Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 510 Extreme Explosion! Weird attack

Mika-09's unique combination of leg skills, one leg after another.

Like a storm, unstoppable!
The rhythm of his attack is incredibly fast, with almost no pauses in between.

The kicks are as fast as lightning, fierce and fast, and every movement contains terrifying lethality.

The key is,
When he unleashed his leg skills to combine his ultimate moves, he controlled the distance with millimeter precision.

Any movement or reaction made by Chen Yang was always under his calculation.

at this time,

The entire octagonal cage boxing ring was enveloped by Mika-09's powerful attack.

The wind and the remaining clouds make it difficult to guard against.

Fortunately, Chen Yang's reaction speed and strength have completely surpassed the limits of human martial arts after breaking through to the realm of [Hua Jin].

The most terrifying thing about the power of Huajin is the randomness with which it exerts its power.

this moment,
Chen Yang used the Jiugong Flying Step to the limit, and his speed was as fast as lightning.


After he entered the 'Six Senses' state, his spiritual sensing ability reached its limit.

Use stillness to stop and take advantage of the situation!
Chen Yang's speed is more than twice as fast as when he was in the [Anjin] realm?
Although Mika-09's offensive rhythm is getting faster and faster, and its lethality is getting more and more fierce.

Although Chen Yang adopted a defensive style of play, he never counterattacked.


No matter how fierce Mika-09's attack was, it would be difficult to threaten Chen Yang's body.

His defensive effort has reached its peak.

At the same time, with his powerful spiritual sensing ability, he is extremely sensitive to crises.

As long as the intention of Mika-09's killing move is too obvious, Chen Yang can predict it and defend in time.

of course,

Although Chen Yang was not injured at this time, his rhythm was not defeated by Mika-09.

He was very calm inside and his condition was at its peak.


If Mika-09 is allowed to maintain a full-attack style, it will control the offensive and defensive rhythm and distance of both sides.

The longer the delay is, the worse it will be for Chen Yang.

In terms of the playing styles of both sides, with Mika-09's fierce offensive style, Chen Yang adopted a defensive style, which originally seemed very passive.

Once he is completely crushed by Mika-09, it will be difficult for Chen Yang to have a chance to fight back.

Especially with Mika-09 in such a crazy state, Chen Yang will only become more and more passive.

It was almost impossible for him to get a chance to counterattack.

The longer time goes on, the more serious the situation will become if Chen Yang cannot break this situation.

Bang, bang, bang—!
Mika-09's ultimate kick moves are becoming more and more crazy and powerful.

Like a storm, it enveloped the entire octagonal cage ring.

His sprint, attack, heavy kicks, elbow strikes, and heavy punches were completely integrated and swept down.

All of Chen Yang's retreat routes were taken into account by Mika-09.

In an instant,
Chen Yang looked like he was suppressed by Mika-09.

There is no way to avoid it!

this moment,
As long as Chen Yang's reaction speed is half a beat slower, then he is likely to be defeated by Mika-09 in one move, or even killed on the spot.

Right now.

I saw a sharp shadow of a leg, diagonally downwards, instantly appearing on the right side of Chen Yang's body.

This combination of leg skills is a killer move, the attack angle is extremely tricky and weird, the attack is diagonally downwards, and the target is Chen Yang's waist.

Like a slashing battle ax, the target was Chen Yang's waist and spine.

It's so fast!
Fierce, vicious, cunning, weird!
This heavy leg killing move came without any warning, as if it suddenly appeared on the right side of Chen Yang's body.

"What the hell--!"

Chen Yang couldn't help being surprised and felt a chill on his back.

Deng Deng Deng——!
At this moment, the Nine Palaces Flying Step under his feet reached its limit.


I saw Chen Yang kicking his feet, turning his body forward, and twisting his waist in an instant.

at the same time,

He took five steps to the side.

His body showed a tendency to twist, using his arms to form a block.

The moment he fell to the left, Chen Yang's body was in an indescribable posture, narrowly avoiding a killing move.

It seems,
Mika-09's heavy leg slash was less than one centimeter away from Chen Yang's body!

Too dangerous--!
This combination of special moves seems to appear out of thin air, giving people a numb feeling.

"Is there any mistake? What kind of combination of kick skills is this?"

"What a fierce attack, such fast speed, and such a weird attack direction."

"Why did this guy suddenly get so close and unleash such a terrifying combo of leg skills?"

