Guoshu!My martial arts has a strengthening panel

Chapter 536: The Beast's Fight!

This peak showdown is the final battle of the "Supernatural Battle".

we can even say,
This boxing match is the final peak showdown between Eastern and Western martial arts in the global martial arts arena.

"Damn it! How come the Chinese people's reaction speed and explosive power are so terrifying?"

"His attack speed, explosiveness, and combat experience are better than mine!"

"How do we fight? According to the previous tactical arrangement, if we want to kill the Chinese, we have to attack with all our strength and use our maximum explosive power to suppress his killing move."

"But now, this bastard's reaction speed is too fast, and he has a super sixth sense of crisis."

"The explosive power of his punch is even greater than mine!"

"This guy's physical strength is endless, just like a wild bull!"

"All the assessments seem to be biased, the data is wrong!"

"Don't Chinese people have weaknesses?"

Wicks kept thinking in his mind.

this moment,
His strong self-confidence began to plummet.

Do not know why,

After a long period of unsuccessful siege, Wicks began to feel a little panicked.

If he continues to play at this pace, he will have no advantage.

Based on the tactics he had used before, this was the result of repeated calculations in the laboratory.

One force can bring down ten.

If you want to suppress the Chinese people, you have to launch the most ferocious attack.

Use force to suppress, tear open the Chinese defense, and then unleash a fatal blow.


Wicks suddenly realized that the violent attack he adopted did not have much effect at all.

this moment,
Wicks just felt a little depressed inside and couldn't help but take a deep breath to relieve his mental state.

He must adjust himself and change his tactics.

have to say,

Wicks is indeed the strongest genetic warrior trained by European and American experimenters.

Not only was his body genetically enhanced.

At the same time, his martial arts willpower was also perfectly strengthened.

Wicks couldn't help but take a deep breath and calmed down instantly.

The panic and other negative emotions that had just arisen were quickly suppressed by him.

this moment,
His condition began to improve, and he burst out with the highest fighting spirit.

The momentum is as strong as a rainbow and invincible!
Being the strongest genetic warrior is not a false reputation.

"Huaxia Chen Yang, I didn't expect your fighting power to be so strong!"

"I admit that European and American laboratories and North American military industrial groups have underestimated your strength."

"If it was any other boxer, it would be almost impossible for them to turn the situation around under your punches."

"But unfortunately, you will definitely lose to me today."

"Don't forget, I am a genetic warrior, the best genetic warrior in the world. Not only will I kill you, but I will also let everyone know the power of Western martial arts!"

"Eastern martial arts is just a small episode in the history of the development of global martial arts!"

"You will never think of surpassing the development of Western martial arts, ever--!"

After saying this, Wicks couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He stamped his feet suddenly and his center of gravity sank.

this moment,
His muscles were tense as iron, containing terrifying explosive power.

His waist was bent, looking like a giant bow.

"Ah—go to hell!"

Wicks let out a wild roar.

He suddenly exerted force on his feet, and at the same time rushed forward, pouncing towards Chen Yang.

Kick combo!

One kick after another, the offensive rhythm exploded.

The core of Wicks' leg skills are divided into attack, defense and breaking!
This is the essence of his killer combination.

Once it bursts out with all its strength, it will be domineering, fierce and unstoppable!

The attack was like a storm, continuous and seamless.

in a blink,
Wicks's powerful kick was approaching Chen Yang's chest and abdomen.

Chen Yang formed a blocking position with his arms, and then he was suddenly startled.

Deng Deng Deng——!
next moment,
Chen Yang stepped back five meters, instantly widening the distance between him and Wicks.

What a terrible attack! Chen Yang avoided Wicks's combination of killing moves and suddenly felt his scalp tingling.

So fierce!
He never expected that Wicks' condition seemed to be declining.

Such a fierce counterattack unexpectedly broke out in an instant.

Wicks' combination of kicks and combos is domineering and fierce.

When Chen Yang was out of his attack range.

I saw Wicks stomping his feet on the ground.

One foot stepped on the ground of the octagonal cage boxing ring.

next moment,
The scene on the boxing ring left all the boxing fans around stunned and shocked.

The powerful impact gives people an indescribable feeling.



The floor of the octagonal boxing ring was cracked by Wicks' leg.

A piece of bakelite couldn't even withstand Wicks' heavy kick!

Wicks's heavy leg stomped down, cracking the board.

This situation had happened before in Chen Yang's previous boxing matches.

However, this can only happen when the boxer's leg strength exceeds the limit.


This happened because the boxing ring's rubber floor was made of inferior rubber flooring.

To know,
With human strength, it is usually absolutely impossible to break the formica floor.

These bakelite floors are soaked in glue, and each piece is carefully inspected.


Before use, explosion-proof testing is required.

This boxing match in particular has such a huge impact.

The boxing ring uses a ten-centimeter-thick rubber floor that can withstand the crushing of a tank.

With human leg strength, no matter how powerful the explosive power is, it is impossible to shatter the rubber floor with one kick.

The toughness of this kind of rubber flooring is absolutely unimaginable.


The scene in the octagonal boxing ring actually happened.

Wicks's powerful kick actually broke a piece of vinyl floor.

For this kind of world's top boxing match, this scene is extremely rare.

This can be seen.

The power of this combination of ultimate moves that Wicks unleashed in an instant was so overwhelming.

of course,

More importantly, his bones and muscles have been genetically enhanced and are far superior to those of ordinary people.

When his strength and speed reached a balance, he just stepped on the texture of the rubber floor.

This time, he crushed the bakelite bottom card with one kick.

If he were to do it again, he might not be able to do it again.

Inside the boxing hall, many people near the boxing ring were stunned with shock after seeing this scene.

Even some timid boxing fans were frightened to the point of paleness.

It's so fucking scary!

One step to shatter the vinyl floor?
How could human beings’ ultimate explosive power be so terrifying?
His leg bones endured such terrible recoil force, but were completely unharmed?
How can this be?

To know,
The forces rebound upon each other.

The boxing ring floor was hit by a powerful force, and Wicks' legs also had to withstand the recoil of such terrible force.

Since the ground has already broken, it can be seen how terrifying the recoil force is.

Wicks' legs were not hurt at all.


"Too strong! How did Wickers' power suddenly become so terrifying?"

"Going crazy! Wicks has activated his own state, and his power has reached its peak."

"It seems like Wicks is starting to fight for his life. The boxing match is getting more and more exciting!"

"Damn it! Why is Wicks stomping the floor? If this powerful kick lands on the Chinese, wouldn't it end the fight instantly?"

"What a pity! This powerful kick wasted all my energy!"

For a while,
The atmosphere in the Amsterdam Sports Center in the Netherlands is completely explosive!
(End of this chapter)

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