Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 509 Every cause must have an effect! Full sniper attack


Mika-09 instantly exerted force on his feet and kicked back suddenly.

He let out a roar and became extremely crazy.

He didn't hesitate at all, and he didn't hesitate at all.

After exerting force on his feet, Mika-09 bowed his body, then moved his leg forward to launch the most violent attack on Chen Yang.

Kick like a knife, strong like a tiger!
at this time,

Mika-09 is like a lion on the African grassland.

His movements are very fast, domineering and invincible.

Once an attack breaks out, it will be like a violent storm, making it difficult to guard against.


When he rushed forward, his whole movements seemed very strange.

I saw his feet swaying from side to side, as if he was injured, giving people an unpredictable feeling.

Even Chen Yang's spiritual sensing ability has reached perfection.

But when faced with Mika-09's weird attack method at this moment, there was a feeling that there was no way to start.

The muscles of Mika-09's body suddenly contracted and expanded rapidly.

Immediately afterwards, a suffocating killing intent enveloped Chen Yang.

next moment,
Mika-09's killing move with a heavy step and heavy leg came in an instant, and kicked Chen Yang's chest and abdomen vitally.

The air seemed to be blown away by the kick, which was shocking.

His legs are like knives, unstoppable!
From the bell ringing, to him letting out a roar, followed by a kicking attack.

The movements are done in one go and smoothly, with almost no pauses in between.

Fierce, cruel, decisive, and endless killing intent!
Jump and kick!

This heavy leg killing move was very sudden.

The strong wind enveloped the surroundings, fierce and domineering, and there was a harsh roar all around.

It's so fast!
Kick like an axe, powerful as a bamboo!
This heavy leg combo of punching and kicking is the ultimate killer move, and the subsequent moves are endless and unpredictable.

It seems that from any angle and any direction, the most terrifying heavy-leg killing move can be unleashed.
It's hard to judge his offensive intent with his legs.

What's even more frightening is that once Mika-09 breaks out to attack, his offensive rhythm is explosive.

One leg after another, like a violent storm, with almost no pause.

at this time,

His whole body was like an unsheathed steel sword, and Chen Yang wanted to fight back.

But suddenly he realized that he had no chance to fight back.

That's right,

Even with his power and reaction speed at the [Transformation Energy] realm.

At this moment, it was impossible to carry out an effective counterattack.

have to say,

Mika-09's ultimate kick move is too fast.

This kind of super speed is completely beyond the reach of human beings.

If anyone wants to burst out at such a terrifying speed, the muscles cannot withstand the terrible traction.

Mika-09's genetic enhancement is already perfect.

His muscle and bone structure have returned to their ancestors.

this moment,
His leg skills were invincible and his performance was superb, reaching a state of perfection.

Only when the body has achieved transcendence and is freed from human muscle and bone structure can such perfect leg skills be unleashed.

Kick with one leg, the leg is invisible and invisible!
It looked like a very casual kick, but it locked Chen Yang's position instantly.

With one kick, all Chen Yang's escape routes were blocked.

There is no way to avoid it, and there is no way to retreat!

So fierce!
This instantaneous combination of combos and killer moves is shocking.

at this time,

As soon as the boxing bell rang, Mika-09 immediately launched a powerful attack.

All Chen Yang's defense seemed to be within Mika-09's calculations.

His retreat, defensive reaction, and all his next moves are all part of Mika-09's calculations.

In one move, Chen Yang's momentum was suppressed.

The entire octagonal cage boxing ring was enveloped by Mika-09's heavy-leg killer move.

A suffocating killing intent swept down, making it impossible to breathe.

As the saying goes, if you lift your legs lightly, they will land loosely. If you kick your legs, you will feel a gust of wind!

When a fierce attack breaks out, the kick cannot be stiff, it must be agile!

That's right,

It needs to be kicked out at will, and the leg lift must be gentle, and cannot be used when landing on the ground.

Therefore, a true master of kicking must control his kicking state at all times.

It falls to the ground silently and effortlessly!
Concentrate the power on the calf area at any time to form power acceleration.

At the moment of kicking, it is like walking on water.

One step at a time, one step at a time!
At the moment when the attack breaks out with all its strength, it needs to be one leg after another, continuous and invincible.

Every powerful kick must be delivered suddenly.

The acceleration of the kick must reach the limit in the shortest time.

The thighs form the support of power, and the waist is the core of power conversion.

The faster the acceleration, the more explosive the leg skills, and the stronger the lethality.

After the heavy-leg combo and ultimate move exploded at full strength, the attack rhythm was incredibly fast.