"It happens to be the weakest point in my defense. I reverse and counterattack with a diagonal slash using my leg skills!"

"His body adjustment ability is so strong that he deserves to be a genetically enhanced warrior. The structure of his body seems to have changed!"

"The angle of rotation of his joints is much larger than that of ordinary people."

"And while twisting the joints, such terrifying explosive power can be unleashed. How dangerous--!"

Chen Yang couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Mika-09's heavy leg combo is so explosive!
The key is that there was no warning, it was unexpected, and the kick was too fast.

Even though Chen Yang's crisis sensing ability is very strong, and at the last moment. Avoided Mika-09's heavy leg killing move.

at this time,

Chen Yang was also shocked into a cold sweat by the opponent's strange attack method.

With Chen Yang's rock-solid state of mind at the [Hua Jin] state, any offensive state cannot shake his martial arts willpower.


Just now, Chen Yang felt a strong crisis when Mika-09 instantly unleashed this super powerful combination of special moves.

In general,

It is difficult for human joints to twist and rotate, and the angles are fixed.

Even if some people who perform acrobatics can twist their joints to large angles, they will never be able to develop super explosive power.

But just now Mika-09 did it.

The angle at which his joints were twisted subverted Chen Yang's cognition.

And in an extremely weird way, he unleashed the most terrifying killer attack.

This kind of powerful attack that makes people unable to guard against, and the unexpected killing move makes people feel frightened.

this moment,
Chen Yang became more and more afraid of Mika-09.

He was highly focused, staring at the feet of Mika-09, not daring to make any oversights.

Originally, Chen Yang felt that he had broken through to the realm of [Transformation Energy], and at the same time his spiritual sensing ability had been sublimated and transformed.

Even if he can't crush any challenger in the global martial arts world in a short period of time.


He believes that he will never be suppressed by his opponents.

With his peak combat power, spiritual sensing ability, and the artistic conception of the [Transformation Energy] state of exertion.

He is not afraid of anyone's challenge!
As the number one martial arts player in the world, Chen Yang has this confidence.


At this time, Mika-09 burst out with an extremely terrifying combo attack.

This weird attack method made Chen Yang feel extremely shocked.

no way,
Mika-09's extreme attack method is really terrifying.

Especially the other party's control of timing is so superb that it is extremely powerful.

To know,
Mika-09 is just one of the powerful people who passed the ninth genetic enhancement experiment in European and American laboratories. He is not the strongest, but his peak combat power can already threaten Chen Yang.

If he is the strongest person who has passed the ninth genetic enhancement experiment, isn't that very dangerous?
Thinking of this, Chen Yang had to become cautious again.

He also knew very well why the Western Martial Arts Alliance did not send its strongest person to challenge Chen Yang in the opening match of the 'Supernatural Battle'.

The most important reason is that many masters who have passed the ninth genetic enhancement experiment are still adapting to their own strength.

Some people's strength improves too quickly.

Although he has passed the ninth genetic enhancement experiment, he is unable to fully unleash his strength.

They must be given time to become completely stable.

The most important reason why Mika-09 was able to be the first to challenge Chen Yang was that he was an instructor in the black boxing training camp and had very rich experience.

Therefore, he has unique conditions in adapting to his peak combat power.

And on the other hand, with Mika-09 taking the lead, we can better understand how far Chen Yang's peak combat power has reached.

'Supernatural Battle' is completely different from 'The Arena of Life and Death'.

This is not a round-robin fight. The time between each boxing match is more than half a month.

this moment,
Chen Yang finally had a new understanding of the opponents he faced in the 'Extraordinary Battle'.

too strong--!
Unexpectedly, the genetically enhanced master who passed the ninth experiment would undergo earth-shaking changes in strength.

Even if he has broken through to the realm of [Transformation Energy], he seems to be unable to gain much advantage.

at this time,

Chen Yang had to go all out and did not dare to make any oversights.

He took a deep breath,

He was highly focused and stared at the center line of Mika-09 to determine the opponent's offensive intentions and direction.

Ever since Chen Yang competed in the global martial arts world as the 'Ultimate Fighter', all the way to the 'Battle of the Lost City', and then to the 'Arena of Life and Death'!
He has never encountered someone as terrifying as Mika-09.

Mika-09's control ability, distance, timing, rhythm, speed, power——!
When he attacks with all his strength, it is impossible for him to mount an effective counterattack.

It seems,
Mika-09's offensive style is not complicated, it can even be said to be very simple.

