Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 518 The power of thunder! Unlimited attack

The air seemed to be exploded, making a roaring sound.

Kata is tall and powerful, and when he attacks, he is like a prehistoric crocodile, exploding with terrifying power.

He ran rampant and attacked with force.

In the Octagon ring, at first glance, it seemed that Chen Yang was crushed by him.

This super strong offensive momentum gives people a pleasing and exciting feeling.

Katta's boxing style is changeable, and he is best at defensive counterattacks.

In other words, his playing style is very cautious and careful.


If you think he is a timid person, you are wrong.

Kata violently exploded, and it was a complete mess.

As soon as the bell rang for the boxing match, Katta launched his most ferocious attack.

His tactics are already very clear.

He wanted to use a devastating attack style to completely destroy his opponent in the shortest possible time.

In this peak showdown, he will stage a classic battle of 'slaying the Eastern Dragon'.

Total attack style!
This kind of head-on attack is more to Chen Yang's liking.

Fight for speed, fight for reaction ability, and fight for the ability to control the rhythm of the ring.

To be honest, Chen Yang has never been afraid of anyone.

He stamped his feet suddenly, and then swept his legs.

Crazy attack, unstoppable!
this moment,
Chen Yang didn't hesitate at all and launched into the most ferocious head-to-head confrontation with Kata.

Twist your waist, lower your center of gravity, swing your arms to block, and at the same time use your heavy legs to form a sure-kill move.

Bang, bang, bang—!
At this moment, the two started a duel in leg skills.

Perhaps both sides know that they must not let the other side get close, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable.

and so.

At this time, both sides kept their distance and used their leg skills to fight head-on.

Two of the world's top martial arts warriors fought head-on.

To be honest, in this intense fighting state, I no longer care about standard moves.

The two sides seemed to be attacking in a disorganized manner, but their eyes were always focused on the other side's defense.

Once the opponent has a defensive flaw, he will instantly burst out with super powerful combos and kill the opponent completely with one hammer.

have to say,

This fierce confrontation is the most severe test for both sides.

Less than ten seconds.

Kata whipped his leg hard and kicked Chen Yang diagonally from the side on the right side of Chen Yang's body at an incredible angle.

A crackling sound came out.

Fierce, domineering, ruthless, fast, powerful and heavy!

This whip kick was unexpected, and its explosive power was suffocating.

Deng Deng Deng——!
Chen Yang staggered, almost losing his balance, and was kicked down by the opponent.

"What the hell--!"

Chen Yang couldn't help but curse angrily.

Kata's whip kick is a special move combination.

His speed, explosiveness, and angle of attack make it impossible to defend.

In particular, Kata's control of the timing of kicks has reached its peak.

Such a heavy-leg killing move is extremely rare.

Chen Yang was hit by Kata's heavy kick, and the entire right side of his body felt numb.

It has been a long time since he felt the feeling of being hit by an opponent's killing move.
First he felt a buzzing sound in his brain, and then he only felt unbearable pain on the entire right side of his body.

this moment,
He was finally able to understand how his opponent felt after being hit by one of his moves.

This kind of super powerful impact is definitely not something that anyone can endure.

It was like being hit by a car, so hard!
Fortunately, Chen Yang's spiritual sensing ability is as fast as lightning, and his sense of crisis is extremely sensitive.

The moment Kata's whip leg hit his body hard, his body began to swing and release force.

Otherwise, Chen Yang would be severely injured by this whip kick.

of course,

Being passively beaten is not Chen Yang's style.

When he was kicked by Kata, he instantly launched a counterattack.

A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye!

Swing leg side kick!

The force is exerted instantly, like the force of thunder.

Kick, hit!
The speed is so fast that Kata can't stop it!

A crackling sound was heard, and Kata was hit in the abdomen by a side kick from Chen Yang. Deng Deng Deng——!
His body took five or six steps back and leaned against the iron mesh surrounding the Octagon ring.

For a moment, Kata's eyes only felt black and he almost fell down.

this moment,
He felt like stars were shining in his eyes, and he could only hear a buzzing sound in his ears.

A side kick with a swinging leg almost shattered Kata's waist.

Compared to the heavy whip kick Chen Yang received just now, Kata was counterattacked by Chen Yang's heavy kick and almost collapsed on the spot.

The impact of the explosion was simply unbearable.

Kata felt her brain was in a daze.

He was once the champion of the global martial arts competition. He had countless battles and experienced the most bloody battles.

He had never been kicked in the stomach and sustained such a violent blow.

This swinging leg side kick is so lethal that it can be described as explosive.

If he was kicked away, perhaps under the buffering force, there would be a process of unloading the force, but there would not be such a strong pain.

He forcefully withstood Chen Yang's heavy leg attack.

It felt like my waist had been kicked to pieces.

This intense pain will become more intense.

Every top powerhouse has had fierce battles for hegemony.

Becoming famous is definitely not that easy for anyone.

Chen Yang can become the number one strong man in the global martial arts world. Starting from the "Ultimate Fighter" campaign, every boxing match he has experienced has been an extremely cruel challenge.

No one can become famous easily, it is all a history of blood and tears.

A boxer who has not experienced bloody battles will never become a strong one!
Chen Yang swung his leg and kicked Kata to the side, almost causing him to collapse.

He exerted force under his feet again, formed a sprint, and rushed towards Kata again.

Step forward, kick, kick, sweep your legs——!
Twelve-way tan-leg combination combos exploded wildly, with a rainbow of momentum.

Every heavy-leg killing move is like a tomahawk chop, fierce and fast!
Bang, bang, bang—!
Kata was extremely experienced in fighting, even though he was severely wounded throughout his abdomen.


When he felt the crisis, he adjusted his state in time.

His arms were lowered, and then he blocked and defended with his fists.

In the global martial arts world, Kata's punches are extremely famous, accurate, ferocious, and brave!

He can become the champion of the global martial arts competition. His fighting style is very comprehensive and has almost no shortcomings.

While defending,

He will counterattack with heavy punches, and defend with straight punches, uppercuts, swing punches, etc.

As long as the opponent is slightly negligent, he will probably counterattack with a heavy punch and be defeated on the spot.

of course,

If faced with others, Kata may still have a chance to fight back.

But facing Chen Yang, it was difficult for him to have such an opportunity.

Chen Yang's tactics are simple, efficient and direct.

He controlled the distance well and used his leg skills to suppress Kata, denying the opponent the opportunity to get close and use heavy punches.


When the Twelve-Way Tan Kicks broke out, his fighting style was extremely fierce and arrogant!

In the world of martial arts, perhaps only Chen Yang could unleash such a ferocious heavy-leg combo killer move when facing Kata in a confrontational state.

He didn't seem to care about the opponent's counterattack at all and adopted a full-attack style of play.

That's right,

At this moment, Chen Yang entered the state of 'Six Senses' and unleashed the most ferocious attack.

The most notable feature of this all-attack style is that it can easily tear apart the opponent's defense.


The continuous attack lasted less than half a minute.

Chen Yang directly tore apart Kata's defense in an extremely brutal way.

A crackling sound spread throughout the surroundings again.

I saw Chen Yang sweeping his legs and kicking the right side of Kata's body extremely fiercely.

This heavy kick was very similar to the heavy kick Chen Yang had just received.

Even the strength and timing of heavy leg bursts are all different.

Chen Yang was very upset about being kicked by the opponent just now.

While he was bursting into force, he was always thinking of retaliating with tooth, using the same kick to tear apart the opponent's defense.

have to say,

This style of play was extremely efficient and instantly broke Kata's defensive balance.

(End of this chapter)

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