The whole octagonal cage boxing ring was like a storm blowing up, making it difficult for people to guard against.

This superb burst of leg skills is like a lion hunting.

Whether it is the leg muscles, the hardness of the bones, the instant burst of strength, the flexibility of the body, etc., the requirements are beyond the limit.

If the body had not undergone genetic enhancement experiments, it would not have been able to unleash such a terrifying heavy-leg killing move.

The offensive pace is too fast!
"Nah, this is the master who passed the ninth genetic enhancement experiment?"

Chen Yang felt the terrifying lethality of the opponent's leg skills, and his face suddenly became extremely solemn.

As a great master of Chinese martial arts who has broken through to the realm of [Hua Jin].

Chen Yang's leg skills have also reached the pinnacle, and every heavy kick contains terrifying lethality.

He clearly understands the power explosion of leg skills, even including the essence of perfect penetrating power.

this moment,
Chen Yang could clearly feel that Mika-09 was challenging him.

His strength was so ridiculous that it even subverted Chen Yang's cognition.

Mika-09's comprehensive combat power, whether it is combat experience, distance control, tactical suppression, or even the timing of attacks, has reached an extremely precise level.

Chen Yang can even say with certainty that if he had not broken through to the realm of [Hua Jin].

At this time, facing such a domineering attack from Mika-09, it was difficult to resist.

of course,

Mika-09 passed the ninth genetic enhancement experiment and was also forced by Chen Yang.

If Chen Yang had not swept through the strong players in European and American laboratories, he would not have passed the five rounds of the 'Challenge of Life and Death'.


European and American experimenters will never push everyone through the ninth genetic enhancement experiment with such urgency.

Every cause must have an effect!
It is because of Chen Yang's strength that European and American laboratories are sniping at Chen Yang at all costs.

Mika-09's burst of speed and power is not far behind Chen Yang's [Hua Jin] realm.

European and American laboratories dared to let Mika-09 launch a sniper battle against Chen Yang, so they naturally had great confidence in him.

at this time,

Chen Yang has a feeling that he must not fight against Mika-09.

The price of head-on confrontation is too high.

Chen Yang didn't know the opponent's offensive characteristics.

not to mention,
He didn't know whether Mika-09's offensive speed and explosive power changed at any time specifically for his own style of play.

At this time, close combat is used to fight a tough battle.

The best outcome is that both sides suffer losses, and the worst outcome is that Chen Yang is crushed by the opponent.

It can be clearly felt at this time.

The moment the bell rang for the boxing match, Mika-09 adopted the most brutal fighting style, attacking violently and making a mess. actually,

Mika-09 sensed that in the opening match, he launched the first challenge to Chen Yang.

He made a desperate move and had already cut off all his escape routes.

He used to be an instructor at a black boxing training camp, and his mental state has always been bad.

He joined European and American laboratories to conduct genetic enhancement experiments.

The most fundamental reason is that he suffers from depression.

His mental state has never been very good, and he can't sleep day and night.

Sometimes, he even wanted to die and end his own life.

After conducting the genetic enhancement experiment, he felt that he had found his life goal.

He had no worries and just wanted to challenge himself.

Before the boxing match started, Mika-09 was very aware of Chen Yang's terrifying strength.

He must have a will to die, have the determination to die generously, and give up all illusions before he has a chance to defeat the Chinese.

Once you are timid, you are afraid of losing to the opponent.

It is difficult for him to fully explode his strength.

He has died nine times, and he has long felt disappointed in his heart.

Not only does he not have any resistance to death, but he is full of expectations.

He is willing to die for his dream. If he can die in the Octagonal boxing ring, he feels that he is honored.

That's right,

From the moment Mika-09 stepped onto the Octagon ring.

He already had the determination to die generously, treating himself as a dead man and daring to challenge anyone.

From beginning to end, he never left himself a way out.

Either you die or I die!
After the two get on the ring, only one can survive and walk to the Octagon ring safely.

Fight with your life!

Mika-09 does not have any tactical arrangements. He only needs to maintain an all-out attack and fight for his life.

Only with the determination to die can there be a glimmer of hope!
This is the conclusion Mika-09 came to after watching all of Chen Yang's boxing matches.

"Horse, this guy's attack speed is too fast! What's going on?"

"Their strength is completely different from the several perfect-level powerhouses encountered in the 'Arena of Life and Death'."

"This guy's ability to control the rhythm of the ring, including the specificity of his fighting style, restrained me perfectly."