His combination of legwork, elbow strikes, punches, and more are a surefire combination.

Every move is simple, nothing fancy.

It even seems to be the same as the most basic movements, there is no difference.

But the combination of killing moves is originally the fusion of the most basic movements.

This simpler basic action can form a combo and a killer move.

Regardless of the consistency of the offensive moves, the angle of attack, the way of exerting force, etc., it is hard to guard against.

not to mention,
Mika-09's exquisite power and control of distance surpassed Chen Yang's knowledge.

Although Chen Yang was full of confidence in his [Hua Jin] power level, it was impossible to think that he would lose to the opponent.

But I have to admit it.

Even with Chen Yang's [Hua Jin] level of control, there is still a slight gap compared to Mika-09.

The opponent has a powerful database and has detailed targeted strategies for any of Chen Yang's tactics.

Any offensive moves by Chen Yang, as well as defense.

Mika-09 has targeted responses.

at this time,

Mika-09's attack is like this, very targeted.

He seemed impossibly fast at one moment, and very slow at the next.

Whenever Chen Yang thought that the opponent was about to launch his strongest attack, the opponent stopped instead.

And when Chen Yang thought that the opponent was about to switch forces, Mika-09's attack became extremely fierce and irresistible.

When it is fierce, it is like a tiger descending a mountain; when it stops, it is like a long stream of water!

This extremely weird attack method made Chen Yang very unaccustomed.


Mika-09's playing style is completely different from any opponent Chen Yang has encountered before.

To know,
Mika-09's super powerful combination of killing moves is not a simple combination of killing moves.

Every combination of his special moves has been refined over time.

Among the strong people who passed the ninth genetic enhancement experiment in the laboratory, Mika-09 was able to pass the last ninth time.

Although there was an element of luck, the most important thing was his talent and perseverance.

He became an instructor at the Black Fist training camp and passed the ninth genetic enhancement experiment, becoming one of the strongest.

All of this requires nine life and death tribulations.

to be frank,
Although Mika-09 does not have any reputation, even among the strong ones cultivated in European and American laboratories, its reputation is very small.


No one dares to underestimate his peak combat power.


At this time, Mika-09 saw that Chen Yang had continuously avoided his inevitable attacks.

Suddenly, Mika-09's expression completely changed.

Bang, bang, bang—!
Mika-09 attacked vigorously for forty seconds.

His speed is getting faster and faster, and his explosive power is getting stronger and stronger.

But it is a pity that his ultimate move could not really threaten Chen Yang's life.

This can be seen.

Although the offensive and defensive rhythm is controlled by Mika-09.

But Chen Yang did not panic. His reaction speed was no slower than Mika-09.

The key is,
Mika-09's strong attack did not break Chen Yang's defense.

Mika-09 stopped attacking and stared at Chen Yang.

this moment,
He also had a deeper understanding of Chen Yang's strength.

It is clear,
He has already felt that Chen Yang's strength is much stronger than in the 'Life and Death Arena'.

"Xie Te - what's going on? Why did the Chinese people's combat power increase so much all of a sudden?"

"How could he block such a fierce attack from me?"

Mika-09 never expected that Chen Yang could avoid his continuous attack for forty seconds.

To know,
The perfect genetic warriors who have passed the ninth genetic enhancement experiment have very comprehensive offensive characteristics.

Especially the control of the offensive and defensive rhythm and the distance have reached the point of perfection.

Whether it is defense or offense, they are all accurate to the millimeter level.


Mika-09's speed and strength can completely suppress the opponent in the shortest possible time once a powerful attack breaks out.

His control over his physical strength was even more subtle.

Even if he attacks continuously for half an hour, it will be difficult for his opponent to grasp the point where his offense changes power.

at this time,

Chen Yang was able to perfectly resist his attacks for forty seconds.

It is clear,
Chen Yang's peak combat power is only stronger than his.

Chen Yang instantly distanced himself from Mika-09, feeling extremely fearful in his heart.

this moment,
Chen Yang felt the terror of Mika-09's peak combat power.

He knew very well that tonight's peak showdown would be an extremely severe test for him.

It's a tough battle, not easy to fight!
This guy's comprehensive combat power far exceeds any opponent Chen Yang has encountered before.

Whether it's speed, strength, or the explosion of killer moves!

Chen Yang had to be careful and did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

He never expected that he would break through to the [Hua Jin] realm.

To encounter such a fierce and dangerous challenge——! (End of chapter)

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