August 8th at 6pm.

Las Vegas, MGM Plaza Hotel!

Las Vegas is very lively tonight.

Countless boxing fans gathered here.

The lights are bright and dreamlike!

The enthusiasm of boxing fans was ignited tonight, like huge waves in the sea, constantly making tsunami sounds.

The second peak showdown in the global martial arts world's 'Extraordinary Battle'.

Eastern martial arts VS Western martial arts collided fiercely again.

Two of the world's top fighters will fight for the second time in the underground boxing hall of the MGM Plaza Hotel.

There were more than 15,000 boxing fans on site.

All the boxing fans sat in the audience excitedly, their faces full of excitement.

Countless boxing fans stood up, shouted, cheered, applauded, and kept shouting Chen Yang's name.

For everyone in the global martial arts community.

Chen Yang is a real hero now.

Just like because he dared to face the challenge of the Western Martial Arts Alliance, the 'Supernatural Battle' could be successfully held.

The audience sitting in the auditorium and the front row were all senior officials from the Global Martial Arts Federation.


Countless Hollywood directors, movie stars, world celebrities, and super beauties in the fashion industry.

They all came to the scene to watch the battle,

In addition, the heads of major families around the world, including the leaders of major financial groups and forces, are all prominently listed.

Almost everyone is looking forward to the opening of the second boxing match of 'The Extraordinary Battle'.

Everyone knows very well that after tonight, the global martial arts world will once again set a peak record.

Is Huaxia Chen Yang really invincible?
At half past seven in the evening.

The back-up match of this boxing match has ended.

Tonight, the pinnacle showdown officially begins.

A huge beam of light shines at the entrance to the lounge!

At the same time, it also shines on the second top powerhouse from the North American 'Military Industrial Group' who represents the Western Martial Arts Alliance to challenge Chen Yang.


It is completely different from the Mir-09 I encountered in the last boxing match.

Kata was originally an invincible king who had won super honors.

He was the champion of the last global martial arts competition!
Kata had already climbed to the top of the global martial arts competition six years ago and won the championship in the global martial arts competition.

His record is definitely not inferior to anyone.

Later, after retiring, he was persuaded by European and American laboratories to join their experiments.

This time through the laboratory's ninth genetic experiment, Kata was the sixth.

He is called Kata-06.

The interesting thing about this boxing match is that Kattar actually pulled a stunt during the appearance ceremony.

He played in dynamic entertainment style, heavy metal rock music.

Kattar slowly entered the Octagon ring.

Security personnel were on standby on the passage from the lounge to the Octagon ring.

More than a hundred security personnel stood on both sides of the passage, ready to block the enthusiastic boxing fans around them.

Since this boxing match was full of gimmicks, Kattar played an opening ceremony again.

When interacting, accidents can easily occur.

In order to avoid this situation, the organizers were extremely nervous and naturally increased the number of security personnel to worry about bloodshed.

have to say,

Katta knows how to build momentum for himself.

After he came out of the lounge, he looked majestic and domineering, giving people a feeling of being invincible.

Surrounded by security personnel.

Kata's face was like a black iron block, so indifferent that no change in expression could be seen.


He is not truly indifferent.

His body began to bounce to the frequency of heavy metal rock music.

It seems that with the sound of music, he can enter the state better and become excited.

this moment,
He is like a lion, giving people an extremely ferocious aura. Many spectators around him stopped making noise.

Do not know why.

The killing intent emanating from his eyes made everyone around him shudder. Too cruel, too cold, too aloof -!
The atmosphere in the entire boxing match hall was completely explosive!

More than half of the European and American boxing fans began to scream excitedly.

They stood up, shouted and cheered for Kata.

have to say,

Although Kata has been retired for six years.

But his influence is always there.

The champion of the global martial arts competition back then still has a good reputation today.

Even many European and American boxing fans hope to see Kata defeat China Chen Yang tonight and revive the glory of Western martial arts.

"Kata, come on!"

"You are the best, Kata, come on, kill the Chinese!"

"Beat him, use your punches, kill him!"


The whole boxing hall sounded like a tsunami.

Kata's fighting spirit is very strong and full of killing intent.

It can be seen that he is very excited at this moment.

He is cool, very cold, and has explosive muscles that make people scared.

Although the European and American boxing fans in the audience screamed at him.


Katta made no response.

After he entered the Octagon ring, he continued to jump and warm up.

Chen Yang did not play any tricks during the appearance ceremony.

no need.

Moreover, he is now very disgusted with this kind of tricks during the entrance ceremony, and feels that it is a waste of time.

He was still wearing a red jersey and stepped onto the ring with an expressionless face.

After entering the Octagon ring, Chen Yang raised a fist and shouted to all the boxing fans around him, raising his arms and shouting.

With Chen Yang's interaction.

The atmosphere in the entire boxing hall was completely explosive.

It has to be said that Chen Yang's influence in the global martial arts world is no joke.

Ranked first in overall strength in the global martial arts world!

This title is recognized by boxing fans around the world.

Even the most demanding extreme boxing fans in the Western Martial Arts Federation did not dare to have any objections.

"Gentlemen and ladies, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night."

"This is the MGM Grand International Hotel in Las Vegas, the venue for the 'Super Fight' boxing match that attracts global attention."

"Tonight here, with all the distinguished guests gathered, is a night worth remembering for that person."

"I believe that tonight, two of the world's top martial arts warriors will bring us a bloody collision and create a new martial arts legend!"


The on-site host's voice was ups and downs.

Both sides entered the final preparation stage.

Applause sounded like a tsunami.


With a shout from the live host.

The second sniper battle of the extraordinary battle finally kicked off.

As the bell rings.

This peak showdown sounded the clarion call for Eastern martial arts to sweep across the global martial arts world.

Tonight is destined to be a thrilling and bloody fight.

At the end of this extraordinary battle, one of the top warriors in the global martial arts world is destined to come to an end and withdraw from the history of the global martial arts world.

One of the two will fall in the Octagon ring.

The bell has just fallen,

Kata was the first to attack, and he was not afraid of Chen Yang's reputation.

No one expected that the first person to attack would be Kata.

He suddenly kicked his feet, sprinted at extremely high speed, and kicked Chen Yang hard.

Dashing, kicking and combo combo is the ultimate move!
The first move is a super powerful combination of special moves, which is a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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