"His offensive pace is too fast, and every move happens to be my weak point in offense and defense."

"There's no way to fight! This bastard knows my fighting style too well, and his speed is no slower than mine!"

"Fortunately, I have broken through to the realm of [Transforming Strength], otherwise I would have been unable to fight in this boxing match. I would have just given up!"

"This is the super strong person who has been genetically enhanced for the ninth time!?"

"No wonder he dared to launch a final sniper attack on me. This bastard's combat power is truly terrifying!"

Chen Yang exerted force with his feet and quickly retreated, widening the distance between him and Mika-09.

Mika-09 is an instructor in the black boxing training camp and has rich fighting experience.

He is indeed the most terrifying strong man, proficient in various fighting skills.


He is the ultimate pursuer of the power play style.

As long as he is in the ring, his style is to attack with all his strength.

His leg skills, knee thrusts, heavy elbows and other super powerful killing moves are all refined and there are almost no fancy moves.

Simple, brutal, and invincible.

Every super powerful combination of special moves targets the opponent's defensive key points.

Every move is fatal!

The moment the bell rang, Mika-09 did not hesitate at all and launched the most violent attack in an instant.

He gave up his defense and adopted a life-sacrifice style of play, hoping to suppress Chen Yang strongly.

Chen Yang has encountered this kind of self-sacrifice style of play many times.

But I have to say,

Even though he had encountered it many times, Chen Yang still found it difficult to deal with this desperate style of play.

As long as the opponent's strength reaches a certain level, this extreme style of play is almost impossible to solve.

It seems,
When Mika-09 is fully attacking, he has almost no defense.

Even as if he was committing suicide, he used his body to attract Chen Yang to take action.

Full attack status!
this moment,
If Chen Yang can seize the opportunity to kill, he will definitely have a chance to kill the opponent with a combination of heavy blows and killing moves.

That's right,

This kind of all-attack style of play is very weak in defense.

He didn't even have any defense, and his entire body's vital points were in a state of loss.


The more opportunities there are, the less opportunities there are!

That's right, Mika-09 adopts this all-attack, life-sacrifice style of play, and they all end up together!

Chen Yang had almost no chance of hitting the opponent without any damage.

After Chen Yang opened the distance, he waited for the opportunity to move, constantly defending and blocking, waiting for a favorable opportunity to explode and kill.


Mika-09's attack speed is getting faster and faster, and its explosive power is getting stronger and stronger.

Every one of his special moves has almost no pause time.

The force exchange and connection of the moves are completed in one go.

Chen Yang didn't have any chance to fight back.

With Mika-09's peak offensive state at this moment.

I believe that no one can interrupt his offensive rhythm, or even get close.

In the octagonal cage,

A surprising scene appeared.

No one expected that Huaxia Chen Yang would be suppressed by Mika-09.

How can this be?

Before the boxing match started, most people were unanimously optimistic that Chen Yang could easily defeat Mika-09.

But when the bell rang,
The scene in the boxing ring was completely opposite to what everyone imagined.

Mika-09's strong performance shocked everyone.

"Nima's - the 'gene warriors' who have passed the ninth genetic enhancement experiment, are they so powerful?"

"He can perfectly control the offensive rhythm of both sides!"

"It seems that I underestimated the capabilities of European and American laboratories, and also underestimated the determination of Western martial arts."

"They will do whatever it takes to get revenge!"

Chen Yang suddenly remembered something and had to be cautious.

Deng Deng Deng——!
I saw Chen Yang constantly dodging, retreating, and keeping distance, and he became extremely fearful in his heart.

Mika-09's attack rhythm was so fast that Chen Yang felt unable to breathe and his scalp was numb.

The key is,
All of Chen Yang's counterattacks were about to explode, but Mika-09 seemed to predict them.

It is clear,
Any slight movement by Chen Yang formed a conditioned reflex in Mika-09's mind.

That is,

Mika-09 has perfectly controlled Chen Yang's style of play.

He is well aware of Chen Yang's offensive intentions and offensive and defensive characteristics.

Mika-09 can accurately predict any slight movement.

For a while,
Chen Yang felt like he was being restrained.

Even with his [Huajing] martial arts level, he still felt like he had no use for it.

It seems that all his playing styles and attacks are predicted in advance by Mika-09.

He wanted to unleash his killer move, but as soon as he made a move, Mika-09 would immediately defend.

Bang, bang, bang—!
at the same time,

Mika-09's attacks became more and more fierce.

The powerful attack, like a storm, instantly submerged Chen Yang——! (End of chapter)

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