting spirit restrained, and his whole person was in an extremely calm state.

There was no outburst of murderous intent, nor was there any domineering will to fight.


At this time, Chen Yang was in a loose state.

at this time,

As the boxing match approached, many boxing fans at the scene began to cheer for Chen Yang, cheering and shouting crazily.

Mika-09 stood aside calmly, waiting for the boxing bell to ring.

He looked at Chen Yang expressionlessly. There was no murderous intention in his body, but he acted very coldly and casually.

in his mind.

Chen Yang has become a dead man and no longer poses any threat to him.

The Chinese people are very powerful, even so powerful that they have swept across the global martial arts world.

The number one martial artist in the world is by no means an unearned name.

Mika-09 already understood this before challenging Chen Yang.

He has analyzed all of Chen Yang's boxing matches.

In the database in his mind, he has studied in detail any of Chen Yang's boxing matches.

Including all of Chen Yang's boxing matches in 'The Ultimate Fighter' and 'The Lost City'.


He was at the boxing match and witnessed Chen Yang's life and death fight with his own eyes.

Mika-09 was there to watch the life-and-death showdown between Chen Yang and the 'Ancient God' Zeus.


At that time, he was just a master who had passed the seventh genetic enhancement experiment, and he was far behind the 'ancient god' Zeus.

Now, under the conditions of the laboratory that forcibly stimulated his body's potential, he finally passed the ninth genetic enhancement experiment in the laboratory.

His strength is completely different from before.

at this time,

Mika-09 is full of confidence in himself.

He thinks he already knows Chen Yang's characteristics and offensive and defensive style very well.

Tonight, in the opening match of this 'extraordinary battle', he is sure to win.

From the moment he served as an instructor at the Black Boxing Training Camp, until he passed the genetic enhancement experiments in European and American laboratories.

He was on the verge of death nine times.

Every genetic enhancement experiment is almost a race against death.

Many times, he nearly died without the sequelae of genetic enhancement.


Finally he overcame the rejection.

He succeeded!

Not only did he not die, he also passed the ninth genetic enhancement experiment.

Although he was only the ninth to pass the final genetic enhancement experiment, ranking No. 09.

But in terms of strength, he believes that he is already at the top of global martial arts.

Anyone who wants to defeat him must pay a heavy price.


He didn't believe that he would die under his opponent's punch.

His life is very tough, and he is sure to come down from the ring safely.

With a loud noise, the net that blocked the heavy blows in the Octagonal cage began to separate.

this moment,
The atmosphere in the entire MGM boxing hall reached its peak at this time, crazy and exciting.

An extremely domineering fighting spirit permeated the surroundings.

All the boxing fans at the scene held their breath and waited quietly for the boxing match to begin.

As the bell rings.

The 'Supernatural Battle' officially begins. (End of chapter)

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